《A Warlock's Luck》A warlock's dreams.

A gentle kiss from lips like silk upon the forehead, the light seductive scent cinnamon, cloves, wine and roses, a sensuous caress along his cheek. A woman with eyes of lavendar and hair black as moonless night, twas not the first time he had this dream nor did it seem it was the last.

Adrian let out a sigh to once again find his member enraged with lust, thrusting furiously towards the light of the morning sun. He sighed inwardly, it certainly wasn't the first time he had awoken in this state. A light gasp caused Adrian to swivel his head to see a young woman dressed in a maids livery. She was a plain but had a cute girlish appearance, flaxen hair peked from under her white cap, her pale skin aflush with arousal and embarrassment. She couldn't be but a few years his elder, Adrian couldn't help but smirk at her, piercing her body with his emerald gaze. "See something you like my little one" he cooed sweet, dark, and seductive, the maid froze like a spooked doe, her face dyed crimson. Her breathing became heavy with excitement, her supple breasts rising and falling with each auidble breath. "You needn't be afraid, I'm merely taking that which is already mine, what could they do to the Duke's woman" his voice deep voice carried a confidence bordering on cockiness. "Come" he cooed holding his hand out in a gentlemanly fashion causing the simple country girl to pant in desire at his every word.

She could feel the slick wetness gathering on her thighs, gingerly she reached out to the young man before her. He was the son of Duke Arrianus Black and Court Mage Ethenriel the Night Raven, she was the daughter of a blacksmith and a scullery maid. Each step caused her heart to race as she moved to the bed where he lay. His face was more like his Elven mother regal, elegant, and flawless, unlike his father whose face bore a rugged handsomness that could topple even a widows hardend heart. He had the visage of a skilled warrior and conqueror, Adrian however bore the face of a king or emperor rulling with power and grace.

His seductive tone, piercing emerald eyes, and dark smile deliverd a promise of the pleasures to be had. She looked down at her hand as it reached out to his, it was calloused and rough from working her father's forge, his fingers were dexterous and elegant but she was supprised to feel the roughness of his hands. It was the evidence of his dedication carved into his very being, rough calluses, from years spent training in the art of swordsmanship. That feeling of familiarity pushed away the last bit of her resistance, she took his hand and was swept into his lap. He cradled her in his toned arms and lifted her chin to gaze into her axure eyes, "tell me your name my little one" he cooed causing her to gasp and fidget.

"Annabelle " she panted. "Tell me Annabelle, do you like what you see" he whispered in that sweet dark seductive tone before gently sucking upon her defenseless earlobe. "Y-y-yes" she stammered quietly pawing at Adrian's bare lightly tanned and toned chest.

"Ahem" a cough came from the doorway, causing both parties to snap to reality, "Young Lord, I do not think your father would apove of you seducing his staff" a stern sultry tone scolded Adrian. "Margitte, I-I-I" Annabelle stammered trying to raise herself from the Young Lord's lap. "You are not to blame, I should have never sent you to awake the Young Lord, you're far too inexperienced to handle a man of his caliber" Margitte stated flatly staring at Adrian with an expression of Stoicism that did not belie her inner arousal. "Young Lord, your presence is requested by the Duke and the Lady Ethenriel" she stated with a curtsy.

Arianus Black, Duke of Schwarzwald, sat at the head of his dining hall where he took his morning meals with his men and political advisors. He had a focused expression as he seemingly glared down at the series of reports before him. "Each and everyone is the same, peaceful in the western provinces, peaceful in the central provinces, and here in the east its the same, my son needs to gain some prestige before his twentieth birthday or else his marriage proposals will be rather slim" Arianus sighed in frustration. "You shouldn't worry too much my love, when It comes to women they throw themselves at him in droves, just debut him in court and watch the chaos ensue" Ethenriel chuckled lightly. "That's what I'm afraid of, I can't have my son being known as no better than a womanizer, however if he has a few mitary campaigns to his name he will be respected and taken seriously regardless of other circumstances" he complained in muffled irritation. "If its a matter of power and respect, there is another path he can walk" Ethenriel smirked darkly and seductively at the duke. "That boy has much too much of his mother in him" he sighed inwardly. "Fine, what do you propose" he questioned relaxing his face in deep contemplation. "We send him to the Onyx Tower, to study underneath the Empress' right hand" she grinned evily. He pursed his lips thinking of rejecting the idea, but he couldn't deny its logic.

