《Dekar as Worlds Traveler》World of Fairy Tail 2
After walking for few hours he saw a Waterfalls outside the Magnolia City and the side of it he laid down while tears flowing on his eyes until he falls asleep.
In the morning, after he woke up.
He keeps thinking that he shouldn’t cry or sad. Maybe because of the reborn his emotional weaken then he realizes
'... I cried because I'm sad... no other reason’ Dekar smile
After that he washed then catch four fish to cooked, after cooking it, he heard annoying voice of an Oldman
"You're the one challenge Gildart right?" Makarov
"Um.. and you're strong too Oldman.. Stronger than him.. but just a little" Dekar said without turning his head to him, and keep eating while looking at the falls,
Makarov shock
"How can you say I’m strong?" Makarov
"This world is full of happy energy around us.." while I'm touching the air, like holding something
"But surround you, that energy becoming anxious like, you're practicing something against them, against the natural law, I feel tyranny on you.
Gildart aura is playful... It’s like it doesn't want to go with the way he wants it, like a kid on rebel stage. Pfft*!
And the pink hair...is something, he's giving me an impression that his potential is limitless" Dekar said
After listening to Dekar explanation he knew that he didn’t just say it without bases, he knows, it not just a guess. The boy in his front can size up him
"I heard you just got here, and looking for a guild? Wanna join my Family?" Makarov reach out his hand with dignified stance while saying it,
"So long my action yesterday doesn't offend you and never think to pass your position to me Pfft*!!" Dekar smile
After some talk, Makarov lead me to Fairy Tail again,
Then he saw everyone.
"From today Dekar is part of the Fairy Tail!" Makarov declare...
"You fight 'victory and defeat' with me" Natsu
"I accept defeat!" I said sincerely
"No!. You should fight me in a fair duel!!" Natsu
"This idiot!!" Gray
"What are you saying exhibitionist!"' Natsu
The two start their fight
"Hi, I'm Erza, Erza Scarlet, the two is Natsu and Gray" Erza
"I'm Mirajane you can call me Mira and this is Lissanna my younger sister, and that is my little brother Elfman" Mira
"Man!" Elfman
"So what Magic do you use?" Lissanna
Everyone looks to Dekar
"Magic? Well, I use many.. Depend on situation!?.." Dekar
"Many? won't you... " Lisanna not yet finish Erza interrupt her.
"Do you use Requip?" Erza
"What is Requip?" Dekar
"Your wooden stick.." Erza
"Ahh. this?.. so this is called Requip?... Maybe it’s true I don't know" Dekar
"But you use Fire, Ice Earth.… and Lighting?" Natsu
"Um... I use Fire Magic for cooking, I use Ice Magic for having a cold water to drink, I use Earth Magic for creating frying fan and other" Dekar
"'"""You are really using many Magic"""""
"Who teaches you to use it like that?.." Lissanna
"I don't know, I just use it because I need it…" Dekar
"You ... you created it?..." Erza can't believe what she heard.... because... creating skill is she never thinks before...
"What about your eyes?" Natsu
Everyone became silence... Because Natsu ask something he shouldn't
"Oh, this... When I was three years old, some beast played me like cat playing to the mouse " Dekar said like it's not a big deal to him
"Really idiot" Gray
Then Gildart shows up
"Kid! How's your wound!" Gildart
"All fine, sorry for sneaking yesterday," Dekar said
"Ha ha ha, you got interesting skill, and good at utilizing it" Gildart
"It’s because I currently lack Magic to support stronger skill and your magic. Is it nullifying other Magic? No, it’s more breaking everything into smallest part including magic, that's why it nullified or even weakens the strong Magic, I think even mountain will crush and divided into smaller pieces" Dekar said
"Ha ha ha, good observation, yea it called Crush Magic" Gildart
"I want it.." Dekar
"""""""' What "''''''''''''
"You already using many Magic and you still wanted it?" Gildart
I open my hand and I show 7 spheres floating on top of my hand
"This magic, is I create, I only utilize their property and make it attack or support magic, but I want to learn stronger magic, magic that allows me to protect everyone I like, even its called Destruction Magic" Dekar
"This.." Gildart look in the direction of Makarov
"If I don’t wanna teach you?" Gildart
"Not a big deal… I'm planning to create a stronger magic than it" Dekar
Everyone listening to our conversation
"Crush Magic is a powerful destruction magic, even Gildart can't fully control it" Makarov
"Actually old man, the magic that I want to learn is something like Dispel or something like that, but now Gildart Magic is Interesting.... I can control it" Dekar said with full of confidence
"sigh*! What if not?" Gildart
"Give me a month, no a week or if you want 3 days, if I can’t control it, I allowed you to kill me" Dekar after experiencing controlling a big Mana, Creating Mana Stone made of millions of Mana, creating explosive skill, plasma or other which is sensitive to Mana control,
So he has confidence about learning to control Crush Magic.
