《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 29


Finishing their lunch, without anything else to do, their choice was either went to find the monster or stroll in the town, but silently Fuk touched Saiko's shoulder and pointed to the green safari bus. With 10$ for each person, they could ride and stop in every hot spot, while in theory, it would be faster for them to teleport to the nearest safe zone and continue their journey, maybe relaxing while continuing to their destination wasn't a bad choice either.

And as they boarded the tour bus, they could hear the other tourists chattering with excitement, some in English and some in foreign languages Fuk didn't understand. Some tourists considered themselves extremely knowledgeable experts and took it upon themselves to educate everyone about the dungeons and places they were visiting. Some were sitting quietly, peeking out the window and pointing at monsters, some were looking sick and pale as they tried to hold their vomit and few had buried themselves in their pamphlet, memorizing and reading up on all the hot spot; the towered against the sky tree, the coloured rainbow tree, crystal lake pond, the famous hunting spot, rare monsters appearance and the shiny variant and more trees.

As the engine vibrated, they rode the bus and patiently watched the bright, flat sunlight pushed through the trees, some trees in the forest distorted gently as if pushed by a gentle wind that eased the trunks, creating a ripple in the surrounding air. The land was smothered on one side by a dense carpet of, brightly coloured flowers. covered the ground and piled up like a snow drift and on the other side was fat mounds of moss, black moss, green moss, and more moss.

But rather than enjoying the view, Fuk yawned. Indeed it was a great view, but the lack of mythology and explanation about how it could happen made him lost interest a long time ago. Though several things popped out in his mind.

First, how they created the dungeon? was the trees and the environment things got respawned like monsters?

Second, how the hell the company could transfer the bus with them? were they just put it into their bag? or they disassembled it into pieces and assembled it in the dungeon?

Third, Summon: Skeleton already reached level 7 right now. ...Just what the hell is he doing right now?!

Once again with a big yawn, as he looked to the different varieties of plants, Fuk stretched out his hand toward Walnut's body. But instead of the furry fluffiness, what he touched was a smooth and pampered thin finger, to the touch the finger was soft and delicate.


Their finger touched for no more than a few seconds and was pulled away. One thrust back into the pocket of her varsity and one continued to pat the cat's body. "...Sorry." She muttered.

"Eh, don't mind it, it just a finger." Fuk replied, continued rubbing Walnut's fur until his Animal Handling reached level 6.

A heavy silence settled over them. Their unsettled eyes glanced to the other passenger, some shifted uncomfortably in their seat and others wiped their sweaty forehead. But unknowingly to them, the guide lady was ceremoniously watching from the front, thinking that both of Fuk and Saiko was having a fight right now.

But they shouldn't fight for long after they see this. The guide lady stood and directed the mic into her mouth, and professionally smiled just before she explained the next object of interest. "And on your right side is the famous love tree, rumour says that for everyone that manages to touch the tree while walking backwards will meet their destined lover, as for the couple, if they manage to walk past the tree centre with their closed eyes their destiny will be bound for forever."

Looking to the right side, he saw two trees with pink coloured leaves, intertwined with each other and made the love sign. ...And where do you hear that kind of rumour? Fuk thought in his mind, thinking there was no way people would buy into her bullcrap, and the fact that this was like their second week since the whole candidate things started, most likely the rumour was something she or her company made up to attract the customer interest.

But much to his surprise, others people were very interested in her story. Right... they might not be believing in her story but people like this kind thing eh. He thought as he felt the bus slowly reduced its speed until it completely stopped.

"So, we will be stopping for 15 minutes, if there's anyone that wants to try their luck feel free to try it. And if there's anyone that wants to take a picture, feel free to ask me or the driver."

Following her words, others began to step out of the bus, some were straightening their back, some were aweing in amazement and some without hesitation walked backwardly to the tree, though many were failed to do that simple task.

As Fuk, Saiko, the guide lady and the driver were the only one left on the bus. "You're not going down?" Asked Fuk.

"...Not interested."

"Eh, well it's not mine either but since we already here, shouldn't we at least going down and enjoying the view?"


