《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 25


Congratulations! Sleeping is now level 7.

Congratulations! Rest is now level 9.

Congratulations! Cold Resistance is now level 3.

Congratulations! Disease Resistance is now level 2.

Congratulations! Skill Growth is now level 3.

As Fuk arose from a heavy slumber he was first aware of the coolness of the air and barrage of notifications. The ground was lumpy as if he was on a bed of earth and rocks. His clothes feel as damp as a flower in the dew of the dawn. Half wondered if he was still dreaming as he covered his eyes from the shafts of light that burst from the tunnel mouth.

"...Right." Fuk muttered as his memory and will to live began to come back. And somehow had a slight of nostalgia, waking up in the middle out of nowhere just like he used to do back in his college day, but rather than the smell of alcohol or cigarettes he met the stinky smell of sewer and rats.

Though, still sitting in the sewer as the warmness of the sunlight stroke his skin. Fuk rubbing his chin as he tilted his head, tried to get the gist of the notification. He understood why the Sleeping, Rest and Cold levelled up, but... he could only shudder as he began to imagine of the things that caused his Disease Resistance to level up.

And then another thing shocked his mind.

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!" His shout echoed through the entire tunnel. In panic, he took his phone, opened the screen and realized it was almost the time he went to the work.

For his former self, this might be a big problem. The smell from sewer had stuck to his body, the blood in his clothes already dried out, and his socks were wet. But with Cleaning Lvl 5, The blood on his clothes disappeared alongside with the wrinkle immediately smoothen. The sewer stinky smell was gone from his body, the same case to his hair and his teeth.


And as he stepped out of the tunnel reflexly he used Hide; raising it to level 4 when he saw dozens of cops, patrolling and sweeping throughout the entire river, checking the tunnel as their last spot.

...Wait...why am I hiding?! Fuk thought as he held his breath, trying to not make any sound as several polices and two familiar detectives went into the tunnel.

"Huh... that's weird, I thought I heard a voice coming from this tunnel." Said Lex.

"Maybe the suspect hiding in the inside, *Sigh* How could we miss this spot." Said the old detective.

But funny enough, when the other entered to the sewer, the old detective silently stood. His eyes were staring at Fuk then it went to the ground, realizing the weird ripple and saw the sunken hollow spot like some invisible man was standing there right now.

The old detective rubbed his eyes, and by the time he noticed it the hollow spot was already gone. "She's right, maybe I should get some vacation." Said the old detectives, as Fuk silently sneaked through the perimeter.

Stealthily he began to approach the stairway. He walked under the cover of the faint shadows, using Hide while silently waited the rest of the cops that stood in the stairs to walk down. He listened intently until the voices were gone. He quietly walked back into the main street, seeing the several white chalks marking that was surrounded by the yellow police line.

Congratulations! Sneak is now level 7.

Congratulations! Walking is now level 8.

Along with those notifications, now he knew the reason why he was hiding from them. Even though he wasn't the one that killed them, at the very least he felt sorry for them. In silence Fuk stopped for a moment and praying then he stealthily continued his way to the main street, blending in with several other people, taking the bus to his workplace while already realized no matter what he did he was late.


The many people sitting on the bus swamped the cab with their muddied silence. The seats and windows shook with every hole that was newly created on the street; jostling the passengers back and forth. The air conditioning pumped through only a few filters, whistling with the extreme pressure; it smelled slightly of diluted gas but Fuk relieved by the fact that his clothes nor his body made the sewer smell. As the buildings slid by the window, there were small movements from amongst the passengers. Someone shifted in their seat, there was a little cough and a mild 'bless you' and next to his side, one busy looking businessman opening his tablet and accidentally Fuk saw the article that he read.

The national crime rate reaches a modern high in 2018, capping a quarter-century decline. The reason for those increased crimes remains somewhat of a mystery, and no single factor is likely to explain it, but there is one big question: Who are they?

In the video, the XXX building can be seen lit against the night sky as the authority was chasing after the two figures. Their chased ended when one figure was throwing himself to the river as the last resort, while the other figure, was disappeared by the time the authority managed to corner him down.

Up to this time, they are still searching for the whereabouts of those two figures.

According to Lucas Wan, an associate professor of human behavioural who studies violence, “In my 50 years of experience and research, but never for one moment in my life for me to suddenly see the sudden burst on criminal activity to the extent that there are more than 60% disparities in yesterday activity and today."

Another expert believes that those two figures are connected to the other cases that also happened throughout the entire world.

As the immediate action, the UN has planned their meeting to discuss the seemingly two figures and other similar occurrences that they believe could've threatened the world safety.

"Do you mind?" Said the businessman, glaring at Fuk as he turned his tablet off.

"Eh... Sorry." Fuk replied, turning his gaze straight to the front and rubbing his chin while wondering that even though whatever happened seemed urgent, he still needed to go to his workplace. Making some money to fulfil his stomach and his cat.

But even before he got his first paycheck, he already got scolded for 15 minutes straight, listening to Donut's lecture about life and as the punishment, his paycheck was reduced by 10%.

As soon as he went to his office, immediately he dropped his head down to the table, feeling embarrassed because he felt he was like a middle schooler that got scolded by an adult. "....Even though that Donut never really does his job." Fuk muttered, raising his head and began to read and sort the invoices as he made the weekly report.

"...At least tomorrow is the day off." Fuk said with a grin on his face as he saw the to-do list on his agenda.

1. Spend the rest of my day-off in Thalan Jungle.

2. Finishing the quest.

3. Visit the weird looking tavern in Thalan Jungle.

4. Visit the tourist group in Thalan Jungle.

5. Selling some of the unused weapons and ingredients.

Then he spent the rest of his day like the usual, finishing some paperwork, helping the kitchen and the front service, talking with others employee while feeling smug when he saw people began to pile up in the cafeteria, but another problem arose when his phone rung. As he took the call from Lil Ty, he spoke only one sentence before he closed his call off. Oi! Let's go to the party tonight!!

"....Deja vu?" Fuk muttered.

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