《Chronicles of a Dungeon Core》Meeting with Inari


My feet land firmly on Shima soil after being pulled through the portal. Looking around I see that we arrived right where we were supposed to. As we climb the last few steps and enter Inari's dungeon, the curious eyes of a few of the locals fall on us, and although that is common from when we used to teleport here in the past, they seem a bit more uneasy about our presence this time.

I can't really blame them. Living in Shima must be quite difficult as it is, and when you add the reset on top of it, I am sure I would be uneasy as well. At least a few familiar faces seem happy to see us with Ryuu and Bell quickly embracing one another, but only for a brief second before they let go and look quite embarrassed about it. Inari also steps forward giving Belinda a hug along with lightly pinching Rory's cheek.

After giving Belinda a hug Inari moves over to stand in front of me, she has never shied away from giving me a hug before, but this time she just gives me a light bow and says. “I'm happy to see you.”

“We are glad to see you as well, I thought we would have been able to use [Gate] again by now, but unfortunately with the new way in which [Menu] functions, it has made it difficult to gain many levels.”

Inari: “It took us a while to figure it out as well, but it is actually quite fortunate you caught us when you did, because in a few days we were going to make another attempt at the corrupt dungeon we were working on when the levels reset.”

“I know you kept your spells and skills, but have the others gained enough levels already to help you with a corrupt dungeon?”

Inari: “We'll have to progress much more slowly than we were before, but I think it is just what they need to catch them back up.”

“You are doing far better than we are. I have only been able to put in a few hours a day of training in, and I have only reached level 3.”

Inari: “Only level 3? To make sure I get the most out of each training session, I have switched out weapons each time. Now it may be because of the added strength of still having my skills, but I have already reached level 15, but even the ones with restrictive classes have still at least reached level 10.”

“What do you mean by making the most out of your training by switching weapons?”

Inari: “Oh Daddy...” -She says while shaking her head.- “I'm sorry I thought you would have been the first to figure it out, or I would have told you weeks ago. Killing monsters is only a small fraction of the xp you get now. You gain xp from the actual training now, if you use the same moves with the same weapons it will take you forever.”

“Is that so...?” -I say looking over to Bandy's group who are now avoiding eye contact.-

Inari: “I figured it out as soon as the locals started leveling up by cooking, crafting, and the like. I haven't tried it out yet, because we have plenty of Oni to fight with, and because you do get a small boost for defeating a monster, but I am sure you don't even need to fight actual monsters. You could probably gain xp just by practicing on training dummies, at least to some degree.”


“That explains why the people that have returned to Tobes were gaining levels. I was starting to think they were holding us back by gaining xp from the training we were doing, and it was just splitting it between all the residents in my dungeon.”

Ceres: “I thought it had to do with the types of monsters we were fighting. In a way I guess I was at least closer than Two-Twelve, because by having the monsters not attack and letting us kill them off quickly. It was actually hurting us in the long run.”

Inari: “Well I'm glad I was able to help out.” -She then turns to Bandy.- “And although everyone's level reset, I am sure their personalities haven't, so I am sure your group is ready to get started?”

Bandy: “Now that you gave up our secret, we are going to have to maintain our edge somehow, so bring it on.”

Inari looks over to Ryuu who is holding Bell's hands while they speak quietly to one another and ignoring our conversation completely. Inari calls out his name, only to startle him and causing him to begin blushing again. He then lets go of Bell's hands while turning his attention to Inari.

Inari: “I'm sure you have much better things to do, but I need you to get Bandy's group started on their xp gathering. I can count on you for this, can't I?”

Ryuu: “Of course Mistress!” -He then turns to Bell, apologies to her, asks Bandy's group to follow him, and then leads them towards the entrance of town.-

Inari: “Why don't the rest of us head downstairs, so we can relax a bit while we talk.”

After we agree Inari leads us down to her house. She could easily transfer us down to it, but instead she leads us on foot, as she greets and talks to several of the locals along the way. I'm not sure what they are talking about, because it is in the Shima language, but Inari must have decided not to tell them about being a dungeon core due to the fact you can tell they still revere her.

