《Chronicles of a Dungeon Core》A New World


It has been a few weeks since Madam Erin sacrificed herself to the world crystal, and much to Ceres's predictions, it has been chaotic. A few more of the remaining dungeon cores have lost their lives due to starvation. I don't know if they didn't heed our advice about breaking-down parts of their dungeons to keep up with their consumption, or that they made some miscalculations, but Dyson told me that if a dungeon's xp consumption is high enough, that it is possible for the dungeon to starve within hours rather than days.

I managed to speak with one of the dungeon cores in Exeter and got them to form an agreement with Exeter's Queen, and although it seemed heavily in favor for the dungeon core, Millie quickly accepted the terms.

It turned out to be a moot point however, because not only has leveling up become far more difficult than before the reset, but Dailian declared war on its neighbors not even a few days after our meeting. The Dailian army is not nearly impressive as Adra or Merretta but even with their levels reset the monsters Dailian use, are far stronger than a level one adventurer.

Exeter's army that relied on quality over quantity didn't even stand a chance of holding them back once they were reset. The only thing that has stopped Dailian from completely overthrowing Exeter, is the fact they are pushing forward into Livinston and Clement at the same speed.

Dailian either plans on extending their territory as much as possible before the other kingdoms build their strength back up, or make deals with dungeons to be able to fight back with monsters of their own. Any negotiations with the Dailian King or with Duke Bozhidar, the dungeon core supplying Dailian's monsters, have met on deaf ears.

Dyson even spoke to Exeter, Livinston, and Clement about taking out Duke Bozhidar, but so far they are refusing our assistance. They don't want to owe Dyson or the dungeon core Elders that big of a debt.

Is that really what things have come down too? I wanted to get the knowledge of dungeon cores out in the open to help broker peace between us and the humans but instead we are turning into their new weapons of war...

Things haven't been going much better in Tobes either. We still haven't got a clue as to Laura's location, and the news about Ceres and myself being dungeon cores has spread quickly to the returning townsfolk of Tobes. They all have taken up residence either in one of Ceres's buildings or in my dungeon, but many of them do so begrudgingly.

Ironic because they don't have any problem taking the food or drink supplied by the dungeon, but many of them won't so much as look at anyone that they know is associated with the dungeon. It seems all the help we gave during the attack has been forgotten.

That has also caused all the progress that was made with introducing the demi-humans into society to regress as well. The humans still act cordially when in our presence, but when our backs are turned and they don't think we can hear them there is plenty of talk. Even the beastkin are are being accused of being dungeon monsters again.

Since I lost all my skills and my level was back to 1 I thought about adding as many cheap skills as possible to give me a boost until I managed to gain some levels, but the options to add skills is no longer available in [Menu], and that is for me or my boss monsters.


I instead tried to focus on leveling up, but much like Millie, our own leveling progress has been slow as well. I have dedicated quite a bit of time in trying to regain my levels by training in Ceres's dungeon, but even after all this time I have only reached level three.

It used to only take 10 xp to go from level 1 to level 2, but with how [Menu] works now, that doesn't seem to be the case any more. As I can tell the xp my dungeon consumes no longer counts towards my level, and even though I brought back many times over the 100xp [Status] said I needed to gain a level, on my first day of training, my [Status] still displayed 35 xp until next level.

The next day when I finally did manage to gain a level the xp amount reset to 100 xp before I gain another, so after continued testing I now believe it is percentage based now. That still doesn't help much because in the following days I killed more and more monsters yet the number didn't seem to be moving that much.

We also learned that many of the townsfolk that were not even doing any training managed to gain levels on their own. We can't be certain if it is because they are living within the dungeon or not, but they definitely are leveling up.

We were able to find this out because [Menu] has also become far more accessible. Anyone can now access their own [Menu], but for most people it is almost strictly limited to their own [Status]. With the information they were limited to before with the stones the Adventurer's Guild had, this is completely mind blowing to them.

[Menu] screens are also no longer invisible to other people either, so even though they know I am a dungeon core now, we still have to be careful how and where we use [Menu]. Gone are the days I could walk around town while keeping several screens open, monitoring the dungeon.

