《Chronicles of a Dungeon Core》Speaking with Lucille


Worrying about what was going to happen to me prevented me from getting too embarrassed, but now that I realized I was overthinking things, I can’t only help be a bit embarrassed about everything that has happened up until now.

Tanya told me it was going to be a dinner party, but to be honest I had no idea what to expect so with Tanya’s brother-in-law leads me into the dining room I am quite surprised, and even more embarrassed about this stupid dress.

Not only is the dining room full of people, they are all dressed casually except me… As Tanya’s brother-in-law escorts me to my seat and pushes it forward for me after I sit, I almost fall out of my dress again and I quickly have to grab it and pull it back up.

The sight doesn’t go unnoticed either, Tanya’s brother Doug quickly blushes and adverts his gaze which seems to upset his beastkin companion, and a canine beastkin gives me a big toothy grin before the other canine beastkin with a baby boy bouncing in her lap, sitting next to her slaps her in the shoulder.

I have seen everyone around, and there isn’t a person in Tobes that doesn’t have their own strange rumors about this household, but even though I have never personally met many of them, I have heard a lot about them from Tanya.

Tanya quickly begins introducing me to everyone, and it is quite literally a who’s who, of Tobes. There is the Mayor and her family, Roxy, Zoey, and their son who are not only some of the strongest adventurers in town but also the source of a lot of rumors of their own.

Then there is practically half of the Gowen Royal Family present and Exavier the prince of Exeter of course. The leader of the Mage’s Guild who is also the headmaster of the college, Ceres, and even Sofia is here. There is Tobes’s legendary dwarven blacksmith Katie, and even Azami, who was the biggest surprise, she is very rarely seen in Tobes and is said to be an elven witch that lives up in the forest with her apprentice Moss…

Then there is the bunny sisters. There are plenty of rumors floating around Tobes about them as well. It is said Tanya’s brother-in-law bought the oldest one as a slave, and periodically another one would just show up.

It doesn’t appear that all of them are here right now though, there is one sitting on either side of the witch’s apprentice, and the oldest one Lilah is sitting to the side of Tanya’s brother-in-law. If I am remembering correctly that still leaves three more that are not here.

When Dyson spoke of summoning women, I had my doubts until I met Sofia, but if my suspicions of the dungeon are true it would make perfect sense. The bunny sisters are all different ages but no one would doubt they are sisters, even though some of them are normal beastkin and some are feral beastkin.

I guess that is not impossible if one of their parents was a feral rabbit beastkin and the other was a normal rabbit beastkin, but I think my dungeon idea is more likely. Everyone is being so nice to me, but I still can’t help feeling a little nervous when one of the bunny sisters or Tanya’s brother-in-law speaks directly to me.

If anyone asked for proof that the Gowen’s didn’t discriminate against one’s race, all they would need to do is take one look at this room. Humans, beastkin, elves, and even a dwarf all treating each other like family, it makes me even wonder why I thought they were dangerous.


After introducing me to everyone Tanya asks her sister. “I was going to introduce Sandra to everyone but where are Lylah, Lila, and Leila? Are they still doing commissions this late?”

Belinda: “They insist on providing for themselves, and that can be difficult when you only do errand commissions. Maybe they will get done before Sandra has to go.”

Tanya: “I swear you can never get all six of them together at one time… And Bell, was she busy as well?”

Scylla: “She left work early today to get ready for her date tonight, so I doubt she is going to make it to dinner.”

Zoey: “Get out! Bell actually going on a date? Who is he?”

Sofia: “I was just as surprised as you. Apparently they met when she went with Two-Twelve when they went to the…Well, on their last trip. He is one of Inari’s… Servants, I think she said his name was You.”

Belinda: “His name is Ryuu, and he is a perfect gentlemen, he even came to ask Two-Twelve permission to ask her on a date. It reminded me of when Kline and Scylla first started dating.”