"Father, Mother, you requested my presence" Adrian questioned causing the emerald gaze of his mother and his father's cold blue stare to cut him in half. A smile spread across both of their faces, Adrian swallowed, that was not a good sign. "Yes come, Adrian we have something important to discuss" his father gestured as he called out. " You're getting to the age where its important for you earn some prestige, lest you be married to some baron's homely daughter " his mother added on with an unnerving smile. "I wanted to find a few battles for you to prove your mettle, your mother however provided another option, I will allow it on only one condition, you continue to practice the sword" Arrianus spoke with a tone of fake solemnity. Adrian sat silently amused at their charades, "You will go to the Onyx Tower to study under the tutelage of my master" Ethenriel explained in a mischievous tone one would ascociate with an Imp.

"If I'm to be sent to the Tower, I request to have a servant sent with me, there are likely other young nobles at the tower, it would be wise to demonstrate my position than to appear as a pauper" Adrian responded smirking at his own machinations. "I can't deny that logic, for the son of a Duke to not be shown to have atendants of his own would make him appear of poor means" Arianus spoke his voice deep and contemplative. "Very well, you may take a servant of your choosing" Ethenriel chuckled lightly causing Ariannus to quirk an eyebrow at the free willed nature of the woman he loved. "I'll take the newest maid as my personal attendant" Adrian stated flatly. "What's you're reasoning, we have more experienced maids on staff" Ariannus questioned furrowing his brow. "Hmmm, she has rough hands implying she has practical skills and works hard, she is also quiet, and as a recent hire her removal will be less impactful of the current staff's workload" Adrian replied with a deep bow in order to obscure any possible hint of desire. "Sound arugument, however we can't have her lack of experience embarrass the Young Lord before the other nobility, hmm take Margitte as well to continue her training" his father replied.

Each step from the Young Lord's room served as an embarrassing reminder of the overwhelming desire the Adrian had stirred in her, her thighs were sticky causing Annabelle glare at the broad shouldered back of Adrian. "Ah Annabelle and Margitte, perfect timing, please pack Adrian a suitable wardrobe as well as your personal belongings, you'll be attending to the Young Lord during his apprenticeship at the Onyx Tower" Ethenriel called out to the two women as they walked into the hall. "Yes, Lady Ethenriel" the two stated as they bowed reflexively before turning to leave. Adrian shut his mouth knowing it was far wiser to pick and choose one's battles, instead he excused himself with a deep bow.

It was early morning and he needed to clear his mind, he took a deep breath before stepping into the courtyard where his father's Men-at-Arms were training. A young squire, perhaps one of the men's son greeted him with a bow and offered him a gambeson and a long sword. The slender blade from point to pommel was as long as he was tall, though still shorter in length and lacking the parrying hooks of a Zweihander, it was a nimble blade that could be weilded in one or two hands as needed. Though the one handed arming sword was more commonly wielded by battlefield soldiers the long sword was prefered by master swordsman and adventurers for its increased reach and surprisingly elegant movement. With its long handle and weighted pomel its balance allowed for quick nimble cuts and thrusts, and when fighting armored opponents it could be gripped by the blade using the pommel and cross guard to deliver the mordhau or murder stroke to an opponent who would otherwise be protected from a slashing weapon. It could also be gripped by the blade and hilt to thrust into gaps in the armor.

Adrian gratefully accepted the offered garment putting on the heavily paded linen coat and took the sword in his hands. The blade was a little over two pounds in weight, though it felt lighter than that in his hands, as he strode across the courtyard the men would temporarily stop their drills to present arms. Two hundred cuts, he preformed as every other morning, starting from the right side diagonally towards his left hip, then a thrust from the mid section followed by a rising parry and a cut diagonally from left shoulder towards the right hip. Throughout his excercise he would thow in various cuts, thusts, feints, and parries, never did he keep a solid predictable pattern of attacks, the knights who watched on while resting would nod in silent approval. Each man here had faught in various campaigns, many were the survivors of brutal pitched battles, they all had a hand in his training each man passing on their best techniques tested in battle. They watched him grow from a boy of five who could barely lift a blade to a young expert swordsman, the only thing that separated him from them was the experience one could only gain in battle.