As for the dungeon itself, we had stopped the rifts from producing monsters on the first few floors for now, with the exception of the ones producing livestock. And although it isn't exactly comfort living, the people living in the dungeon are able to at least eat well.

I was worried about being able to maintain my consumption rate without Akil, but after losing so many sentient and non-rift monsters during the attack, even the low level humans are enough to maintain my consumption rate.

I have plenty of monsters out in other dungeons but with their levels being reset, and no way to collect them, I have told them to just continue helping the dungeon they are stationed at the best they can until I level up enough to be able to teleport again.

The xp we have been gathering, by training in Ceres's dungeon, we have so far just been stockpiling until we can start the process of rebuilding Tobes, but even with Ceres letting us kill hordes of her rift monsters without them fighting back, we still aren't making very good progress.

Lilah: “Master doesn't seem to want to say it, so Lilah will. It's time for Master's meeting...”

I let out a deep sigh then say. “Of all the people to have returned after the attack, why did she have to be one of them?”

I then transfer to one of the rooms on the first floor of the dungeon that has been converted into a makeshift tavern, and to no surprise when people notice my arrival they give me a wide berth. It is quite crowded in here so that only makes it easier to find my “guest” that is sitting at one of the tables with a sour expression.


When Denova spots me however her lips curl into a devious smile as she greets me. “Greetings Two-Twelve, I would offer to buy you a drink, but as I understand it, you're not charging anyone for the booze.”

“Well my dungeon produces it, so as long as the amount is negligible, I think the people of Tobes have been through enough that they deserve the break.”

Denova: “I of course heard the rumors, but to think you would admit to is so openly, I have to admit I am quite surprised. I always knew there was something about that escaped slave story of yours that didn't sit well with me, and I always wondered about your affinity to the dungeon, but even I didn't think you were some monster in control over the dungeon.”

“The term monster has never bothered me, and I even call those bound to my dungeon as such, regardless of their race, but hearing it from your lips makes it sound vile. I am what I am, so you can call me a monster if you want, but I would appreciate it if that is where it stops, at me.”

Denova takes a sip from the drink sitting in front of her then sits back in her chair while crossing her legs, the devious smile never parts from her face as she seems to be thinking before she says. “Interesting...”

“I'm sure it is. Now, I'm sure you didn't travel all the way back here from the capital just to find out how to address me, so why is it you wanted a meeting with me?”

Denova's devious smile grows, if that's even possible, as she leans forward and says. “I've come to collect my compensation of course.”

“Compensation? For what? Last I heard you bought the remaining wagons heading for the capital and were charging people everything they own for a ride.”

Denova: “For my properties of course. Those monsters only came to attack Tobes because they were looking for you. And as I understand it, that blast that took out half the forest and every building, was to save your own neck.”

“Those monsters never even attempted to attack the dungeon here, so as for the reason they attacked Tobes, the answers died with them. As for the blast, your buildings were rubble far before Ceres even fired off that spell.”

Denova's devious smile fades and is replaces with anger as she shouts. “Everything I owned was tied up in Tobes! I had warehouses full of goods, shops, brothels, two inns, and even a handful of houses that I owned, and someone has to pay for it!”

“Those responsible for the attack on Tobes are dead, so there is at least that, but the land is still yours. Now I can't guarantee the exact same plots of land, because figuring that out with the change of landscape would be quite difficult, but the size of your properties were well documented, so if you wish to rebuild, there shouldn't be a problem.”

Denova: “Even if half the forest wasn't gone, it would still take laborers to harvest the trees, and builders to build the buildings. Even if I could scrounge up enough gold to get that done, it doesn't matter anyway because I don't have the capital to replace the goods!”

“I can't promise anything, but I am going to use the dungeon to assist in the rebuilding of Tobes. You saw how well the buildings Ceres made with her dungeon held up, so I plan on doing the same when we rebuild Tobes.”

Denova: “By making our homes and businesses part of your dungeon? Nobody will agree to that, besides what's in it for you?”

