《The Man Kicked By the God》Twenty Eight Kick - Rest in Dust


Usual Gibberish:

Hello, pals! This chapter was proofread by Shadowblade. Thanks for your great help! Also, thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/


Why the did hell this man’s smirk and laugh give me chills. He isn’t holding any grudges since my mom turned his sister into a shut in right?

“So the child of Volcano and Blizzard became my apprentice. You know I don’t really hold a grudge about my sister becoming a shut in. In fact in my opinion, she deserved it. She was hopeless and always ran away which forced me to do tons of unnecessary extra work. Although I don’t hold a grudge about that, but since they were my rivals I can’t let their child off the hook so easy. What is your magic class? I doubt it’s below Prodigy, though.” - Teo

“Umm, I’m Genius class student on Magic course.” – Micha

After my response, Teo’s burrows started to twitch. Even my classmates faces changed to an amazed one. I heard a few mutters and Evangeline’s low voice.

“He isn’t innate but both Divine and Genius. I’m not even qualified as gifted in his presence…”- Evangeline

“Well, to tell the truth, your nickname may even surpass that of your parents. You’re Full Elemental as well as Divine and Genius on respective courses. Hohen and Magnolia really produced a monster. Anyways, since we have three Double Tree practitioners I need to set a new rule. While sparring with a Martial Tree fellow besides enchanting your body with Elements you’re prohibited to use other magic. Has everyone decided on the chosen weapon they will use?” – Teo

“I’m more of a barehanded fighter but I can use a sword. I prefer short swords or long daggers with gauntlets and knee protectors.” – Micha

“I also prefer to fight barehanded and can use a sword quite well.” – Andy

“I’m trying to use the bow.” – Marla

“Short sword and shield.” – Karlan

“I like to use a flexible sword.” – Talia

Flexible sword? Is that a thing?

“I will use throwing daggers” – Jake

“I prefer using whips.” –Evangelina

Great, we have a sadist over here.

“Well, we have quite the combinations here. Even a whip user. Normally, I would suggest you spar with each other but are there anybody who wants to try their luck against Micha? If not, I will pick two people to fight with him.” – Teo

“Well, teacher I don’t want it to sound like an exaggeration but, when I was four Micha managed to defeat me in a sword fight. I’m Innate on both Strength and Health while he isn’t Innate in any stat. In my opinion, we should see how all the Double Tree fellows fight, no?” – Andy

“That’s quite a good idea, Andy. Well, Micha you may take on both Talia and Evangelina. For the other matches, Andy should fight with Karlan while Marla and Jake try each other. Any objections besides Micha?” – Teo


“Why is my right to object denied?” – Micha

“Because you’re too good of a piece to let it get rusty. Just in case, you don’t know even your parents aren’t as Spartan as me when it comes to training.” – Teo

I think I heard a ”Nooooooooooo!” scream in my mind. More Spartan than my parents? I’m practically fucked.

“Could you tone it down, a tad bit?” Micha

“No way! Get your sorry ass up and fight with your partners. You may take training items around. Since it’s Double Tree fellows fight, you may use your abilities to your hearts content.” – Teo

Oh great. I’m to fight a whip and flexible sword user. I know how to counter whips but in my past life, I’ve yet to see something like a flexible sword.

“You may treat it as a piece of cloth but with razor edges.” – Metatron

Oh, thanks for the info. Although not common, there are martial arts that use clothes as weapons. Though, clothes are generally speaking used for restriction purposes in that martial arts. How the hell am I supposed to deal with one that can cut?

“Well, that’s your problem, Genius. Man, I have always wanted to say that! – Metatron

Grr. I equip my knee protector and gauntlet and grab two short swords since I wasn’t able to find long daggers. Normally although I like to be like Drizzt and use double wield my preferences are generally focused on a single weapon in one hand and barehanded in other hand since it’s more effective. But since I’ve got two enemies, this time, I need to guard more so I’ve taken up dual wielding again. While I’m selecting my weapons and guards my opponents selected their respective weapons. Talia takes a normal looking sword although I’m 100% sure it’s a flexible sword. Evangelina on the other hand, is using a black whip around one and a half meter long.

First of all, I need to devise my plan to win. If I let Evangelina get less than two meters away I’m doomed. My only option is bombarding Evangelina with magic while taking out Talia since her abilities with the flexible sword is still unknown. Another unknown variable is their magic abilities. I cannot know their abilities since I’m not higher leveled then them nor has my Identify reached that point.

“I need to inform you about your training weapons and training area, students. Those weapons are enchanted weapons made by a senior enchanter many years ago. Their abilities are simple, though. First of all, they won’t damage you but inflict Paralysis condition according to the fatality of attack. For example, if you managed to hit your enemy’s neck Paralysis will stun your enemy till match finishes. Since weapons need an area to work with the whole training grounds are enchanting accordingly.” – Teo

Enchanting, eh?