Annabelle worked in a stupor, her mind awash in confunsion as to why the young lord had chosen a barely trained maid fresh from the countryside to be his attendant. However it was not her position to speak on matters decided by her Lord and Lady, instead she thought hard and deeply if there was anything she, and she alone could do for the Young Lord. A soft giggling caused Annabelle to look up from her work, two young maids filled with admiration stared out of the window overlooking the courtyard yard. "What are you looking at that has you so giddy Matilda" Annabelle inquired furrowing her brow. Matilda put a finger to her lips and quietly blew a "shhh" before motioning her over to the window. Down below Annabelle could see the figure of Adrian, he was in combat with one of his father's knights, his fluid graceful movements were like that of moonlight dancing on a pond caused her heart to race. His opponents blade harmlessly swiped past his head as he sidestepped and gently parried using his opponent's strength to alter the weapons trajectory. His step put his foot inside his opponents stance trapping his opponents leg with his shin and pushed him to the ground before lowering the point of the blade to them man's neck.

Annabelle nodded, her head deep in thought, there was one skill she possessed that would allow her to serve the Young Lord. Even though her father had gotten her this job through his connections to the manor, in order for her not to live the dirty hard life of a blacksmith she made up her mind fiercely, she would take up the hammer and tongs for her new liege. Whilst packing her things Annabelle stoped to grab the only personal items she owned when she arived, her tools, heavy leather apron, gloves, and a ring that bore the journeyman signet of the Tiberian Guild of Smiths and Armorers. She hoped that he would allow her to forge him a sword worthy of a master certification, she smiled a bitter sweet smile knowing that day was far off.

Margitte looked over the Young Lord's wardrobe selecting each piece from his shoes to his dinner jacket knowing full well he wouldn't likely wear half of what was slecected. He had a preference for dark colors, preferably blood red, crimson, burgandy, or deep purple always only wearing one color at a time paired with black. For buttons and accoutrements he preferred silver, never brass or gold calling them "garish", due to the subdued tones of his clothing choices she instead had to focus of the cut and quality of his clothes to make him stand out against the ofter bright boisterous colors that most nobles wore. After a few hours of packing she nodded with satisfaction before seeing to her own things.

Margitte let out a sigh once she was behind closed doors, somehow the day to day stiff discipline her job required seemed more stressful than her misspent youth crawling though ruins or out slaying monsters. She had been an adventurer for most of her life, as such she wasn't used to this kind of life, but when her mother begged her to take over her position at Blackwood manor she nodded her head obediently. It was meant to be a temporary job until a replacement could be found, though she bore the stone face of a professional deep down she desired to feel the thrill of battle once more.

Anyone who entered her room would have thought it was the personal room of the Duke or prehaps one of his men, weapons she collected over the years were hung on the walls or stacked where ever there was room, her custom armor made from the scales of a reptillian creature she had slain stat on a stand, each piece meticulously polished. Margitte smiled longingly as she grabbed her trusted companion, a bow carved from the corupted flesh of a treant. The bow "Black Heart" had some slight magical property left over from the creature it was carved from, each shot carried with it a weak magical poison that would slowly weaken a foe with each shot until they collapsed under their own weight and died. She packed her maids livery for both formal and informal occasions, but also secrected away in her travel chest was her beloved wargear.

Adrian deeply focused his mind as he looked into his opponents eyes, the hard steel gaze of Knight Captain Breckhart peering back into his emerald stare. The more Adrian focused the more he could "feel" his opponent for lack of a better word. He immediately knew where Breckhart's next strike would land. A quick downward slash caused Adrian to parry, Breckhart immediately feeling the parry angled his hilt upward to thrust down over the guard. Adrian pushed the thrust upwards, the tip barely grazing his cheek, he thrust at the same time lightly slicing Breckhart's jaw. A man thrust a stick with a white flag between the two men, "the duel is decided, both opponents drew blood, it's a draw". The rest of the men cheered in suprise, the strikes and parries of the two men had been too fast for them to effectively ascertain which made the outcome all the more exciting. " How did you parry that slash, I couldn't even see it till it was too late" one of the men inquired slapping Adrian on the shoulder. "I just felt it, I somehow knew where he was going to strike, but I could barely react when he switched to the thrust, that was more luck than skill" Adrian replied between pants. "Heh, bare that scar with pride Adrian, a lesser man would have been killed by that thrust" Breckhart stated his ever stoic expression betrayed by the pride in his voice. The story of the duel between the Knight Captain and the Duke's son would later spread across the province's taverns and even to the ears of the Duke Ariannus who though full of pride had to conceal his worry about his son's life being foolishly placed in peril.