“Tobes has been part of my dungeon ever since we first built our home there, and the only reason we didn't construct the buildings with the dungeon before, was because we didn't want the humans to know it. As for what is in it for me, it is the same as it has always been, survival. Some dungeons may be content killing off adventurers that enter their dungeon to supply them with the xp they need to survive, but I prefer the daily xp I receive from people residing within the dungeon's boundaries.”

Denova: “So you are leeching xp from everyone?”

“It isn't leeching, because it is mutually beneficial. The xp I get for them living here doesn't take anything away from them, but it keeps me alive and also allows me to provide things like that alcohol you are drinking.”

Denova: “Even if I were to agree to dungeon created buildings, it would take years to regain the capital I would need to resupply them.”

“I may be able to help with that.” -I say while standing and reaching my hand across the table.-

Denova eyes me suspiciously but reaches forward and takes my hand. I then transfer us down to a massive room that was designed for adventurers to fight a dragon in. I don't have the ability to summon any dragons like Teku, and even if I did I don't see me having enough xp in the foreseeable future to summon one, so it is instead just a huge empty room.

Denova quickly pulls her hand from mine and with panic in her voice she says. “Where are we?!”

“Well you are deeper in my dungeon than any human has ever been, but you don't have anything to worry about, I just needed the extra space, and I doubt you would want what you are about to see, just outside on the ground.”

I then access my [Menu], and although Denova still seems a little panicked, it doesn't stop her from trying to catch a glimpse of my [Menu]. I turn it so she can't see it and then access the dungeon's inventory.

We gathered many of the goods from the shops and warehouses of Tobes during the attack, and although most of it would be impossible to find its rightful owner, Denova was quite thorough. Denova had a habit of placing her mark on all the crates and boxes that she had in her storehouses, in the event one of them turned up somewhere it didn't belong, so I am able to search for that mark in my dungeon's inventory and select all the items we recovered that belonged to her.

Even though this room is huge, after removing the items from the dungeon's inventory over half the room is filled with crates and boxes. Denova notices the mark on one of the boxes and says. “These are mine!”

“I'm sorry it isn't everything, but it was all we were able to save before Tobes completely fell. If you want to return to the capital and hire wagons to load this all up, you are more than welcome to, or you can stick around for the rebuilding of Tobes, and we can just see how grand the new Tobes will be.”

Denova rummages through a few of the crates and boxes while she seems to be thinking, and with each crate and box she opens the devious smile on her face get larger and larger. She eventually returns with a small crate that she packed full of clothing items, jewelry, a few smaller weapons, and a handful the magic stones the Mage's Guild used to produce.

Denova: “Alright Two-Twelve, I'll hold off making up my mind until I see one of these buildings you are promising me. Just don't take too long.”

I sigh and say. “I said I can't make any promises, but I will do what I can.”

Denova: “Good, now I take it the rest of my things will be safe here?”

“I'll store them like I had them before, and nothing can get to them.”

Denova: “I'll take this one with me, it should get me by for a few weeks. I take it you can send it and me back to the surface without any trouble?”

“I can transfer it and you right back into the wagon that brought you here if you want.”

Denova looks a little surprised, and shudders a bit before agreeing for me to send her back to the makeshift stables that have been set up on the surface. After sending Denova on her way I open a screen to watch her while I store her things back in the dungeon inventory. While someone hitches her team to her wagon she looks back up towards the mountain several times wearing a complicated expression on her face.

I have plenty to do so after Denova's things are stored again, so I transfer to the dungeon core room while leaving the screen on Denova open. As I watch her making her way back towards the capital she looks back at the mountain several more times before she is out of view, but I keep thinking those magic stones that Denova recovered from one of her crates.

The runic magic stones should almost be impossible to make now most of the mages from the Mage's Guild are gone, and even the ones still alive, are back to level one. Creating a stone with the [Gate] spell was just not worth the magic stone it would take to power it before, but now that we can't use [Gate] it may be worth reexamining.

We would have to build at least two, one for the trip and another for the return. We have gathered enough xp to make them, but that would wipe us out again. Not to mention the fact it could take days to charge the magic crystal up enough to activate the spell.

If we set it up between here and Shima though, we could probably make up the xp cost in no time. The portal in Utharia was a large archway in which you could change the runes out to change the location of your destination, so if we were to build one we should probably do the same.

