《The Chaos Immortal》Chapter 38 - Cultivators in Space


The guards apprehended the person and took him into a prison like building, next to their quarters. The surrounding crowd did not seem to be surprised as this seemed to be a common occurrence.

Shen and Xue’er also directed their sight back towards the city. However, they both stopped for a good couple of minutes after seeing the view.

Unlike, common modern cities, the majority of the interior was not filled with buildings and streets.

Roughly 90% of the land space has been turned into farmland. There were huge fields of fruit trees and grain like plants stretching all the way to what seems to be an inner-city wall.

There would be various buildings such as warehouses and grain depots spread out evenly in between the fields.

Workers could be seen operating machinery on the fields and soldiers patrolling using small flying devices at low altitude.


Shen exclaimed in admiration. Xue’er quietly watched the scenery that looked strangely peaceful. She would not have any knowledge on farming or machinery but she thought it was a fresh and new experience.

Mercenaries started leaving the merchant caravan in groups as there was no more need to stick together. A wide road was spread straight towards the inner-city gates. Tall poles housing large pale white crystals at the top were spread out evenly all around the roads the farmlands.

Shen and Xue’er decided to stick with the merchant group as they wanted to sort out their money issue.

After roughly forty minutes of walking, the group reached the city gates.

The gates were also wide open with no guards but there was the familiar mana barrier enveloping the entrance.

Beyond the gates was a large square that was bustling with people going about busily.

There was a large stone wall depicting the layout of the city on the right as they walked in. It seemed that they had come in from the west city gates. The market area was located on the western area of the city.


The eastern and southern quarters were occupied by residential buildings. The northern area of the city was one large industrial park with large factory buildings, clearly visible even from the west city gates.

“Big Brother Shen, a lot of these people have weird energies within them. Is it the mana that you talked about?”

Xue’er was rather nervous due to the large volume of people and tightly held onto Shen’s arm.

“Ah yeah, those are natives. They should be mana users, equivalent to cultivators where Xue’er’s from.”

“Then, what about those without mana?”

“Hmm, I guess they would be either natives who couldn’t employ mana or visitors from other planets and solar systems. This galaxy does have a few other habitable solar systems.”

The couple walked through the crowd to reach beyond the square, coming upon rows and rows of stalls and small stores, selling various wares. There were all sorts of exotic plants and ores to completed armour and weapons for sale.

“Hmm?” Shen stopped and looked towards a direction all of a sudden. He pulled Xue’er and walked towards that direction.

Soon, they came upon a small stall, selling odd looking plants and ores.

“Hello friend, rare to see cultivators here. Did not think we’d meet one this soon.” Shen spoke to the man sitting behind his stall.

The man looked up at Shen and Xue’er.

“Oh? Two Spirit Formation cultivators. What are you two doing out here at a place with no spiritual power. It’s dangerous and you are too weak.”

Indeed, it was dangerous for cultivators to venture to a place lacking spiritual power. They could only rely on their physical bodies. The weapons employed by other humans would easily overpower such a cultivator.

“Well, we just came out on an adventure. Not planning to get into any sort of danger, haha.” Shen laughed at the man’s question.


The man had a cultivation at the Earth Immortal stage. His fleshy body was much more powerful than any mana user from this planet. He also seemed to have weapons equipped with similar crystals like the ones from the guards’ weapons.

“Well, unfortunately, things don’t always go the way you want. You two just came here, right? How did you get on this planet? I guess you won’t have any mana crystals or alliance credits either.”

“Alliance credits?” Xue’er tilted her head at the new and unfamiliar term.

“Ha…follow me. I’ll take you two to a place for visitors.”

The man swiftly packed his wares into a bag of holding. It seemed that the miniscule spiritual power required to operate it was supplemented with spirit stones.

“Don’t use your spiritual power carelessly. You never know when you might need it. Also, keep a few spirit stones on your body. It comes in handy during emergencies.”

The man spoke as he led the way through the stalls towards the center of the city.

As Shen and Xue’er listened to a range of information about the planet, they came upon a three-story building with a sign titled ‘Visitor Information Centre’.

“Alright, you’ll find all the information you need inside. I wish you luck! May we meet again.”

Shen thanked the man and handed him a bag of holding full of spirit stones. The man had given some small mana crystals before he left.

“He was a nice person.” “Yep, he sure was. Well, let’s go in, Xue’er.”

There were various posters and machines inside the building. There were also a few people, looking around and operating the machines.

“Ohh! Computers!” Shen headed towards one of the machines. It had a screen that could be operated by touch and had various menus.

“What’s a computer?” Xue’er asked from behind Shen, looking at the screen.

Shen fiddled with the computer for quite a while. Xue’er was also able to read the words after Shen transferred the knowledge into her mind.

“Hmm, how do I explain…It’s like a machine that can store a lot of data, like our minds, but it won’t forget the information unless it gets erased. Of course, it can also do a lot of other things but storing data is an important function.”

“That’s very useful! Father would be happy to see it.”

“Haha, next time we’ll bring Brother Long here!”

“Hmm, it looks like we need to mine some ores or get some mana crystals. We’ll have to head to the mercenary union, Xue’er.”

“Big Brother Shen, are mana crystals like spirit stones?”

“Yeah it seems like it. They get formed from long time exposure of dense mana. I could probably make a few mana crystals but it would be too conspicuous.” Shen observed one of the small mana crystals.

“Big Brother Shen, can’t we sell some of our weapons or spirit herbs?”

“Weapons would be useless, since they need spiritual power to bring out their full strength. Spirit herbs will also lose their effect if left out in a place without spiritual power. It’s easiest for us to explore the forests. We’re fated to be mercenaries wherever we go, haha!”

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