《The New Start By Sudar》Chapter 9 Cat And Fight
The next morning i woke up i felt a really soft sensation on my whole body and what it was that albi seemed to
turn in her human beast form that was not the problem but what was the problem was that she was naked yesterday
she wasnt and even when she switched through her forms she wouldnt end up naked so why was that ? By the way
because in my previous life i never really had female friends so i dont know if i should feel something seeing a naked
girl but if you look at Albi you would thing that she is 15 years old she has that kind of cool beauty kind of aura around her.
-hmmm (Cat noises)
Well she sounds cute and all i should wake her up
-Albi wake up
-Mhmm ?
-I cant stand wake up your locking my whole body
as i said that albi got up slowly and streched her body i could see everything so i said
-Albi its no good showing me your upper body or anyone else in general
I kind of felt awkward but not emberassed from it and so she said
-If its master its okey
-your really carefree in those kind of settings huh what if mother would have saw you
Because perception is all times on i could sense that no one was home when i explained albi to mother
yesterday she seemed to be okey with her (In cat Form)
-Where did your clothes go Albi ?
-Hmm they arent really clothes but more like my shadow
-shadow ?
-Its like my ability from yesterday you could use yours and i could use mine the ability is close to being a shadow so i made
a robe but dont worry if i change my form in real clothes they wont fall down bu stay i can keep them in the human
consious of the form
-yeah i heard about that anyways i should get you some clothes
At that conversation i jumped up and headed towards fathers room it was clean mother seemed to clean this place
that was something good.I searched for clothes in the drawers and found a white shirt some brown pants and some boots and
socks there were some underwear but Albi refused.After that albi changed into the clothes and looked like a worker i giggled a little.Albi seemed to not liked that but stayed in her human form after we left the house mother left a letter saying she will be
late and left some food in the kitchen.
-Master where will we go ?
-hmm to the smithy i want to meet luke the blacksmith and use the smithy to make weapons but first we need to go to the cave to get the ores we saw i will need a pickaxe
-Master that wont be neccesary i have a can use magic that can act as a pick the ores up it wont damage the ores much and we can get a lot but the problem is that we cant get a lot of it it would weight us down.
-dont worry about that i have and idea how to store all of it without having even a kilo on use
-wow really master must be a good magician
-no its my demon ability the hole i showed you from yesterday i can use it as storage but i dont know how big it is yet
-then lets go with that
We made our way to the village i was worried about albis ears and tails but as we neared the village the dissapeared
i touched her head to make sure and yes i could feel hear ears albi seemed to get flustered by that.She can make her
ears go invisible maybe tail too but for now it was good i didnt question it because i read a dozen of ways to make
something invisible.
We came to a grocery shop to get some food i bought some tuna and sardines for albi in the market and let albi carry it until we got into a place with less people and i started
-now lest see
I made a hole appear on my hand its size was 50 cm radius it wasnt hard but making it bigger was not easy to control
i told albi to put all the fish in the hole.After that i closed the hole and tried to make it appear again it takes me only 2
seconds to do so.I opened it and thought of a way to get it out i couldnt get inside and get it myself so thought about
how to get it out there had to be a way at first i imagined the tuna coming out from my hand and puff it came out.
After that i thought that this would be pretty useful i wouldnt have to carry my weapons around and could just summon
them whenever i wanted to but still what if i would put a lot of items in and wouldnt remember what i put inside
would i need to go inside and get it or...as i thought so my mind made a flash and i knew what was inside of the void.
3 tuna and 8 sardines i dont have had to remember everything i put inside it seems like i will always remember what is inside
of it so we i put everything inside the void that we wouldnt carry it was pretty much food only and i remembered that the void
has no sense of time so if the food is inside it wont rot that was my main reason for so much fish in the first place.
We were walking by the street and whenever we would past a guy or sometimes a girl they would always look back at us
especially the guys at first i thought that they wanted a fight but seeing them go back at their work made my mind change
and so i thought why they were looking at us and realized that they werent looking at me but albi she was someone beautiful
with a warm aura around her she seemed always looking at me after a guy made a scorning face at my back as if
challenging me to a duel i am glad that that dint happen yet but albi seemed to enjoy it.
