《The Rude Time Stopper》Chapter 153 Amber Eyes,Golden Dragon


Summer break so close and yet so far....


-Are you alright ?

I asked a bit worried as my golden eyes stared up towards the figure that sat in front of me covered with a white blanket that hide her curvy transparent figure,her eyes were slightly narrowed in pain while her left hand rubbed onto the spot on the back of her head trying to lessen the pain that came from her little mishap early morning.

Upon hearing my question scar looked a bit more happier that I was worrying about her she smiled gently and faced me with a cheerful look in her eyes.

-Yeah,don't worry its just a mild headache not as if I was shanked or anything,I've had worse then that it'll go away at quickly...How about you ? I am sorry if you didn't get a lot of sleep because of me...

Scar replied trying hard to change the topic to me as she seemed to have remembered what happened yesterday with small embarrassment crossing her eyes,my question wasn't actually about her little incident this morning concerning her head bash,but about her mental state.

She seemed a bit unstable that time so I wanted to know whether or not she was fine mentally and looking at her I felt as if I needed to clarify the question.


After staring into her eyes for a few more seconds I realized that the question wasn't actually necessary anymore.

-Huh..I see

I smiled,the look in her eyes said it all,she didn't have any more doubt,she was ready for what would come and would fight against her fate with all her might even if it meant her end,for the person that was the most important to her that much is considered normal and she wasn't going to back down,she was ready.


Scar cleared her throat,the little room of ours was silent with both me and scar facing each other with wryly smiles on our faces.

looking at scar I could see that she was still extremely embarrassed because of this with her cheeks flushed a deep red even her heart didn't stop pounding this entire time as my ears picked up on her pulse,her eyes in particular would sometimes try to avoid my own while her lips quivered lightly with small anxiety that showed through her trembling cheeks,her lips would sometimes shape in a specific way almost as if she wanted to ask something,but held back right at the very end not sure if she should ask or not.


I almost blurted out for a second,momentarily lost by scar's unique womanly charm,not that I wasn't astound before,it was just that I felt a bit more surprised that it was scar out of all people that was showing me such expression the reason for that expression was also very mysterious after all its not as if I had taken something important from her or violated her in any way,but at the same time scar herself didn't exactly know if that really was the case which is why she was acting this way.

After a few seconds of observing scar's lost and anxious state I couldn't help,but start giggling to myself,hearing me laugh like this made scar just even more nervous her hands tightly pulling the white blanket to herself as she seemed very ashamed of showing any more of her curvy body to me.


Well...I think this is enough teasing.

-Scar ?

I spoke gently,but even the gentles of words made scar very anxious and self conscious of herself,I could see that she was very regretting the events of yesterday and that she let her guard down in front of me by sleeping in my room,she almost seemed too helpless in fact that I couldn't help,but slowly feel bad for her,she really wasn't the type of person who could take these kinds of jokes.

Not that I was any good at jokes myself.

-Y...yes ?

-Don't worry we didn't sleep with each other the only thing that did happen was you using me as a hug pillow,I didn't touch you other then the occasional brush that came from you moving around

-Huh ?!

Upon hearing my words scar immediately got dumbfounded,her eyes instantly going wide as she stared at me from bellow,as if she was expecting me to be lying or something which ultimately ended up with her freezing on the spot like a statue,I could only laugh again seeing her expression like this and after a quick glance towards the window and into the sky,I swiftly jumped out of the bed stretching myself while walking towards the exit.

-Well it seems like we are done here I wait for you down stairs at the dinner table take your time alright ?

I said smiling at her,making scar even more embarrassed and flabbergast at the same time as her mouth constantly run back and forth wanting to say something,but not sure what as she continued to cut into her own words ending up saying gibberish instead of anything productive.

Nonetheless,she did manage to say something at least just before I shut the door.


She shouted,her face glowing crimson red and her eyes growing teary before I finally shut the door flashing a wicked grin to myself at the same time while walking off downstairs to the dinner room.


Going downstairs into the dinner room was as expected very peaceful and uneventful,it was early morning and even though it was still very early,I could still hear the liveliness of the city outside shouting and snapping just like yesterday getting my spirits high.

At the same time while I was thinking about that I was also very vigilante about my surroundings,the timer I had set to myself concerning the knights would soon start to show effect,I wasn't very clear when it would happen,but I was confident enough to say that it would happen relatively soon after 1 or 2 days,they obviously weren't going to directly charge at me and take me in as a prisoner knowing that I single handedly defeated their 3 dragon knights without even wasting a sweat,this would obviously concern them quite a lot which is why they would first need to poke my background a bit before they could act appropriately and know what they were dealing with spending precious time to understand the unknown.

Time that they would inevitably waste after coming to the conclusion that I was actually a nobody with not a single mark on this world to identify me after all this wasn't my world to begin with.

