《Chronicles of a Dungeon Core》Eye of Belphegor


Morning comes early as [Menu] wakes me up. Belinda is still asleep, and I don’t want to wake her, but she was already asleep when I got in last night, and I don’t know what is going to happen today regarding Tom and what happens afterwards, so I can’t leave without telling her what is going, on so I gently caress her cheek and give her a kiss.

Belinda just coos softly while pull me close without waking up, so I put a little bit more effort into waking her up. When she does finally open her eyes I quickly apologize for waking her up, and tell her I have to go.

I get out of bed and start getting ready. Belinda seems confused at first but as she wakes up a bit more she slides to the edge of the bed and sits up asking me what is going on. I then explain everything to her while I finish getting ready.

Belinda: “I know you want to help, but if it is so dangerous that Madam Erin and Dyson are both in trouble, maybe you should just sit this one out…”

“I can’t just let the traitors have their way…”

Belinda: “You said that Bless said that they are not even after you. I know a lot of dungeon cores have died, but as selfish as it is, as long as you and the girls aren’t one of them, then I rather you stay safe then making yourself a target…”

“Bless gave up that information too easily, and I can’t help feel they want something from me, and if we don’t have Dyson or Madam Erin to help us, we won’t be able to stop them when they do come. Besides Ceres and I are just going to Tom’s dungeon for now,”

Belinda hops out of bed wrapping her arms around me while saying. “I miss the times when I was strong enough to be the one defending you… Just promise me if it gets too dangerous you’ll come back to me in one piece rather than getting in over your head.”

“I’ve been in over my head for a long time now… But I promise I won’t take any more risks then I have to, and if things go well with Tom, I will send you a message before we do anything else.”

Belinda then gives me a kiss that makes it hard for me to leave, but after caressing her cheek again I transfer to the part of my dungeon that connects to Ceres’s.

Even though it shouldn’t be by now, when I arrive I see Ceres already waiting for me on her side of the room, I’m surprised. Once she sees me she steps over to my side of the room and greets me.

Ceres: “Good morning, have you received a response from anyone yet?”

“No, it was late before sending the messages last night, and the sun hasn’t even risen yet, but I am starting to wonder…” –I cast [Blink] traveling only a few feet, but I just wanted to make sure we weren’t being blocked.-

Ceres: “Well teleporting doesn’t seem to be blocked anyway. Should we give them a bit longer to respond?”

“The justicar point total hasn’t moved, so if Dyson is in trouble he can’t even use that ability, so I don’t think we can wait any longer.”

Ceres: “Alright, I’m ready.”

Ceres is wearing her normal clothing and not even carrying a weapon so I ask her. “Are you sure you don’t need any gear. We don’t know how Tom is going to react.”


Ceres: “He should respond much better to me in my normal clothes, then if I showed up to his dungeon geared for war like you are.”

“It is meant to show the urgency of what we are going to ask him. Besides if you do manage to get your powers back, we might go straight from his dungeon to Dyson, or Madam Erin’s aid.”

Ceres: “I’m prepared either way, so whenever you are ready.”

I cast [Gate] opening a portal to just outside of Tom’s orphanage. When we arrive the heavy gates of the orphanage behind us are still closed, but even though it is still dark through the majority of the windows in the building, several lights can be seen through some of the windows.

Being an orphanage, I am sure the adults would have to awaken quite early to prepare for the children, so it shouldn’t be a surprise some of them are already awake, but knocking on the door this early in the morning when the gate itself is still locked might be quite strange.

I would assume the yard is part of Tom’s dungeon as well, so he should have known we were here the moment we teleported in, and we don’t really have time to wait around so I step forward and knock on the door anyway.

It takes a few attempts before a confused older woman answers the door in the long robes. She peers past us looking at the closed gate before greeting us.

“Sorry for the intrusion so early, but we need to speak with the one in charge.”

Older woman: “We usually don’t accept visitors this early.”

“Again I apologize, but it is a matter of great importance, and it couldn’t wait.”

Older woman: “I’ll see what I can do, please this way.” –She says opening the door for us to enter, staring at the gate again as we walk past her.”

