《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 19


Fuk's Apartment.

Doing laundry hadn't been so much easier for Fuk, just hung his wet shirt, used Clean and poof, not only his shirt dried out, it almost looked like the professional laundromat was the one that cleaned his shirt, no wrinkle, no smell, saving on detergent and water bill. "...I love this skill." He muttered.

On his leg, Walnut was rubbing her head, asking Fuk to play with her, though this time Fuk just putting her inside of his robe, accessed the dungeon menu and disappeared.

Thalan Jungle.

The towering trees slanting over the land. The sun passed through any miniature hole it can reach and illuminated the green background. Most of the tree was something he never saw before, and from the inside of his jacket, Walnut popped her head, curiously looking at the sea of trees that suddenly surrounded her. "Meow?!" she raised her voice in confusion.

Unlike the graveyard, there were many people wandering around at this jungle, food and weapon vendors lined up at Fuk's side, some were walking past the gate, some were farming and gathering fruits, and some were gathering a party, preparing themselves to enter the gate.

And once again, unlike the graveyard gate, rather than dull iron fences, the gate on Thalan jungle was a row of natural thorns, covered in colourful flowers and vines.

"Damn... no wonder everyone goes to this dungeon." He said, feeling like he was on a picnic. It didn't take long for him to put Walnut on the ground, letting her walked right at him.

If he must say, the dungeon itself was exactly the same as the country town where everyone doing live-action role-playing, small inn, pubs and tavern, exotic foods, and in the middle there was a plaza, complete with a small pond and unfinished building, near the building there was a wooden board, filled with papers asking for anything.

From the party recruitment, monster ingredients, money conversion, an advertisement for their business, even there was a paper searching for the rare NES game.

Then another message came from Ellisar, asking Fuk about his whereabouts, he told Ellisar that he was waiting near the bulletin board, wore the same grey robe, with a cat walking right next to him.

It didn't take long for the 'elves' couple with a teenage boy to shout Wukong, his nickname from the distance while waving their hands, slightly twitching his eyes, Fuk walked while trying to hide his face, if Cloud was the only one that did that he could understand but he couldn't believe that two adults, seemingly older than him shouting without hesitation, like at all in a public.


At the time both of Fuk and Walnut reaching their place, Ellisar with his big grin gave Fuk a big hug without any real reason, and Cloud was trying to pet Walnut. "Ah, careful, she isn't good with stra.... never mind."

The skinny teen was naturally patting Walnut's head and said "Khukhukhu, FYI my Animal Handling skill is level 12." Said Cloud. "By the way, as long as your Animal Handling is level three, it seems it will be fine to touch a stray animal." Cloud... somehow explaining that kind of thing without no one asking.

"...I see." so the limit isn't 10 huh. Fuk thought, as he trying to push Ellisar away. "By the way, where are Mama and Soldier?" Asked Fuk, slightly walked toward Behemoth and calmly patting his head.

Congratulations! Animal Handling is now level 5.

"They're busy, Mama child is coming to visit her as for Soldier he has night duty." Said Ellisar. "By the way dear, show Wukong that thing." He continued as he pushed Eilayr.

Eilayr, slightly hesitant and took two things out of her Inventory, the first one was a triangle bread, covered in thin leaves. The second one was a bread that had wolf shape, looked exactly the same as the bread that was shown on the TV show he just watched.

"OH! I know this bread!" Fuk shouted in excitement, somewhat couldn't believe that somebody already replicated the bread... unless they had an insane level on their Cook skill.

"So Wukong, why don't you try those?" Asked Eilayr. With Ellisar making a big grin behind her back.

"Eh, I just touch a goat." Fuk answered.

"Bro, Behemoth is clean. I use Clean on him twice a day." Said Cloud.

Right... I forget about that. Fuk thought as he was using Clean to clean the goaty smell that was lingering on his hand.

The first bread that he took was the leaf covered bread, golden brown on the outside and had cream on the inside, it sweet, but not too sweet, the texture was crisp, almost felt like he ate a wafer and it had a unique aroma. "...oh... I remember. This is pandan leaf right?" Fuk said.

Simultaneously with his words, Eilayr's mouth changed to a smile. "Finally someone says something except 'Tasty' and 'Delicious' so? how does it taste?" She said, slightly looking to Ellisar and Cloud.

"Eh, the taste is good, maybe if you can make the colour slightly less brown, and make it a little bit thinner." Said Fuk, finishing her bread and taking the wolf-shaped bread.