Zoey: “That behemoth of beastkin that was with Inari? Woof…”

Roxy: “You can’t really blame her. He risked his life and suffered all those wounds while carrying her through all those Lizardmen. Not many men could carry Bell, but he did it with one arm while defending her with the other. I could only wish my own spouse would be half as romantic as that!”

Zoey: “I could carry you and Wolfic in one arm!”

Roxy: “You would have to, because the other hand would be full of food!”

Everyone then laughs and Zoey doesn’t refute it and nods her head almost like she is agreeing…

“I don’t mean to pry, but you said Lizardmen, does that mean you were completing a commission?”

Two-Twelve: “That’s perfectly fine, and to answer your question was yes. There was a large group of lizardmen that were causing problems, and we were asked to deal with them.”

Zoey: “Large group my tail! It was practically an army!”

Belinda: “Zoey!”

Two-Twelve: “Yes, and that’s why we took plenty of help along with us, and don’t worry about the Lizardmen, none of them were like the ones in the demi-human village in the dungeon.”

Most people wouldn’t give a second thought about lizardmen being dangerous monsters, but Tanya’s brother-in-law seems to make a point of them not being like the demi-humans in the village up in the dungeon. That does make me wonder if there is a difference in the normal lizardmen and the ones living in the demi-human village.

Tanya: “That’s too bad, we have been trying to get the help of one of the lizardmen for a couple days now, but all the ones that are allowed to travel with adventurers are gone before we make it up to the dungeon.”

Two-Twelve: “I don’t know how the demi-humans find this place, but it seems there are always new demi-humans turning up in the village, so who knows? Maybe more lizardmen will show up before too long.”

Belinda: “As long as friendly and not like the ones we had to fight…”

Ceres: “Speaking of the Demi-human village, I know you and Doug have asked the demi-humans to stay in the dungeon, not only for Tobes’s safety, but for theirs as well, but I was talking to Sofia about expanding the adventurer part of the college, and it would be quite helpful if a few of the demi-humans could come speak to the newer students.”


Two-Twelve: “I don’t know if any of the demi-humans could communicate well enough to speak with new adventurers…”

Tanya: “Maybe a few of the sylphs? They seem smart enough, and they are not as intimidating as some of the other demi-humans.”

Two-Twelve: “It sounds like a big risk…”

Ceres: “I am sure the college could make a generous donation to the soldier’s garrison, and they could spare a few soldiers to escort a few demi-humans to the college in the morning, and back to their village in the evening. We could align it with the shift change, and it would only be 100ft out of their way tops.”

Two-Twelve: “You know what you are asking…?”

Sofia: “We want the adventurers to differentiate between normal monsters and demi-humans, so I think the earlier we can introduce them to demi-humans the better.”

Two-Twelve: “Doug, help me out here…”

Doug: “I don’t know… The garrison could stand to get a few additions, maybe some private quarters for the senior staff…? Having to go rent a room at the inn a couple times of week just for some privacy, is quite a pain.”

Two-Twelve: “You know you and Aria are welcome to stay here any time…”

Ceres: “I can draw up some plans, and as soon as you approve them, I can have builders begin working as soon as you sign off on it!”

Two-Twelve: “You are also not considering if the demi-humans would even be willing to do something like that…”

Belinda: “You wanted the Demi-humans to be welcome in Tobes, and if this isn’t the safest possible first step, I don’t know what is…”

Two-Twelve: “Fine, but only if they agree, and only the sylph or the gnomes for now. We don’t need to scare the townsfolk with the lizardmen or imps, and surely don’t want one of the gremlins to get away from the soldiers and wreaking havoc in Tobes…”

Tanya: “I am interested to see what a class with one of the gnomes or sylph would be like…”

Ceres: “You know the Gowen family can take any courses they want, so we would be glad to see you there.”

Tanya looks to me and then says. “I don’t know, we still have a long way to go on our training.”

Ceres: “Don’t even worry about it. Sandra is practically family already, so you can all come.”

