《The Chaos Immortal》Chapter 8 - Shen the Cook


Shen woke up the next morning.

He looked around the room before recalling that he and Xue’er rented a cave mansion and he went off to sleep.

Even though he had observed the universe for countless star cycles, the past week or so has been a very different experience. Even the almighty being has a hard time trying to adapt to a change of lifestyle for which has only been a number of days.

Food and wine as well as the act of sleeping and relaxing in general was very enjoyable to him.


He suddenly discovered a beautiful girl in slightly dishevelled clothing, clinging to his arm with a faint smile, still asleep beside him.

Still, Shen has not reached the point to be able to get embarrassed from the spring scenery, or knowledgeable enough to take advantage of such a situation.

Shen untangled the sleeping beauty gently and got off the bed.

He suddenly had an impulse to cook something with his own hands.

Shen headed into the kitchen before realising that he did not have any ingredients to cook with.

“Hmm, let’s see, I’ll have to bother Brother Long.”

Shen faced the direction of the forest and took a step. It was as if Shen had ignored the space in between the city and the forest centre as his one step had directly brought him to the kitchen of Long Tian’s dwelling.

“Brother Long isn’t here. I’ll just a grab a few things from the kitchen.”

Long Tian had actually quite a bit of food stored up in his house. Apparently, this dragon was somewhat of a glutton.

He quickly grabbed some ingredients and stepped back into the kitchen of the cave mansion.

After which Shen paused for a bit. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to cook anymore nor was he taking a break. He just did not know where to start!

“Let’s see. I guess I’ll start by cutting something?” Shen decided to reduce the ingredients into edible chunks first. He then got a pan and started placing things in it.


“I think Xue’er put some of these ‘spices’ in. Some oil, ah yes, some of this……”

Shen was cooking up a storm.

Xue’er had woken up shortly after Shen started cooking. She then took out the snow fox from her pet bag since she was requesting to exit the space.

Xue’er had placed the fox inside a pet bag ever since they left the forest. The snow fox had wanted to sleep in order to break through the next cultivation stage and wanted some peace and quiet.

“Sister Xue’er!” The snow fox ‘Little White’ affectionally called out as she jumped into Xue’er’s bosom.

“Oh, you’ve reached mid Soul Formation stage! You don’t even have to cultivate, you just sleep and breaks through! I’m so envious!”

“Hehe. Sister Xue’er, you’re much more talented than me, remember I was still initial Soul Formation stage when we met. You were so small back then.”

Xue’er just pouted at the reply. Suddenly Xue’er and Little White both smelled something.

“Oh, that smells like……food?” The snow fox blurted out.

“Let’s go see.”

Xue’er headed into the kitchen only to see smoke everywhere and a Shen who was disposing of some questionable content from a pan.

“Morning Xue’er. Take a seat. Breakfast will be ready soon.” Shen said with a beam, seemingly ignoring the blackened content in the pan.

“Oh, Little White is out too? Looks like I’ll have to prepare an extra portion.” Shen muttered while taking another attempt at making food.

Xue’er and Little White watched as Shen sliced and diced and made a mess once more. “Big Brother Shen! Let me help.” ‘Or we’ll never get to eat!’ Xue’er offered help while muttering in her mind.

“Oh? Sure! I could use some help, hehe.” Shen didn’t want to say it out loud but he really was having trouble on this seemingly simple task.

Xue’er started helping Shen while the snow fox looked on with interest.

Although it was meant to be only helping, Xue’er had somehow started cooking by herself while Shen was just listening to her explanations while observing. It wasn’t long before an appetising aroma wafted out.


“I’m sure I’ll do better next time!” Shen declared as he stuffed himself.

Xue’er just smiled softly while the snow fox gave Shen a despising look.

After breakfast.

“There’s a big auction in two days isn’t there? There will be a lot of magical tools and spirit pills being sold.” The couple saw the advertisements from the Soaring Phoenix Auction House while they were strolling in the city yesterday.

“Do you want to go see, Big Brother Shen?”

“Yeah, I want to see what an auction is like. I don’t need any of the things but I bet it’ll be interesting!”

Xue’er agreed without much thought since she also hasn’t been to an auction before.

“I wonder if we should auction something too. What do you think Big Brother Shen?”

“Oh? But I don’t have anything other than what your father gave me. Oh yeah, I could sell some ores? I see a lot of them being sold in the market place.”

“What ores does Brother Shen have? Are they from outer void?” Xue’er asked curiously. She has not seen many ores since neither her or her father were proficient refiners.

“Yeah, let me take a look first. I’ll grab a bit when I find a suitable source.”

Shen closed his eyes and spread out his Divine Sense to the closest star system. He searched for planet, star or a meteorite with ore deposits and scanned them for their density and strength.

“Ah, found one!” Shen stood up and took one step. The next moment he disappeared from the kitchen and had reappeared on a dying star. It was unknown how far away the star was from the star system Shen was previously on.

The gravity on the dying star was terrifying. A cultivator would have required an Earth Immortal cultivation just to be able to walk normally on the surface. Taking into account that spiritual power was very thin, it would take someone of Immortal King stage to be able to survive for a long period.

Shen had appeared right on top of a large ore vein. His left hand blurred as it cut through the ore vein as if it was water. After getting a head sized chunk, Shen nodded satisfied.

Shen took one more step and reappeared in the kitchen at his previous position. Xue’er was surprised since Shen had disappeared and suddenly reappeared after less than a minute.

“Big Brother Shen, where did you go?”

“Take a guess!” Shen grinned. Apparently, the chaos beast has a sense of humour.

Shen showed the ore in his hand to Xue’er. “Do you think this can be sold?”

Xue’er took the ore and tried to melt it with her soul fire. Her soul fire which she activated when she reached Soul Formation stage is of golden colour, due to the Gold Dragon Bloodline.

“This seems to be a high rank ore. My Gold Dragon flame can’t melt it at all.”

A flying sword which seemed to be a high-grade magic tool appeared in Xue’er’s hand. She then proceeded to struck the ore with some force.

“Wow, there’s no scratch at all! This definitely is a good ore. A good refiner can certainly make a spirit tool rank weapon from this. It is also very heavy!”

“Do you think the amount is ok? If not, I can always go get more.”

“It should be fine? How much ore can a sword need.” Xue’er looked between the flying sword in hand and the ore before replying.

“We should go to the auction house today to buy seats, Big Brother Shen. I overheard a few people talking about it yesterday. Hopefully there are still free seats.”

“It will be ok. It isn’t like it’ll affect us even if we don’t get in. We’ll just go to one at the next city.” Shen really was not worried since he had no need to buy anything and purely wanted to see what an auction was like.

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