《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 11


For a moment Fuk groaned as the medic tended his wound. Nothing serious though, just a minor first-degree burn but... he missed his chance to use heal and see the way it worked.

Why? because behind his back, his friends plus Saiko was watching a video on youtube.

"Dang, just take a look at the fire and Fuk only gets that kind of wound?" Methany's voice leaked out from the respiratory mask.

"Im...Impossible.. There's no way a human body could survive that kind of stunt without any injury!!" Lil Ty, only had small scratches because Fuk threw him, biting his nail while trying his best to calculate the science behind Fuk's impossible leap.

"Hah! You should've seen him in live! First he ran with a whoosh! then threw the other people bam! And the next thing I knew he already leapt out of the window!" Junior, healthy and unscathed, explaining the situation in his style.

Yep, If my wound suddenly gets healed I bet they'll lose their mind. Fuk thought as he watched the firefighter trying their best to extinguishes the fire.

Meanwhile, Saiko silently staring at them, waiting for someone to take the car and went home.

Then, simultaneously as the fire was off, their treatment was completed. And they went home, prepared themselves for the morning activity.


Before sun arose, Fuk already awoke, even though the notification didn't welcome him with any news, his cat, Walnut greeted him as she rubbed her head on Fuk's cheek.

"Yes, Yes I get it."

Whilst Fuk preparing their breakfast, frozen sardine for Walnut and a bowl of congee for Fuk, as he put the spoon into his mouth, something crossed his mind.

"...what will happen if I put a living thing to inventory?" Fuk muttered, blankly stared at Walnut and a few seconds later shook his head wildly. He already knew that he could collect foods or plants, not only that when he put an ice cream, they didn't melt in Inventory. Based on this fact, Fuk intrigued to find what would happen if he put a living thing to his Inventory.

But.. knowing that the risk was too big, Fuk finished his breakfast and grabbed a pair of chopsticks, planning to catch a mosquito, cockroach or something like that.


After spending sometimes, scanning for every corner in his room, looking behind the drawer even strolling at the corridor, Fuk managed to catch a mosquito, dead and flattened, as he realized that the one Mr Han caught with his chopsticks was a fly, not a mosquito. His second victim was a spider, already contained in the cup, the third victim was ants, swarming on his candy bait. And he couldn't help but to breathe a sigh of relief when he didn't manage to find a single cockroach in his room.

Next, while he was staring at the spider and used Collect.


Nothing happened. He did the same to the group of ants and nothing happened either. Shrugging his shoulder, Fuk released the spider at the outside and threw the ants.

Without nothing else to do, Fuk cleaned his body and prepared himself for another job hunting.

The first place: a cafe, full of people, even in the morning. As Fuk entered the cafe, he saw an old couple eating side by side, studiously bent over their meals. A group of teenage girls collapsing with helpless giggles as a stern woman dining alone nearby looked on and frowned. Businessmen in their grey suits lighting up cigars. Foreign tourists, trying to decipher the menu.

The open positions: a public relation manager and inventory manager. Then, while Fuk was being interviewed by the owner, from the corner of his eyes he saw a pile of CV already sitting in a garbage bin, and two CV neatly arranged on his table.

The second place he went was a restaurant, not the kind of place he could afford, large mullioned windows, long embroidered curtains, dark walnut tables, flowers on each table, delicate live piano music, flagstone tile floor, lounge area with embroidered couches, oval coffee tables with splendidly proportioned cabriole legs, tea served from silver trays in white teapots.

The open position: a sommelier, gracefully showing his above average knowledge about wine, Fuk could only drop his shoulder when he absolutely sure that the girl with Certified Sommelier Certificate would be the one that got accepted.

As the time went on, it already noon. Eating kebab as his lunch, while sitting on a bench, with dropped shoulder.

"....I should rob that bank." Fuk spoke his thought loud as he was staring people walking in and out from the bank.


But unknowingly to him, on his back, two detectives were sitting, enjoying the same kebab as Fuk. One was old and experienced, wearing his signature trench coat and fedora hat, the other one was a greenhorn, neatly wearing his suit along with his red tie.

If this was a normal situation, they would ignore Fuk's words, but... on the last four days, there were too many strange cases, four people were killed by an arrow, chain robbery on the local gold stores, dead body strangled by a vine, mass disappearance and the last was a calling card, telling the police that the sender would rob the same bank Fuk was staring.

It didn't take long for those two agitated detectives to put their suspicion toward Fuk.

As the senior detective stood, circling around the bench, ready to ask or if necessary using force to ask the young man sitting behind his partner.

But... because of Fuk's luck, already finished his lunch, he stood; ready to search for another job.

Thinking that they Fuk noticed them and trying to escape, the old detective shouted. "Lex! Grab him!"

Young and full of spirit. Lex, faithfully listened to his senior order and circled his right arm to strangle Fuk's neck, he finished it by twisting Fuk's arm or at least trying to do that.

Surprised, in reflex Fuk struck his elbow right at Lex's stomach. As the young detective body bent forward, and his face looking to the ground, Fuk continued by raising his elbow, precisely hitting Lex right on his chin. It only took two hits for Fuk to knock him unconscious.

"Dude! What the hell?!" Said Fuk, confused about what was going on.

The old one, seeing Fuk's confused face, realized that they were making a big mistake, just because the rest of the police were agitated by the sudden increase in the crime, they were attacking a civilian without a proof.

As the crowds were watching the scene, and some police officers walking to them.

Taking off his fedora, the old detective bowed his head as he apologized to Fuk and explained the whole situation.

"Eh... that's fine, maybe. I'm just surprised."

"No, no, no young man, at the very least you should've reported me to my superior, still... my partner is innocent in this incident, please leave him out of your report."

"...That's happening because of me, I shouldn't have speaking things like that. Sorry."

As they were exchanging apologize, everything was escalated pretty quickly, and Fuk continued his job hunt while the old detective, carrying his paralysed partner to continue their investigation.

The last place for today was a biochemistry lab.

Open position: cafeteria assistant manager.

After 10 minutes interview, the fastest one Fuk ever had... he walked out from the door, with a very displeased face.

And right in front of him, a long black braided haired thin girl, Saiko, slowly nodded at him.

Seeing Saiko, Fuk's response was "Hey, Saiko! can you slap me very, like very very hard?"


Ignoring Saiko's word, Fuk offering his right cheek. "Here, this place, slap this."

Sighing really deep, Saiko raised her right arm and did what Fuk asked.

Congratulations! You have learned the passive skill "Improved Off-Hand Tactics" Lvl 1!

"...Hurt... it's HURT!!" Said Fuk, with starry eyes. Couldn't believe that the position was given to him.

"...." Saiko only dumbfoundedly stared at him.

Fuk realized her stare, rubbing his cheek and said "*Ahem* Geez, no need to stare at me like that. By the way, are you working here?" He continued as he watched the girl wearing her working suit.

"...Yes." Saiko answered, as she officially working there tomorrow. "....Your division?" She continued.

"Eh. Cafeteria assistant manager. You?" Fuk spoke, scratching his red cheek.

"....." After a long silence "...Research associate."

"What's that? Anyway! Tell me your favourite food, I'll make sure that's on tomorrow menu!" Said Fuk, though, Saiko only ignored him and went away.

In the end, already had a plan to do something in the dungeon, he also went home. "But damn... that girl really pack some punch." Said Fuk, rubbing his red cheek.

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