《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 20


By the time Fuk awoke, a row of notifications coming straight at him.

Congratulations! Rest is now level 8.

Congratulations! Sleeping is now level 6.

Congratulations! Sleep Resistance is now level 4.

Alert! You have received an ailment "Flu." -10% at physical attributes (Health and Stamina will be unaffected.)

Congratulations! You have learned the passive skill "Disease Resistance" Lvl 1!

"....I'm going to call you Navi from now on."

Sitting up, Fuk looked around to search for a tissue. Though rather than a tissue, he found something that far more disturbing.

Congratulations! Due to being the first candidate to name our system. You have earned +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reaction. The "Namer" class is unlocked to you!

Congratulations! The "Namer" Class is available to you!

Alert! Notifications to all candidate. Due to the order of 'Namer' class owner, the official name for our system is now Navi!

"....Yes?" Holding his painful head, Fuk blinked for several times, hoping that it was a very bad joke, then he came to a sudden realization that it wasn't.

"Wait!! I'm joking! System! I mean Navi! change it back!" Fuk's shoulders shuddered, he just couldn't bear the thought of the System that controlled the way his body worked named after an annoying reminder from the game he played when he was a little kid.

Alert! Notifications to all candidate. Due to the order of 'Namer' class owner, the official name for Navi is now System!

Fuk rubbed his head as his headache became more unbearable and regretted the prank that he did last night. Sighing, he sat back and opened the class screen.


Cp left: 34

Cleric 3/30

Magician 0/30

Namer 0/1 (Unlocked, Pre-requirement 99 Points spend in CP.)

1 minute later

Cleric 30/30

Magician 3/30

Namer 1/1

Congratulations! You have gained the Cleric Class! +6 to Wisdom, +3 to Constitution, +4 mana per level, + 2 health per level!

You have learned Cleric Class active skills, Recovery Lvl 1, High Heal, Mass Heal Lvl 1, Protect Lvl 1, Shell Lvl 1, Holy Spear Lvl 1!

You have learned Cleric Class passive skills Healing Mastery Lvl 1 and Meditation Lvl 1!

Congratulations! You have received a reward: Silver Mace and Clergy Cloak.

Congratulations! The "Bishop" Class is available to you!

Congratulations! The "Druid" Class is available to you!

Congratulations! You have gained the Namer Class! +1 Renown.

You have learned Namer Class active skills Name Lvl 1, and Power/Shadow Word Lvl 1.

Congratulations! You have received a reward: Mask of no one.


"...Recovery." Fuk spoke, it took a little less than 1 minute for his Flu to completely gone. Feeling somewhat better, Fuk preparing the breakfast for him and Walnut.

Carefully opening the fridge, Fuk didn't see anything in it, it had been a while since he resupplied his stock, shrugging his shoulder, Fuk took the wolf bread from Eilayr, as Walnut half-heartedly eating the cat food.

About 20 minutes later Fuk finishing his breakfast and went to his workplace. By the time he reached the entrance his Walking Skill increased to Lvl 7. After sitting in his office, gulping the water and feeling better, he went to the kitchen to help with some preparation.

And unlike yesterday and the day before, there were several people ordering some breakfast from the cafeteria, from their messy hair and bagged eye, it wasn't that hard to realize that those people had been working overnight.

Without nothing else happening, Fuk left all the preparation to Dequinn and once again, resting on his office, while leisurely taking his time to allocate the Ap and learn about his new skills.

Ho Lee Fuk

Level: 3

Class: Namer (+10 to Willpower and Presence), Exploiter (+ 10 to perception and precision)

Renown: 6

Health/r per minute: 206/1.73

Mana/r per minute: 245/1.03

Stamina/r per second: 211/1.70

Capacity: 91

Slot: 30

Strength: 27

Constitution: 29

Endurance: 25

Durability: 28

Agility: 34

Dexterity: 29

Reaction: 29

Precision: 26 + 10 = 36

Intelligence: 25

Wisdom: 33

Focus: 26

Resistance: 34

Presence: 26 + 10 = 36

Perception: 28 + 10 = 38

Control: 26 + 10 = 36

Willpower: 25

Cleric Class equipped bonus: +25% to Holy Resistance, +50% Healing skills, -25% to Dark Resistance.

Weapon: Bone staff, Quarterstaff, Great Axe+2, Bronze Meteor Hammer, Claw Gauntlet+1, Silver Mace. Longbow +1

Armor: Black Gloves, Novice Robe and Novice hat, Cotton robe.

Accessory: Ring of Regeneration, Monocle of Truth, Mask of no one.

Others: Mobile charger, several books, 3 bottles of water, ice cream, 18 arrows, 12 Radishu legs, 10 Lesser Health Potion Lvl 1, 3 Lesser Mana Potion Lvl 1, 8 Radishu body, 2 Onionspring sprout, 1 Jack-o seed, three sets of clothes, pair of sneaker, a bowl of green pea soup, a bowl of rice noodle, a plate of hummus, a plate of fish and chips, 3 tomatoes, four apples, Pizza (Taken from the party), four beers, a deck of trump card, portable game console, underwear, socks.


