《The Chaos Immortal》Chapter 30 - Lucky?


The two were only a few hundred feet away from the battling magical beasts due to their limited range of Divine Sense.

Shen and Xue’er quickly detoured away from the beasts who were now slowing their rhythm to defend against the potential intruders.

“Xue’er, let’s keep going. Are you doing ok? We should be treading into the territory of False Immortal magical beasts soon. The poison mist is also becoming denser.”

“I’m ok Big Brother Shen. How are you doing?”

Shen was using his entire cultivation to block out the poison from entering the body as they travelled. He was only at the early stage of Soul Formation. A normal Soul Formation stage cultivator would not be able to enter this deep into the valley without some kind of protective measure.

Shen’s seemingly unlimited spiritual power enabled him to endure the high usage of spiritual power. Xue’er was also feeling the strain but she could hold on due to her superior cultivation and physique.

“Big Brother Shen, there are a lot of strong magical beasts here.”

“Yeah, I can feel the auras of a few False Immortals around us.”

Shen and Xue’er kept advancing into the depths of the valley.

After a few hours of carefully traversing around the powerful auras, Shen and Xue’er had noticed that the poison mist was thinning towards a particular direction.

“Xue’er, look. Something’s drawing in the poison mist. Shall we take a look?”

“Ok, let’s try Big Brother Shen. It’s better than aimlessly wondering around here. The flower is unusual so there might be a powerful magical beast defending it. We should be careful.”

Shen went in front of Xue’er and the two slowly followed the drifting poison mist. Pretty quickly, the visibility improved and their range of Divine Sense increased substantially.

“Big Brother Shen! There are magical beasts up ahead. I could feel the pressure they’re emitting. They’re much stronger than me!” Visibility almost restored 100% as the two approached in the direction of the pressure.

Half a mile away from the source, four small and large shapes were floating and facing off against each other.

“Xue’er they’re False Immortal stage magical beasts. Stay behind me at all times!” Shen was not worried about anything being a danger to him, but he could not say the same for his companion. Therefore, he decided to take extra care regardless.


There was a total of four False Immortal magical beasts. The poison mist was almost cleared in their vicinity.

“Big Brother Shen! Look!” Xue’er excitedly cried out.

Following her vision, Shen noticed an odd clump of flowers that were unceasingly drawing in poison mist from all directions. The shape of the flowers was very much close to the description provided by the guild.

“We found it, Xue’er!”

Up in the air, right above the flowers, the four False Immortal magical beasts were still staring at each other.

“Looks like they’re here for the Dragon’s Bane flower. I wonder what the use of it is.” Shen muttered while keeping Xue’er safely behind his back.

The magical beasts had noticed the two new guests that entered battlefield. However, they also saw that the two were of Soul Formation stage. Therefore, the four beings did not care much for the intruders.

Although, they could feel danger deep in their souls from one of them, they decided to ignore that faint feeling due to the enticement from the flower and the danger from their competitors.

“Xue’er, we should wait and see what happens. There is more than one flower. We only need one so I’m thinking that we could steal one at a good time while they’re busy fighting.”

“Ok, Big Brother Shen, that’s a good idea! You could always take me and run away if it doesn’t work out.” Xue’er smiled at Shen’s approach.

There were more than a dozen flowers in total. The magical beasts most likely knew that they would not be able to monopolize the flowers. However, they still wanted to gain the most quantity.


The large four-legged magical beast shouted out. It seemed to be communicating with the others.

“Big Brother Shen, that magical beast says to divide the flowers equally.”

“Xue’er, you can understand it?”

“Of course! I am half magical beast after all.”

The other three increased the pressure they emitted while being vigilant of each other.

“Looks like that’s a no.” Shen observed the change in the atmosphere.

“They’ll start fighting soon. Xue’er, let’s retreat for now. I don’t want them paying attention to us.”

“Ok, Big Brother Shen.”

Shen led Xue’er in slowing backing away from the location of the flowers, showing the magical beasts that they had no intention of meddling. They retreated a few miles away until the poison mist was thick enough to block out the majority of their Divine Sense.


“Ok, this is something I haven’t tried before but I hope it works. Otherwise, I’ll just have to use chaos power.”

Shen carefully gathered spiritual power within his hands. This was difficult due to him using most of it to block the poison mist.

He then used a similar type of illusion he had applied to disguise Xue’er’s face, but this time using spiritual power.

“Xue’er hold still.” Shen used the illusion technique on Xue’er’s entire body. Xue’er who was perfectly clear even in the mist gradually disappeared, melting into the surroundings.

“Ok, I’ve used an illusion on you. Hide your aura as best as you can.” Shen wanted to hide Xue’er since she could encounter a wondering magical beast while waiting.

Xue’er was amazed but she followed Shen’s instruction.

“Big Brother Shen, are you planning to sneak up and take the flowers?”

Shen also applied the same illusion to his own body.

“Yeah, but Xue’er is staying back and I’ll go steal it. I can escape quickly if they discover me.”

“Big Brother Shen, be careful…” Xue’er knew that Shen would not be in danger but she still could not help but worry.

“Ok, I’m going!” There was some excitement in Shen’s voice. Although, it would have been a lot easier if he just went up and took the flowers using a bit of his true aura to supress the magical beasts, Shen felt it was no fun to do things the easy way.

“Wait for me here, Xue’er. I’ll be back quickly.”

Shen who was not visible to the naked eye quickly ran towards the location of the flowers.

The magical beasts were now engaged in combat against each other in a battle royal.

Shen slowed down when he was within half a mile away and carefully proceeded closer.

The very air itself vibrated from the shockwaves formed by the fight. However, the magical beasts were very careful not to damage the batch of flowers below them.

Shen was now only a few hundreds of feet away.

After waiting for a good moment, Shen sprinted towards the flowers with all the power he could muster from his Soul Formation cultivation.

This brought on the attention of the magical beasts when he was only ten feet away from the flowers.

Loud roars and shrieks along with a huge pressure was emitted towards Shen. However, no actual attacks followed since it would affect the flowers.

Shen quickly dug out two of the Dragon’s Bane flowers within a fraction of a second.

The magical beasts were now diving towards Shen. They could only physically drag Shen away at this stage.

Shen put the flowers away in his bag of holding and sprinted back towards the direction of a few False Immortal magical beasts’ territories they had discovered earlier.

He also took out his flying sword and released a few slashes towards the approaching magical beasts.

The slashes that travelled in the air were merely patted away when they reached their targets.

Shen was a bit shocked to see this but he could only escape if he was to use spiritual power.

Suddenly, the magical beast in the rear most position changed directions and dived towards the flowers.

The other magical beasts quickly noticed and gave up the fleeing thief.

The battle between four False Immortals once again resumed. There were more than ten flowers left and chasing a thief who only took two was not worth giving up their position.

Shen noticed that he was not being pursued. He quickly changed directions and reached the place where Xue’er was waiting.

“Xue’er! I got the flowers. Let’s go!”

Shen grabbed Xue’er’s hand and ran back towards the exit of the valley.

“Flowers? Big Brother Shen, did you take more than one?”

“Haha, yeah! I grabbed two. I figured Little White might want one. We got lucky this time, there were four magical beasts fighting over them. If there was only one, I’d have to use chaos power!” Shen started laughing with delight while recalled the thrilling escape.

Xue’er was flabbergasted. “Lucky? Big Brother Shen, a normal Soul Formation cultivator would suffocate from the pressure of four False Immortals!”

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