"""""""""""" Huh !!! """"""""""'"''
"You can’t, Gildart will not teach you, understand?" Makarov
"Um.." Dekar is not disappointed because he knew even if he is in Makarov position, he also not allowed someone will be endangered because of his decision.
Then Dekar walk near to Cana and smile
"Among everyone here you're the cutest one here Pfft*!" Dekar pat the head of Cana
Cana blush and didn't speak, she didn’t expect that Dekar will approach her
"Hmmf.." Cana walks away from Dekar
Everyone smile looking at Dekar patted the head Cana then
Dekar got white Fairy Tail Insignia on his left hand.
After this day, he wants to stay here but he wants to create a new magic, if crush magic atomize thing, Dekar want to create Magic that turns anything into nothing
After a week, Dekar goes every day to the library to read books
Then after the first week, it’s become once in a month, then once in a year…
Gildart leave for 100 years Quest so he doesn’t stay for long
After a month of thinking “Magic” Dekar remember one good skill.
"Kekkai Tota" at Naruto Shipudden used by 3rd Kage of Earth Village with a combination of Earth, Wind and Fire element.
After 6 months experimenting, Dekar created a version of it. After A year he mastered it while practicing with gravity multiplier field, and with some weights
After that Dekar almost has forgotten by others, he stayed in the mountain falls outside Magnolia City
Erza always come for asking for sparring partner then
Mira also comes for sparring when she knew that Erza is sparring with Dekar she also became S class Mage.
But after a while, Erza is the only one visit him because Mira stops accepting Quest.
Dekar heard that Lissanna died,
Erza asked why Dekar don't want to go to funeral and he only said,
"Lissanna is not dead, She will return just need to wait" Dekar declare because he confirms that Lissana doesn't have body
Erza thinks that Dekar only can't accept the fact that's why he said it.
'If I stop that event, will Mira became gentle? Sigh*!' Dekar to himself
Then Mystogan became S-class Mage.
Year: x784
After mastering Magic and Sword Dekar now 12 this year
Dekar realizes something’s not right, he spends too much time... without noticing it. He's been used to spend time practice and experiment without the sense of time...
While going to Fairy Tail, he senses a big fluctuation of magic, he teleports in the front of the guild
"""" Erza !!!! """" Everyone in the guild
Then he saw Erza thrown backward..,
It was the moment the Adamantine Armor was destroyed for blocking the Jupiter Cannon!
She alone blocked the attack of Jupiter Cannon which can destroy the whole Fairy Tail
It was the time where the Walking Castle of Phantom Lord Guild attacked the Fairy Tail Guild
The Strongest Guild member of Phantom Lord called Element 4:
Gajeel is the Metal Dragon Slayer
Juvia is the rain woman
Sol is the green hair villain with eye patch
Aria is the one who keeps crying and can drain Magic of his target who makes Makarov Knock Out for a while.
This four is considered S-Class Mage of Phantom Lord Guild
'Tsk... It’s already this...' Dekar
Dekar catches Erza before she touches the ground.
