《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 22


Thalan Jungle.

The seething mass of humanity dressed in whitish iron armour, jostled, shouting, baying for something about order and justice. Fuk knew they were a trouble not by sight or smell, or through personal conversation. It was clear enough for him to realize they only saw everyone as pixels on a screen, their eyes clearly told that they were the one that should stand above everyone, the one that should be responsible for everyone action and safety.

"And thus, anyone that tried to use this power to oppress normal human shall be hunted and judged. For anyone that tried to hide or protect those people, they shall be treated as a criminal."

For someone to talk about order while being surrounded by the crowds armed with clubs, sticks, a few flourished swords or other deadly weapons, they sure had a big gut. Fuk thought as he was watching them, playing with Walnut while waiting for his friends.

While wondering why no one was throwing a stone, curiously Fuk used Analyze on the spokesperson.

Health: 814/7.22

Mana: 107/0.54

Stamina: 333/3.14

...Strong, Fuk thought when he saw his health but after giving it some thought, he couldn't be so sure with just those three as the parameter. Then he analyzed the other members most of them had 800 points in total for their Health, Mana and Stamina.

Congratulations! Analyze is now level 4.

Immediately after it leveled up, from the massive crowds came strict looking man, Soldier, followed by the 'elves' couple and Cloud.

Frowned, Fuk walked to the Cloud, pinched his ear and pulling him up. "Stop spamming me with your test question."

Cloud's hands and legs were wriggling like a worm in the hot days "Ouch, ouch, ouch yes! yes! I get it! geez, I thought you are a cool person."

"What happened?" Soldier stepped forward and asked Fuk.

"This brat thought he could cheat on his test by sending the question to me." Angrily, Fuk pulled Cloud's ear with more strength, but he just continued to say sorry without a single slight of regret showed on his face. 'Teenager...' Fuk thought.


"No, what happened with the crowd?" He asked while shifting his gaze, strictly looking at Cloud.

"Eh, dunno, some kind of campaign and election maybe." Fuk replied, letting Cloud away while shifting his gaze to the crowd. 'And here I think I can have a peaceful night on this dungeon.' Fuk thought.

"By the way, what's the matter? Isn't you already reached the third safe room?" Asked Ellisar, seemingly confused why Fuk was asking them to gather on the starting zone.

"Eh, I'm meeting with a friend, ah speak of the devil."

Ponytailed, black gi with a slightly golden accent and golden coloured belt, spiked red cestus covered her arms along with the same coloured iron boots. Saiko walked forward and nodded at the others when she arrived.

"Dang... you know, I still believe you are a spellcaster in disguise." Said Fuk.

Sighing, "...I'm leaving." Saiko replied, turning her back and readied to walk away.

Casually, Fuk grabbed her clothes. "Geez, I'm joking. By the way, the 'elves' are Ellisar and Eilayr, the brat is Cloud and the soldier looking man is Soldier."

"....Nickname?" Said Saiko, giving them a weird look.

"Yep, as far as I know, everyone is using a nickname. By the way, this man is Wukong and you'll be ... let's see... dear, what should we named her?" Said Ellisar. Rubbing his chin, seemingly having a hard time to decide Saiko's nickname.


As Eilayr was gazing at her face, touching Saiko's skin and hair. "Black hair, soft white skin, quiet girl... alright! Your name is Snow... no Yuki!!" Answered Eilayr.


Then, one particular brat, seemingly nervous, walked as he experienced an earthquake, bowed, offering a handshake and shouted. "Ni..ni..ni..nice to meet you!!! My name is Amar Vad!! No! I mean Cloud!! Bloodtype B! Hobby video game! Nice to meet you!! Wait! I already said that! My goat name is Behemoth! and I'm single!!!"

Saiko response was... devastating without saying any word she walked passed Cloud, ignoring his handshake as Cloud was violently shaking, with Behemoth rubbing his head on Cloud's arms.


"Soldier." Said Soldier as he introduced himself and continued. "If you're living in America and need protection service, feel free to contact me."

Though, while they were introducing themselves, one particular shout was enough to attract everyone attention and somehow disturbing the white armoured man speech. "For the example, do you guys want it? People shouting as loudly as they can, making sound pollution without anyone trying to stop them?"

"Yep, that's our signal. Alright Yuki, just accept my invitation and let's go straight to the jungle!!" Said Ellisar.

Less than two hours they already reached the third safe room, in the process Fuk gained a few things, the first one was running reached lvl 7 and Wided-Eye Lvl 5. Next both of Protect and Shell reached Lvl 3 along with Steal reached Lvl 4. Then with several new items such as Earing of Energy, increasing the holder mana regeneration by 50%, Wooden Club, Wooden Shield, Thorn Whip, several Lesser Potions ranked from level 1-5 and some other junk such as monster ingredients.

Laying on the floor and resting his head on Eilayr thigh. "Geez! Where the hell is this dungeon boss!" Said Ellisar. "Even though we already circled our way we still do not find a single clue about that mushroom."

Nodding in silence, Fuk was protesting about the same thing. As he was preparing the drinks for the other, watching the water poured down, something crossed his mind.

This mushroom always peeping whenever me and my friend are taking a bath

Immediately he wanted to speak his mind, but he stopped. He continued to think the right word, however, in the process, Fuk must be letting his thought leaked out as now, unknowingly he was staring at Saiko.

"....Stop it." Said Saiko, slightly moved away while glaring at him.

"Eh...sorry...it's just...how should I put it... rather than searching for the boss wouldn't it be better if we use a bait?" Said Fuk, hoping that the others would understand the meaning of his question.

"No." Not a second had passed and Saiko already answered. From her reaction, Fuk could tell that she instantly understood the way to attract the peeping mushroom but decided to keep it as a secret.

But at the same time, the others were interested in his question. Now the real challenge was how he should put it in the right way, though... thanks to one teenager.

"Ah!!!!! I get it!!! So the ladies should take a bath in the pond right?!" Said Cloud, now with his eyes clearly stared at Saiko's breast and waist.

Maybe she already had enough, without saying anything she stood and tried to poke at Cloud's eyes, either that was serious or she just wanted to give him a lesson, being the fastest on their party Fuk managed to grab her arm. And somehow he wasn't surprised when he was having a hard time to hold her arm. "Urgh...C'mon... He is still a teenager. Puberty, remember? puberty...it's normal...maybe." Fuk said, trying to calm her down while both of their hands were trembling.

At least thanks to the horny teenager Fuk didn't need to say it. No matter what it just sounded so wrong to order your acquaintance fiancee/wife to get naked and take a bath.


Would Fuk able to convince them?

Would he see every nook and cranny of her body?

Find out next time on I Get A System but I'm Still on Earth.

To be continued



"Like hell!!! C'mon you two!! There's a pond laying over there!! C'mon, it's for baiting the boss!!!" Said Cloud.

Though... hearing his words, somehow by an 'accident' Fuk was letting Saiko's arm, delivering a clean jab right to his face, enough to make him flew a few meters away. And... amongst his painful scream Cloud somehow smile, even though the three spellcasters were repeatedly using Heal and High Heal to repair his teeth and his nose.

Congratulations! High Heal is now level 2.

"FYI Cloud, the monster can't spawn or enter the safe room." Said Ellisar.

"Remember, you reap what you sow." Said Eilayr.

"...And Sai...Yuki please hold back."

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