A few sleepy but curious children poke their heads out a few of the doors as we walk past while the woman leads us through the halls to the room I met Tom in last time I was here. She opens the door and asks us to wait inside while she goes to inform the director of our arrival.

After we enter the room and the door is shut however, Tom crawls out from under the desk and then jumps up and sits on its edge like last time, but this time he doesn’t seem too pleased with our appearance.

Tom: “Humans tend to be quite touchy when it comes to children, and I have done a lot of work over the years getting the balance down, but you showing up here unannounced, this early in the morning leaves more questions than answers. What is it you want?”

“We tried contacting you last night, and again this morning, but unfortunately it couldn’t wait any longer, so we were forced to come in person. Madam Erin and Dyson both in a bit of a situation, and you might be able to help.”

Tom: “I don’t really see how that is my problem, and you left me enough parts last time you were here, to keep me busy for at least another year, so I hardly think you have anything left to offer me.”

“You wanted to know more about the eye of Belphegor, and I might have found someone that can help with that, but there is a catch…”

Tom: “Well now, I heard the rumors about the dungeon core you appointed being some sort of a goddess, but I was sure it was an exaggeration. Are you saying that for once the rumors were true?”


Ceres: “I am Ceres, and I can say I have been around for a while and have seen a thing or two, but first we need to know if you still have the eye?”

Tom: “I held that thing for years. Dyson traded it to me for a couple of girls that become of age, and after being unable to find the second one, I thought that maybe it was a bad investment, so when Dyson came back to me recently, and wanted it back, I managed to drive up the price quite a bit, and thought I made a hell of a deal, but now that everyone seems to want it, I am left wondering if Dyson screwed me over…”

“You traded it back to Dyson? And what do you mean everyone? Have others come looking for it besides Dyson and us?”

Tom: “There have been a few inquiries about it.”

“I am interested in who else might have been interested in the eye, but with you already trading the eye off we need to try to find it quickly.”

As Ceres and I start to prepare to leave Tom says. “Hey! You are just going to leave after disturbing my dungeon this early in the morning?”

“I’m sorry, but maybe you should answer the messages you receive in the future.” –I say while casting [Gate] returning Ceres and myself back to my dungeon.-

I had [Gate] bring us to the kitchen at home, so once we arrive I begin making some coffee while saying: “Now things either just got exceptionally easier, exceptionally harder, or flat-out impossible.”

Ceres: “How do you figure?” –She says while sitting down at my usual spot.-

“If Dyson has the eye stored in his castle, or dungeon inventory, then Angela or Desiree might be able to get it for us, and if it is to save Dyson from whatever has happened it might be quite simple. The problem is we will have to tell them he is in danger, and I don’t know if I can keep my promise of keeping them safe if they find out Dyson is in danger…Then there is the worst case scenario. Either Dyson no longer has the eye, or that it is stored in his dungeon inventory in a way in which neither of the girls are able to withdraw it.”

Ceres: “Lets just hope they can access it, and understand the situation.”

After a few minutes, Belinda must have heard the commotion in the kitchen, because she comes to check on things and is surprised to see us return so soon, but she also looks quite relieved as well.

Belinda: “You made it back alright… Did you find it?”

“We found out where it might be now, and that can either be a good or a bad thing. In any case I am going to need you to go check to see if Angela and Desiree are awake, I need to speak with them.”

Belinda hesitates for a second then seems to piece it together giving me a big hug and a quick kiss before heading out of the kitchen. I don’t know if Angela and Desiree drink coffee, but I pour us each a cup while waiting for Belinda to return, but it takes a bit longer than I anticipated.

I start to go check on her, but then quickly enters the room rather flushed and embarrassed. She quickly crosses the room and joins me in the kitchen without a single word.

“Did you get them up? Is everything ok?”

Belinda: “They got up just fine on their own… I told them you needed to speak with them, and they should be down in a few minutes.”

By Belinda’s reaction it seems she walked into something she wishes she hadn’t. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised Desiree is a succubus after all, and by the way Dyson talked about them, it doesn’t sound like he took turns with them, but I guess the fact Angela would continue without Dyson is a bit surprising.