Adrian had been feeling strange and restless all day, though he was not sure if his anxiety about leaving home was the cause. He was feeling full of energy and his perception of his suroundings and of the intentions of others were far stronge than normal. He could feel the light flush excitement from the young maids as he passed by them shirtless and covered in a sheen of sweat from his long day of training. He could feel the sense of pride that his sword instructors had as they watched him work, even something as simple of the scent of honneyed wine at the dinner table seemed somehow deeper.

With a sigh Adrian lay down upon his matress stuffed with down, for all his restlessness, sleep soon took him. Sensuous silky fingers caressed their way over his shoulders and down his chest, reflexively his eyes snapped open and his hand grabbed the delicate hand of the woman from his dreams. She pursed her lips breathing a hot breath on the back of his ear, "Finally you've awoken, I was growing impatient". "Who, no what are you" Adrian questioned struggling to move his body. Plush full lips slowly trailed their way down Adrian's neck to his collarbone, " Lilith is my name, what I am is a succubus, a spirit given shape by the the desires of men". Adrian felt a shiver run down spine, "what do you want with me" he spoke with a steely tone that caused Lilith to purr in pleasure. "What I desire is you, my little warlock" she playfully whispered. Adrian was only faintly aware of physical sensations as the world suddenly shifted, he was now face to face with the lavender eyed demoness. "Make a contract, in exchange for my servitude I only require your male essence" her expression reminded Adrian of a predator toying with its food. "What would I acquire from this "contract", from what I understand your kind often offer deals that are too good to be true" Adrian replied camly trying to force the feeling of her buxom backside resting on his engorged member. "For one you'd have your own personal succubus sex slave" she cooed with a wink. "Aside from that with out the help of my kind you're going to become consumed by the demonic taint running through your veins" she stated flatly.

Adrian had more questions racing through his mind but now was not the time for them, in his lap was a beautiful woman and his blood was boiling in his veins. He had to have her, nay he needed to posses her, to make her his in all things, a dark impulse from deep within surged to the surface forcing her subtle manipulations from his mind. With his mind clear Adrian realized she had been using her seductive powers to influence his mind, to make him complacent, but this was his mind, and within his own mind he was king.

Panick flashed across Lilith's face as she watched the young warlock tear through years worth of subtle enchantments in a single burst of power. She tried to pull back, a firm hand clasped her throat forcing her onto her back, his physical contact keeping her anchored in the world of his dreams. A young warlock who's powers only began to awaken should have been easy prey for a succubus, but she too was inexperienced, he was the first and only male she had fed from. His sudden burst of lust filled aura had caught her completely off guard, it was something raw, instinctual, and overpowering. Her mind slowly eroded under his domineering gaze, her face grew flush with desire. His lips bore down on her's, fierce and aggressive, she could feel the need burning hot with in him. Whilst keeping her pinned at the neck he kissed his way down her body to her luscious breasts, taking one nipple in his mouth roughly sucking and nibbling at the tender nipple. She panted with a need of her own, a need he implanted within her, the instinctive need to serve one more powerful then herself. She coiled her arms around his back, lightly raking her sharp nails across his back drawing up light rivulets of blood. He parted her thighs with ease, and with a single thrust he burried his cock to the hilt eliciting a moan of pleasure from her. She kissed him back, bitting his lower lip drawing yet more blood.

Adrian could feel her inner walls massaging his shaft with each of his powerful thrusts, as her resistance withered he could feel the last remnants of her spell dissipating from his body. This only caused his desires grow stronger, instinctively he drew on those desires and poured them into her very core as he spilled his seed into her womb with a final thrust. Adrian looked down upon her form, plastered with a sheen of post coitus sweat, her eyes glazed over with pleasure. Pain and pleasure seared its way into Adrian's mind as he felt the pact between master and servant burn its mark upon his flesh, visible proof of Lilith's subjugation.

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