《Chronicles of a Dungeon Core》Training in Ceres's Dungeon Part 2


Ceres’s representative Saerus PoV

It looks like I got stuck with a pretty vanilla group: Two humans, two dwarves, and two elves, a true textbook show of the 'civilized' races that appear as adventurers in nearly every bard's tale, and a male and female of each, on top of that. The human female seems to be the leader, as she is not just front line fighter, but also one of the healers, patching up her party members in-between sword swings.

The human male seems just as powerful as the female, but he is quite enamored with her. It doesn’t seem to be on a romantic level, but I am sure if she were to tell him to slit his own throat, he would do it without even questioning her.

The dwarves and elves appear to be the new members of the group that require the most training. The human female seems like a decent tactician, because after arriving on the third floor they quickly chose their first door, and she and the other human entered first, then immediately checked the dead-spots on the right and left corners of the room. Once inside, both humans gathered the attention of the small frogkin.

Once the humans have the undivided attention of the frogkin, the dwarves swing around one side, while the elves swing around the other circling the small frog monsters. Using their levels and their experience as their shield the humans fend off the attacks of the frogkin while the dwarves and elves bring them down.

They were only entry level monsters, but so are the dwarves and the elves, so for them to have not even a scrape or a bruise after their first battle is quite the achievement.

“Congratulations, that was quite impressive.”

Iris: “Why thank you, but I have to disagree…” –She looks to the dwarves.- “The entire room looks saturated in water, you can even feel the humidity in the air, and yet you still almost slipped on the damp floor.” –She then turns to the elves.- “And you two…What were you even doing…?”

With their size difference it looks like a mother scolding her children, and by the looks on the elves face you could almost believe it.

Male Elf: “What do you mean…? You told us to circle around them and flank them.”

Iris: “You’re a mage Castien! You can flank without being right in their face. If those where hobgoblins, or the like, one of them could of taken you out in a single hit.”

Female Elf: “It was our first battle! What do you expect?!”

Iris: “I expect you to survive, and I will do whatever it takes to see to it that it happens, but that doesn’t mean I am not going to point out when you make a mistake!”

Aster: “Sis, Arryn is right. It wouldn’t hurt to ease up a pit on them eh? Not only do they have us to protect them, but that’s why Saerus is here, isn’t that right?”

“Well yes, but I am only supposed to step in if it is life threatening.”

Aster: “There you go, see?”

Male Dwarf: “I understand what Iris is getting at though, breaking a bad habit is much harder than heading it off before it becomes one.”

Female Dwarf: “Well regardless, we aren’t going to get any better by just standing around here.”

The group continues on for the next few rooms with the same configuration. As long as the two humans are able to maintain the attention of the frogkin, there isn’t a problem, but as the monsters get tougher it becomes harder for them to do that.


They manage to make it one door away from the back of this path, but one of the advanced frogkin is a mage, and it hurts the male dwarf pretty badly. It was bad enough I almost had to step in, but the humans managed to get things back under control before I had to.

Once the battle is over the group begins to heal their wounds, and decide it is best to head back and try another door. They continue for most of the day pushing to about the same depth past each door, dealing with all manners of water-based monsters.

With the higher level humans working alongside the new members of their group, they push through the rooms rather quickly, while still giving the elves and dwarves the chance to gain combat experience. By the time they decide to stop for the evening the new members of the group had already reached level 10.

Iris: “Everyone did really well today, but don’t let your quick level increase go to your head. You are still not strong enough to progress into any deeper areas behind the doors, and if tomorrow’s training is a repeat of today you will only gain one more level. Think of today as your introduction, and tomorrow is when your training really begins.”

Bradford’s PoV

I think this situation has turned out to be the perfect opportunity. Corrie and I have come a long way while being in Bandy’s group, but no matter how well we did, we were still only second to her. Now that Corrie and I have our own group, we have a chance to surpass Bandy. Especially if we are the ones that manage to find and destroy the imitation crystal.

I don’t know if it is a good sign or not, but after leaving the others at the camp area, we choose our first door and find a group of simple skeletons.

“This is perfect. Even Addison, our new healer, should be able to help, since our enemies are undead! Everyone take a skeleton, and Corrie and I will help you, if required.”

Skeletons like these are only a danger to new adventurers when their numbers are far greater, so even though Corrie and I each deal with a skeleton to keep it one on one, our new members have no trouble taking out their own skeletons either.