“E-eh? The courses are expensive, I couldn’t do that!”

Ceres: “Don’t you worry about it. I hear the headmaster is a real softy.”

“Thank you…”

Ceres: “Speaking of your training, how are those animals working out for you Tanya? A dull blade is an adventurer’s worst nightmare, but you have so much more to worry about when your weapons are living breathing animals.”

Tanya: “Those figurines you gave me have been a real life saver, I have been sealing them in the figurines between battles like you suggested, and not only does it make transporting them so much easier, but they heal exceptionally fast like that.”

Two-Twelve: “I thought you were just keeping them out of town because of their size, what are these figurines you are talking about?”

Tanya: “They are quite amazing! Ceres said since the animals were summoned with magic I could use these figurines that she gave me to seal them inside of it, and it has really made them far easier to deal with.”

Two-Twelve: “Did she now… I would like to take a good look at one of these figurines sometime.”

Ceres: “I made them special for Tanya, but I guess I could make you one as well.”

Two-Twelve: “…I’d like that.”

Tanya has been using the figurines for months now, and the new has already worn off for us, but I guess it was a big shock to Tanya’s brother-in-law, because he seemed quite curious, and even though he wore a smile while talking to Ceres, the feeling I got from the conversation made me a bit uncomfortable...

Ceres however just flashes a genuine smile before telling Tanya. “And don’t forget to bring them to the college every so often so I can make sure they are doing ok.”

Tanya: “Of course.”

Dinner progresses and I get to know everyone a bit better, and before I know it is already late into the night. I got to meet the other three bunny sisters, later in the evening, but as soon as they were around the other three were nowhere to be found.

I don’t think there is a doubt in my mind that they are watching over the dungeon in some way, but after tonight, I don’t think that even matters to me anymore. I ended up greatly enjoying myself, but by the time Belinda teleports me home, I quickly shed the deathtrap of a dress I bought, curl up in my bed, and go to sleep.


Dinner last night was kind of a strange experience, I don’t know if I got the information that Angela wanted, but it was the best I could do. After Sandra and I talked we ate dinner and Sandra started to feel more comfortable around everyone and by the end of the evening everyone was laughing and having a good time.

I am a little worried about the demi-humans venturing out of the dungeon, but like Belinda said, as long as they have soldiers escorting them there is not much that could happen to them. I am curious about these figurines Ceres gave Tanya.

Tanya believes the animals Ceres summoned for her were summoning magic, but I know she just summoned them with her dungeon. If Ceres has items that she can store and transport dungeon monsters in, this is quite a shocking bit of news.

When I woke up this morning I had received a quite angry message from Bandy, claiming we had abandoned her in the dungeon. She was the one that chose to go off on her own, and when Emery exited the dungeon and she still hadn’t, I only assumed the worst.

I try to explain that to her, but Bandy has always been difficult to deal with. In hindsight a look at the monsters list in [Menu] would have shown me their group was still alive, but that list has grown so large that it makes sorting through it kind of difficult. I do however scan through it now to make sure none of my other monsters that disappeared in that dungeon are still alive somewhere.

Bandy’s group however is the only one that seems to have made it, other than the ones that were already with us. After leaving the dungeon they apparently found their way to the Calhoun Capital, so I [Gate] there to retrieve them.

Bandy looks to still be in a bad mood when I arrive and she quickly says. “You have wasted enough of our valuable time now, so why don’t you take us back to where we were before this stupid dungeon.”

“The others are all still resting in Tobes, and we have lost quite a few people, so we are going to have to reorganize the groups before sending everyone back out again.”

Bandy: “Our group is just fine how it is. There is no reason to waste our time any further.”

Kit: “I always remained with your group because of the results, but I warned you what your refusal of Master’s orders could cause, I will find another group in which to put my services to better use, and I implore the rest of you to do the same before Bandy costs you your life.”

