《The Chaos Immortal》Chapter 36 - Long Tian's struggle


The next day, Xue’er had already gotten up and was cooking a meal.

Shen came out of his hut and greeted Xue’er.

“Good morning Xue’er. Where’s Bother Long?”

“Good morning Big Brother Shen. Father is still in his hut.” Xue’er still seemed shy about what happened yesterday as she avoided eye contact with Shen.

Shen, of course, did not pick up on this and went next to Xue’er to observe.

“Big Brother Shen! Go sit down at the table. I’ll bring the food once it’s ready.”

“Ok Ok, don’t be angry, haha.”

Xue’er sulked a little and pushed Shen away.

‘How can I cook if you stand so close! Big Brother Shen you idiot!’

Long Tian came out of the hut after the meal was on the table.

He was still in a daze as he ate without paying much attention to anything.




“Brother Long, are you alright? You seemed worried about something? Is there anything I can do to help?”

Long Tian had an empty look in his eyes as he mumbled something under his breath.

“…my Xue’er…being…taken…”

Shen strained his ears to listen to Long Tian’s broken speech.

“Brother Shen, who is taking away Xue’er! Tell me. I’ll kill him!”

Shen’s passionate speech woke up Long Tian and he gave a blank look at Shen.


“Xue’er…father knew that one day, you will leave me. I just didn’t think that day would come so soon. But, I’m happy that you found the one for you. I wish you happiness…”

Long Tian’s sudden speech caused Xue’er’s whole face to blush.

“Father!! What are you saying?! Big Brother Shen and I aren’t like that yet!”

“B-Big Brother?! So, you’re already at that stage huh…”

This was the first time Long Tian heard how Xue’er addressed Shen and it caused the misunderstanding to increase.


“The one for you? Yet? Xue’er?”

“Father and Big Brother Shen are bullying me! I’m going to go play with Little White instead!”

Xue’er ran off with an even redder face after Long Tian’s response and Shen’s question.

Shen was still somewhat puzzled at the whole affair. He sent a questioning gaze at Long Tian who was giving him a complicated look.

“Brother Shen. Be good to Xue’er. She didn’t have a mother as she grew up so it has been hard on her. I hope you can make her happy.”

“Of course? Even if you don’t say that, I’d treat Xue’er well.”

The clueless Shen made Long Tian sigh once more.

“…It seems that you have a lot more to learn Brother Shen.”

Long Tian sighed once again and got up. He walked into his hut, leaving a puzzled Shen by himself.

“Ah! Brother Long, wait up!”

Shen was eating by himself for a while. He suddenly thought of a way to help Long Tian. Shen went into the hut.

Long Tian was sitting on his bedside and fondly holding a plain looking jade necklace. Long Tian noticed Shen who came in and put away the necklace with care.

“Brother Shen, what is it?”

“Brother Long, I forgot to mention how I had dealt with that True Immortal from the evil path. It’s a bit of a double-sided sword but if you want, it could be of great help to you.”

“Oh? Go on, Brother Shen.”

“Let’s go outside then.”

Long Tian followed Shen outside to a clearing in the forest. The two sat on the ground facing each other.

“Brother Long, all I did was transport some chaos power within his dantian and sea of consciousness. He couldn’t handle it and the chaos power ate away at his cultivation base and divine sense. You are different. You are a late stage Immortal King. You should be able to comprehend chaos power, the foundation of all energies in the universe.


The reason Immortal Kings cannot venture into the void is because spiritual power does not exist outside of this planet. You need to be able to employ chaos power and change your fleshy body to that of a chaos body.”

Long Tian had vaguely listened to Shen explain this when they had first met. But this was a much more detailed explanation.

“I’ll do the same for you. Since your cultivation is much higher, the chaos power won’t devour your cultivation immediately. If you are lucky, it might even transform your spiritual power to chaos power.”

Long Tian calmed his state of mind and got into a serene mood. Shen waited a while for Long Tian to be in an optimal state for cultivation.

Shen performed the same thing he did with the True Immortal old man.

At first, Long Tian tried his best at sensing the chaos power and tried to control it. However, it was fruitless as it started showing signs of eating away at his cultivation base.

Shen dispelled the chaos power seeing that it was getting difficult for Long Tian to keep it under control.

“Brother Shen…Immortal King to Immortal Saint is the hardest moat to surmount. You have given me guidance towards the direction I could go. Thank you.”

“Haha! What thanks! I’m sure you can do it one day and that day would not be far off.”

“Brother Long, you should be able to achieve your goal faster if you attempt at a place void of spiritual power. You are too familiar to spiritual power so you have to dispel that feeling first.

The two laughed merrily. Shen left Long Tian alone as he still wanted to gain enlightenment on chaos power.

Shen walked around aimlessly in the forest. He thought about his recent experiences ever since he assumed the form of a human.

‘It sure was fun. Where should I go next…’

Shen came across a small pond. He found Xue’er sitting on the edge looking into the distance with Little White sleeping beside her.


Shen went beside Xue’er and sat down.

“Brother Shen, why are you here?”

“I was just wondering in the forest with no particular direction. I found Xue’er sitting here.”

Xue’er smiled and looked at the man beside her. He was mysteriously powerful yet hopelessly silly at times. She recalled her father’s words from earlier this morning. She couldn’t help but blush.

“Xue’er, are you ok? Your face is red.”

Shen reached out and placed his hand on Xue’er forehead. Xue’er reddened even more. But she didn’t avoid Shen’s hand.

Xue’er grabbed Shen’s hand and placed it around her shoulder as she leaned on Shen.

“Brother Shen…”

“What is it Xue’er?”

“……Will you stay with me…forever…?”

Shen was a bit surprised at the sudden question.

“Of course, as long as Xue’er won’t drive me away.” However, he answered with a line from a cliché romance novel.

Xue’er didn’t say anymore words and snuggled closer to Shen.

Little White opened her eyes and peeked at the couple. She sighed in her mind and went back to sleep, thinking that this was the inevitable result.

‘Could this be...’

Shen had many thoughts run through his mind but he decided to not think any further. He was still a little confused on the feelings he had.

‘Well, this isn’t bad. Being a human.’

Shen drew Xue’er into his bosom firmly but gently.

Long Tian saw this scene with his divine sense. He sighed once again for the nth time.

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