《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 14


After collecting the arrows and used Clean to clean the blood and any traces on the rooftop, Fuk went back to his apartment and got sleep resistance Lvl 3 and walking Lvl 5, alongside with those by the time he woke up.

Congratulations! Sleeping is now level 5.

Congratulations! Bivouac is now level 3.

Then, as usual, after he was making egg benedict and bacon and giving Walnut some of the bacon, earning him both Cook Lvl 4 and Animal Handling Lvl 4. He found some really interesting article.

Man Took $10 Million in Cash From Bank and Flew (Literally)

Last night, at 01.23 Am GMT-4, A man -- dressed in a sharp tuxedo suit and white pants -- suddenly appeared at the roof from the local bank, law enforcement official says they don't have any official comment for this incident, but an investigation has been held since the last night.

On the other hand, there are many video record about the chase, on the video the culprit; people calling him Mr Tux. Managed to take the money and flew (Literally) through all the polices barricades and just disappeared (Literally)

Serial Killer Has Been Caught in The Chase. And goes missing.

The serial killer who brutally murdered the last four people on the last fifth day was arrested last night, as he suddenly fell from the sky while the law enforcement was chasing Mr Tux.

QO, 33, Male, Found guilty of those charges as the police that took him up to the local hospital and found a match on his fingerprints with the evidence they have gathered.

The culprit motive is still unknown, but a Specialist says "QO has some mental problem as he thinks himself as the chosen one, the candidate, part of the system and is assigned to use his power to the fullest."

Meanwhile, as to this moment, QO has been gone missing, presumably escaped from the custody.

"Huh..." Knowing what happened to QO, Fuk couldn't help himself but rubbing his chin, rotated every gear on his brain, while wondering both of them was breaking the rule but what made Mr Tux didn't get any penalty? and as he putting another spoon of egg into his mouth, "Ah!" Fuk shouted.


It took quite a long time for him to realize that whoever QO was, his identity had been known, and he directly told the specialist about the system, on the other hand, even though Mr Tux was using his skill in front of everyone, his identity was unknown, no one knew about who was using the skills.

Though... this was only his hypothesis, as Fuk cleaning the plate away he thought another alternative such as QO was escaping to the dungeon and Mr Tux had some special privileges that allowed him to use his skills or he just had many Renowns to spare.

Congratulations! Cleaning is now level 5.

Full of spirit, Fuk took his bike and drove it to his workplace. Earning him Riding Lvl 2 in the process and fifteen minutes later he arrived at his workplace.

The gigantic buildings towered above him as great monoliths of white concrete and glass. The window was so large it reminded Fuk of his father's store. The park was... Fuk was sure people could play soccer on this building park.

As he entered the building, something pierced his nose, the aroma of the setting agar plates but there was an undertone of bleach. Next to him several others white-coated scientists moved in choreographed silence as they walked past Fuk. The hum of machinery was like a Background music of this place.

While the scientist and researcher, including Saiko, went to their respective lab. Fuk headed toward the kitchen and meeting the people he would work with.

His superior or manager, was the typical straight out from the movie manager, classic bald-guy donut, his clean-grey hair reaching from the back of one ear to the other. Wild-west style moustache that also already greyed out.

On the kitchen there was a veteran from the army dark skinned and had many freckles on his face, his voices kinda reminded Fuk of with an old actor that worked perfectly as a narrator alongside with two others cook.

Next, on the front service was a chubby lunch lady with her white apron and the same coloured cook cap, with several wrinkles on her face; there were four other working alongside her. Last was the cleaning service groups.


Fuk's mainly job was supervised all cafeteria personnel, as well as food preparation and handling practices. He might oversee menu creation, purchasing, and planning as well. Although sounded easy, considering the place he worked at, he needed to ensure that recipes were followed and that standards related to sanitation and temperature control were observed by workers at all times.

And counting the nutrition alongside inspecting the ingredient quality.

To describe Fuk's working condition, there was nothing special he could do in the morning, the cafeteria was like a cemetery, except him and several others people there were no one else but...

Twitching his eyes, Fuk couldn't believe the food that he tasted, the food had an impossible quality, washed out and overcooked. The vegetables were mush, greasy and lack of flavour. The meats were chewy and hard to eat, by the time he tasted everything he got Iron Stomach Lvl 3 and Mental Resistance Lvl 3.

What surprised Fuk the most was, they already used the same menus for the last five years, the menu that they had was the one the nutrition expert gave to them.

Realizing there were too many batches of foods were already made, Fuk only dropped his shoulder while determined to give them another set of new menus.

In the afternoon, the cafeteria was a cacophony of loud chatter, each table was a cosseted huddle of people raising their voices to be heard across the room. The food was secondary to the information that was exchanged here. Over the over-salted fries, alliances were formed and gossip traded like poker chips.

As Fuk helping the servers who would have done well in a funeral home for all their smiling while taking the note of who associated with who, who to snub and who to flatter. He cast his eyes to the familiar face, that seemingly eating alone all by herself in her white coat.

"Your friend?" Said the chubby lunch lady, Estefania; the only servers that had a smile on her face when she precisely saw Fuk was looking at Saiko while her hands kept moving and continuously giving foods to the employee.

"Nope, just an acquaintance." Fuk replied, with somewhat a bad feeling on his chest while his hands following Estefania pace.

Estefania moving her head back and forth toward Fuk and Saiko, then with the big grin as she had just seen a potential drama. "G'on cowboy! This old lady is enough to keep this post!"

Somehow Fuk already foresaw this incident, while trying to keep his smile, Fuk politely permitted himself and took a pen and a note then walking toward Saiko.

"How's the food?" Said Fuk with his business smile, though in his heart he already knew her answer.

"...Disgusting." Replied Saiko without a single slight of emotion shown on her face or even looking at Fuk.

"Geez.. at least try to sugarcoat your word." Clicking his pen and opening his note. "So, any suggestion? Favourite food? or something like that?" Fuk said as he studiously trying to improve the food quality.

Sighing, Saiko slightly moving her eyes and staring at Fuk. "....No."

At the very least, Fuk had tried to be nice with her. While keeping his business smile Fuk excused himself and went to another table, introducing himself and continuing his little survey.

In a few minutes, Fuk had introduced himself to half of the cafeteria while writing their suggestion and et cetera.

Still, he only shrugged his shoulder by the time he finished. His lip curled down when he realized something.

Albeit they were talking and smiling to each other, everyone wouldn't say that this place was ruthless, cruel and everyone worked themselves. There was no team work and they would steal each others results if they could take a little more glory for themselves. The research money went to the ones who published in the most prestigious researches or journals, to the losers had nothing at all. They all had PhD's. They were brilliant. But here brilliance was the norm and even a genius didn't stand out.

Sighing, at the very least Fuk aware at the competition condition in his working place. ...Well, I have nothing to do with them though.

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