I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise. After our first new member, Porter, turned out with just the basic warrior class, Master spared no expense summoning us three advanced classed humans. Percival is a Templar, which focuses on defense while being able to cast a small amount of spells. Elaine is a sword-maiden, which means she is more of an attacker, but has a small amount of spells as well, and lastly there is Addison. She is a thaumaturge, which of course focuses on healing magic.

Bandy’s group received a thaumatuge as well, but that was their only new member with an advanced class, so as long as we take our training seriously, we might have a chance of surpassing her group.

“That fight should have been simple enough, but I plan on having us train fast and hard, so with only one dedicated healer, I want to hear how everyone is fairing, both physically and magically after each battle.”

Porter: “Perfectly fine!” –He says while puffing out his chest and hits his shield with his mace.-

Percival: “I can’t say I am against fighting skeletons such as these until we get the hang of battle, but I must say; As long as the monsters do remain this easy, I doubt concern will be necessary.”


Elaine: “I agree, we couldn’t have planned a better match up with a Templar, sword-maiden, and a thaurmaturge against a dungeon full of undead.”

Addison: “It was a promising start, but we have no way of knowing if the dungeon, this floor, or even just this room is the only one with undead. Ceres is like Master, without a favorite element, so I highly doubt she would stick to only a single type of monster.”

Corrie: “You’re right, we have no way of knowing what is ahead unless we check it out ourselves. That is of course unless our babysitter is willing to tell us.”

Artor the representative of Ceres’s dungeon has remained silent up to now, choosing to stand in the corner of the room out to the way up until now, but to Corrie’s comment he says. “I am merely an observer. I can stop the monsters if you get in over your head, but I was instructed to not interfere unless it is to prevent death.”

Corrie scoffs and we continue on to the next room, and find that it is filled with more skeletons. However these ones are easily a much tougher variation of the same skeletons we faced in the last room.

We manage to deal with the group, but their sudden increase of strength after only one room is enough to cause quite a bit of problems for our new members.

Elaine: “What is with this kind of progression!? There is no way a normal adventurer group would be fine with this!”

“We are on the bottom floor of a dungeon that goes down 10 floors, the very fact these monsters are still within your abilities is quite peculiar in itself.”

Corrie: “It just goes to show you what Ceres said was fact, that each floor consists of the same xp worth of monsters, and if I were to take a guess I would say each and every one of the doors on each and every floor start out the same way.”

Addison: “So you are saying instead of using rifts with multiple monsters per day, she has made hundreds of identical rooms?”

Corrie: “I don’t know about identical, as we have only just started, but each door was different, so maybe each monster behind the doors are different as well.”

“If the strength of the undead increases yet again, we should handle this next room more cautiously.”

I look over to Artor to get some kind of confirmation, but he might as well be a non-sentient monster himself, for all the help he is being. We regroup a little, with Corrie and I taking point before we head into the next room.

Corrie and I have to handle more of the skeletons, but we still manage to push through two more doors but this last room had a skeleton necromancer that managed to revive all the skeletons again before we managed to drop it. Essentially making us have to clear the room twice.

Addison: “I can’t fight another group like that as I am, much less one stronger.”

Percival: “We should consider returning to the rest area and choosing another door.”

“I hate to leave a path without fully exploring it, but until you four gain more strength, we may not have any choice. I still think there is a good chance the imitation crystal is on this floor though, so before we turn this floor over to any other group, I want to fully explore it.”

We return to the rest area before choosing another door. Corrie’s assumption seems to be correct as the next door we choose holds some weak zombies rather than skeletons. We keep working on the rooms for the rest of the day.

Even though our new group members make it half-way though level 9 we haven’t made it through even half of the doors, by the time we exit into the rest area and find that several of the groups have already began to return to the camp.

We didn’t achieve much, but it was their first day, so we decide to join the others instead of choosing another door.

Suzie’s PoV

I have been with Kit ever since we both joined Bandy’s group, and yet we have never been very close. In fact neither one of us seemed to fit well with Bandy’s group. Chase worried himself to death trying to keep Bandy in check, but he always ended up doing whatever she wanted anyway. Bradford and Corrie had each other, and they had no problems following Bandy’s orders.

I guess I was the same way. I was quite shy when Master placed me in Bandy’s group, and I just went with the flow most of the time, but never really fit in with them, even when I tried. Kit on the other hand seemed to purposely separate himself from the group every chance he got.

Kit would follow Bandy’s orders when it was required, but the moment we entered a village or town, we wouldn’t even see him again until it was time to leave. Even when the rest of us hit the tavern he would choose to go his own way.

