《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 28


"Oh, I see." Fuk nonchalantly replied to her story.

"...I see? I SEE?! I SEE, SO THAT'S YOUR RESPONSE" Saiko's face moved closer simultaneously as she raised her voice.

A little bit surprised, Fuk's hands were holding her shoulder, stopping her movement as he took a step back.

He actually had planned to tell his friends about this whole incident, but he just couldn't find the right time and reason. Moreover telling them through the phone or social media was kinda an ass move. At least with this incident maybe he could finally tell them the truth. Still, seeing her in sporty clothes kinda made his heart skip a beat.

Wait, that's not the problem! Shaking his head, he lightly coughed and asked whether or not she got penalized.

Standing in front of him, she opened her screen and her eyes were wide opened as she began biting her thumb. Curiously Fuk tried to take a peek on her screen but what he got was her palm pushing his cheek.

"...Ah, I see." She spoke, and along with the sudden realization, a notification came to her.

Congratulations! Due to being the first candidate to be aware of this. You have earned +1 Presence, +1 Willpower, +1 Perception. The "Fake" Class in unlocked for you!

"I see what?" To Fuk's surprise, her lips curled up as she slowly removed her hand.

Chuckling, Saiko's put 1 PP into Fake class and let Fuk saw the result and the notifications.

Congratulations! You have gained the Fake Class! +1 Renown.

You have learned Fake Class active skills False Lvl 1, and Counterfeit Lvl 1.

Congratulations! You have received a reward: Universal ID.

Tilted his head in confusion, he wondered what was the catalyst for her sudden gain in Fake. Smiling at him, she began to explain her train of thought, starting from the last rule.

Every time a non-candidate seeing a candidate using their skill, he/she will lose one renown. And she said. "In my case, teleporting to the dungeon isn't my skill, so in a sense, I don't break the rule as long as we use the function rather than our own skill, we won't get a penalty. Though, it seems like rather than I exploit the rule, I gain the Fake class because I can treat the system function as the 'fake' skill."


Fuk shrugged. "So... want to take some grub first or you're planning to go to the dungeon?"

Tilted her head, Saiko looked at Fuk strangely. "...Wait, you don't want to hear it functions?"

Once again he only shrugged his shoulder. "Nay, don't want to hear another exposition, either way, it will be more surprising if I see that rather than hear it, right?"

With a deep sigh, her mood went from edgy to cheerfull and went to her usual gloomy self. "...Let's eat first."

And they silently, and really so silent until they could hear Walnut's step, went to the weirdly looking tavern, Fuk's list of destination choice number 1. watching people wore a different kind of clothes, from the smart casual, hipster style, animated shirt, leather armour, completely covered in cloak and robe, metal armour and etcetera. The clothes, the building and the mood alone kinda reminded him of the renaissance festival, though in this case nobody was doing a role play as the transaction, the interaction and the gossip was all real.

If he should put it in a word, maybe he had underestimated and overestimated humanity, simultaneously.

First, only two weeks had passed and yet it already felt like they were walking in a small city, complete with their own water system, bulleting message and tax. Yes, perhaps he had underestimated of how fast humanity able to adapt.

Second, he had overestimated humanity’s decency to adapt to huge changes, Just why from all of those things they can implement, they choose to implement a tax?!

From the conversation and gossip they heard while they were on their way, there were many talks about how necessary the thing called 'Government' and 'Tax' would be. Or at least, their potential.

Sighed, he couldn't believe so many things had changed since the last time he went to the dungeon.

"By the way, how's Meth?" Fuk said, breaking the silence that had haunted them.


"...Surprised I guess? I hope she doesn't call a cop."

"No, no, no... I'll deal with that matter. What I meant is how's her thesis going? or is she still jamming a music every night?"

"...No clue and yes."

"Eh, must be sucks right? and you don't seem to be bothered by that."

"...The rent is cheap."

Hearing her answer, there was a sudden urge to spend 59 Cp in the perception just to know if she was joking or she was dead serious. Though, before he was able to do that they already standing in front of a grassy mount. Below the mount was a red round door and two round glass windows, in the front there were several wooden tables, a wooden bench and circled stone path that directed to the door. On top of the door, a sign with a letter 'Hobbit's Tavern' magically floated alongside with the deer shaped smokes.

"...Oh, I see this on the internet." Said Saiko, then tilted her head she looked to the Walnut and pointed at her. "...Is she allowed?"

But with a grin on his face, like a child chasing after an ice cream truck and with the reality of being too broke to actually visiting the real place, Fuk cheerfully skipped his way to the front door, already forgot about Walnut and Saiko but as he opened the door, what welcomed him was a bulky man, his wide was almost as twice as Fuk's own body and its height was 8 foot more or less, flying right into his face.

In panic mode, he used Barrier to deflect the man's body, making the angle to slightly repelled him to the floor. And as Fuk watched the unsightly look on the man face that slowly fell to the floor, what entered Fuk's vision was the wooden chair, stoned floor, deer head, rows of alcohol, and a few walking skeletons, seemingly they were being used as the waiter or waitresses? and on the drinking bar, the curly moustache bartender and the maid was using a plastic tray to cover their head.

And then from out of nowhere chairs and bottles flew from one side to the another.

On the right side, the group of same modelled white armour people were clenching their weapons and shield. "We believe this place is illegal, moreover you don't have the certificate to build and do a business."

On the left side, the group of different kind of clothes people were throwing a different kind of insult and things at them. Then again, in the middle, a man with extended curly goatee brown beard snorted. "Huh?! Since when you guys become a law? and why should I have that kind of thing? I built this place long before you guys were formed, don't fuck around with my business you dog shit."

"...Fuk, he calls you." Said Saiko as she walked right next to his side, carrying Walnut on her arms.

As he heard the dad joke and saw the tavern's condition, twitching his eyes, his mental resistance raised to level 6. In the end, he scratched the tavern from his mind. And without saying any word, Fuk stealthily closed the door and took Saiko to the street vendors.

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