With Dailian focused on starting a war, there might not be any boats for a while, and with the locals resetting to level 1, it may be a while before the people of Shima begin moving through the Oni filled lands again, but sooner or later they are going to learn about dungeon cores, and they will surely put two and two together.

I don't have to say anything though, because once we reach Inari's house, Ceres says. “I'm surprised the locals are still treating you that way after telling them you were a dungeon core.”

Inari: “Actually I think a lot of them were relieved. No matter what we said, in the back of their minds they always thought that I was a god. Although I did have to tell them about the blessings I have received from the gods as well, because since I was the one that has been helping them all this time they thought perhaps the gods had abandoned them.”

“I guess you haven't ever killed anyone with your dungeon, so it makes sense they trust you more than the people back in Tobes trust us.”

Inari: “Don't worry Daddy, I am sure you will figure something out. After all, nobody can stay mad at you for very long.”

“I hope you are right.”

Ceres: “I think it will just take time. Everyone has been through so much lately, and once we start rebuilding Tobes, and they see how much they have come to rely on the dungeon, they will start trusting you again.”


Inari: “I'll even help out if I can. Once you set that portal up I can send supplies, workers, or anything else you might need. After all the only thing that seemed to reset for me was my level, so think in the long run I am only going to benefit from the reset.”

“By letting Bandy's group come here to gather xp, and by telling us about how leveling works now, you have already helped out plenty.”

Inari: “What about you?” -She asks Ceres.- “Not that I mind you coming along with Daddy just for a visit, I am sure you had something to ask me?”

Ceres: “Several things actually, but first it is something Dyson wanted me to ask you. Since we are still unable to locate Laura, Dyson and Two-Twelve are the only remaining Elders, and when you add the fact that the Elders are going to have to start dealing with humans as well. Dyson wanted to at least fill the empty chairs, so we don't get to bogged down by what needs to be done.”


Ceres: “Yes, he asked me as well.”

“He hasn't said anything to me about it...”

Ceres: “He just figured you had enough on your plate to deal with right now. I am sure he would have talked it over with you before it was set in stone, or are you saying that you object to Inari and I becoming Elders?”

“Of course not, but both of you at the same time? That is a lot of people with close ties to me.”

Ceres: “And that is why he wanted me to ask Inari instead of you. The truth is, with the exception of Dyson, you and your daughters were the least effected by the reset, so it makes sense to go to them first. Initially I told Dyson that one of your twins would be better suited to become an Elder instead of me, but even though both of them avoided the reset, I am the only one that is still alive since the dungeon cores were first born, so he thought it would be best to have my knowledge over their strength.”

Inari: “And what are your other questions?”

Ceres: “Well it really depends on your answer to Dyson's question.”

Inari: “Well I don't dare put off destroying the corrupt dungeons any longer than I have to, but as long as it doesn't interfere with that. I have no objections in becoming an Elder.”

Ceres: “Alright, since your father will never ask, once you become an Elder you'll be able to make xp beads, so I then would ask you to loan your Father some xp, and I will pay back the loan.”

“I'm doing alright for myself! I don't need to take xp from you or Inari!”

Ceres: “Rebuilding Tobes is your top priority, and rightfully so, but there is so much more you should be doing as an Elder. I got Dyson to agree to match whatever xp amount Inari is willing to provide, if she is willing. And with it you can at least make Tobes livable again, so you can begin focusing on other priorities.”

Inari opens up her [Menu] and after a few seconds she smirks and says. “Alright, tell Dyson I will loan Daddy 5 million xp, so that he has to match that, but I will only ask you to pay me back for half of it. I could go as high as 10 million, but Dyson doesn't have enough xp to match that, and there is no rush to pay me back if it is only 5 million xp.”

“Only 5 million...? I was doing alright for myself before the reset, but still couldn't afford to say only 5 million xp.”

Inari: “You know xp has never really been an issue for me, and besides I didn't lose my xp in the reset either.”

Ceres: “I'm sure that is a lot more than Dyson was expecting, but I will see to it that he holds up to his end of the deal. We can work out the details on how you want me to pay you back whenever you want.”