“Well, you may learn it as skill. But first you need to learn Runic Affinity on Wizarda.” – Metatron

Oh, thanks for the info. You could have helped me more with my oncoming fight, though.


“I’m just an AI, you know. It’s not like I can posses you and control your body to fight, yet.” – Metatron

Well, I’m on my own then. No change in my plans. Blitzkrieg Talia, then handle Evangelina, somehow. A whip itself is a troublesome weapon. Although you can deduce their trajectory but the user can change it in the middle of an attack. It’s range is long so unless you are a master using it you’ll pay the price for using such a long ranged weapon. Every big attack will leave a big opening so if you’re facing an opponent that is faster than yourself it’s not really suited to use. Though, if your enemy isn’t adapt using this kind of advantages you can harras him or her to death. My only advantage in this fight is that they have to fight while they cooperate while I can act on my own. Since they probably don’t know how to fight together I may use it to my advantage since while Talia around Evangelina couldn’t possibly show her full power. I guess I should just take her out before Talia since her power wouldn’t be at her peak while Talia is around. Evangelina has Fire, Water and Wind affinities while Talia has Water and Wind. I guess holding back Talia with magic while taking out Evangelina with blitzkrieg attacks would be better.

“Go to the fighting arena and take your stances!” – Teo

After hearing Teo’s instructions I hold my short blades backwards since that way it’s more comfortable to block, at least for me. Lowered my head and arced my body for a explosive start. I’ll use my Fire mana to launch myself towards Evangelina while using Wind to help me dodge their incoming attacks. Although both girls can increase their speed using Wind they couldn’t match Fire’s explosive dashing power in close quarter combat. After I showed my stance girls couldn’t help but gasp. They probably know about my tricks since I’ve beat up Augusta on stage but I wasn’t even half serious that time. This time, however I’m showing proper stance as well as attitude to take out my opponent as fast as possible. Well, this is the attitude martial arts showed to each other. Although my martial arts wasn’t about teaching respect towards opponents what they teach was ‘Never underestimate your opponent unless you are 100% sure he/she couldn’t harm you in anyway’. Normally I wouldn't be able to do that but since I’ve got Identify that problem was solved for me. That’s the real reason I toyed with Augusta since I did know he couldn’t even harm my hair with his measly power though his grandpa’s appearing was an uncalculated factor on my side.

“Get your ass up! Start in 3-2-1. Go!” – Teo

After Teo’s signal, I pumped fire mana into my legs while creating fire and earth balls to attack Talia. They also cast out their elemental balls but I’m going to ignore their magic attacks with my speed and newly acquired dodge mastery. Although, normally, there shouldn’t be a real difference in our physical capabilities but due to my Heightened Martial Arts Mastery and Heightened Weapon Mastery I can use my body and my weapons much more efficiently. Which makes me a fighter that can handle more than I was supposed to do, just like how I managed to defeat Andy. Well, after I burst towards Evangelina with my full speed she throws all of her elemental balls. Her triple elemental ball combination may actually stop me if I were to take it head on but I got no intentions of doing that. Unlike the time with Augusta instead of creating elemental balls I infuse my whole body with wind mana and dodge her incoming attacks. While I’m focused to physically attack Evangelina. Talia managed to overpower my elemental balls and fling towards to me with her presumably full speed to save Evangelina. In case I attack Evangelina I’ll be done for since Talia will manage to attack me. I’m not even sure that I can take out Evangelina. Sigh, at my first real fight I’m forced to use my combinations. This time, I activate both fire and wind mana in my legs to create blaze and back of.

“Couldn’t you just give me some slack?” – Micha

“I’m not that nice you know?” – Talia

“Excuse my rudeness but if I try to take it easy, you may take me out before I try it.” – Evangelina

Nayy, this girls seriously going for it.

“Don’t hold a grudge, then.” – Micha

Both girls are a bit dumbfounded since I am so confident even though I was first to back off. I smirk and close my eyes. I let my earth and wind mana out and combine it with Mana Manipulation thus dust is formed. I increased my mana volumes so that my dust will cover the whole area. Both girls are probably forced to close their eyes too. But this now becomes my hunt. They probably don’t have any detection skills like I do. My Detect Danger is at a level where I can feel my opponents even with my eyes closed. The only problem is that I can’t tell the difference between my enemies yet. After picking up my first target I fling myself towards it with both fire and wind combination. Blaze is a whole lot faster than just fire but the downside of this technique is it’s increased mana consumption. Since both my targets have heights around mine I just cut towards against them around the height of my neck. This should give my first target a lethal Paralysis. Well, it did indeed hit but it was stopped somehow but I can’t feel her signature on my Detect Danger so I guess she is indeed Paralyzed. After I start looking for my second target a quite strong wind hit the whole area.

“Your highness, you’re indeed powerful. You can already use the Dust combination.” – Evangelina

Ohh, I took out the wrong target. Here comes a big headache.

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