《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 24


There were several things that bothered Fuk's mind right now.

First, whoever this anonymous person identity, he was freaking good. It wasn't like Fuk an expert on fighting or battling but his method was brilliant. He always opened his attack by breaking the ground, making Fuk leapt and followed by another chain of attacks. Even though one knife was enough to break Fuk's Barrier, he could overcome the ??? barrage by using barrier as a stepping stone and using Swift Step to control his direction but it wasn't like he could do this for forever.

Right now he already used 100 Mana just for the defensive purpose and then the second problem arose. With Fuk's list of movement skills and Slow, running away wasn't a big problem but the big question was to where? Somehow no matter where he ran or using Hide ??? always found him.

Lucky for Fuk's both of his Slow hit the ???, though even after spending another 70 mana, whenever he wanted to do a close combat the third problem arose.

Whenever ??? already entering Fuk's range of attack, he could evade it like an eel being caught by a bare hand.

The fourth problem, Fuk was too bothered by the coffee that he had before, it tasted good and rich of flavour.

The fifth problem, Ranged combat was a big no. After seeing ??? could easily block his Energy Bolt, Fuk already stopped doing that after the fifth shot, that was another 25 Mana used.

And then the last problem.

"This is police! Stop your activity and lay down your weapon or whatever you two are using!"

Even though only a few minutes had passed, there was a ton of police chasing after their trail. Though, thanks to Mask of No One Fuk didn't need to be bothered about his identity.

Mask of No One (E): The wearer will appear different. When someone wears this mask their blood type, dna, voice, fingerprints and et cetera will be untraceable. Their height and weight will appear different to anyone that see the wearer. Any act of seeing the wearer personal identity will be negated. Anyone that sees the wearer wears the mask can't be fooled by this effect.


When Fuk thought this couldn't go any worse, in a light speed his expectation was reduced to the dust when ??? started throwing his knives at the police and the rest of the surviving police started shooting at them.

Congratulations! Barrier is now level 5.

Congratulations! Increase Aggro Meter is now level 5.

Though, Fuk only frowned when he saw their bullet only did around 10 to his barrier. ...So this eel throwing power is far greater than a bullet huh. Well, considering 13 damage is enough to make a crack on the stone wall so to completely destroy a street in a single strike it must be somewhere above 40 huh.

Still, being barraged by the bullet, both of Fuk and ??? choose to cover their body, they might able to react fast enough to evade one bullet, but the rain of bullet was out of the question. Though, at the very least Fuk had another chance to Analyze ???

??? Stamina: 318 (107)/ 1.31

Fuk Stamina: 211 (105)/1.70

Huh... interesting, I guess the running and jumping form is affecting the stamina consumption rate eh. Still, I wonder if I can keep this up, moreover as we are hiding like this in three minutes his stamina will be full again eh.

...should I ask Saiko to back me up? ...No, too far and her attributes is too low either.

And another one hour and a half before the dungeon open eh.

"...Fuk, and I only had 55 mana left." Fuk muttered, as the loud sound and the golden projectile finally stopped flying to him. And didn't want to leave this chance, once again he took his stance but this time already made up his mind, Fuk used Jack Style Lvl 2, Attacker Style, increasing his Stamina by 20% along with +4 to his Str, Agi, End, and Reaction.

Alongside this, using Soul Tap lvl 4 he changed 25 points of his Health into 20 Mana. Leaving him with exactly 35 Mana. "Grh..." Fuk groaned as he felt some part of his body was being blended into Mana juice.


And he ran, still far slower than the speed of light but the speed from 38 Agi, Running Lvl 7, Fast Movement Lvl 4 and Free Runner Lvl 4 was enough to make him soared through the roof like a herd of cheetahs racing through verdant meadows. His long, brown coloured robe whipped back and forth behind him like a hair in shampoo commercial as he flung himself over the roof and the street gap.

And this time Fuk ran with one-second head start. As ??? trying to catch up with him, throwing Fuk with the barrage of knives, only managed to scrape some of his non-vital parts, Fuk countered his action by casting Slow on him.

Congratulations! Slow is now level 3.

As ??? became slower, the gap on their distance became bigger. Though, if he could do this trick and combo from the beginning, but back to the beginning, right now his destination was as clear as glass.

With a single movement and without hesitation, he jumped from the top of the 15 story building.

Congratulations! Physical Fitness is now Level 6.

Congratulations! Falling Resistance is now Level 3.

Congratulations! Jumping is now Lvl 4.

Congratulations! You have learned the passive skill Swimming Lvl 1!


15 minutes later.

"....Have you ever heard about Archimedes?" Said Saiko as she walked into the sewer, finding Fuk Drunk the red liquid and slowly increasing his health while closing the cut wound from across of his body and the broken ribs. Though, it couldn't repair his right arm that was twisted in a weird position.

In theory, repeatedly exploiting Soul Tap and High Heal was far more efficient than drinking the potions, but the mental pain and physical pain from the sudden blood loss of the Soul Tap was unbearable to use without someone taking care of his condition.

"Grh... The one that screamed Eureka while running naked? Right?" Said Fuk, groaning and panting.

"....Why are you remembering about the useless fact, *sigh* whatever... so what should I do?"

Weakly Fuk pointed at his right arm. "...Twist it back while I'm using High Heal." He said... without any trace of confident in his tone. "....And if I am passed out, slap me back or pour the potion into my mouth."

"....Or just take you to the hospital." She said, holding her forehead while letting a big sigh came from her mouth.

"....Yep, that's an alternative."

Saiko rolled her eyes and half-heartedly walked to him. When her slender fingers making the contact with Fuk's right arm an excruciating stinging pain was unbearable. "...On three okay?" She said then circled her hand and trying to find the right position.

As Fuk nodded, taking a deep breath as he embracing himself while remembering the pain he must go through when he repaired the bone on his foot a few minutes ago.



Fuk was in so much pain his complexion turned to ash. His natural golden skin had sunken in tone to something so lifeless enough to make it into his Halloween costume. His eyes closed and he bit his lips, hard enough to make it bleed. "....Gah....You....What happens to the one and two?!" Said Fuk, Panting as he cast High Heal to repair the bone.

"...It'll be a big bother if your muscle tensed. Anyway, should we cancel tonight plan?"

"...Eh...It's not... my call." He said while trying to catch his breath. "...Just ask Ellisar." Said Fuk with his eyes half-closed.

"...Don't you dare fall asleep, I'm not going to lend you my shoulder." Said Saiko... even though Fuk didn't ask for that.

".........You must be very popular with the man right?" That was Fuk's last words before he fell asleep in the sewer.

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