I honestly thought he didn’t like any of us, but when he said it would be a pleasure to work with me again when Master asked us to lead a group, I was surprised and quite happy by what he said, and then just as surprised when I realized that yes, I was happy about staying with him. After Master summoned us a group to lead, I think I learned more about Kit in one evening than I did in our entire time together until now.

Our group consists of only humans and beastkin, so Master let us go into Tobes yesterday evening, and for once Kit came along to the tavern with us. It wasn’t just relaxing, however. He learned everything he could about our new members, as well as revealing stuff about himself that I knew nothing about.

We both grew quite strong in Bandy’s group, but I feel Kit really wasted his talent by remaining silent this entire time and letting Bandy lead the group, because once we started talking at the tavern, leading just seemed to come naturally to him.

While in Bandy’s group it was always said that Kit was too uptight, and either didn’t drink or can’t hold his liquor. However while we were getting to know one another I learned Kit’s favorite alcoholic beverage was a stout dwarven concoction that Stubs, our new cat beastkin member, passed out drinking only after a single tankard, yet Kit drank four full tankards before retiring, and he seemed largely unaffected.

We didn’t just have a good time though. Kit also went over the plans for our training. Now, we didn’t know exactly where we are going to go, at the time, but Master did say he is going to check with Ceres and his daughters to see if we can at least get the new members in fighting shape before adventuring abroad.

That made Kit come up with several different plans depending on where we go to train, but it seems he wanted to take a cautious approach.

He chose Bandy’s group because she had already become strong, and he knew she would stop at nothing to be first. He however didn’t take into account that to that end, the group would lose favor with Master, and when Master needed help, he went to Poppy’s group rather than Bandy’s to get it.

Then when Bandy chose to ignore Master’s orders in that strange dungeon, it was enough for Kit to decide he’d leave Bandy for good, and when Master presented this opportunity, he of course welcomed the chance to prove himself in Master’s eyes.

He is no longer striving to be the strongest of Master’s xp gathering groups, but he does wish to be one that Master knows he can count on. That’s why, we plan on taking the training of our newest members slowly, while making sure they can handle themselves in a fight.

As for our representative from Ceres’s dungeon, she seems to have become quite friendly with Kit in the short amount of time since we met…

Kit: “Think nothing of it, I know it won’t always be the case, but I am glad to know that if I fail in my task of training here, at least we have you to make sure I don’t lose any of our new members.”

Jocelyn: “You don’t really seem the type to let something like that happen. I expect I’ll have little to do other than watch you work.” –She says in an obvious flirtatious manner.-

Kit looks around noticing we have reached the second floor and says. “Well, since we are here… You wouldn’t happen to be able to tell us what to expect past these doors can you?”

Jocelyn seems to think hard about it for a few seconds then places her finger to her lips and says. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to give you a little hint. Each door possesses a single evolutionary line of monster. The second floor is currently the earth floor, so behind every one of these doors is a group of first tier earth monsters.”

“Are you sure it is alright to be telling us that?”

Jocelyn: “You’re here to train, and I am here to make sure you do it safely, so if telling you what lies behind a door before you enter it makes your training smoother and safer, why shouldn’t I?”

“I was under the impression you were just supposed to observe, though.”

Jocelyn: “My Mistress and your Master are like family, so I am sure my Mistress won’t mind. Besides if it helps your members gain levels faster, it means more xp for my Mistress.”

Kit: “And we appreciate it, knowing they are earth monsters helps. Alright, since we now know that no matter which door we choose they will be entry level monsters, I want you all to think of yourselves as a four person group. Suzie, Jocelyn, and I will only be here if something goes wrong.”

Jax and Skaja, the human knights, take point, while Stubs the cat beastkin warrior follows closely behind them, River, the otter beastkin sorceress, falls into the rear of the group entering just before Kit, Jocelyn, and I do.

The first room contains small creatures that look like they are made of mud, and even though there are six of them and only four of our new members, it isn’t long before they are able to defeat the creatures.

Jax: “Shall we continue?”

Kit: “Jocelyn, you said that each room follows a single evolutionary line, does that mean the next room will contain more of the same?”

Jocelyn: “Yes and no, I mean they will still be mudkips, but they will be a higher, evolved form.”

Skaja: “After a single room?!”

Kit: “You have a good team, and we are here in case of an emergency, but if each doorway consists of the first tier monsters, I think it would be wise to start off by hitting the first room behind every door to start off with. You should gain enough levels from that to safely tackle the next rooms after that.”