Inari: “Just remember once you start building homes for the humans, your xp consumption jumps in leaps and bounds, so make sure you don't over do it.”

“I still haven't agreed into taking the xp...”

Ceres: “I could ask for the loan for myself, and rebuild Tobes on my dungeon instead, but Tobes is your thing, so I would rather help you. Besides it isn't just for you, its for helping the humans as well. You wouldn't deny the humans a chance at getting their homes back sooner, just so you don't have to take xp from people that want nothing but to help, would you?”

I sigh and then say. “Fine, but I am paying you all back.”

Ceres: “Once Tobes is rebuilt, and everything calms down, if you want to repay me, so be it, but not until then.”

Inari: “Was there anything else you needed?” -She asks Ceres.-

Ceres: “Since I don't see any way of acquiring skills with the way [Menu] is set up now, I had some questions on how it is affecting the skills you held onto during the reset. That is of course if you don't mind talking about it.”

Inari: “Well I know Momma will want to soak in the hot spring while she is here, and that could take hours, so why don't we continue the conversation there?”

“Wait... What about me?”

Inari gives me a smug look and says. “Well alright Daddy, if you want to join us I won't stop you.”

“You know what I meant... I guess we can talk afterwards.”

Rory is still too little to enter the hot springs, so Belinda hands her over to me before leaving with Ceres, Inari, and Bell.

“Well Takeshi, it looks like it's just you, me, and little Rory here... I guess while we wait on the girls I can go ahead and set up the portal to return to Tobes.”

Takeshi: “Very well Father, I will show you to the location in which Inari wishes the portal to be set up.”

Takeshi leads me from the house, and out the gate, but instead of heading back up to where we arrived, he leads me down deeper into Inari's dungeon.

“Inari had me make the arrival point just outside her dungeon, so why does she want the departure point to be so deep in her dungeon?”

Takeshi: “With your plans on making the portal open to the public eventually, Inari believed it to be best to have the arrivals outside the providence to prevent the possibility of any mishaps, but have the portal in a controlled location.”

“Makes sense I guess, it never even occurred to me to have different locations for the incoming and outgoing. You do know the portals aren't just one way though, right? You wouldn't be able to open the one outside of town from this side, but once it is open you could go either way. The same could be said for the one down here, you could only open it from this side, but once it is, someone could enter from Tobes.”

Takeshi: “Even more reason to have it in a controllable location... Here, this building should work.” -He says as we reach a large warehouse looking building.- “We used it to store supplies, but after Inari told the locals about being a dungeon core, she decided it would take up far less space and none of it would spoil if we were to store everything in her dungeon inventory instead. Just let me know what you need.”

The warehouse is huge, I wouldn't say it was large enough to hold all of Denova's goods, but it would be pretty close. If we do eventually open up the portals for trade purposes, this building could easily be converted to trade building. We are still a ways away from something like that, but it might not be a bad idea to do the same for the portal on our end, when I decide on a permanent location.

Depending on what they want to do with this warehouse I think the best bet would be to set the portal up along the back wall, so after confirming its location in my [Menu] I begin working on the last few rune stones for the portal.

“I'll need a doorway or archway along the back wall there, it will have to be able to house these rune stones, but other than that, the look of it is not really important. And try not to make the gap between the ruin stones very big or it will be difficult for me to connect them together with the activation rune.”

Working on the rune stones while entertaining Rory is a little bit easier said than done, but I do my best as Takeshi opens his [Menu] to begin working on the archway. Takeshi seems to be putting a lot of thought into it, because by the time I finish the first stone he is still just staring at his [Menu].

I play with Rory while I wait for my magic to recover enough to cast the rune spells again. Meanwhile Takeshi finally seems to have made up his mind as he has begun to make motions on his [Menu] screen. The warehouse must consist of more than a single dungeon room, because without me having to leave Takeshi is able to summon in the archway against the back wall.

The archway looks identical to the archways leading to the shrine on the surface, but is much smaller in scale. It will still take quite a while to make the activation rune on it, because it is just as large as the one I built, if not a bit bigger even.