"Yo!... Erza" Dekar
"d..Dekar?" Erza asks with her weaken voice
""" Dekar !!! """, Gray, Natsu, Cana and other
"Dekar? who is Dekar?" Other guild members who never met Dekar before wondered.
"Amazing she, actually stop it" Macao
"She saves us, as expected of her" Elfman looking proud at Erza
"However" Cana
"Makarov and now Erza is incapacitated, hand over Lucy Heartfilla now..." Jose the Guild master of Phantom Lord
"Are you kidding us " Bisca
Other guild member starts to shout!
"Right now!... hand over her! .. You have only two....." Jose interrupted speaking because someone not paying attention to him.
Natsu run toward Dekar and Erza
"It’s alright, how about you comport our little princess crying over there?” Dekar said to Natsu while pointing at Lucy
Then continue.
“Yo! Mira, it seems like many of our Fairy Tail beauties cry today. pfft" Dekar seeing Mira red eyes on the back of Lucy.
Everyone look at Lucy at the back
"Dekar?" Mira
"pfft*!, Natsu hunt down, their dragon slayer, Gray look for the rainy girl, Elfman! Today goes all out and be the man!" Dekar said
'Juvia must be with Gray pfft*! or it will lessen the fun later pfft*!' Dekar grinning
"Other Fairy Tail member fortify defense here" Dekar commanding in relax manner
"But" Cana and everyone are not sure if they are going to follow him.
Even Natsu and Gray.
"pfft*! Relax, everything will be ok..." Dekar smile at Cana then Cana remember Dekar patted her head then she blushed
"ytueb riah der elttil siht Leah, thgil ho!! [[ Heal !! ]] " A thin light envelops the bodies of Erza.
After healing Erza, they both stand
"m.. my body?" Erza can't believe because healing magic known as lost magic now
"Dekar!, how's Erza?" Natsu
"I'm alright... My injuries all’s gone... Dekar..?" Erza, while checking her body, walking into Lucy
"Yo!. so your Lucy pfft*!, " while patting the head of her, continue to say: "This may be too late but... Welcome to Fairy Tail... Mira stop doing your plan.. it will be dangerous for both of you"
Mira was shocked because she's planning to switch with Lucy then let Lucy take to the warehouse where she will be safe.
"[[ Float !! ]] [[ Magic Sense !! ]] " Dekar starts to float and open Magic Sense, to look for Aria and José.
"" Huh!!! ""
Gray and Elfman float too, along with him,
"Gray and Elfman we will attack, Natsu! If you want, go to the warehouse, Gajeel and other must go there, waiting there for Lucy right Mira?"
"How did you know?" Mira was shocked again when she heard about the warehouse...
"It would be great if Loki can help you there" While smiling at Loki and Loki is not sure how did Dekar know him
Erza not feeling strange because Erza mention Loki to Dekar when they are sparring
Then Dekar turns to look at Erza.
"Erza..even though your wounds heal, your magic is not returning understand?.... that Oldman... let me handle him.." Dekar while smiling.
"Gray, Elfman ready?"
"Come, let's give them war!!" Gray
"Man!!" Elfman
Gray, Elfman, and Dekar start to fly toward the Walking Castle
"Wait..." Erza because of fast turn of event, she didn’t respond
Dekar just wave a hand
"You... ignoring me... Let me see how Makarov's reaction when you all perish!!!" José releases an army of “Shade” charge to Fairy Tail.
"Elfman! you see the red eyes of Mira?. Today Mira cries because of them... you can go all out today. Make sure that she will not cry again, I promise you, nothing will go wrong.. if ever... I will stop you understand?" Dekar said then they land on the Castle
Then Elfman looks determined…
After sensing the whole castle, Dekar lead Gray and Elfman to Juvia and Sol then he start searching for José and Aria
Inside the walking Castle, Dekar can sense the big volume of magic as a source of power of this walking castle, it’s the Lacrima
Then he senses Magic of José, it’s easy to determine because Jose has the highest volume of magic here other than the Lacrima,
After teleporting there, he saw 4 mages, processing magic circle, there are the 4 mages who control the Jupiter Cannon, then José sitting there
"Yo! Your face is really made for the villain don’t you think?" Dekar, while observing the surrounding and mock José
"You... Who are you!?... How did you get here?." Jose shock
"Sigh*!, I'm here to play " While smiling mysteriously
" [[ Met!.." Aria reveals in the back of Dekar for surprise attack
"[[ Multi-Kekkai tota !!! ]] " Dekar create 6 cubes, for the four Mage processing Jupiter Cannon, one in the body of Aria, and the other one is the body of José!
