《I Get A System, But I'm Still On Earth.》Chapter 5


Congratulations! Rest is now level 6.

When Fuk opened his eyes, there was only one notification coming at him. Rubbing his eyes, still half dazed, he couldn't figure what was the condition for skill levelling or their maximum Lvl. Eventually, Fuk decided it would be better to forget about this and just diligently ground his skills.

Then before he was able to gather his thought, Fuk noticed something was moving under his blanket, it was Walnut. Rubbing her head on Fuk's chest, asking to get her breakfast out.

As Fuk patting her head and preparing her food. He didn't feel tired nor drowsy, even though he hadn't had a decent sleep for the last two days and ran like a maniac last night.

Though he didn't feel doing anything today, he already sent more than 300 job applications and there only one that called him back. "Right, I never try Cook or Bivouac, in fact, there are a lot of skills that I never try."

But one thing that piqued his interest was those two, both of Cook and Bivouac wasn't listed in the skill menu, then Fuk began concentrating, allowing something to flow outside of his body. "Cook."

Three square screens appeared right in front of his face, but how could he use that? At first, Fuk touching and opening the screen but nothing happened. Then Fuk though he needed to put something into the screen, and as such, he grabbed a slice of bread and a bottle of jam. Grabbing them, Fuk moved his hands into the screens but it only pierced through.

"Ah, just maybe..."

This time he used Collect on both of the bread and the jam, as they disappeared Fuk used Cook and like his guess, both of the ingredients were listed as an option. With face full of curiosity Fuk put the two ingredients and another screen showed up, though this time the screen was telling Fuk the way he wanted to process his food, there were three available options: toasted, steamed or fried.


Choosing the most standard version, toasted; another notification showed up.

Cooking toasted bread with strawberry jam, difficulty: 0 success rate: 120%.

..... Successful!

Congratulations! You have gained Toasted Bread.

But Fuk tilted his head, there was no such thing as a toasted bread at the front of his eyes but remembered about Inventory, Fuk opened it and found a toasted bread inside of it. "Equip, Toasted Bread."

A plated appeared along with a slice of toasted bread covered with strawberry jam. "Thi..this...I can use this to save electricity and gas bill." Fuk shivered as he found something that he actually could use on his daily life.

Not only that, once Fuk finishing his bread the plate was also disappeared. "...Is this mean no more dishwashing?!" but still, happy or not, he could only use three ingredients to cook his meal. And after using Cook for more than ten times, the level didn't raise.

Wondering what was going on, Fuk recalling the information about Cook. "Ah... it raised to Lvl 2 when I cooked fried rice yesterday."

After giving some thought, Fuk figured that unlike an active Class skill, the only way to raise normal active skill was do an activity related to the skill. In this case, Cook Lvl 2 could only be raised if Fuk did an actual cooking.

So, being determined of some sort, Fuk continued to delve deeper into the normal active skill, this time he used Bivouac but unlike Cook, this time Fuk only had two options, Tent or Hammock.

Choosing Tent would create a 3m² tent. And choosing Hammock needed him to connect between two straight line, not farther than 6 meters away.

But at the same time, Fuk wondered about their related attribute. Unlike a Class skill, the skill he learned after doing some related activity didn't have a description and therefore he couldn't learn about their function or their value.

Then again, normal active skills could be used anytime, without Fuk switching into the menu and putting them into his skill slot, moreover, they didn't cost a single Mana or Stamina.


"But now what?" Fuk muttered as he had no clue of what he should do today. In the end, he cleaned his apartment and creating some open space. Instantly earning him with active skill Cleaning Lvl 3, another useful skill that he could use to instantly clean his body or dirty objects.

With a big open space inside of his apartment, Fuk began to test all of his Class active skills.

First was Swift Step, as Fuk began concentrating he felt something fresh from his stomach, slowly moving to his leg, it instantly let him moved Skill level x 1 meter away to any direction. Cost: 7 Stamina.

Heavy shot could only be used with a ranged attack, in this case, Fuk shot a coin, it didn't have any damage but it was enough to push his 100-kilogram sofa one meter away or 10 meters for 10-kilogram object, its related attribute was Dex. Cost: 13 Stamina.

Steal couldn't be used, but the description said it would let Fuk to instantly put a remote object into his inventory or used it on a monster to steal an item. Range: Dex x meter, Chance: 10% +5%/ Skill level - Target Reaction. Cost: 10 Stamina.

Envenom letting him coat slashing/piercing type weapon with poison. Coating duration: 1 minute per skill level. Poison Damage: Dex for three seconds, Poison Duration: Presence x second. Chance: 25% + 5%/ Skill level - Target Constitution%. Cost: 5 Mana and 5 Stamina.

Then Fuk moved to spellcaster skills, he began concentrating and as he felt something foreign was flowing into his chest, he pointed his finger and shot a blue condensed energy toward his wall, enough to make a small crack at it, "Crap.." Fuk muttered, and alongside this Fuk had a vague guess about what 13 Damage could do to a stone wall. Energy bolt just straight 5 + Int + Skill level. Cost: 5 mana.

No one was hurt, but Heal description was exactly what he thought about: Healing a living creature. Amount: Wis + 2 times skill level. level. Cost: 10 + 3/Skill level Mana.

Barrier allowing him to create an invisible thin shield made from Mana, Effective only against physical attack. Block: 20 + 5 times skill level. Cost: 25 Mana.

Mystic stun allowing him to stun his target for one second, Chance: 50% + 1%/ Skill level + Presence% - Target willpower%. Cost: 18 Mana.

Lastly, Fuk moved to backpacker skill, this time everytime he used his skills, Fuk felt something was flowing in and out from his head. Item identification was letting Fuk identify an unknown item. Item level must be lower than Perception + Skill level. Cost: Nothing.

Item refining could increase the purity of an item, Fuk tried it on an almost rotten food, and much to his surprise the smell and colour on the food became slightly better. Though skill description said: Increase the purity of an item. Presence + Skill level. Cost: 5 Mana.

Cultivation description said he could use Seed to cultivate a plant inside magical space. Space radius: 100m² per Level.

Unlock was a simple Skill to unlock something lower than the skill level. Cost: 8 Stamina 8 Mana.

Fuk spent the rest of his day grinding his skill. By the time the sun set, he gained:

Hide had increased to Lvl 3.

Endure had increased to Lvl 2.

Rest had increased to Lvl 7.

Swift Step had increased to Lvl 2.

Barrier had increased to Lvl 2.

Animal Handling had increased to Lvl 3.

Bivouac had increased to Lvl 2.

Cook had increased to Lvl 3.

Item Identification had increased to Lvl 4.

Item purification had increased to Lvl 3.

Heavy shot had increased to Lvl 2.

Cleaning had increased to Lvl 4.

Envenom had increased to Lvl 3.

Unlock had increased to Lvl 2.


Cp Left: 29.

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