《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 13


Living in the heart of a city, he had grown used to having the warming, orange glow of streetlamps outside of his windows, their light filtering in through the gaps in the curtains. This was a blackness that he couldn't recall seeing before, one that was almost absolute. When he tilted his head skyward he could see clearly millions of bright stars dotted on the black canvas of night, yet none of that light seemed to filter far enough down to make any difference when he turned his eyes down.

The blue and red lights would send everyone heart rate higher, including him. He had much to do, 'business' was high risk and high return, but he would wait a few minutes before resuming his escape. Nothing could beat the excitement that he had when the polices were chasing him.

As his mouth raising into a big grin, he leapt from the bank rooftop. His white pointy eye mask was covering his face, his blood red tuxedo waving in the air and his plain white pants clearly shown his position, making it easier for the passerby to record his little game. Floating in the air, full of excitement he shouted. "Catch me if you can!!" as he threw the money away.

Meanwhile, at the same time, in the same city.

Congratulations! Athletic is now level 4.

Congratulations! Climbing is now level 3.

Congratulations! Free runner is now level 4.

Congratulations! Jumping is now level 3.

Congratulations! Nimble leaper is now level 3.

Congratulations! Physical fitness is now level 5.

While climbing the warehouse then leaping to the empty building, and repeating that many times, Fuk could hear polices sirene from the distance. Wondering what was going on, that thought immediately disappeared when Fuk looked to the city.

Yellow lights from the car swarmed the streets, millions of lights caused the dense mass of skyscrapers glittered. Despite the time, the hustle and bustle never knew when to stop. The city's residents were off to chill out in the smoky jazz bar downtown or in the brilliant coloured club.

"Dang, this scenery never gets old." Said Fuk, taking a warm burger out of his Inventory as he admiring the landscape.

If Fuk must say, the only reason he gratefull with the system was he had this chance to see this kind of scenery, then as he looked to the tallest building, 102 story heights with its blue coloured LED on the top of the building, Fuk could only grin, waiting for the day he could climb that building.


Finishing his burger, Fuk took a glance onto the next roof and with a single movement, he jumped. Everything was blurred, the wind hammered onto his face, and yet he exactly knew he could reach his destination.

From a stationary position, Fuk leapt for about 12 meters, throughout his experiment, the best he could do was 20 meters, and 23 meters with Jumping Lvl 3. Though sometimes it was slightly farther, sometimes shorter than that, if the distance was shorter than his Control, Fuk could precisely set the distance.

Others would say flying was a freedom but for Fuk jumping and felt the gravity doing its job as he fell with sudden acceleration was the real freedom.


While he was exercising, from among the sea of lights Fuk could see someone was standing at the roof. Supposedly there was nothing strange with someone standing alone at the rooftop, but his appearance really piqued Fuk's interest.

A 'well-fed' figure, covered in a black cloak, was looking at something. On the mysterious figure's hands was a natural green recurve bow. Slowly the figure took an arrow from the quiver, nocked it into the bow, and started aiming at something.

But just a moment before the figure released the arrow, blue energy ball hit the figure's hands, deviating the trajectory and as a result, the arrow was hitting the wall; slightly missed the window from a pretty big apartment.

One thing that Fuk always did, if he could, why didn't he do it? without knowing the figure's motive, Fuk recklessly shot Energy Bolt. At least in his opinion, a shady figure standing alone at the rooftop and aiming a bow toward something couldn't be a decent one.

"Who's there?!" Shouted the figure, from the figure's voice, apparently, Fuk's mysterious guest was a male.

Without receiving an answer, one-meter height thorn was flying at him but much to Fuk surprise, he blocked Fuk's javelin by shooting it in midair and changed its path.

Fuk could only whistle when he watched that feat but soon enough his whistle turned into a groan as the figure raining his location with the arrows.

"Fu- Fuk- Uck-" Fuk muttered as he evading the arrows, sometimes blocking it with the Barrier, though he only needed two hit to completely break Fuk's Barrier Lvl 3.

But soon the barrage was stopped, Fuk counted he shot at least 18 arrows.


"Tch... I should've gone for his head." Said Fuk as his eyebrows frowned, covering behind the wall and realized that the mysterious figure was a maniac that didn't hesitate to aim at his head.

Moreover, even though Fuk had the high ground, but as soon as he trying to take a peek. An arrow immediately launched at his direction, and even though that was only a glimpse, using Analyze Lvl 1 Fuk managed to see his health total.


"Huh..." Rubbing his chin and doing some mental calculation, in number Fuk supposedly deal 36 damage, but then again, he knew that hitting at different body part would deal different damage. "...Then am I safe to shot him right at his body?" Fuk muttered.

Still, that wasn't the most important problem.

First, he used Barrier Lvl 3 and then instantly went out, trying to shot the man, but even though Fuk well aware with this fact, the man shot his barrier, completely destroying it with a single shot and alongside with this, grazed Fuk's shoulder and electrocuted him.

"g..gah!!" Fuk groaned as he felt all of his limbs were tensed by a sudden shock.

Slowly he fell, and with a broad grin on the man mouth, he leapt from one roof to the another and it didn't take long for him to reach Fuk location.

Once he arrived in the same roof as Fuk, smiling, he nocked an arrow and readied to shot Fuk but...

Congratulations! Deception is now level 2.

Pretending to be dead, Fuk already waited for the mysterious figure and shot him right before he was able to pull the string.


As the man staggered, Fuk ran to his opponent and lifted up his left knee to the man's face. Following this, still in midair, Fuk swung his right leg onto the man head and knocking him to the floor.


Congratulations! You have received 1 Renown!

Congratulations! Nimble brawn is now level 4.

Congratulations! Natural combat mastery is now level 4.

"Hoo... even though he still has some Health left." Said Fuk, as he got up from the ground and cleaning his body.

Though, as Fuk was watching the 'well-fed' man in front of him, curiously he rummaged through his body and took 150$ from his wallet. Alongside the money, Fuk found a list of names, with twelve names in total and four names already scratched down.

It didn't take a genius to tell that there was some kind of hatred as the name was written on the list. While wondering what was his deal, Fuk used Heal and gradually the wound on his grazed shoulder was healed.

Congratulations! Heal is now Level 2.

"Ah, let's try that!" Said Fuk with a big grin as he remembered about Steal.

Alert! Steal is failed.

Repeatedly Fuk used Steal Lvl 1. After the fifth attempt, Fuk managed to get his bow and

Congratulations! You have received a new weapon Longbow +1.

Congratulations! Steal is now Level 2!

"I see... so steal can steal something from Inventory huh."

Alert! Can only use steal once per target. Please wait for 23:57:41 seconds to use steal on the same target.

"Eh~ even though the skill description doesn't say something about this." Said Fuk, shrugging his shoulder.

Then, Fuk searched for a rope or another alternative as he tried to tie the man and healed him but the sound of something leapt could be heard.

"Hah! I won't stop until my list is completed!" The mysterious figure yelled while looking at Fuk.

"...Bullcrap." Said Fuk, as he watched the 'well-fed' man already ran a few blocks away. But that wasn't the reason for Fuk astonishment.

On the air, a red tuxedo man was flying and seemed like tonight wasn't the mysterious figure best night, as he crashed straight into the red tuxedo man.

Though, while the red tuxedo still floated, the mysterious figure was losing his momentum, as a result, he did a free fall to the ground.

"Oh no, you don't!" Said the red tuxedo, pointing his finger and making the mysterious figure floated.

As for Fuk, he only stood from afar and saw the police cars were chasing the red tuxedo from behind. "....So what's going on?" Said Fuk while tilting his head.

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