We walked and finally i reached the smithy and so we walked in i told albi to change into her cat form.
When we walked in i could see a girl around my age or 3 to 4 years older behind the desk she had a grey apron on
for smithing and curly brown hair with jet black eyes she wasnt a elf i could see that but human and so i approached her.
-Hello boy what you want ?
-I wanted to meet luke i was told he would accept my apprentice ship with him from luke
The girls face made a 90 degree of change she didnt seem to know that i would have asked for that but she seemed to understand
what i am talking about.
-i didnt expect that someone as young as you would come for this why dont you come after 5 years or so then it would
better for you
-arent you just around my age why are you telling me that
When i said that she made a sour face and albi giggled a little at that so she said
-animals are not allowed in here that cat has to go
Albi didnt seem to move but made a scornful face at the girl in which she flinched it was amusing to look at
-I wont allow you here and so wont my dad so get out of here right now
she seemed to be mad and she said that her father is luke so i can now understand why she is here but its not like i will
give up i so asked her name.
-My name is Lucy and you will go out right now
Well it was expected being humiliated by a cat and a boy younger than you of course you would be mad.
As we walked out Albi spoke.
-sorry master it was my fault
-dont worry albi its not you fault i was kind of expecting that and we have more chances anyway so lets just do that
When i said that Albi seemed to cheer up and made herself comfortable at my shoulder
And so thought of meeting luke in a different place when she screamed at me it didnt seem like luke
was there or he just didnt care and i could see that the door emitted strong light probably the furnace
the smithy doesnt have a second floor so he seems to be out should i wait here or not was my question
Lucy would probably notice me so i better just get the ores.
And so i made my way to the cave i talked with albi on the way she was in her cat form on my shoulder
what she told me was that she had magic to see through walls and find minerals it was one of her sub skills
she said that she didnt have something like my bracelet and so i asked her about that and she said that
beasts dont need something like that they know whenever they have the skill to do so or not and that the idea of
the bracelet was copied from the beasts i didnt know that maybe because it wasnt write on the books or
i never read about it after that it was just pointless chit chatting with some light jokes albi was someone
very enjoyable to be and funny at that we stopped at the battle school because i needed to show my face there at least
ones i walked in and was greeted by lars he pointed his finger to the training area where catherine was she was hitting
a dummy she was sweating but didnt seem to be tired that much.
When catherine saw me she made a delighted smile and ran at me with full force at the moment my perception
kicked in and i dodged her fist pulling her leg to make her fall.
-damn it seems like you got me
She seemed to plan how to beat me in a fight it was interesting.
Lars at that show made just a wryly smile he didnt know what to say and so i asked him
-Lars the blacksmith luke seemed to be out today you have a idea where he is ?
Lars made a thoughtful face and then said
-i know he said that he needed some leather for armor maybe he is in the hunters guild making a order
-thanks i look into it
I was thinking of leaving but catherine seemed to want another fight so gave her that and we talked she wasnt really aggressive
to anyone without reason and she didnt seem to take jokes very good (Authors Note:me too).In the middle of our talk the door opened wide with a bump sound and some people with shining armor came in and who it was the princess sophia and her knights
when the princess saw me she made a smile that was very delighted as if saying i am happy you are here.
She also ran towards me like catherine but other than that she didnt have the intention to hit me but when she ran the
knights also ran in her pace it looked like a tank was going to run me over the knights them self made also that irritating
face as if saying just die or something.
Sophia came to me and said
-Damon your favor about the mana stones they are outside come with me
I had a puzzeled face at her words and followed her catherine also followed me and sophia
The next thing was that out side the battle school there was a carriage full of different colored magic stones the size of
a soda can only a little smaller and round looking at the color of the stones i could see what properties the use
like thunder,fire,water,light,darkness and so on i pretty much had 750 of each.Sophia asked me where i live so she could
bring them there so i told her and she made her and she ordered where they should be placed after that we chatted a little
until albi hinted me why we are her in the first place and so i said my pardon and wanted to walk out until sophia said
-Damon before you go would you consider being catherines bodyguard ?
