《The Chaos Immortal》Chapter 33 – The Enemy of My Enemy is a Friend?


The four ships stopped above the Southern city gates.

“Hahahaha, what is going on here? We heard that there was a party in Blue Cloud City. This looks fun!”

The mocking voice of an old woman sounded out from the ships. The faces of the Sky Immortal elders twitched upon the comment.

“So, it’s you! Old Meng! Are you here to mess up the situation further?!” An old woman who seemed to have hatred with ‘Old Meng’ shouted out. Currently, they were already in a difficult situation by the appearance of the evil cultivators.

The Devil Path alliance had somehow caught wind of the news and had showed up with unknown motives. Things were looking grim for the correct path cultivators within the city.

“Hahaha, it is I indeed! So, you are still alive, Water Witch Hua Shuiling! I thought you were eaten by a flood dragon a while back. Looks like you’re hiding out here!”

“Fart! Who was eaten by a flood dragon! Wait till those evil path worms are eliminated! I’ll teach you a thing or two, Meng Cui!”

“Old Meng, don’t make things difficult. We aren’t here to fight with those hypocritical correct path people.” A quiet but clear voice rebuked Old Meng who was quarrelling with elder Hua.


It seems that there was someone who could order around even Old Meng who was a Late Sky Immortal on board the Devil Path Alliance ships.

“Oh? It looks like the Devil Path Alliance came prepared. They even brought an ancient elder.” A calm voice different to the old man from earlier rang out from the middle of the three ships of the evil path cultivators.

The faces of the Sky Immortal elders within the city turned increasingly ugly.

They had no True Immortals on their side while their enemies had one each. This really was not looking good for them.


The only upside for them was that the attacks from the evil cultivators has stopped since the Devil Path Alliance arrived at the scene.

“So, the Devil Path Alliance wants to interfere in our affairs?” The same calm voice asked a question directed towards the new arrivals.

“Although, we don’t like the correct path hypocrites, we absolutely can’t stand you even more. I’m afraid this time, you’ll be facing us as well.”

“Well, that’s fine. It saves us the trouble of searching for you as well. Prepare for battle!”

The three ships activated a barrier around them instead of resuming the attacks on the city. A multitude of people flew out from within the ships.

The four ships of the Devil Path Alliance also formed a barrier to protect the ships.

The five Sky Immortal elders who were maintaining the barrier sighed. They knew they could not sit out on this battle.

The True Immortals would not normally fight against the younger generation. However, if they were to hide inside the city’s barrier, both of the True Immortals present would combine their attacks against the city.

“Everyone, we need your help in defending the city and expelling those intruders! All who are False Immortal and above, come with me! The rest maintain the barrier.”

The Heavenly Beast Sect Elder summoned his beast companion from his pet bag and flew up, accompanied by the other four elders.

Soon, Sky Immortals from all three sides were squaring off against each other directly above the city’s barrier.

Shen and Xue’er had been listening to the situation while supplying spiritual power.

“Big Brother Shen, do you want to help out?” Sun De who overheard this question from Long Xue’er was shocked.

“Sister Xue’er, Brother Shen. You aren’t False Immortals, right? No need to seek death!”

“Well, let’s see how it turns out. The evil path cultivators are outnumbered. So, it should be fine. Brother Sun, don’t worry. I know my limits.”


Shen smiled towards Sun De who was puzzled since he had no clue of Shen’s prowess.

There were ten Sky Immortals present from the evil path side while the correct path only had the five protecting elders. The Devil Path Alliance had brought along eight Sky Immortals.

Assuming that the Devil Path Alliance was indeed here to fight the evil path, the makeshift alliance had greater numbers on their side.

However, at this time, roars of various beasts sounded out from within the three evil path cultivators’ ships.

Large and small forms of various shapes raced out from within. There was a total of thirteen magical beasts of Earth Immortal stage. This increased the pressure upon the battlefield as a magical beast had a much higher battle efficiency than a human cultivator of the same stage.

Although, there were also Heavenly Beast disciples present, the number and cultivation of those spirit beasts were significantly lower than the thirteen magical beasts.

Soon, the battle commenced with shockwaves of spiritual power impacting the barriers.

The originally tight groups of cultivators were spread out into regions of their own respective cultivation stages, with the Sky Immortals fighting at the very centre.

Shen gazed upon the False Immortals battlefield. The evil path cultivators were outnumbered almost two to one and were being supressed.

Only, the Earth Immortals had some trouble due to the magical beasts.

The True Immortals did not seem to make any moves as they both stayed within their respective ships.

“Well, this is rather boring. No real deaths. The souls just escape into the barriers if the fleshy body is destroyed.”

“I listened to father describing battles between Immortal stage cultivators when I was younger. It seems that the soul can still maintain form after the body is destroyed. There rarely were any deaths unless one was surrounded and could not escape.”

“Can Soul Formation stage cultivators also achieve that?” Sun De asked during the gap while watching.

“You can. But the soul is very weak and cannot hold form for too long. You also lose all cultivation.”

The Sun siblings and Haung Lin were impressed by Xue’er’s explanation.

“One day, we’ll also be able to do those things!” Sun De declared.

“Brother Sun, why would you want to destroy your fleshy body. I don’t think it’s any fun having to reconstruct another one.” Shen teased Sun De who was rather excited.

The female trio chuckled at Sun De. “Haha…Brother Shen, you know what I mean…haha.”

The mood around the five was not heavy unlike in other areas, which made the surrounding cultivators dumbfounded.

‘How could they laugh when we could die really soon!’

However, no one was in the mood to rebuke the five and concentrated on supplying spiritual power into the formation.

The battle between those of high cultivation stages weren’t decided quickly and the fight stagnated for around one day.

The correct path and the Devil Path Alliance cooperated to some degree in weeding out the False Immortals. However, Earth Immortals were in a rather dire state. The toughness of magical beasts was not to be overlooked and this was proven on the battlefield with the human cultivators having to retreat repeatedly.

At the end, only the Sky Immortals were still going at each other, with the True Immortals showing no signs of getting involved.

The Earth Immortal magical beasts had teamed up to take on two Sky Immortals. The situation was once again in a stalemate with no side winning any advantages.

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