A simple clap, casting a Magic version of [[ Kekkai tota ]], without magic circle just pure magic, natural process.
Then the five vanish...
Only José respond to avoid death but still lose his left hand.
"You..." Jose scared Aria surprise attack to use [[ Metsu ]] to drain magic of Dekar, but it failed in an instant only a little dust remain to Aria and the four mages...
"pfft*! Don't worry you're next "Dekar, a wand appear in his hand [[ Dryad Blessed Wand ]], The wand he is using before and an armguard, Creating Mana Shield,
Because... the hand of José fill with Dark element ...
"[[ Mana shield !!! ]] [[ Light barrier !!! ]] [[ Gravity field multiplier !!!]] " Dekar create two layers of Magic Shield and a Light Barrier to block Jose attack, and gravity field to slow his movement
"[[ Death Wave !!! ]]" Because of sudden threat appear, José decided to use his trump card from the start
"Crack*!, bam*! The light barrier crack and destroy one of the Magic Shield
"[[ Multi-kekkai tota !!! ]] " Then Dekar creates 8 cubes around José, after cornering running spot...
"Wait... n... No!!!!" Jose turns pale, he knew he was cornered so he shouts to stop it...
Then last 1 covered the whole body of Jose
"juig*!" "juig*!" "juig*!" "juig*!" "juig*!" "juig*!" "juig*!" "juig*!" "juig*!"
Dekar simultaneously activate the 9 cubes
"Huh*!" Dekar also turn pale
'tsk... if without the wand... Even cornering him will not be this effective' Dekar…
The wand multiply his Magic Ability by 6, that's why he's confident, to fight one of the so-called Ten Wizard Saint
But it still takes a big chunk of his magic, it’s like flattening cookies in your hand, it needs to exert more power to flatten it, if the magic inside his cube, has stronger magic than the cube have, of course, it will not be obliterated...
After killing José, Dekar sit down to recover while observing the battle of Gray and Elfman,
He always thinks that defeating a threat, it’s better to go all out when fighting an enemy than giving them a chance to fight back or a comeback which can cause him a life…
Elfman start to use full body over soul to fight all out and even Sol is defeated but Elfman still going berserk.
Dekar visit him and try to restrain him
All the “Shade” attacking Fairy Tail also vanished...
"Yo!... Elfman..." Dekar is not yet finished to talk, Elfman attack him
"Pfft*! You're so hot-blooded, Be a man and control yourself, idiot!!" Dekar
"Bang! bang! bam! boom!"
Elfman continuous attack
"If Mira sees you like this, I'm sure she will cry again... " Dekar
Elfman stop attacking and stare at Dekar
"Roar!!" Elfman
"Be a man, control yourself... if Lissanna sees you like this won't you think she will cry too?" Dekar
Then the eyes of Elfman start to tremble.