“Not to mention the chance to fight a variety of monsters, even if they are all of the earth element.”

The group then heads back into the central room moving on to the next door. Mudkips, dirty slimes, weak desert lizardmen, a weak type of gremlins, some snake like worms, and varies other monsters all fall to the group, making them start to get quite confident in their abilities.

River: “I didn’t realize there are so many variations of earth monsters…”

Stubs: “And that doesn’t even include the higher evolved forms.”

Kit: “You have cleared all of the rooms now, but you still have a little bit of time left. If you wait till tomorrow you can retrace your steps taking out the same monsters, or if you are feeling confident enough, you can try a few of the deeper rooms.”

Jax: “We have already reached level 8, that should be more than enough to handle the next stage of evolution for most of these creatures!”

Kit: “Then have at it.”

The room they were currently in had several overgrown lizard-like creatures in it, so as they progress to the next room, the size of the lizards grow quite a bit. While they are fighting the lizards, Jocelyn looks to Kit and says. “What are your plans for this evening? Will you return to town for a few hours, or do you plan to stay in the dungeon?”

Kit: “There are many times in which we will be spending long periods of time underground, and we just had a bit of celebration last night as we got to know everyone, so I think the longer we can avoid returning to town the more we can get the new members comfortable with each other.”

Jocelyn: “I see…So, if you plan on staying in the dungeon, you wouldn’t mind if I stuck around with your group this evening, would you?”

Our new members are not even a few feet away, fighting monsters, granted they seem to be having no difficulty with them, but still, they are risking their lives and this woman is here hitting on Kit…? “I don’t think that is a good idea!”

Jocelyn seems a bit taken aback by my sudden outburst, and says. “I’m sorry… I didn’t realize the two of you…”

“Me and Kit? Of course not! I merely stating the fact we are from different dungeons.”

Kit: “I don’t personally see the harm in it, but Suzie may be right. Both our Master and your Mistress are on good terms right now, but with the close proximity of their dungeons, and their frequent interactions, there is no telling if they will remain so.”

Jocelyn: “But you may be here for a few months, so I thought for at least as long as you are here, we should get to know one another better.”

Kit: “As I said, I don’t see the harm in an amicable relationship, but by the assumption you made about Suzie and I after she commented. I take it to mean you wish for something more intimate, which I cannot give you. It would be unfair of me to take advantage of your expectations. We may remain here a few months, but afterwards we may be gone for years at a time, and there is little guarantee of our safety, so to let you think otherwise would not be just unwise, but also somewhat cruel…”

It seems the fight against the overgrown lizards has been taken care of and the others are listening in on, as Kit politely refuses Jocelyn’s advances. I don’t have any romantic feelings for Kit, but I have to admit I only said that out of jealousy, and now I can't help but feeling bad for Jocelyn…

Jocelyn looks somewhat upset and says. “You are awfully full of yourself for only being a little bit handsome! I just thought it was a good idea to get to know one another, but since this is going to be a problem for you, I will just return to camp and watch through [Menu]!” –She says while beet red.-

Kit: “I meant no disrespect, I was only trying to be honest...” –He says as Jocelyn storms out of the room.- “Did I misunderstand the situation?”

“Well, I don’t think you misunderstood, much as she just didn’t handle rejection well.”

Kit: “Well, as long as she continues to do her job correctly, I guess that is all that matters… It looks like you four have managed to deal with the monsters here, so it time for you to decide what to do next.”

River: “I feel kind of bad for Jocelyn now. Are you sure we should continue our training without at least talking to her first?”

“River may be right. We don’t only have to worry about Jocelyn keeping an eye on everyone, but there is also the chance she might try to retaliate against the group.”

Kit: “I doubt she’d be that underhanded. She seemed like a nice young woman, but if you’d prefer, perhaps we should call it an evening here, which would allow me to have a word with her and straighten this all out.”

“I am not sure that is a good idea, not the stopping part, but you having a talk with Jocelyn.”

Jax: “In any case, it isn’t exactly how we planned to end the day, but we did make good progress, so we can’t exactly call it a loss.”

After that we return to the campgrounds on the bottom floor, but Jocelyn isn’t there. Milo, the one watching Bandy’s group said she came, and as soon as she heard we had ended our training for the day, she transferred out of the dungeon.

If we don’t get a chance to speak with her by morning perhaps we should speak to Miss Ceres or Master…

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