"Yes!! You two should've done that!! In fact, why don't you two try it? it should've strengthened your bonds and relationship!!" ...Unknown to them, the guide lady already stood on their side, smiling as she tried to convince both of them to try the challenge.

"...We're not a couple."

"Exactly as she says."

"My, we've got a tough customer aren't we? you two aren't believing in my story, right? don't worry, I can give you the proof. A few days ago there was this elvish couple that tried and succeeded with this challenge. And you know what the couple said? They could feel their loves and bonds becoming more passionate with each step they took to the tree."

Somehow... Fuk knew who was the couple the guide lady mentioned, though with a deep sigh, feeling that the guide lady will keep bothering them, they stood and silently went to the love tree.

As the guide lady nodding with her smug face. "...Now what?" Asked Saiko.

Giving Walnut to her. "Eh, I think it's worth a try." Fuk said as he turned his body and slowly walked backwards or more likely moonwalking his way to the tree.

But then again, although he thought this was a simple and easy task, somehow his body and feet couldn't follow his brain orders, if he wanted to walk to the back somehow his leg moved to the left, if he walked to the left he did walk to the left. There was no sequence or pattern as his movement become completely random like he was completely drunk.

"Damn... hey! Why don't you try this?! This is pretty fun!" Fuk shouted.

Shaking her head, silently she sat as she rubbed Walnut's head. Patiently waited as she watched Fuk and several other people doing the challenges.

Though, after several attempts the grin on Fuk's face turned into a grim one as he groaned, feeling defeated by the love tree mysterious force. Silently he walked to Saiko and Walnut with his shoulder dropped and sat on her side.

"...Already give up?" She said while boringly looked to the others that still tried to do the challenge.

Laying down, with a salty expression he nodded at her words but not a minute had passed since he lay down, the giggles and cheerful atmosphere change when someone suddenly dropped down from out of nowhere.

Surprised, Fuk stood up when he heard a woman was calling the guide lady, while some that were having knowledge in medical treatment and healing skills were trying to help the man, including Fuk.

As the man groaned in pain, heavily breathing, twitching on the ground, Fuk and several other men were holding his body down while the seemingly paramedic opened his clothes. And what they saw was truly disturbing, the man's stomach violently convulsing, as if something was moving in his stomach.

If he should describe the scene, it looked like the sci-fi movie where something would burst out of his chest, but this time it was his stomach rather than his chest.

And then, even though five people were already holding his body, the man managed to move his limbs and throw every single one of them like they weighed nothing.

Flying for a few meters before Fuk fell to the ground, he groaned as he stood while he cradling his painful head. And to make the matter worse, another sick looking person, this time a woman fell to the ground and her body convulsing in the same manner as the man and followed by another man that suddenly became hysterical, as he opened his clothes, showing the others his contracting stomach while he was grabbing a knife, trying to cut his stomach open.

"Mystic Stun!!" Fuk shouted as the curse managed to land on the man, stopping his for a second while Saiko instantly kicked the man hands, throwing the knife away.

And what followed after this was the first man, with one violent contraction he stood, his eyes turned white and he opened his mouth as wide as he could, or more likely he forced his jaw to set at a lower hinge than a normal human, his mouth gaping like a snake swallowing a buffalo.

Then From his mouth, a thigh wide tentacle with a stinger that dripped some kind of liquid emerged. Followed this, his eyes turned white and his stomach burst open, showing another set of smaller tentacles.

As he and everyone else equipping their weapons. Fuk used Analyze on the tentacle man.

Subject one.

Level: 2.

Class: Ranger, Infected, Mutant, Undead.

Health/r per minute: 312/6.31

Mana/r per minute: 411/3.6

Stamina/r per second: 381/7.31

Capacity: 111.

Slot: 25.

Strength: 53

Constitution: 12

Endurance: 25

Durability: 24

Agility: 37

Dexterity: 47

Reaction: 25

Precision: 50

Intelligence: 18

Wisdom: 14

Focus: 15

Resistance: 1

Presence: 18

Perception: 22

Control: 16

Willpower: 1

"W..what the f-" Even before Fuk was able to complete his sentence, the big tentacle already pierced the paramedic's chest. Pulling the paramedic to him as the smaller tentacles munched on his body.

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