《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 15


In the dungeon, Fuk was silently watching the Coffin Corpse, while waiting for the other candidates to arrive, in the waiting time he repeatedly grinding his Analyze until it reached Lvl 3, allowing him to see Coffin Corpse Health, Mana and Stamina.

Coffin Corpse

Health/r: 225/100.

Mana/r: 120/20.

Stamina/r: ∞/0.

"...Infinite stamina eh, that's annoying."

A few minutes later, five candidates walking in his direction. A skinny teenager maybe still in junior high with his goat, a big woman that gave motherly aura with her axe, a strict looking well build man with his hunting rifle, and a man and a woman with their fake pointy ear; that looked like they had just come back from the cosplay event.

Fuk wondered what he would say to those guys, to suddenly talk with them and ordered them to do his plan, the chance they would do that was below zero, but that was what he thought.

"Are you going to kill that Coffin Corpse? Why don't you join my party?" Said the Pointy-eared man, seemingly their party leader.

Fuk smiled and agreed. Although he was going to face the real undead this time, it was oddly relieving to know they were targetting the same enemy, but... looking at the pointy-eared man, Fuk didn't want to assume that he would instantly agree to his plan.

Immediately, the man's lip raised up, it didn't take long for him to ask about Fuk's position, his battle style or did he knew about Coffin Corpse weakness and et cetera.

Knowing they were hitting the rock bottom, Fuk explained his plan, although Fuk himself wasn't 100% sure that his plan would work out. Still, the party already ran out of plans and alternatives, they accepted Fuk's plan without hesitation.


The Coffin Corpse's movement was agile, slower than Fuk but floating really gave it a big advantage. ‘ooOOOooo’, was the noise that appeared while the Coffin Corpse rapidly approached, it gave off eerie feeling along with its elongated nails. It was as if they were in some kind of b-rated ghost movie.


And the big woman, nickname: Mama blocked the Coffin Corpse nails. Even though the big axe she grasped in her hands was able to deflect Coffin Corpse attacks, its real power was the time when it began to phase its body.

Bang! Bang!

Two flashes of light targeted and accurately shot Coffin Corpse's head by the time it appeared on Mama's back, the shooter was the well-built man, nicknamed Soldier. The Coffin Corpse flinched, seemingly whatever the bullet that Soldier used, it was able to deliver the impact to Coffin Corpse.

When the Coffin Corpse flew to him, Soldier lightly jumped. Then he shot Coffin Corpse in rapid succession, though the Coffin Corpse endured Soldier's storm like gun-fire, and the hole on its body slowly closed.

As the Coffin Corpse raising its arm, trying to attack Solder while he was in mid-air.

The skinny teenager, nickname: Cloud, who had set up his rescue operation ordered his goat, nickname: Behemoth to jump and with a hair thickness, Behemoth pushed Soldier's body away with its momentum.

Hitting nothing but the air, without any need to talk both of the pointy-eared man and woman, nickname: Ellisar and Eilayr cast Mystic Stun. Black foggy balls were created and rummaging to the Coffin Corpse with all of their might,

Then as Fuk was sure that the Coffin Corpse completely immobilize. He pointed his staff toward the Coffin Corpse, while the tremendous ball of energy condensed at the tip of his staff, there were cracks and dents on the ground caused by Novice Art Lvl 1.

Twisting the staff and adjusting the angle, after three seconds the condensed ball of energy was released with all of Fuk had.


Such an explosive sound created when the ball made contact with Coffin Corpse's body. The ground below its body was completely destroyed, creating a 5-meter deep hole with 10-meter radius. The whispering sound of wins entered everyone ear and the Coffin Corpse that received direct 249 damage had its body vaporized, as its body was nothing but a drop of water being thrown into the torch.


Congratulations! Novice Art is now level 2.

Congratulations! Level up to level 2! +1 Cp.

Congratulations! Level up to level 3! +2 Cp.

Congratulations! Quest is completed! +1 Renown.

"Congratulations! Marvelous! Marvelous! You guys have returned the peace on this graveyard."

A voice came from behind of Fuk's back. As he turned his head he found the hunched shaddy figure, clapping his hands with a big chest on his side. "O~ great candidates~ this isn't much but please take my offering as the reward~"

Fuk... couldn't help but twitch his eyes when Ellisar replied the hunched figure.

"O~ Thy kind old man~ We with humble accepted thy gift~"

.....O~kay... Fuk thought, then as the other party member received their gift, a staff, wand, robe, and ring for the 'elves', black revolver and dagger for Soldier, a chimney and whip for Cloud, giant axe and plate armor for Mama. As each one of them added Fuk to their friend list, they went back to the safe room after received their reward. And at the very least it was Fuk's turn now.

The first choice was a great axe, unlike Mama big axe this axe had a long handle, kinda reminded Fuk with a pole.

The second choice was a gauntlet with three silverish blades functioned as the claw, kinda reminded Fuk with some comic character.

The last choice was two balls connected with a chain.

"....Fu... I only get the left over." Said Fuk, as his eyes twitching when he looked to the remaining weapon. Still, he couldn't protest as he got three weapons while other only got two.

Sighing, Fuk took all of those weapons, put them into his inventory and went back to the safe room, as he watched the zombies and the skeletons appeared back onto the graveyard

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