I don't think we are ready for one that big yet, but if each rune holds a smaller magic stone instead of just a large one for the whole portal, we could move the location of the archway or increase its size, and we wouldn't have to start over from scratch. We would just have to change out one or two runes at most.

The archway will be simple, I can summon it with [Menu] no problem, it will be the rune stones that will be difficult, so I begin working on them. I remember the cost for casting [Runic Reading] and [Runic Writing] was negligible, but after only casting each of them once I already feeling quite drained.

It is like [Shadow Pocket] I never even noticed its magic drain, but on the day our levels reset, after our meeting with the kings and queens, I got back to the dungeon core room and was preparing for bed when midnight hit. [Shadow Pocket] tried to use the same amount of magic it has done every day, but all I remember is hearing the things I had stored in the [Shadow Pocket] crash to the ground as I lost consciousness. When I woke up the next morning I had a horrid headache all day long.

Belinda doesn't use [Shadow Pocket] unless she needs it, so she wasn't really effected by it, and most of the others weren't either, but Zoey on the other hand... From what I heard from Belinda and Roxy, when midnight hit Zoey instantly blacked out and Tobes's refugees were covered in all kinds of different kinds of food and every type of monster part you can imagine from useful regents, down to disgusting bodily fluids. Even after the last few weeks have past, Roxy still hasn't stopped giving Zoey a earful about it every chance she gets.

It takes longer than I expected to make the runic stones, because I had to stop and wait for my magic to recover several times, and I still will need to finish one final stone once I set the archway here, and two more in Shima once we find out where the archway will be located there.

The one bright side is that due to the fact of summoning the magic stones, they are already charged, so I will be able to get to Shima and back before figuring out how to recharge them for their next usage. Now I just have to get a group together to gather xp in Shima.

I don't think I am strong enough to fight the Oni yet, but I do think there is someone that has been training a bit harder than I have, so I transfer down to the area of my dungeon in which Ceres has been training along with some of her own monsters... After talking with Denova I guess I should get out of the habit of referring to any sentient creature as a monster.

Ceres barely sleeps, so she has been training all night and most of the day, but she still hasn't gained many levels herself. She has also brought along all the sentient creatures she had left, because even though she has gathered enough xp to summon more, her reset was almost complete so the [Monsters] section of her [Menu] was reduced down to only the most basic of monsters.

Ceres and her group has been training in the room I made for training the new dungeon cores, and when she sees my arrival she tells her group to continue training while she walks over to me. They must be pushing themselves really hard, because even though it is quite difficult for a dungeon core to sweat, Ceres is practically soaked with it.

She isn't wearing her normal bright smile as she wipes the sweat from her brow, and she lets out a deep sigh when she drops the shortsword she was holding only for it to clank to the floor. She bends down picking the weapon back up and sheathing it at her waist while she says. “You would have thought I'd gotten used to using normal weapons by now...”

“It isn't even noon yet, and you look positively exhausted, so I can see why...”

Ceres: “We are just about to finish up with a 48 hour training session, and then we will take a break. Unless of course your visit is more than just checking up on how we are doing.”

“I have decided to make a gateway between here and Shima using some runic magic stones, with Inari's permission of course, but I don't think I have gained enough levels to train there yet, so I was wondering if you would take me to Bandy's group.”

Ceres: “Of course, let me just round everyone up real quick and we will start our break a bit early.”

“I can wait, I don't want to interrupt your training.”

Ceres: “It's fine, I have only been gaining 5% of a level per training session all week, so I don't think half of an hour is going to make much difference at this point.”

“5% in 48 hours? You must be level 30 by now for the training to be going that slow...”

Ceres: “You would think... But I have only reached 8, and some of the others haven't even made it that far.”

“Well you are doing far better than I am, I have only made it to level 3 so far. I can't believe how insanely high the xp curve has gone to gain levels now.”

Ceres: “I know what you mean, I have gained enough xp from these training sessions that I am ready to begin refurbishing the university, and still have enough xp to maintain my consumption without worry, but only 8 levels...?”