"Won't you be the reason they cry if this continues?" Dekar
"Lissanna.." Elfman mumbling after thinking some time
"haha, won't Mira be smiling after this fight if you control yourself? pfft*" Dekar
"Mira... Lissanna..." Elfman starting to gain his senses
"Ha ha ha Elfman be a man! Don't let me continue to coax you like a child pfft*! .. Come let's go to Gray" Dekar see that Elfman already regain consciousness and deactivated his beast form, he supported Elfman on his shoulder then lead to Gray
After walking for a while
"Yo! Gray! Done with your princess?" Dekar
"She's a little troublesome... How about Jose and other?" Gray
"Hahaha they escape, scared to me" Dekar while laughing
""Escape?"" Gray and Elfman
"Yea yea come on, Gray get her where going to leave" Dekar
"Get her? Why?" Gray
"You should princess carry her, I'm gonna destroy this whole place, I think she's not bad, she's just always alone, if you want her dead just leave her here pfft*!" Dekar turn around and teleport to get the Crystal Lacrima to his storage and teleport back to Gray Elfman and Juvia
"[[ Float !!! ]] " The 3 starts to float but Dekar stop and put his hand on the ground
"!!yalc dum ,eltsac ylgu elttil siht delbmessasid [[ Mud Clay !!! ]]" Dekar turn the stone wall and foundation of the castle into a softer form, and it starting to collapse
After that, they ascend to the sky.
Dekar supporting Elfman and Juvia wake up and she sees the Castle collapsing and gray is princess carrying her.
"You... Why did you save Juvia... Juvia is you're enemy.." Juvia said to Gray blushing
"I can just let you get drown there, besides... Like he said you do not look like a bad person at all..." Gray
"I say let you die there but Gray shouted at me 'I must save her!!' when he saw the castle collapsing Pfft*!" Dekar while grinning
"You..." Gray
Juvia starting to fantasize Gray as her Prince Charming
"No.. no.. no.. no" Juvia
"What is it?" Gray
"N..nothing, Juvia just want to say thanks.." Juvia
After we land on Fairy Tail
"""""We've Won!!!?"'''"'
"Elfman!!" Mira get Elfman from Dekar and smile while having tears
"Gray, Elfman, Dekar what happen and the 4 Elements Juvia?" Erza wearing her natural breastplate
"Don't worry Juvia is not an enemy now, I think gray fallen for her" Dekar teasing gray
""""""" What !! """''""""
"Don't make fun of me and tell me why José escape?" Gray
"""""" Escape! """"""""
"Ha ha ha the way you synch are like a cheering squad hahaha Pfft*!" Dekar
"Gray, what do you mean, what happens" Erza seriously
"I'm not sure I only fight Juvia, Elfman fight Sol.., Dekar do the rest.." Gray
""""" What """""''
"Dekar?" Erza look at him
"Don't worry Erza, everyone escape maybe they afraid of me pfft*! Later I will tell you... Oldman, how long would you hide there?" Dekar
"Cough*! " Makarov
"Master (oldman) !!!"
Everyone shouts when they see Makarov
"Are you now alright?' Erza
"um.. and it seems like everyone is alright!" Makarov
"Yea only Natsu and Loki, but I believed them" Dekar
Everyone nod
"Yo! Lucy? sigh*!" Dekar look at Lucy doesn't know what to do
"Yo! Cana" Dekar while holding her chin
"It’s been a longtime" Cana
"Yea do you know that you are the one that I really miss in Fairy Tail? pfft*!" Dekar said teasingly
""""" What """""'
Everyone shock for sudden confession
"Y.... you don't play joke on me" Cana
"Well can you give Lucy a hug, look Natsu is not here, Mira is holding Elfman, Erza in her breastplate right? pfft*! " Then Dekar start to walk inside the guild
Everyone smile when looking at breastplate of Erza and get what’s the meaning of Dekar…
The way Erza comport with her breastplate kind of… hurt?
"Where are you going?" Erza
"I'm gonna cook I'm hungry!" Dekar
"What happens there?" Makarov asked
"Oldman, I don't mind saying it... But do you really want me to say here?" Dekar said
Makarov look around then shook the head
"Remember everybody the Phantom Lord Jose Escape! Understand?" Dekar said
"Yeah!!" everyone’s agree
After Dekar leave
"Why I never heard him before? What can you say about the strength of Dekar?" Lucy while hugging Cana
"I'm not sure 3 years ago, I heard that he leave the guild to create a powerful Magic for him" Cana
"I'm not sure, but Mira and I always like to spar with him before as training and…” Erza
“And?” Gray is curious like other
“I never win with him," Erza said seriously.