Slow Lvl 2: Clock like diagram appeared around the target and debuff them, cast time: 2 seconds, chance to hit: 50% + 5%xSkill level + Presence% - Wil%. Duration: 60 seconds. Slow rate: 25% of target Agility and Dex. Mana: 35


Confusion Lvl 1: Spinning like diagram appeared at the top of the target head and curses them. cast time: 2 seconds, chance to hit: 50% + 5%xSkill level + Presence% -Foc%. Duration: 10 seconds. Confused target will use their skill in random. Mana: 40

Blind Lvl 1: Black fog appeared around the target head and curses them. Cast time: 2 seconds. chance to hit: 65%+ 5%xSkill level + Presence% - Precision %. Duration: 20 seconds. Blinding the target. Mana: 40

Poison Lvl 1: Shot a green poisonous ball that will infiltrate the target skin. Damage: Equal to Int. Chance to poison: 50%+ 5%xSkill level + Presence% - Con%. Duration: Presence x second, Poison damage: Presence for every two second. Mana : 30.

Dark Blast Lvl 2: 10 feet x skill level cone purple blast, damage type: Dark, Cast time: Instatenous, Damage: 20 x Skill level + Int. Mana: 45.

Dark Shield Lvl 1: Create an invisible shield made from Mana, Effective only against dark attack. Tresshold: 50 + 10xSkill level + Resistance. Mana: 50.

Summon: skeleton Lvl 1: Summon Lvl 1 skeleton. Mana: 10.

Soul Tap Lvl 4: Change your health into Mana, transfer ration: 1 Health equal to 0.8 Mana.


Recovery Lvl 1: Recover any non-magical disease, higher level increasing the recovery rate. Mana: 50.

High Heal Lvl 1: Heal a living creature. Amount: Skill level x Wis. Mana: 20xSkill level.

Mass Heal Lvl 1: Heal a living creature in the 15 feet circle around the caster. Amount: Wis + (2 x skill level). Mana: 10 + (3 x Skill level.)

Protect Lvl 1: Increase target Durability by 5 x skill level. Duration: 5 minutes. Mana: 30.

Shell Lvl 1: Increase target Resistance by 5 x skill level. Duration: 5 minutes. Mana: 30.

Holy Spear Lvl 1: Launch a magical spear in a straight line. Damage: 10 x Skill level + INT + WIS. Mana: 65.

Healing Mastery Lvl 1: Increasing healing amount by 10%

Meditation Lvl 1: When Resting, increase Mana regeneration amount by 50%


Name Lvl 1: give a name up to Skill level to any object, it gains the ability to speak in the caster language and can move if the object has the ability to move. Cost: none

Power/Shadow Word Lvl 1: Concentrate and name 1 skill, if its power word the said skill level increased by one on the next one minute, if it is shadow word the said skill level decreased by one. Mana: 25.

Knock Knock

As someone was knocking the door, with Fast Handed lvl 2 and Fast Movement lvl 4, it didn't take long for Fuk to sit back in a polite manner as he was continuing his daily job.

"Hoo~ Good, good, already working even though it was still morning."

"Oh, good morning boss." Said Fuk, trying to keep his Poker Face while answering toward his manager. "Is something wrong?" He continued.

"Nay, it's just Mr. Dominique from the research team is planning to create a bbq party. Why don't you go to Mr. Dominique and offering our service to him?"

...Do we get paid? And how the hell is that our job? That... was what Fuk would say if he already bored with his job. "Gotcha boss, Mr Dominique eh? from what division? any special characteristic?" Said Fuk.

But the manager only answered him "Just ask someone from that team."


Asking someone from that team my ass, Grumbling in his head, Now Fuk was walking among a soft clattering of machinery. He came to a glass panel set in the wall and looked through it, searching for someone with a name tag Dominique inside of those dimly lit rooms with nothing but the machines met his gazes.

Though as he strolled around the labyrinth-like room, he saw a woman sat in front of a bizarre, complicated machine that seemed to be sorting hundreds of test tubes, rotating them, counting them, labelling them, and finally delivering them into her hands.

As the woman shaking another tube, slowly waiting for the colour to change from the transparent liquid into a bright purple. Fuk saw her raising her head and found Saiko, full of concentration putting a milligram of something into another tube.

And in the same room as her, a quirky looking middle-aged man with a thick rounded glasses was watching his subordinate. He noticed someone that wasn't wear something white and raised from his seat.

....That's Mr. Dominique?! Said Fuk in his mind as he watched him slowly walking to his direction.

"Whaddya want?!" Unlike his small and thin appearance, the thunderous voice that came straight from his mouth was enough to make everyone looking at their direction, all except the people on his team.

As for Fuk, trying not to twitch his eyes introduced himself and explaining the whole situation.

"So yar the helper?! Good!! Now go prepare everything and make sure to make something great!!!"

.......Somehow I have a feeling that I won't get a single cent from this activity.

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