It was crunchy, rather than a bread Fuk could say that this was more looked like a cookie that he ate in every Chinese new year. It had a slight orange flavour and aroma but "...Sorry, my taste bud still messy. Let me taste it again, Clean."

But the strong pandan aroma still lingered both on his mouth and his nose, completely making him unable to judge the bread. "...It's not too bad maybe. Can I have the rest? Will give you the review after I eat that for breakfast."

"Sure, sure, and, what do you think? can I sell those?" Said Eilayr.

"...Are you trying to do a free consultation?!" After he finished his words, it was proven as his Bargaining Skill raised to a level 2.

"Oh my? Am I? I wonder hohoho." Said Eilayr.

Sighing, it wasn't like he didn't want to help them but he already experienced when he gave people a free consultation, they would keep asking more from him. "...Just this once, I need to feed my stomach too."

While Fuk was explaining everything, the ingredient price, the promotion, the profit target et cetera both of Ellisar and Cloud was gone; looking from some profitable 'request'. By the time Fuk was done, they already got back and as Fuk walked toward the gate.

Another human-like figure appeared, but rather than a hunched shady figure, this one had womanly body shape, its body was made from the branch and its hair was made from the leaves. "Heya~ New Candidate?! Can you help me doing some favour?! can you? Of course, you can! In the middle of this jungle, there's this weird looking mushroom! Can you defeat it for me?! Can you? this mushroom always peeping whenever me and my friend are taking a bath! And don't worry, don't worry! There's a reward if you can defeat this mushroom! Oh by the way! Fire is forbidden in the jungle!"

....Fuk was somehow surprised by the differences in attitude from the quest givers. And this time he even didn't reply her and the plant like lady already provided him with the quest.


"Eh, is the quest repeatable?" He asked at the trio.

"Nope~ It's one time only, and the condition in every dungeon is different, though, until this day, no one has found the said mushroom."

"Eh... I see."

Once they were entering the jungle, Ellisar explaining everything at Fuk, there was a party that gathered information about the minimum value to level up, each monster value, and et cetera.

For the comparison, from Level 1 to level 2 they needed 300 'exp' or equal to 300 zombies or 300 Radishu. 600 exp was needed to raise someone level to level 3 and 1000 exp to level 4.

As Fuk was catching up with all of the information, something about the restriction didn't apply in the safe zone or to the monster and et cetera. Their party single-handedly killed the radishes with a pair of foot and arms, Radishu. Flying pumpkins that could spew fire, Jack-o. Onions that used its sprout as a whip with vine spring as its tools of movement, Onionspring.

All of this happened while Walnut was opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out of Fuk's robe as her face was hammered against the wind.

Two hours later, the blackthorn staff broke and disappeared. "Ah, crap." Said Fuk. Though, both Ellisar and Eilayr somehow already knew that would happen when they watched the supposed spellcaster using brute strength and swinging the staff to beat the monster.

Not long after Fuk's staff broke they reached their third safe room. A tree with a hole that somehow was far bigger than the tree's volume, with a homemade pond located right at the middle.

Already tired and needed to wake up early, Fuk was the second one that went back after Cloud.

All in all, with the pleased face Walnut immediately went back to her bed while Fuk was making the notes about the list of skills that he got today.

Throw Anything Lvl 1 > Lvl 2

Strong Arm Lvl 3 > Lvl 4

Nimble Brawn Lvl 4 > Lvl 5

Intimidation Lvl 2 > Lvl 3

Athletic Lvl 4 > Lvl 5

Calculation Lvl 1 > Lvl 2

Increase Aggro Meter Lvl 3 > Lvl 4

Fast Handed Lvl 1 > Lvl 2

Staff Weapon Mastery Lvl 2 > Lvl 4

Pole Weapon Mastery Lvl 2 > Lvl 4

Energy Bolt Lvl 5 > Lvl 6

Merciless Blow Lvl 3 > Lvl 4

Swift Step Lvl 4 > Lvl 5

Steal Lvl 2 > Lvl 3

Item Identification Lvl 4 > Lvl 5

Jack Style Lvl 1 > Lvl 2

Soul Tap Lvl 1 > Lvl 4

Dark Blast Lvl 1 > Lvl 2

Slow Lvl 1 > Lvl 2

Cp gained: 24.

Total Cp: 34.

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