"Um... Right, even I was continuously defeated by him and I think he's not joking with you Cana pfft*!" Mira
"Don't tease me too Mira" Cana
Then Dekar start to cook while cooking, for couple of minutes he heard everyone cheering for Natsu and Loki, then everyone happy listening to Natsu story, then Lucy start to hug Natsu
"It seems like your good at cooking" Mira
"Mira, don't be so gentle I might fall for you pfft*!" Dekar because the last time she sees Mira is trying to defeat him.
"You’re still a kid... pfft*!" Mira
"Don't worry, once I grow up I'm gonna marry you and Erza pfft*!!" Dekar half-jokingly
"Hmf.... thanks for helping" Mira
"Thanking me like this make me feel outsider here sigh*! " Dekar regret spending so much time experimenting.
"No. I mean.. I even call other for help but.." Mira starting to cry when she remember they’re conversation with Laxus which decline them when they ask for help.
"No.. I'm not sure who's you’re talking about, but I guarantee if he is part of Fairy Tail, he will not let Fairies here to be gone.. he just has his own reason.." While Dekar tiptoeing stroking Mira's hair because Mira is higher than him
"um..I hope too" Mira
"How about helping me here, I'm planning to cook for everybody but I'm not sure how many guild members do we have... " Dekar
After two hours of continuous cooking, Mira and Dekar start to give all guild member foods, even Mira confuse where did I get the ingredient for cooking this many
Then Dekar, Natsu, Gray, Cana, Lucy, Elfman, Erza, Mira and even Happy on one table
"Dekar it’s been more than 3 years since we met" Cana
"Remembering that time you're cuteness really stand out pfft*!" Dekar
"Stop teasing me, it will not work.." Cana
"Sigh*!" Dekar become low spirited
"I heard you're strong now... Fight victory and defeat to me!!" Natsu
"I accept defeat !! " Dekar sincerely bow to Natsu
"you!!!... you should not be like this... You must fight me! Lets duel!!.." Natsu
"Yes, a real man should fight!" Elfman
"This idiot" Gray
"What did you say, exhibitionist!" Natsu
The two start cursing each other
"It’s enough, you two!" Erza
""Yes!"" The two then turn to best buddies in an instant
"Happy!!" Happy
"Ha ha ha, I'm not sure if I want to know how they suffer from your hand to be this disciplined like this pfft*!" Dekar
The two turn pale
"Dekar are you really strong? If Natsu and you duel who will win?" Happy everyone looks to Dekar
"Of course, Natsu will win, except if..." Dekar
""""If? ""''' everyone curious
"We are inside a running train, then we fight there hahaha" Dekar
Everyone laugh because they know that Natsu weakness too…
"Dekar thank you for coming" Lucy
"Don't thank me like this... besides my future wives in danger, how can I just sit still pfft*!" Dekar
""""""" Wives ??? """""""
"Wives? Who are your future wives here? " Lucy
"Who else, I'm planning to propose to Erza and Mira when I grow up, that's only if they can't find a lover that day pfft*! " Dekar smile
"m..m...marriage I'm not prepared yet.." Erza
"Hmf... This boy starting to be womanizer" Mira
"Well isn't you said you like Cana, your already disloyal" Lucy
"I only said 'if they can't find a lover! 'IF' and Cana look at her I wanna include her and said her name but she might get annoyed with me again right?" Dekar
"hmmf.." Cana
Other looks at Cana start to drink
"What did you like about them " Lucy starting to be curious
"Well Erza and Mira are both gentle on their own way of showing it" Dekar
""Erza is gentle?"" Gray and Natsu
The Erza smash a little the table…
"Why is there a problem?" Erza
"No... Dekar is right!!" Gray and Natsu while hugging each other trembling.