Since I have been working on these stones all day my magic is recovering at a decreased rate, so even by the time Belinda sends me a message telling me they are done with their bath, I still have well over half of the archway to cover with the activation rune.

“We might as well go join the ladies, I won't be able to go any further until my magic recovers anyway.”

Takeshi: “Very well, Inari prefers us walking around when inside the dungeon to fit in better with the locals, but there isn't any harm in it right now. Are you ready Father?”

I pick up Rory and put her on my shoulders before nodding my head. With a quick pull from behind my chest we are standing back in the meeting room at Inari's house.

Belinda, Bell, and Ceres are all wearing Shima clothing similar to Inari's, and even though Inari's clothes would probably fit Ceres, they probably wouldn't fit Belinda, and most definitely wouldn't fit Bell, but I guess if they equipped them with [Menu] size wouldn't matter. I do have to say they fit Belinda quite stunningly.

Belinda and Ceres don't seem to be having any issues with the attire, but Bell seems quite uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure with all the layers the robes consist of she is in no danger of falling out of it, but she keeps pulling on the front of the robe and the sash to make sure it is secure.

Ryuu has returned and is talking with Inari, so it could just be Bell is nervous about him seeing her in that outfit. Our arrival ends their conversation as Ryuu gives Inari a light bow and then nervously sits at Bell's side.

Inari: “Good, you have returned. It sounds like it is time we sit down and discuss Ryuu and Bell's future.”

“Bell is like family to me, and if Ryuu is what makes her happy, I'm all for it. Besides we both knew this could have been a possibility from the moment we allowed them to date to begin with.”

Inari: “I agree, I have no objection to their relationship, but if their relationship is progressing to something more serious, there are some matters that need to be addressed. For instance, will they remain here in Shima, or return with you to Tobes?”

“I believe Bell's intentions were to come here and stay with Ryuu.”

Inari: “Another issue is my trip to the corrupt dungeon. Chika is usually the one to stay behind to keep an eye on the dungeon, so I guess I can have Ryuu fill that role this time, but he is one of my monsters, and he will have responsibilities to deal with which may include him leaving the dungeon for up to several months at a time.”

“Of course, and Bell has worked a great deal in the mayor's office in Tobes, so I believe she could really assist in the management of your town here.”

Inari: “What about her responsibilities to your dungeon? With the xp I am going to provide won't you need her help back in Tobes for the reconstruction?”

“I won't say things wouldn't go smoother with her help, but since she wishing to remain here, we will make due.”

Inari: “Then it sounds like your monster will remain here, and I can use her however I see fit, so if we all agree, I'd say that about covers it.”

“I don't believe you to be someone I would have to worry about taking advantage of Bell's situation, but I will say you can use her however you see fit within reason, just to be on the safe side.”

Inari: “Alright, if Bell and Ryuu both agree?”

Ryuu: “Of course Mistress!”

Bell: “Yes...” -She says meekly.-

Inari: “Then Bell, welcome to our family.”

Inari then calls for all her monsters to return and has a celebration for Ryuu and Bell. It doesn't take Inari long to get quite drunk, so I never was able to sit down and speak with her. We do have the portal now, the situation with Bell is taken care of, and we even have a time set to meet with Dyson concerning the Elder matter, so all in all I guess I will be able to speak to her more at that time.

I leave the celebration a bit early to go finish the activation rune on the portal back to Tobes, and by the time I am finished the celebration is starting to wrap up. Inari and Takeshi already retired hours ago, and even Bell and Ryuu have disappeared at some point. With Belinda falling asleep where she sits, and Rory already asleep in her lap. It seems Ceres and some of Inari's other monsters are the only ones keeping the celebration going anyway.

We say our goodbyes, and even though it is quite earlier here in Shima than it is back home it is well after the start of a new day before we finally depart and head back to Tobes. For the next few days there isn't much for me to do other than train, and come up with some plans for the reconstruction of Tobes.

