《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 30


Tentacles squirming around at his body followed by another tentacle bursting out from the woman's mouth as the third person fell to the ground.

Gruesome? Indeed they were. But whatever they were, with Analyze Fuk could know all of them had the same attribute except to their class.

"Anyone that has high durability takes the vanguard role! spellcaster, especially debuff-er. Follow the vanguard and support them from behind." Fuk shouted.

But that didn't go as he expected, maybe because they didn't know each other or because they didn't have any experience. Most of them were standing still, preparing their own equipment as some of them were evacuating to the bus.

"Tsk, suit yourself." He muttered. "Mystic Stun!" he shouted as he watched the infected woman moved to Saiko.

Congratulations! Mystic Stun is now level 2.

That's already 76, only 169 left.

Not wasting any microsecond, as soon as Saiko saw the woman was stunned, she immediately ran toward the infected woman, though as she dashed the stinger tentacle was whipping toward her head.

Watching the stinger heading toward her head, with barely enough reaction Fuk used Protect at her but at the same time, Saiko's skin turned grey as it was made from an Iron.

Though, even with Fuk's Protect and her Iron Skin, the stinger still had enough firepower to crack her ironized skin. But, thanks to the impact of hitting an ironized skin, the stinger movement was slowing down, giving her the time to grab the stinger, spinning her body and throwing the infected woman up to the air.

Without saying any word or thinking too much, Fuk calculating the landing spot, the time, and pointing his staff as he cast Novice Art Lvl 2. And threw the condensed ball of energy toward the infected woman.


Congratulations! Calculation is now level 4.

Congratulations! Novice Art is now level 3.

Congratulations! Skill Growth is now level 4.

Congratulations! Level up to level 4! +3 Cp.

Somehow... Fuk felt relieved when he noticed he didn't get any renown. But at the same time, he also felt guilty for completely obliterated the infected woman body.

Though this wasn't the best time for that.

"Your left boy!" Shouted someone.

From the corner of his eyes, Fuk could see the third infected person stinger already arrived right in front of his left ear, using everything that Fuk had, he tried to move his head to avoid the damage but he just couldn't react fast enough.

Gritting his teeth while embracing himself, Fuk indeed felt something hit him, but rather than a pain in his head, he felt like a truck was ramming right into his body.

Groaning while cradling his painful head, he turned his face and found, rather than a truck, Saiko was the one that rammed into him. "Thank god you have short body eh." Said Fuk as he shoved Saiko away from his body.

"...Shut up, monkey." Said Saiko as she stood and helped Fuk up.

Clenching on his bone staff on the left hand, Fuk took her hand with the other. "Still, you really should have hung a license plate on your body. " Said Fuk as he was spitting the blood out from his mouth and carefully concentrating on his surrounding. "And the other side doesn't have a good time either."

"...Thanks for the exposition. Sherlock." Said Saiko while someone was screaming on the other side.

"Just saying." Said Fuk as he took the blue liquid drink from his Inventory. "Anyway, buy me some time, my mojo is all gone."


Silently nodded, the thin girl went into her stance and faithfully stood next to Fuk, blocking each stinger attacks that came to them.

At the same time, Fuk was drinking three Mana potions and using Soul Tap simultaneously, and less than twenty seconds his Mana already recharged to 112, at the cost of 103 Health.

But different from the subject two or the infected woman, this time someone was really bought the time for him, letting Fuk did all kind of preparation.

First thing first, he spent 25 and used Power Word Lvl 1 to raise Jack Style into level 3 and using it at the cost of 60 health/mana/stamina, but as the result, his Mana raised by 45% and his Intelligence, Wisdom, Focus, Presence raised by 8.

Congratulations! Jack Style is now level 3.

Next, using mass heal Lvl 1 thrice to restore everyone health by 129. At the cost of 39 mana.

Congratulations! Healing Mastery is now level 2.

With 98 Mana left, now all Fuk had to do was waiting. At it didn't take long for the subject three to throw his stinger toward them, not like he had any variation of attack though.

"Mystic stun!" Fuk shouted as a sign for Saiko to grab the stinger rather than deflect it.

Hearing his word with subject three couldn't move his neck, it was an easy task for her to grab the stinger that directly came toward them.

"Oryaaa!!" Saiko shouted as the muscle on her arms tensed and once again she pulled and threw the subject three into the air.

Following the trajectory, using Novice Art Lvl 3, the subject three met the same fate as subject two. Though, this time he didn't gain a level.


Hearing the shout, Fuk turned his head to the other side only to be greeted by the picture of subject one being split in half by a greatsword.

Letting out a very big sigh of relief, removing his equipment, Fuk let the gravity to direct his body down to the ground. "Haaa~ so much for the vacation."


And from afar, one of the people was calling out to them. "Oi! You two! Can we talk for a minute?"

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      To Be Continued...
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