When Zoey and Roxy still lived here I am sure everyone had accidently walked in on them at least once or twice. Sometimes I think Zoey even intentionally caused the situation, because she got some kind of thrill from it. Maybe it is the fact that Angela and Desiree are just guests, but Belinda seems to be a bit more embarrassed about it then what I’d expect.

When Angela and Desiree enter the dining room a few minutes later it appears Angela is quite embarrassed as well, but Desiree doesn’t really seem affected, but she does apologize to Belinda.

Belinda: “No, I’m sorry, I should have knocked, but since it was just the two of you I…I’m sorry.”

Angela: “It’s my fault, we are guests in your house! Yet I…”

Desiree: “We are all adults here. It is nothing to be embarrassed about. Besides, Two-Twelve summoned you, so he must be at least partially responsible for that insatiable appetite of yours.”

“I bare no responsibility for anything like that. I just summoned you both with Dyson in mind.”

Desiree: “Well it worked, because Angela is definitely “Dyson’s Girl”. Even when wearing the ring he had me borrow, Angela still complains I am not as good as Master…! Me, a succubus…”

Belinda: “It definitely startled me…”

I guess Desiree was wearing a ring to appear as Dyson, and that was why Belinda was so embarrassed.

"I don’t know if either of you drink coffee, but I poured you one, and I am sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning, but I need to ask you something.”

Desiree must have seen inside my head because her expressions sours, but she waits for me to say it out loud.

“Dyson may have run into a bit of trouble, but Ceres and I have managed to find a way to help him out, but I first need to ask either of you if you know about the left eye of Belphegor.”

Angela: “Is Master ok?”

Desiree: “He doesn’t’ know, there has been no contact because one of the traitor’s items, but Bless gave Two-Twelve some information that isn’t good.”

Angela: “You made Master a justicar, can’t you get to him that way?”

“It isn’t that simple, there is a chance that even if one of the traitor’s items are in effect that we could reach him that way, but if they were able to cause Dyson trouble, there is no telling what we would be teleporting ourselves into.”

Angela: “Then what are we going to do?”

“The eye…”

Angela: “Of course, it was that creepy eyeball that Master bought from that little creepy kid for a huge xp bead…”

“Does he still have it? I mean is it in the dungeon?”

Angela: “I don’t know if Master would want us to say…”

Desiree: “It’s the only way he knows how to help Master… Yes, it’s in the dungeon inventory, and yes we should be able to get it, but if you are wrong about Master, and we do as you ask, it could prove to be quite the problem.”

“I will take full responsibility for whatever happens.”

Desiree: “Even if Master demands a reimbursement of 10 million xp for the cost he spent to acquire it from the other dungeon core?”

“I don’t have that kind of xp, but if it comes to that Dyson and I can work something out.”

Ceres: “I too will chip in if Dyson isn’t anything but thankful for us coming to his aid.”

Angela: “We’ll have to return home to be able to get it.”

I nod and give Belinda a quick kiss before I prepare another [Gate] and use the portal to reach Dyson's dungeon together with Angela, Desiree, and Ceres.. After last time I don’t try to teleport directly into the dungeon, instead arrive just outside the gates, but with Angela and Desiree with us we have no trouble entering the castle itself.

Even though just stepping foot within the perimeter of Dyson’s dungeon should be enough the girls lead us to the usual meeting room. Desiree then accesses her [Menu] pulling the large singular eyeball from the dungeon inventory and causing it to appear in her hand.

She moves over to Ceres to drop it in her hand but hesitates and saying. “You have to promise us you will take us to help Master.”

“Something like this happening was the exact reason he wanted me to keep you two safe, so taking you along now would go against Dyson’s wishes.”

Desiree: “If this works exactly how you are planning for, it will be Ceres that has the power to help Master, not you., so why do you get to go, while leaving us behind?

“Any number of things could happen while we are there, Ceres might have her hands full, so I am just going to cover her.”

Angela: “We have gained just as many levels as you have, so if you go we should be able to as well. Besides if we go along that will only increase our chances of being able to watch Ceres’s back.”

“Even if this goes against what Dyson wants?”

Desiree: “If you die, we can’t follow Master’s orders either, so we don’t have much of a choice.”