Ceres then begins rounding up her people and I start to wonder. If Ceres has only reached level 8 after all this training, then even Bandy's group might not be ready to head back to Shima yet. I have been so busy I haven't been monitoring Bandy's group, I just know they have been training practically non-stop. I start to open my [Menu] to check on them but Ceres is now ready, so it will be just as quick to ask them.

I transfer all of us to the room that connects Ceres's and my dungeon. Ceres's group disbands heading over to her side of the room, and they begin transferring out while Ceres waits for me to join her. Once I join Ceres, she checks her [Menu] to find the location Bandy and her group are in, and she then transfers us to them.

Bandy's group seems to be taking a bit of a break after clearing out a room, so they are a bit startled by our sudden appearance. Bandy quickly lowers a shortbow she has aiming at us and says. “That's a good way to get an arrow between the eyes, just showing up without any warning.”

“Sorry, we didn't mean to startle you, but since when have you started using a bow?”

Ed: “We have been switching up weapons to...” -He is then cut off by Bandy.-

Bandy: “We were reduced back to level 1 why shouldn't we try something new?”

“Fair enough...”

With the heavy losses we suffered during the fall of Tobes, we are down to only two xp gathering groups, and even though everyone from Bandy's group survived they have switched a few people around.

Katie was quite upset of her loss of levels and skills so she has rededicated herself to training her smithing ability again, and Ursus the bear beastkin that was in their group has decided to take up leatherworking instead.

They were replaced by Reti and Orino, the two cat-folk that were in Poppy's group. They didn't blame Poppy for Lynx's death, or Isi's for that matter, but to continue working together was just too much for them. That left Bandy, Chase, Edmundo, Charlotte, Reti, and Orino in Bandy's group.

All the remaining xp gathers which consists of Poppy, Iris, Kit, Suzie, Karina, and Nyxia are in Poppy's group. Iris returned to Poppy's group after she was overseeing her own group along with Aster, who she looked to as a brother, so she has been taking the loss of her group pretty hard. Kit also lost three members of his group as well, so Poppy's group is now pretty damaged. Their progress has probably only equal to my own, even though they have far more time dedicated to train, so I doubt it would be a good idea to take them to Shima, hence why I came to Bandy's group.

Bandy: “So did you need something, or did you just come to interrupt our training?”

“Well I came to ask how you were progressing, what level are you now?”

Bandy: “Does it matter what our level is?! We are bringing you back the xp we get every few days!” -She says defensively.-

“I could just look it up with [Menu]... I just thought it would be easier to ask.”

Bandy: “Fine, I'm level 10, so more than enough to kick your ass now if I wanted to.”

Chase: “Bandy!”

Ceres: “Level 10?! How is that possible, you have been training less than I have, and have been taking back far less xp than I have been gaining in Two-Twelve's dungeon. This new system of leveling doesn't make any sense!”

Bandy: “Well maybe we are just training smarter instead of harder.” -She says smugly while puffing out her chest.-

“If you really have reached level 10, than you probably could beat me in a fight, but what good would that do you? And I would then have to find someone else to go to Shima to gather xp instead.”

Bandy: “Shima?” -She says enthusiastically, dropping the condescending tone.-

Looks like I got her attention now, in fact, her whole group seems to be enthusiastic about the idea, so I add. “I mean, if you are interested.”

Bandy: “Damn right we are interested, but how!? Did you make some kind of deal with Dyson to teleport us back and forth? I know you haven't leveled enough to use your [Gate] spell again.”

“You let me worry about the how. Now, you will have to follow the same rules as always for going to Shima, and remember Inari's level may have reset, but she was able to keep her skills, so her level doesn't mean much when she has the skills of someone over level 50.”

Bandy: “Alright, we get it... When do we leave?”

“As soon as I get Inari's permission, and I am sure Belinda would like to see Inari as well, so I will have to go get her and Bell hasn't seen her boyfriend in weeks, so she will probably want to go to. I doubt Inari will have a problem with it though, so I would advise you all to get ready.”

Bandy's group begins gathering their things and Ceres transfers us back to the area in which our dungeons connect. I then send a message to Inari letting her know of my plans, and send a message to Belinda and Bell asking them to meet me here.

