《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 17


Congratulations! Walking is now level 6.

The bar curved into the room, dark in the barely lit room. Through the windows, the diamonds of lead panes trickled the sallow light of street-lamps. The smell always changed over the time. First, it was of cigarette smoke only, then a whiff of unpleasant and repulsive body odour and now it was stale beer.

As Fuk wiped the sweat from his forehead, he greeted his friends with a smug smile, couldn't wait to show his friends their working attire, they were gathered around in the brightest spot below the cracked, broken ceiling. But unlike him, one of his friends Lil Ty looked weathered, as if he had worn by years of hard work or more likely worn by days of searching for work.

"Look at what we got here, damn dude, you look like a different person, give me back the Fuk that I know!" Said Junior, standing up and circling his arm around Fuk, whilst scanning at his light blue shirt and grey tie. "You know, a yellow or golden tie should suit better than the grey tie."

"Shut up.. this is the only tie that I have." Fuk replied as he took the seat. And from his back, a woman with a black polka dot shirt and black flare pants followed him to take a seat.

"My~ My~ are you two going out?" Methany said, furiously shaking her head between Fuk and Saiko. "See~ Told you that you two make a great couple~" She continued with mischief smile.

"...Stop blurting non-sense, we're just working in the same company." By the time Fuk said this, the beat down Lil Ty reacted with a grin on his lips.

"Good boy, good boy, now that you already have a job, don't you dare to get a girlfriend before me." He spoke after he raised his head from the table.


It didn't take long for the curly old barmaid delivered a pint of beer for the smiling young man, "Thanks, Nana." Fuk said before he let out a vociferous sound as he gulped down a huge glass of beer in which spilling out from the corner of his mouth and trickled down to his neck.

And Nana just snarlingly stared at Saiko, waiting for her to tell her order. "...Milk please." Said Saiko.

Hearing her order, the five people immediately opened their eyes as wide as they could, like they were listening to the news about the apocalypse. "...I don't drink."

"We ain't giving ya that shit, let's just give ya a root beer." Said Nana, immediately leaving them and pouring the root beer onto the glass.

"...Wait." Trying to stop the old lady, her voice got sunk among the sea of conversation that dominated the bar.

"Just give it up but spoiler alert the root beer here taste like shit!" Said Junior.

"Yep, taste like a rotten flea, not like I ever taste one though." Fuk continued, giving another useless information to Saiko.

Sighing, as the black carbonated liquid with thick foamy heads at the top of the glass arrived, Saiko only leaned on the chair, her black hair lying over her shoulder of her black polka dot shirt, she rested her head to one side, pushing the glass away from her face.

"Saiko~ those two are joking, just drink it, it's one of Nana's specialities." Said Methany, shoving the glass back to her. "By the way~ Where have you been? I didn't see you like at all yesterday."

"...Night shift."

"We have a night shift?!" Fuk replied, surprised knowing the fact that they had a night shift. "No wonder you look like shit but...dang...isn't this your second day? by the way should I prepare some night snack? what do you think, eh?"


"...Why are you asking me?"

"Well... you are the one that experienced the night shift, so? what do you thi-"

But as those two were talking about their job, Lil Ty closing his ears and only making sound ike that one cartoon when the character found a magical conch shell. "lolololol, stop talking about your job. lololol"

"Geez dude, give us some slack, you'll know the feeling when you are started to work." Fuk said, with an insulting tone.

"This is like what? your second day?! aren't you become to mouthful?" Lil Ty replied, using his big hand to scramble Fuk's hair.

Though, they dropped the subject and as they continued their conversation, with one person boredly looking at them. Nana turned on the TV, and like the ducks following their mother, the rest of the bar went silent and turned their attention to the television.

The hefty biker type that had very artistic, brightly coloured tattoos on his muscular arms, the group of teenagers that had different kind of hair colour, the strict looking middle-aged man and his wife came just right on time, and along with everyone else patiently looking to the small TV and soon enough an epic song was being played, as the sign that a TV show where every likeable character dead was starting.

Fuk's group immediately moving their position, searching for the better position to see the Tv, while they watched the show, some were whacking their mouths, some were only made "Oooh" sound like a broken record, some were clenching their fist tightly, some were seriously watching and one person was watching and yawning.

"....Never watch it eh?" Fuk somehow ended up sitting next to Saiko, tried to make a small talk with her.

"....Yes." Saiko answered, as her eyelid was half opened.

"I see... then wanna hear the synopsis?" Fuk, full of excitement readied to tell her about the synopsis, in fact, he was eager to tell her about the whole story if she asked.

"....Not really." Though the television blared, her head lolled on her shoulder and her eyes were almost closed.

"You know... if you are tired why don't you just go back?"

"...Huh...not your problem..."

Congratulations! Sleep resistance is now level 2.

It didn't take long for her to take her eyes off from the TV as if the effort of watching it was too much, the gasping voice slowing her own breathing and already fell asleep before the next advertisement break.

Though, as the muscle on her face slowly relaxed, a few moments later.

"BOOOOO!!!!" "What the hell?!" "Noo!!!"

The audience cheering instantly waking her up, drowsy and hazy, it didn't take long before she continued her sleep, though this time, her body slowly collapsed toward Fuk's shoulder. And once more the muscle of her face relaxed, releasing the tension of her day, along with transparent liquid that fell from the corner of her mouth.

While Fuk, surprised by this incident and unsure of what he should do. Only trying his best to keep his expression straight.

Congratulations! Poker face is now level 2.

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