《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 18


Rain fell like it meant to wash them, the gusting wind carrying those crazy chaotic drops in wild waterspouts one moment and in diagonal sheets the next. It sounded like the heavens were knocking on Junior's truck door, roof and window. By the time Methany opened the door, it poured down on Fuk, not as cold as it would be by the time November came, but it was cold enough to make him learned Cold Resistance Lvl 1.

"Thanks for the ride!" Methany shouted. As she carried the soundly sleep Saiko on her shoulder, rain washed their faces and Fuk could only think how the hell Saiko still sleeping when they were penetrating through the rain and ran back to their house.

"A..amazing... to perfectly sleep even though the rain is this intense." Said Lil Ty, in the moment of silence the other two nodded at his words.

As Junior's foot pressed against the pedal, softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as they drove onwards, while Fuk was watching the droplets race down to the windows, Junior silently observed the road, and Lil Ty.

"But still... Even Fuk is working right now, and we didn't even go to somewhere this summer." He said as he searched the music to be played.

"...Isn't it normal for me to be working? then again you should gather your shit and start looking for a real job." Fuk replied. "By the way, how is me working and we didn't go anywhere is related?"

"It's not, I just confide my thought. Oh, this one looks interesting."

As the song playing in the background, the street that usually still thronged with commuters around this hour was stood as empty as any dessert. The silence was pressed on them and all they could hear was hissing tires on the blackened night, as the rain made more the atmosphere became more tedious.

"Then!! why don't we go visit my cabin?" Said Junior.

"...which one? your father? your mother? or your sister?" Fuk replied, counting with his finger as he listed every cabin that Junior's family owned.

"No, no, no this one is mine, I bought it by my own money, and maan, you should've seen the cabin, it's located right in the middle of the wood and I get a bear rug and antler head as a bonus."


"Th..that's sound so wrong." Lil Ty replied as he browsed another music to be played with.

"And then Methany will be the first to die, followed by Lil Ty and the last one is me while you're going to survive with some random woman. Dude, I've been watching too many slasher flicks to know where this will go." Said Fuk.

"Man, I'm just joking. It is located near the lake, and there are several other cabins surrounding the lake. How bout it? interested?"

"Eh, dunno. I just started working, can't promise you about that." Said Fuk.

"By the way... why are we heading toward this direction?" Lil Ty spoke, with a slightly pale look on his face.

Their route was the same one up until Junior making a right turn and driving away from the commuters are, the sky was a mass of grey cloud, enough to cover the darkness at the sky, the wind was just as bitter as the atmosphere.

It didn't take long for them to see a bridge, a red bridge with the exact brilliant cherry scarlet colour, no scratches or chipped part, the bridge was free of litter, the surrounding fences were unvandalized perfection. There were no trees nor a single leaf, the street-lamps were the same canary yellow as the rain-slickers and the taxis.

"O..oi, where are we heading?" Asked Lil Ty.

"My secret route, moreover it is faster to go this way and I don't need to circle around." Said Junior. "Speaking of which, have you heard about this bridge story?"

Raising his lips, Fuk changed his sitting position and sticking his head between Junior and Lil Ty. "The rabbit man right?"

"Fuk! What the hell bro? stop jinxing us!!"

"Oh? what's that? I heard something like the crying lady or the ghost car, care to explain?" Asked Junior.

"Eh... nothing special, it's just a story that I heard from my friend cousin back in the college, the cousin claimed that he heard from his engineer friend that she and two other people were driving past this bridge in the middle of the rain, just like this night, if I remember it right, their car suddenly break by the time they reached the bridge, and as she and her friend repairing the car, while the last friend was sitting in the inside. While she and her other friend was fixing the car, trying to find the problem she dropped her wrench, and that was everything when wrong, woa--"


Fuk stopped his story as the car suddenly broke down, the eerie song suddenly stopped along with them stranded right in the middle of the bridge.

"...Crap." Said Junior, as he turned the power on for so many times, resulted with nothing but the sound of the dying engine. "...Lil Ty, go to the outside and get some jack on the back."

"No, nope, nay, never, nuuh I ain't gonna get to the outside." Said Lil Ty, fastening his seat belt and shaking his head vigorously.

"...Mann, you're the mechanic. Whatever, Fuk helps me repair my baby."

"Ah by the way, wanna hear the continuation? he said by the time the woman raised her head, she found a half rabbit, half man, already sitting on the driver seat, grinning at her as the rabbit man fury foot pressing the pedal, launching the car straight to the rive-" Fuk whispered right at Lil Ty's ear but got stopped as Lil Ty suddenly unfasted his seat belt and spoke.

"So, what should I do? taking the jack right? you got it." Said Lil Ty.

The rain hammered down onto their face, tickling their hair as it was falling to their eyes, all in all Lil Ty was checking the machine condition. "...Nothing wrong in here, how's the battery?" He muttered as he checked the bottom of Junior's truck.

Though... his voice was lost against the riot from the rain. "Oi! How's the battery?!" He shouted, turned his head to the right and found a pair of feet, a brown fingerless pair of white-furred feet.

Rubbing his eyes, looked to the front and found both of Fuk's black shoes and Junior's yellow sneakers, still in the front, checking the car battery as they were murmuring about something.

A cold sweat fell from his forehead, once again, closing his eyes and praying for a little bit, slowly Lil Ty opened his eyes and directed his head to the right side.


A human-sized white, red-eyed rabbit was looking at him. Smiling, with the screwed up full of stitches face.

"#*[email protected]*"

His scream was the kind of high pitched cry that belongs to the female opera singer, A scream of one in mortal terror, rooted to the spot, and his unblinking eyes popped like a doll.

"Gahaha! we know that you're afraid of a ghost but I can't believe you'll scream like that." Said the rabbit, with a somewhat familiar voice.

"T..t...t..t..that v..v.v...voice." Still stuttering. "Junior!! You son ov a bitch." Lil Ty shouted, raising his head and slammed against the iron pipe.

As he went out, rubbing his head, he found Fuk smiling with a big grin, bringing a pair of artificial feet on his hands, "...Amazing, the scream alone is enough to make a viral vine." Fuk spoke.

"Huh?! You think this is funny?! I almost peed myself you little fukers!"

"Don't blame me... Junior's idea, by the way, you kept saying you need a content for your videos right, there you go, your content." Fuk pointed to the Junior as he removing the rabbit head, showing that it was full of hidden camera and et cetera.

"What? It's your own fault to buy Fuk's crap, speaking of which, I'm far more impressed that you aren't not recognizing this bridge." Said Junior, pointing at the bridge sign, showing Lil Ty that it was a recently built bridge that connected Fuk's block to another block.

Through all of this little act, Fuk gained Skill Growth Lvl 2, Deception Lvl 3 and Dark Vision Lvl 4.

Alongside with this, he got message notification from Ellisar.

Hey, let's go to the dungeon!

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