Switching out weapons has really made a difference in our training. We have no longer just been having the monsters stand there taking the hits either, but have had them start trying to dodge attacks so that you have to use more skill to take them out.

Ceres began another 48 hour training session as soon as we returned from Inari's dungeon, and gained 3 levels in just the first session, so she is leaving me even further behind. I have put a bit more effort into training the last few days have gained at least 1 level each day, but even though being a dungeon core allows me to use any type of weapon, since my class is technically a mage class it is my spells that seem to help me level the most.

Of course without the magic to continuously fire off spells it seems to be holding me back a bit. Sofia is restricted to a sword, and Scylla is a mage as well, so we are all having the same problem, but Belinda, Roxy, Zoey, Kline, and most of the bunnies are gaining closer to 2 levels per day.

Azami lost her lost her skills in the reset like everyone else, but even though it reset she still has the mental endurance ability, so her pool of magic is still quite larger than everyone else. She can also only summon a single spriggan now, but between her magic, her spriggan, and even doing some elven crafting on the side, she is starting gain levels faster than anyone else in my group.

It is starting to become clear that skills have completely disappeared, because nobody has gained any back through all of our training, and yet Azami and Katie can still use their crafting abilities. Even without Ursus ever having a skill, he has started to learn leatherworking, so maybe skills are just no longer required.

By the day that Dyson is supposed to arrive to take us to the neural zone to make Ceres and Inari into Elders, I have reached level 7 and the others range from 7 to 13. I don't know how many levels Inari has gained since then, but Ceres has managed to catch up to what Inari was, by reaching level 15 just this morning.

If things go like we expect I should be returning with 10 million xp for the rebuilding of Tobes, so like I have done several times already I am building Tobes in my [Menu], just to see what it would look like, but then canceling the buildings as I don't have enough xp for them.

While I am doing that one last time the portal in the section of my dungeon that is connected to Ceres's dungeon activates and Inari steps through. Ceres is there to greet her, so I cancel the buildings I had on [Menu], close the screen, send a message to Dyson that we are ready, and go down to join them.

“Welcome back to Tobes. It's not much to look at right now, but after today maybe that will change.”

Ceres is wearing her normal simple but high quality outfit, but Inari on the other hand is completely decked out. Not only is she wearing what is probably the best Shima style robe that she has, but she is wearing her full armor, and is carrying no less than 5 weapons including several swords and the bladed staff that I made her. Even her long hair has been tied up with a large headdress adorning he head.

She also has Midori and Aoi on either side of her, and if I didn't know they were foxes I would say they were wolves if not even dire wolves by their size, both of which are highly decorated and wearing armor of their own. Not only have they increased in size since the last time I seen them but each one now has 3 tails.

“Well... Don't you clean up nice?”

Inari: “It's not every day that someone becomes a new Elder, so I wanted to show off just a bit.”

Ceres: “It is just going to be us and Dyson, so I think I will just stick with this.” -She says motioning to her own simple outfit.-

“I already messaged Dyson, so he should be on his way at any moment.”

Seemingly right on cue Dyson appears in the room. He is decked out as well, its not as good as when he had his old armor, but he is even wearing that stupid looking helmet I made him. I thought he would have asked about his sword and armor by now, since we did get rid of the failed dungeon cores, but since he hasn't mentioned it I didn't want to be the one to say they are gone for good.

Like Midori and Aoi following Inari, Angela and Desiree are on either side of Dyson, in their armor as well.

Dyson: “Well I'm glad at least someone is taking this honor seriously. I do however have a bit of bad news.”

“And what is that?”

Dyson: “Well you see, I checked on the neutral zone, but it just isn't there anymore. I don't believe it was part of Madam Erin or Lucille's dungeons, so it may be due to the reset, but in any case the neutral zone is no more.”

“If the neutral zone is gone, are you even sure if you can make Ceres and Inari into Elders?”

Dyson: “Even without the neutral zone, the dungeon cores still need the Elders.”

Ceres: “The Elders were not part of [Menu] since the beginning, so it is a possibility there are no Elders anymore.”

Dyson: “Well we won't know until we try it, so are we ready to get started?”

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