Suzie: “He is right Bandy, I do appreciate all you have done for us, but this time it was just too much…”

Chase: “I thought we settled this in the dungeon!”

Bandy: “Let them go, You, Bradford, Corrie, and I are more than enough!”

Bradford: “Corrie and I are with you, but it would be nice to take a break like the other groups do every now and then…”

Bandy: “What do you think we have been doing the last few days? That dungeon was a pushover!”

Chase: “It’s just a few days Bandy… What could it hurt?”

Bandy: “You are already much too soft, the last thing you need is to become lazy on top of it!”

“I will settle this. I am making it an order for you to return to Tobes to rest for a few days. Of course, I won’t force you to follow that order, but after what happened in the dungeon, ignoring two orders like this will not be tolerated. If you stay, then you are on your own, and I take that as your choice to be unbound from my dungeon.”

Bandy: “You are threatening to kick us out just because we don’t want to take a break?”

“Your group has done a lot of good for the dungeon, but if you can’t even be bothered to follow a simple order like taking a break, then I can’t afford to have you as a liability to my dungeon either.”

Bandy: “Fine! We can find another dungeon to take us on as boss monsters, and finally get a bit of the respect we deserve!”

After she says that several of the others have begun to get nervous and Bradford is the first to speak up. “Listen Bandy, I said Corrie and I are with you, and we are, but I am not willing to go that far. If you wish to be unbound from the dungeon, count us out.”

Corrie: “Chase is right. A few days really can’t hurt.”

Bandy: “He left us behind and forgot about us, but I have been there for you through all the battles and scrapes we have gotten into, and yet you are still going to choose him over me?!”

Bradford: “Some of those battles were unnecessary and instigated by you. Not that I can complain, I would be willing to follow you into battle almost anywhere, but at the end of the day Master is still Master, but the benefits of being one of his monsters far outweigh the little he asks of us, and it’s not likely would find another dungeon that would give us this much freedom.”

Bandy: “Fine! We will take your stupid break, but remember when one of the other groups surpasses us in power, that I warned you.”

“It’s not a competition…”

Bandy: “For you maybe. You profit from our work either way.”

“I have a lot to do, so if we could head back now I would appreciate it, and after a few days when I get the chance, we will go over everything with the groups and get you back to gathering xp if that is what you want.”

I then use [Gate] and everyone steps through it albeit Bandy does it a bit begrudgingly. I really need to get to Lucille’s dungeon to speak with her, but if I can’t even get my own house in order how am I supposed to convince Lucille of anything?

I send a message to Lucille that I would like to speak to her about the situation between her and Laura, but instead of trying to force the issue I decide to check on my remaining group members while I wait for a reply.

All the dungeon cores are quite rattled, and I can’t really blame them because not only did I walk into a trap head first, but from the outside, I am sure it doesn’t look good because Bella, Emery, and Ithros are all exceptional dungeon cores so it makes since they made it out of the dungeon, but out of all the other dungeon cores that made it out, it was only those who I have close ties to.

I wonder if even that was part of the traitors plan… Maybe I am just looking too much into it, as Zelios did seem to target Maeve several times. He did fail both times when other dungeon cores much stronger then Maeve perished, and I still have no answers as to why Megan, or whoever she was, saved Queen before disappearing either.

Maybe it wasn’t only the others trust in me, but my trust in others they were trying to break as well. I started this task out to build trust in the dungeon cores and hit back at the traitors, but it has had the opposite effect. Even Kenta says that he will stay on as long as Inari asks him too, but asks me not to call on him for help again, and Emery didn’t even respond to my message.

Some of the others look like they are having doubts about being part of my group as well, but with all the other dungeon core deaths on top of the ones I took with me, they are just as afraid to lose the information my group provides as much as they are afraid of staying on.

It seems the only dungeon cores that do still have faith in me are my daughters, Queen, Ceres, and Ithros, even if I am starting to have doubts if I am even deserving of such. I guess that just means I am going to have to do a better job, and become worthy of the faith they have placed in me.

