《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 6


There was no skin on its head, no flesh, no hair, no eyelids. But no matter what, it faithfully protected the skeletonview graveyard, as it moved its brittle legs, its finger timidly grabbed a sickle and resolving itself, it charged toward a human male, as he maniacally hittings its friends with his baseball bat.

Though, as Fuk eyes flickered, he raised his arms and swung his bat, doing another home run with the skeleton head.

But... more disturbingly even after the skeleton head was gone it was still raising his fist, trying at its best to do 1 damage to Fuk. If only each of those skeletons could do 1 damage at him, they could kill Fuk after they did a suicide attack 74 times.

In reality, Fuk actually felt bad about these skeletons, even if they manage to get a hit on him they only break their own arm and sometimes they break their whole bones. That was the case with this skeleton as its fist touching Fuk's body, the impact when it happened was enough to make it lose its whole arm, and Fuk single-handedly swung his bat at its fully visible ribcage, destroyed the rest of its brittle body.

Sighing, Fuk took a note on his phone and recorded the number of skeletons he had kill today. It was 74 skeletons and yet he didn't get a single level. "...Am I bugged?!"

Stretching his body, Fuk walked pass the skeleton and crushed the rest of their bones as he went back to the entrance.

But unfortunately or fortunately, he found a horde of slow zombies. Was to actually engage at them, Fuk remembered one thing. "...Wait, zombies can do one bite kill right?"

After careful consideration, Fuk found himself sneaking back towards the zombie horde, raising his sneak to Lvl 5 in the process. There were two reasons for his action. One was his baseball bat only had 1 durability left and the other…

Was to actually lure one of those zombies, there was no reason nor urgency for him to do this. He just wanted to actually smash a zombie, like a tv show he used to watch recently.


The more Fuk thought about it, the bigger a grin on his face, moreover, this was a good chance to test whether or not he was bugged.

Additionally, Fuk had enough knowledge that zombie wasn't scary as long they didn't move in a horde. Outside of it, they were nothing more than a meat bag, especially for this type of zombie, they were slow enough that even a Fuk without all of his attributes could outrun them. He was now confident that his 16 Agility would be more than enough to outrun them, just in case something happened.

Though, the fact that he now had athletic and natural combat mastery Lvl 3, fast movement and strong arm Lvl 2, bludgeon weapon mastery and nimble brawn Lvl 4 was enough to make him felt safe.

As Fuk approached, he noticed something he didn't previously, that surrounding the horde the graves became elaborate and there were many kinds of weapon plugged on top of the graves. Also one of the graves had a door rather than a burial ground.

Feeling slightly curious, Fuk kept looking at the door while trying to find the best path to sneak and lure a zombie.

But out of nowhere

Something blur was entering the edge of his vision. If Fuk didn't have wide eye Lvl 1 and 7 points in perception, it probably would be hitting him. But as soon as he noticed the projectile, with 10 points reaction, Fuk managed to swing his bat.

Fuk bat smashed against the apple sized stone, stopping it for a brief moment and then completely deflecting it but as a result, his bat disappeared into nothingness. Fuk concentrated his vision but he couldn't see anyone else.

Still, knowing the direction from the stone was enough for Fuk, as he pointed his finger and a blue ball of energy flew, it only hit at the corner of the grave, slightly deviated from his original target but it was enough to chip some part of the grave.

As a result, a blurry shadow leapt out from the back of the grave while throwing another apple sized stone at him. Knowing that the projectile was a stone, Fuk conjured a barrier. It smashed against Fuk's barrier, completely deflecting it.


Unknowingly to Fuk, while he was concentrating at the blurry figure, the zombie horde already moving at them; attracted by the noise they created. As Fuk watching the blurry figure ran away while wondering what was going on, he turned his back and muttered. "...Crap."

He knew he could outrun the zombie, but that wasn't the case if he was surrounded. With no weapon or enough resource to fight against the zombie horde, Fuk used the remaining of his resource at Energy bolt and Strike to make an escape path; fleeing back to the entrance.

On the entrance, as Fuk querying what happened back then, he opened the menu and could do nothing except frowning, First, his barrier only had 2 Health left, and that meant whoever that was had enough firepower to throw a stone that could do 28 damage.

2nd by the time his energy bolt hit the zombie's head, it was enough to one shot it. But that wasn't the case when one of his energy bolt hit another zombie's body and it still stood.

Last, when Fuk killed a zombie, unlike the skeleton its body disappeared. Vaguely, Fuk could see something was dropped on the ground but he just didn't see it clearly enough. By the way, as a result for this weird incident, both of Fuk Barrier and Energy Bolt reached Lvl 3.

Scratching his head, Fuk wondering maybe it was a good idea for him to spent some of his Ap into perception and precision. With 39 Cp, Fuk used 6 of it to finish the high novice class.

Congratulations! You have gained the High Novice Class! +1 Renown, +2 to all Attributes, +2 to Health/Mana/Stamina per level!

You have learned High Novice Class active skills Novice Strike Lvl 1 and Novice Art Lvl 1!

You have learned High Novice Class passive skill Skill Growth Lvl 1!

Congratulations! You have received a reward! Choose either: Shortsword and a chainmail, Shortbow and a leather vest or Quarterstaff and a cotton robe.

Congratulations! The "Scout" Class is available to you!

Congratulations! The "Miner" Class is available to you!

Congratulations! The "Super Novice" Class is available to you!

Fuk frowned, even though he liked playing RPG and making a character but with this system, whenever he allocated the point the notification always came in bulk, never letting him to learn them one by one.

After spending some time thinking about his reward, he clearly didn't know how to use a bow, as for sword he might know how to swing it, but if he must choose between a sword or a staff, he was more adept with using a staff.

Checking his Inventory, both of his rewards were prepared, but .... when he thought about quarterstaff he thought about a long staff in martial arts, but the one he saw on his inventory was a short staff... that seemed to be cut in a quarter, moreover with robe as its complementary equipment, Fuk should have realized the obvious composition. In the end, he could only facepalming himself for making a big blunder.

Then after recovering from that, Fuk wondered which Class he should take next, while Knight and Warrior seemed strong, somehow Jack really piqued his interest.

Without thinking too much, Fuk spent 25 Cp in Jack.

Congratulations! You have gained Jack class! +1 Slot, +1 to all attributes per level!

You have learned Jack class active skill Jack Style Lvl 1!

"Wha..? Is that all?"

Then again, the night was already late. As Fuk teleported back to his apartment, he chose not to spend his Ap and let his brain resting for a little while.

Ap Left: 31.

Cp Left: 8

Super Novice 0/45 (Requirement, High Novice gained.)

Swordsman 0/30, Knight 0/30, Warrior 0/30

Rogue 0/30, Scout 0/30 (Requirement, 12 Points spend in reaction.)

Miner 0/30 (Requirement, 12 Points spend in control.)

Exploiter 0/1 (76/99)

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