Inari responds with the answer I was expecting, and she also tells me where she would like the portal's destination to be at, so while I wait for Belinda and Bell, I am able to finish the last few rune stones.

We will be able to make the first trip there and back without problems, but for some reason when Belinda and Bell arrives, Belinda brings Rory of course, she also brings along with enough luggage for days, if not weeks.

“We are just going to take Bandy's group over there and visit for a bit. We will be back before the end of the day.”

Belinda pushes on Bells shoulder and she steps forward a bit nervous. “Thanks for inviting me to come with you Master, but since it will be difficult to travel back and forth to Shima for a while, I was wondering if perhaps... If it is alright with you... If I... Uhm...” -She looks to Belinda while stumbling though her words, but nods her head and Bell finishes.- “I'd like to selfishly request to stay in Shima for a while!”

Bell has always been a bit shy and reserved. Her voice has never really matched her appearance, but that last bit was actually quite forceful. Things are quite rough right now, and once we start rebuilding Tobes I am sure Scylla could really use Bell's help, but...

“Your training hasn't progressed that well, so I am not sure you are strong enough to train in Shima right now.”

Belinda gives me a dirty look, and Bell's shoulders drop a bit, but she quickly puffs back up and with the last bit of her nerves she proclaims. “I don't want to go to Shima to train, I want to go to Shima to start a family with Ryuu!” Her knees then almost seem to give out underneath her and she quickly covers her blushing face with her hands while Belinda pats her on the back.

I can't help but to laugh and quickly apologize. “I'm sorry... Of course you can stay in Shima if that is what you truly want. I just know Sofia would be mad at me if I didn't at least give you a hard time about it. Although I do have to say starting a family with Ryuu is rushing things a bit isn't it?”

I can't see Bell's face because they are covered by her hands but you can practically see steam bellowing from her ears in embarrassment. She quickly shakes her head violently enough you can hear her ears slapping her head as they flop back and forth, and she stumbles though a few words before she finally says. “I just mean I want to spend my life with him...”

“Well I'm happy for you, but I think before we get to far ahead of ourselves. You and I need to sit down with Ryuu and Inari and have a conversation.”

Bell doesn't say anything else, but she lightly nods her head while lowering her hands from in front of her face, and it is every bit as red as I imagined. She then picks up her luggage while waiting for me to finish the portal.

I have all the rune stones finished, but now its time for the archway. I eventually want to make the archway accessible to the humans, but for now it will just be used to transfer people back and forth to Shima, so I open my [Menu] and place the archway here in the room connecting my dungeon to Ceres's.

The design of the archway isn't that important, just as long as I can fit the runes stones into it, so that is what I focus on while summoning it. The archway turns out a bit larger than I anticipated but all the slots for the rune stones are within reach so it should work out just fine.

I will have to manually carve in the rune to activate all the rune stones in unison onto the archway manually, but the [Runic Reading] and the [Runic Writing] spells I cast to finish the last of the stones has already expired. I can't afford to cast both again, but the runic activation rune is one that is on practically every stone I have ever made, so if there is any rune I can do from memory it is that one.

After casting [Runic Writing] it takes a while to finish the rune due to the size of the archway, but after it is finally complete, I make sure everyone is ready and then place my hand on the activation rune.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before activating the rune, and I keep my eyes closed until I hear Bandy say. “It worked!” I then open my eyes to see the portal filling the archway. Another sigh escapes me this time one of relief.

“Alright everyone, we don't have the magic to activate it again from this side, so we got less than a minute for everyone to get though.”

After a few seconds pass however nobody seems to want to be the first one to step through it. Ceres then walks up and taps me on the shoulder while saying. “I would like to come along as well, if that is alright?”

“Sure, I don't think Inari will mind.”

Ceres: “Alright, see you on the other side.” -She quickly says before stepping into the portal.-

It takes a few more seconds before Bell steps forward and passes through as well, then Bandy rushes forward to be the next one though, her group following just behind her. Belinda follows up the rear with Rory and she brushes my shoulder before stepping though. I then step though myself feeling the pull on my chest I am pulled though to the other side.

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