Not long after finishing up with the other dungeon cores, I begin figuring up my xp, so that I can start replacing some of the xp groups that I lost, but Lucille surprises me by sending a reply.

Lucille: (The matters between Laura and I are personal, and in no way effect the Elders, so it is of none of your concern. However, the grudge you have against Laura, and your way of thinking might be useful to me for the moment. I will not allow you to exact your revenge on Laura, but if you can settle for putting her in her place, then there might be something you can do for me.)

Not exactly what I had in mind, but it is a way in at least, so I send her a message back telling I am willing to meet with her and hear her out.

Lucille gathers xp from the Merretta capital, like I do Tobes, so of course it is part of her dungeon, as is the castle that was half destroyed with I was here last time, but to say I have been inside Lucille’s actual dungeon, this is a first.

It is nothing less than you would expect being under the castle, it appears to be just part of the basement, but even though my map in [Archjusticar Menu] doesn’t show the dungeon itself I can tell by me elevation that I am about 100 floors down, so I can only assume I am in the deepest part of her dungeon.

This section of her dungeon must be where she spends her time, and although I don’t think she has many visitors here, it doesn’t look much different the castle at the surface. The only difference being there are high level monsters in the likes to which I have never seen within every room we pass, each of which have their doors wide open as to make a point for me to see what is inside…

I don’t know if it is always this way, she is just going for a show of power, or if she actually thinks I might try something, but any way you look at it I can’t help but feel a bit intimidated. Even the way she carries herself as she leads me though the corridors is a much more intimidating presence then she usually gives off at the neutral zone.

“You know, there wasn’t a need for all this, I could have used [Gate] to arrive right where you wanted to speak at instead of having to walk there.”

Lucille: “I might be asking you to help me, but let just say this should put the differences between us into perspective.”

“Trust me. I know full well the difference in our strengths.”

Lucille: “Then think of it as a refresher, so that you do not become like Laura, and forget your place.”

Lucille then leads me to a room that is identical to the waiting room at the neutral zone, down to even the color and patterns on the fabric of the couches and chairs. There is one obvious difference however, and that is like the other rooms this one has 10 armed guards lining the walls.

The armor is made from the same material that mine is, but it appears to be of a higher quality. They are full sets of full-plate armor, even with helmets that cover every inch of the head. Even though they are all making subtle movements like the rise and fall of ones breathing, I can’t be entirely sure what kind of creature is inside of them.

They are roughly one and half times the size of a normal human, but all ten of them are identical and are without any defining feature that might lead you to believe they are anything other than human, except for their size.

Lucille instructs me to sit down on one of the couches and then sits across from me in a large arm chair, leaning back and crossing her legs with a sense of haughtiness that goes far behind her normal attitude.

Lucille: “At first I thought the solution was quite simple, if King Aaron were to die, Laura would lose her claim to the throne, and the humans would continue to fight and bicker among themselves until a new king carves their way into leadership.”

“Aaron’s death wouldn’t be the end of the civil war, in fact it would probably only make it worse, because the alliances would fracture even further while each one tries to replace the royal family with their own leader.”

Lucille: “I don’t particularly care what human thinks they are in charge of Merretta, just as long as it isn’t one Laura controls. The more humans that kill each other fighting for the throne could only benefit me by providing me with more xp. However, I have learned that Laura has enthralled the humans in such a way that even at Aaron’s death they would rally behind her in his name. She could then place any stooge she wanted on the throne while maintaining control.”

“So what exactly was it you thought I could help with?”

Lucille: “If killing Aaron won’t help, I just need to see to it Southern Merretta loses the civil war. I sent out groups of monsters to take out the attacking Southern Merretta soldiers, but there have been several instances of the Merretta soldiers encountering them first and it has had the opposite effect. Laura has turned this into a fight with humans, and if I don’t do the same I might win the battles but still lose the war. Dealing with humans isn’t exactly my forte, and Laura has become quite efficient at it, so if Merretta is going to win the war I need a human expert of my own.”