“I'll take responsibility if Dyson is mad about the eye, but if he is mad about me bringing you along, then that is on you.”

Desiree: “Agreed.” –She says while dropping the eye in Ceres’s hand.-

Ceres: “Ugh…” –She says examining the eye.- “Why is it so big…? Are you sure this is Belphegor’s eye?”

Desiree: “That is what [Menu] says.”

Ceres lets out a deep sigh while looking over the eye, then quickly plops it in her mouth while trying to swallow it whole. Somehow she manages to get it down, but has a look of sheer disgust on her face.

Ceres: “I don’t feel anything, other than Belphegor’s nasty eyeball swimming around in my insides…” –She then stiffens up as her eyes open wide while taking a deep breath.-

“Are you alright?! Is it the curse?!”

Ceres groans as she doubles over grabbing her stomach, but when I start to step forward she holds her hand out to stop me.

Ceres: “I…I think it’s working!” –She says while still doubled over. I can’t see her face because of the way she is standing, but her fists are starting to clinch tight.-

After a few moments Ceres stands back up straight, while the expressions on her face quickly change from looking sick all the way to looking angry and every expression in-between. She finally manages to regain composure and promptly stops…

Ceres: “I think that’s it…”

“Are you ok…?”

Ceres: “I don’t feel any negative side effects, but to be honest I am a little disappointed. Belphegor never was very strong, or he wouldn’t have had his eyes plucked out of his head to begin with, but if this is all the power his eye has, I believe we are in a lot of trouble…”

“Can you find Madam Erin, or Dyson?”

Ceres: “I don’t know… Let me try.”

Ceres then closes her eyes and starts to concentrate. Even though her eyes are closed her facial expression keeps changing from a neutral expression to one of focus like she is trying to read something or focus on something far away.

This continues for a while… So long in fact I move over and take a seat. I want to say something but Ceres hasn’t opened her eyes even once since she began and she seems to be focusing awfully hard. Angela and Desiree must be feeling a bit apprehensive as well, and Desiree is the first one to break the silence.

She however is quickly shhh’ed by Ceres while holding up her finger while as she shakes her head, cocks it to one side, and seems to be focusing really hard. After another few moments she slowly lowers her hand while righting her head, but she still doesn’t make any other signs of stopping.

After a few more minutes I start checking to see if Lucille or Laura ever messaged me back, while Angela and Desiree move over to a different part of the room while beginning to whisper back and forth. I don’t know if they are just trying to keep from bothering Ceres or trying to keep me out of the conversation as well.

If they are, they are failing at it, as I overhear them talking about the eye, and how worried they are what Dyson is going to do when he finds out what happened to it. Being worried about Dyson being angry rather than worried about him being killed is slightly better I think, so I leave them alone while waiting for Ceres to finish.

Ceres finally calls out “Ah-ha! I found him!” quite loudly, and startling the other three of us in the room.

Angela: “Master?! You found him?” –She says excitedly.-

Ceres: “I’m almost certain it’s him, but I must warn you it doesn’t look good. He looks to be in pretty bad shape, but the good news is that he is bound.”

Angela: “How is that good news!?”

Desiree: “It means they don’t intend to kill him, at least not right away.”

“She is right, with Dyson’s strength, even if they managed to get an advantage over him, keeping him alive is quite risky, and they wouldn’t do it unless there was a reason.”

Angela: “We have to go to him! We have to save Master!”

“The traitors have captured Madam Erin and now Dyson as well. If they are strong enough to capture those two, charging in there without a plan is just suicide… Ceres, you said the power you received from the eye was less than you expected, but will it be enough to be able to save Dyson?”

Ceres: “Bless didn’t mention anything about their leader working with a god, just that he wanted to become one, but I still don’t see how he could have accomplished all that he has without finding an ally among at least one of them. If that god shows itself while we try to rescues Dyson, there is no way I could stand up to them with the limited power I obtained, but as long as that god doesn’t show, we might stand a chance. Maybe not beating them, but at least being able to get Dyson out of there.”

Angela: “We have to try!”

Ceres: “And we will, but we need to do this carefully…Now, I will tell you what we are going to do.”

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