《The Chaos Immortal》Chapter 26 - Sparring


Shen read the entire book a few times thoroughly and memorised all the details.

He stood up and walked a distance away from Xiao Yan to not disturb him.

‘Alright, let’s try those moves.’

Shen took out his low-grade spirit tool flying sword.

For the next few hours, Shen practised the basic moves described in the manual.

Slashes, straight thrusts, defending against invisible enemies, all kinds of moves were repeatedly carried out.


Shen held his sword overhead and slashed out vertically.

The sand and the sea water in front split along with the sword strike for seventy feet in a straight line.

‘Not bad, when I can do a hundred feet air strike with physical power alone, I’ll have completed the basics of this attack.’

Shen was pleased with himself. Of course, the manual did not describe how long it would normally take someone to reach the target hundred feet slash. It would have taken months of training for a beginner to be able to reach beyond the physical dimensions of the sword, even if it was just a few feet. However, Shen had already gone far beyond this point in a mere few hours.

Unknown to Shen, only False Immortals would be able to achieve such power behind the slash with their physical strength alone, demonstrating the ridiculous power of Shen’s fleshy body.

‘I wonder when I’ll be able to use Sword Intent. There was quite a lot of books describing it on a certain planet. It’ll be so cool if I can attack someone with a mere look!’

Shen was rather excited about being able to materialise things from fictions. No one was there to tell him that being able to exceed the physical limitations of his weapon was a form of the sword intent he wanted to use.

While Shen was absorbed in practice, Xue’er had come back with Little White sleeping in her bosom. Xue’er placed the fox inside the hut before coming out to observe Shen practicing.


After a while, Shen stopped his practice and greeted Xue’er.

“Xue’er, you’re back. What do you think? Not bad, right?” Shen grinned. The chaos beast sure was going out of character lately.

Shen took a seat at the table with Xue’er.

“What kind of magic arts do you cultivate? I’ve never seen you fight, Xue’er.”

“Hmm, I’ve always been in the forest and I didn’t have to fight anyone. Little White would sometimes practise with me but I never really had a good partner. Everyone else was afraid of hurting me.”

“How about Xue’er spar with me? It’d be good to get some practice using these moves in real combat.”

“Ok, that sounds interesting. I’ll show Big Brother Shen my magic arts as well.”

“Follow me out to the sea, Xue’er. Let’s not mess up the beach.”

The two flew half a mile out towards the sea and stood above the water.

“Ok, Big Brother Shen. Gold dragon’s bloodline memories don’t have a sword art but they can command the elements around them from birth. My elements are ice and wood. I can’t use the wood element very well in this environment so I’ll be using an ice type magic arts.”

Xue’er took out a small delicate looking fan from her bag of holding. It was a top-grade spirit tool that would bring a large commotion to any auction house if it was seen.

Particles of ice were formed from using the sea water from the surroundings as the temperature around Xue’er reduced drastically.

Shen brandished his sword and got into a stance.

“Here I come Xue’er!”

Shen charged towards Xue’er in a straight line. He was still only using spiritual power. Since Xue’er’s cultivation was so much higher than his, there was no real concern of him being able to injure the beauty dressed in white.

Shen released a horizontal slash towards Xue’er when he was only twenty feet away. A thin ice wall appeared in its path to stop the slash.


Shen accelerated towards Xue’er while parrying and dodging the ice spears that were launched against him.

The area around Xue’er gradually filled with a dense mist. Xue’er’s laughter resounded from within.

Shen was constantly bombarded by ice spears from all directions as soon as he approached the mist.

Shen drew his sword back and thrusted forward while applying a twist to the stroke.

A small tunnel was emptied out in the mist. However, Xue’er was nowhere to be found.

Shen abruptly turned around to defend against the torrent of ice shards that assaulted him from behind. The mist once again filled the area around him.

Shen continued to chase after Xue’er within the mist. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not trace Xue’er’s figure or escape from mist.

However, well timed attacks of ice shards continued Shen from being still.

A normal Nascent Soul cultivator would have fallen long ago due to the lowering temperature in the mist which also dulled one’s divine sense. It would have become increasingly difficult to move about easily and eventually the ice shards would find its target.

Shen’s abnormal body made him immune to such attacks. However, it was still the fact that he was chasing blindly without being able to escape, unless he employed his full divine sense.

“Xue’er! I give up! I can’t win against you with this cultivation.”

Eventually, Shen called in the towel and stopped his movements.

The mist gradually dispersed while the temperature restored to its original state slowly. The sea beneath the two had long been frozen.

A dazzling maiden in white appeared in Shen’s sight. Shen had his breath taken away by the beauty standing atop the frozen ice under the warm sunlight.

“Big Brother Shen! Don’t stare so much!” Xue’er shyly covered her face. Although she knew her face was currently under an illusion, she also knew that Shen could see her true features.

“Haha, Xue’er was just too beautiful so I couldn’t help it.”

‘Wow, where am I getting these lines from?!’ Shen asked himself inwardly.

The two flew back towards the hut on the beach.

“Xue’er what magic art was that? Very fierce!”

“It’s a trapping type magic art. Very good for confusing multiple opponents and stalling for time. Unless they’re much stronger than me, it’ll be hard for someone to find me within the mist in a short time.”

Xue’er seemed very proud of her skills as she boasted to Shen.

“It seems like I should cultivate to catch up to Xue’er, haha.”

“Big Brother Shen! That’s no good! I won’t be able to trap you if you do that anymore. You just don’t get affected from the cold.”

“My body was somewhat stronger than a normal human’s when I constructed it. I guess it’s a good thing, haha.”

“Big Brother Shen, what will you do now?”

“I’m thinking of practising the Gale Sword. We should have another sparring session after I learn it! I will also cultivate to catch up to Xue’er!”

“Big Brother Shen, when I break through to False Immortal, can you cancel the illusion on my face?”

“Oh? Why is that? Xue’er looks pretty regardless of the illusion.”

“Big Brother Shen! Only you can see through it!”

Xue’er was cutely angry and started hitting Shen with her small fists.

The laughter of the two resounded out on the empty beach, waking up Little White who was having a nice sleep in the hut.

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