At catherine made wide eyes and looked at me i made a wryly smile and the knights seemed to be very displeased by it
and so one knight who seemed to be the leader said
-but my princess this boy here isnt even a noble nor does he posses any fighting skills in sword art just because he killed
a wolf doesnt mean he can join us and honestly we dont want him in our team this stinking commoner
Even thought i didnt say i would join they didnt seem to like me in the first place but i dont have any intention to join
so i said
-I am sorry sophia i have something important to do and i dont want to join the knights as well i am sure that catherine
can get someone better then me and she is strong she would survival a lot of assaults if you ask me
Sophia made complex expression she seemed to planned this the whole time seeing me getting along with catherine
may made her want me for her body guard and when i refused catherine made a regretful look even thought i complimented her
When the knight insulted me or did he ? Albi stood up from my shoulder and made a cold glare in which all of the
knights flinched and fell down on there butts
-You take the cat out of here before i slaughter it
In my mind i was thinking how this would end but then for some reason the other knight started insulting me about my
skin because i look like a night elf to them the were insulting me for looking like a demon in which i am a demon.
i didnt flinch by that and just stood there crossing my arms but what the stance broke was his next words.
(Sophia didnt know what to do she tried to make them stop but failed she was in a panicked state.
And catherine herself she seemed to understand the difference between me and the knights so she wasnt worried.)
-For someone weak like you we could just beat without even much force
I always like challenges so i took him up with it and asked for a duel in which all of the knights laughed sophia got panicked even
more and catherine just grinned at that albi got happy and sat on a bench to see the show.After some laughter on the knights
part a knight with black hair and golden eyes said
-commander how about you teach him a lesson
-sure i try to not kill him
I just grinned at that
The next thing was that we all moved to the training grounds the knight who was to fight me took his armor off and
grabbed a sword Lars couldnt do much but agree.
-and said come on i have not all day time
I got near the wooden swords and took 2 wooden swords one in each hand
At that the knight commander said
-2 swords wont help you here but it your choice
-Well lets start
i said ignoring his previous statement i took my stance in which the knight made a complex face
-Begin !
Lars said
Because the knight didnt seem to want to make the first move i ran at him with god speed and in a blink of a eye i covered
10 meters in 1 second the knight surprised made a defensive stance but it was too late i was already in front of him slashing my wooden sword at his chest at which i flung him 2 meters on his back.he was mad and confused at the same time and charged me
i only dodged his attacks in which he got tired.albi from the seat made a signal that i should end it fast and so in the next attack
i parried his sword and hit him in the stomach in which he didnt knock out but all of his air crushed out of his lungs holding
himself with the wooden sword i said
-its over
I dropped the swords until i heard a shout
I could feel it his mana channeling in his right arm and then aiming at me
New Skill:Mana PerceptionSkill Info:
Mana Perception Sub skill to Perception because of high magic knowledge and perception skill you can fell the mana through your senses and where it goes because of high magic knowledge and perception skill will begin at Beginner LVL.7
It wasnt the best timing for the skill but it was helpful i could feel his mana at this range and knew where he would fire it
so i quickly picked up both of my swords and charged him he himself got a little surprised by it but changed fast and fired
the ball of fire at me i dodged it and hit the neck of the knight that made him unconsiouse and so i walked back to the
weapon stand and placed the swords back everyone looked at me with a dumbfound expression even Albi turned in her Human
form she noticing my gaze turned quickly back into cat form all of the knights ran past me and hurried to their commander
Lars sophia and catherine approached me still with their face full off surprise i didnt know what to say but catherine broke the silence
-how much force did you us i know that it wasnt all of it
I thought about it and said
-maybe 10 or 15 percent
Honestly saying it was 6 percent not more not less because of perception i can read how much force i use so it wasnt
much but if i told them about it they would flip.As i said that all of their face made a jaw drop in which i got tired to
see and so i told my goodbyes and picked albi up she was asking me alot of question on the way i had to lie in some
but it turned good.
We neared the hunters guild it was like 9 in the morning i opened the door and saw a lot of grumpy looking guys
sitting on a chair they looked at me and i thought
-Well this is nice
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