“I am hardly an expert of human wars, Laura knew you didn’t pay attention to the humans and she used that to her own advantage by setting this up the way she did. The fact the traitors took out the Aaron’s father and brother only helped her plan.”

Lucille: “I don’t care what her plan is. We just need to stop it!”

“The problem is Laura is right. Aaron is the rightful king of Merretta, and as far as kings go, he isn’t a bad one. The only problem I have with the way he runs things is the things that Laura dictates. The people of Merretta know Aaron is the rightful king, but they are used to the way things were with his father, and that is the only reason they are fighting back.”

Lucille: “None of that matters to me!”

“Well it should! There are plenty of people in power in Merretta right now that would lose everything under Aaron’s rule, so among those people, they are either taking the masses of gold they have horded and are fleeing Merretta, or they are using that gold to fight to preserve the way things are. Those who are fighting will only continue to do so as long as they still see the profit in it. If at any point they don’t they will cut ties and run as well.”

Lucille: “Then how do we stop Aaron from taking over Merretta?”

“At this point I think it is inevitable, the war might continue for years, but that won’t benefit anyone. If you truly don’t care about the humans and even more so if you do, I don’t think you should be focusing on how to stop Aaron from reuniting Merretta, but how you can quickly turn it into your advantage.”

Lucille: “That is unacceptable!”

“Right now the nobles of Merretta are paying the normal citizens of Merretta large amounts of gold to protect their way of life, but like I said, once that starts cutting into their profit their generosity will come to an end, and the normal citizens will start taking Aaron’s side. If it reaches that point before you act Merretta will become Laura’s and you will have nothing to show for it, but if you act before then and help her reunite Merretta, you can concede the human kingdom you don’t even care about for something far more valuable.”

Lucille: “Like what?”

“I don’t know your motivations, but Aaron plans to remain in Uthaira making it the new capital of Merretta, but the castle here is in quite a sorry state, and it will only be a matter of time until people realize your dungeon us under the castle. You could help Aaron reunite Merretta and in exchange you can choose the duke that fixes up the castle, maybe turn it into a soldiers training facility so you can gain the xp from those who would train here, or any other numerous ways to it into a massive boost in the xp you acquire, and all the while Laura would be indebted to you for your assistance.”

Lucille: “Laura would still be in control of Merretta.”

“In control of the humans of Merretta, something you yourself have said that you care nothing about. You are looking at this as she is trying to take something away from you, but it is something you didn’t care about until she tried taking it. If you are the one that starts the negotiations, offering it up to her in exchange for your own demands, then no matter what you get out of it, you will still win…”

Lucille: “If you are so confident that Merretta’s army will lose then why would she even agree to negotiate to begin with?”

“Because like I said it could take years and countless resources on her part during that time. There is also the fact you said I couldn’t get revenge on her, and you talked about killing Aaron, but never her. As this draws out you may change your mind, and I am sure she doesn’t want to risk that happening either.”

Lucille: “And what are you getting out of this exchange?”

“Other than an end to the pointless fighting, so we can return to the important topics, like that of the traitors? This civil war has begun to affect the other kingdoms, and I don’t want it effecting Gowen.”

Lucille: “What do you plan on doing if I refuse, and decide I want to continue the war?”

“Stopping the war so we can get back to the important things is my goal, the fact I came to you, is out of respect being the actual Elder and you are the one that could end it the quickest, but to keep Gowen from having to suffer due to this war, I will even assist Laura if it means we get this over with quickly.”

Lucille: “I will have to decide what to do next, until then I think it is time for you to go.”

“Alright, just don’t take too long, because you only hold the advantage in negotiations if you act quickly.” –I then get up and head home by use of [Gate]-

I am not sure if I was able to get through to her or not, but at the moment that is the best I know how. I can only hope Madam Erin is fairing a bit better than I am…

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