"Pfft*!! I said ‘in their own way’, Erza is responsible and know what is important, there's no question about that, and Mira even though she's not like this before, I also know..." Dekar stop realizing Lissana dead
"Sigh*!, I just like both of them, that's all beside Mira and Erza... I never see many people when I secluded for practicing Magic, maybe because of that.. you know that I seclude for 3 years? Because I'm busy creating my own magic!" Dekar said
"Creating Magic? Did you succeed" Lucy shocked too
"Um, Later you will see, it’s a suspense for a while," Dekar
"Mira your cooking skill now increased, I feel like I can’t eat enough" Natsu
"Um, right even this fish is so luxurious..." Happy starting to hide a piece of it in his backpack
"Pfft*! It’s not me who cooked it.." Mira
""""Not you??""""
"Um, Dekar made it all I just assist him preparing." Mira
"""" What !!!! "'''''
"Why? I said I'm hungry, I'm gonna cook did you forget?" Dekar
"Did you eat this kind of food every day?" Lucy
"Um, by the way, what's that little blue there? It looks like from a very dignified powerful ancient race pfft*!" Dekar
"""Dignified powerful ancient Race?"""
"Natsu did you heard that? I'am from a dignified powerful ancient Race! Hmm" Happy proud of himself
"It’s happy, it’s my best partner a Fairy Tail guild member" Natsu then happy show his insignia
"Best partner? It seems like you really go along with each other." Dekar
"Um. Happy is always with me, even I'm taking a quest" Natsu
"Happy if I give you a choice to save only one from the destruction, will you save that fish you’re holding or Natsu?" Dekar
"Fish!!" Happy said without second thought
Everyone laugh
"Hahahha pfft*! you’ve been sold out, by your best partner pfft*!" Dekar
"Happy!!" happy
"Anyway if you need anything just tell me I will help" Lucy because thanks will not be appropriate, he only offer help
"Well now that you say it, I hate the way vendors look at me, it’s annoying, how about every month I leave notes with Mira about condiments, herbs, and seasoning so you can buy it for me? I will pick it later, Of course, I will pay and it will be a really big help to me" Dekar said because the way vendor look at him annoyed him
"Um... Then that's a deal" Lucy looks happy to be a help to Dekar
"Right that way we can ensure that monthly you will visit here! pfft*!" Mira
After eating, Makarov called Dekar, Mira, and Erza
"Tell me what happened... " Makarov
After telling all thing that happened...
"You killed him?" Makarov
"Um.." Dekar
"By what Magic?" Makarov
"I call it [[ Kekkai tota ]], remember when I ask Gildart to teach me Crush Magic, you didn’t allow it, I said I will create more powerful one " Dekar
"What this magic can do?" Erza
"Crush magic turn things into a smaller part, Kekkai total turn thing into nothing even the Magic itself. It will obliterate everything" Dekar said then open a small cube floating in his hand
"""Turning anything including Magic into nothing?"""
The 3 was scared by the description
"There's still a dust left when I kill the mages inside, so I think not at all, do you have things I can try with?" Dekar
Makarov give a pencil then Dekar open a cube
"See? Even flesh will have the same result.." Dekar because the pencil vanished.
"Without Magic circle?" Mira
"um… Because of its base on the understanding of nature element" Dekar
"but the bigger issue is the council!" Makarov
"Just tell them Phantom Lord attack, they can't hold on so they escape.." Dekar
"It’s not that easy, we don’t have evidence that they escape" Makarov
"And they don't have evidence, that I killed José right?" Dekar
"Right, José escape and hide that's all they know!" Mira
"Um... Beside they attack us their castle is there as a proof" Erza
"Sigh*! But it’s better if you didn't kill him" Makarov look at Dekar disappointed.
"Sigh*! Oldman... In this world I only have Fairy Tail as family, I keep enhancing my strength to protect it, if protecting my family will just give me this disappointing look..., I'm ready to take all the blame, just tell the council it’s my fault, be ready if they want to make war to me.. Even the so-called Council once they become my enemy, I will show no mercy to them, I will show them what’s Destruction Magic truly means " Dekar said in a very tranquil tone, but the killing intent, surge the body of Dekar even he is trying to contain it, other can still sense it .