In the end what I was really getting at with this ruse was to bring one person into the know and see how they would react...

No,two people actually.


Prince malkarin and crown princess serath.

To finally make sense of this situation I needed to meet either of these two people,one of which already knew of my existence by now,but was running away from me for unknown reasons,while the other still kept in the dark weaving his strings like a puppeteer..

Plans had changed significantly after meeting sera,would they end up becoming good or bad,it was still too early to tell,but that for now was of no concern to me.

I told myself,finally coming downstairs as I sat down next to the long wooden table while waiting for the waitress to take my order,other then me and a few of the personal who were setting up the room for use there weren't any other people like me sitting next to the table waiting for their orders,most probably still sleeping since it was still too early.

On a side note today was the deadline to register for the tournament,I still had not a single clue how it was going to go,but I hoped that we would still make it to the register...if not I always had other methods to participate in this tournament after all.

I thought,finally seeing the pretty waitress from the corner of my eyes coming towards me with a gentle and attractive smile on her lips the way she looked at me wasn't very different from how woman usually looked at me and when she took my order it was pretty obvious that she was very interested in me since she would occasionally ask me a lot of questions while also asking detailed information about the food I wanted to order just to stay a bit more longer to ask questions herself...

After a while of nonstop questioning that was back and forth between me and the waitress,the pretty waitress finally finished her order and turned around leaving towards the kitchen with slight reluctance and disappointment in her face,watching her leave I also felt slightly regretful that I gave melony my mask,but that regret didn't last for too long until I sat straight again watching my surroundings my golden eyes finally switching towards the counter on the outside of the room watching two female maids chatting with each other.

My sense's heightened ready for any kind of situation I could hear the conversation between those two maids far off behind the counter and slowly my interest started to grow listening to them.

-Did you hear ? Last night the golden dragon gang entirely claimed every single small to mid sized gang in the rank 1 citizen circle of the city,there wasn't much commotion last night,but it is said that the leader of the golden dragon gang came forward himself and threatened all the other big gangs with his might alone making them yield they say he simply glared at them once terrifying them into submission...scary right ?!

The maid said partially terrified and partially excited as she told the story to her friend about this golden dragon gang with great enthusiasm,the reason I got interest in this wasn't because I was interested in the story itself,but because I recalled those thugs from yesterday that were dealt with by scar who were most likely from one of those gangs,the calling card from the mysterious amber eyed man was still in my pocket too,my curiosity was largely because of the amber eyed man his eyes voice and demeanor were very familiar to me,the way he spoke to me was also familiar and it seemed as if I knew him from somewhere,but sure where exactly.

I pondered and while I was doing that the maid continued to tell her friend about that gang.

-Lately there had been less and less crime going on in the first circle of the city even though people are still scared of staying too long outside fearing the other gangs,right now many are starting to change their thoughts ! Its all thanks to the leader of the golden dragon gang they had been swallowing all of the other gangs and setting rules throughout the districts to forbid any sort of thievery or harm to the ordinary citizen most of the rogues who were in those other gangs even started to give the city instead of take from it doing all sorts of work and business its as if they all act more like a commerce union instead of a gang don't you think ?

The maid said to her friend with her bright eyes obviously very happy about this,her friend was also pleased by to hear that,but even though she was pleased there seemed to be still some things that she was unsure about as she replied to the maid with her own thoughts.

-Yeah,I also heard all sorts of things about them,but what bugs me the most is their leader...other then calling him the leader of the golden dragon gang there is pretty no information on him,from where he came from,how old he is nor how he looks like..he is pretty much invisible which kinda makes me unsettled...do you know how he looked like when he came forth and made those other big gangs yield to him ? How about it is he handsome ?

The woman gossiped clearly going off topic at this as the other maid couldn't really answer that question herself whether he was handsome or not,in the end as it turns out that so called leader of the golden dragon gang was still very invisible presumably he wore a giant hooded robe and a mask his appearance the only thing that was visible though were his sharp amber eyes that came from the slit of the mask he wore..

My face immediately contoured as I started to realize something.

-amber eyes, dragon,english ?...kid...

I mumbled to myself the light in my golden eyes swiftly clicking like a little sparks as I started to connect the dots with each other and when I finally figured it out,I couldn't help,but swiftly reach my hand towards my pocket pulling out the calling card that was given to me by this man.

The Tainted Swan.

Once again I looked at those capital letters written in red ink and english letters,for a moment I just couldn't really believe it or put my head around it,but slowly I started to think this couldn't be as impossible as it may have been to begin with.

-He said that he went to a family meeting..is that what he meant ?

I mumbled again,almost smiling ironically as I thought how small this world could possibly be.

Or worlds in this case.


I edit and write other stories !


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