《Nomad Dungeon》Chapter 9 - Crushed & Lost


I took control of my new body, to consume all 6 of these adventurers.

Its a bit hard to control, probably because I'm not used to It.

It's different when in full control, unlike eye-bat and Oozer who are able to move by instinct.

After getting a hang of the controls, I consume the corpses first.

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I test it out.

My form changes into a complete human body.

I took a peek at myself through my omniscience.

The leader of that group of 6 is visible, even though my Omniscience, I can't tell a difference.

I can change into any of the 6 I just Consumed with ease, even the clothes they were wearing are

fully replicated.

Well, I did consume them with clothes on, but still, it feels so natural when I move in Human Form.


If that is true then doesn't that mean...!?

My new body begins trembling, and I feel an intense urge to throw up.


Although hearing that from Mr.Tutorial calmed me down a bit, I still felt nauseous.

I formed a new face from a mixture from those 6 faces then I had my new body leave the dungeon and begin traveling, the further, the better.

This rather strange as it feels like I'm operating two bodies at once.

Yet I have no problems with it, why?


Hmm...So I'm capable of having an army of sub-cores?


YEAH!, soon I will be immor


I scream escapes the mouth of my body.

An immense pain courses through my body.

This pain is not just coursing through sub-core body but through my dungeon as well.

...What just happened?


My body immediately collapsed.

I cant get up, the pain is too intense.

My omniscience picks up an intruder in the dungeon.



A woman, an elf, she is beautiful, silver-white hair, and sapphire blue eyes, she is like a model.

But, just her presence alone is enough to almost overwhelm me.

She looks at Oozer who is covering the path to my core.

"A Dungeon spirit smart enough to hide in such a manner."

Her expression is stone cold, I felt this for the first time in my life.

Killing Intent.

"And from the looks of it, you already cleaned up the place"

The killing intent grows stronger. I begin to feel my core cracking.

"Dungeon spirit, submit or perish"



The pain becomes more intense, but I endure it.

The woman raises left hand and points at Oozer.


After standing its ground protecting me even under such pressure, Oozer~.

Even after dying, its remains continue covering the path towards me.

"Dungeon spirit, Submit or Perish"


Fear builds up within me but also a strange, fierce sensation.

Something snaps within me.

Those two aren't my only options.


I go into dungeon augmentation and close up the entire dungeon.

As soon as I do so, the pain intensifies.

Suffocation and that elf's pressure join together and I can feel my core on the verge of breaking.

"Its useless"


Suicide option 2. Dungeon collapse. ACTIVATE!!!

At that moment, my core shatters.

I lose my omniscience, and a sharp pain assaults my sub-core.

It continues for a while and eventually dies down and I calm down along with it.

I begin checking my status, it remains unchanged.

But my DP...

[Current Amount: 45,587 DP]

It costs 1,110 DP just to cause a dungeon collapse.


Mr.Tutorial, you're ok, thank the lords.

Wait, does that mean if my dungeon was worth 1110 DP?



Well, I'm homeless now.

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