Then turn around open a portal to look for Levy.
- In Serial43 Chapters
Sixguns and Spellfire
Completed Story. Texas Lawman Cash Renshaw gets pulled into a world of magic and mysticism that he never knew existed but finds himself uniquely suited to handle. Alhambra Sheriff's Office Detective Cash Renshaw is about to wake up. He learns that there is another world out there where all the creatures of nightmare and magic are real. Not only that but he finds that he is a special type of person called an "Archetype" that derives powers from the collective power of human imagination. Now he will join his new partner in the Agency for Metanatural Investigation to investigate a strange new type of Runic Tattooing that allows normal humans to tap into magic powers, at the cost of their lives. Cash will learn that his new reality is as deadly as it is mysterious, and his first case might be his last.
8 186 - In Serial195 Chapters
The Legendary Rebuilding of a World by a Realist Demon King
In a rotted away castle, Ashta awoke as a Demon King. With his ‘wisdom from a past life,’ he would rule over his lands as a thorough ‘realist.’ “Demon King, why are you attacking the level 1 Heroes?” “Defeat them before they become stronger. That is called strategy.” “Demon King, why are you sending fake money to the enemy country?” “To bring chaos to their economy so they will self-destruct.” “The werewolf troops have attacked. Should we use silver bullets?” “Not bullets, shoot them with canons.” And like that, Ashta ‘reformed’ the old tendencies. He became a lord who was loved by the people and his subordinates and would go on to be called the most powerful Demon King in history.
8 839 - In Serial7 Chapters
[Kancolle] Diary of an Admiral
An old man, who have follow his child dream, give his life to his country, faithful to his family, enter the last stage of his life. His life was full of secrecy , but no job is perfect, and yet he enjoy it, because it was his childhood dream he wanted.But now, after he got married and his family grown up now he almost retired from the navy. He feels lonely. There is only one wish he always wanted, to meet an old navy ship that he admire.And now, fate giving him his dream, the ship calling him to meet and lead them in their new world. To give them a second chance to proof their worth and regain their pride.Is that all they need in their life ? Is that all their goal ? what is the meaning live the life for them ? how they live their lives if there are no enemies left and there is no longer a reason for living? Here where his journey begin, where he travel to many places. meets different “things” and fought a battle just for a simple survive or for different objective along the way, searching for a way to come back to earth.What the future hold for him and the shipgirls ?this is my first time.i know there will be many hole, mistake. etc. my english is bad, and not my language. i just want to write what i have in my mind for long time...hope you enjoy...
8 106 - In Serial66 Chapters
Luna on the Run [EDITING]
Follow the story of Luna, a homeless teen with skewed morals, as she and her mechanical cat Freckles struggle to live a normal, problem-free life that keeps getting interrupted by bad men with bad plans. Luna on the Run will be edited until completion at an irregular pace.
8 70 - In Serial111 Chapters
The Fallen Ascending
The tale of Michael Ramsey."Who's he?"", you ask.Read it and find out. Story not related to The 8th Day in any manner. This is something different that I thought I'd try out and have some fun with from time to time. No release schedule is promised, so don't expect one. I'll simply work and write on this adventure when the mood strikes me. We may have 100 updates in one day, and not have any updates for 100 days... As for what it actually is?That's S. E. C. R. E. T!(In other words, I'm not certain where this story is going to take me yet. Decide for yourself if you want to follow along on the ride as I uncover where and what it's about as it grows and evolves!)
8 443 - In Serial19 Chapters
Primal Cosmic Sage: A Marvel Fanfic
A flashy death led to his reincarnation into the multiverse of one of the most dangerous and exciting works of fiction. An unintended stopover at the bleed dimension associated with the DC multiverse ultimately led to the demise of his Guardian System. Outraged and swearing revenge at the perpetrators of this grievance, witness Acheran's journey from a cannon fodder existence in the Marvel World to become one of the most powerful Cosmic beings in the wider Omniverse as the Primal Cosmic Sage.
8 69