《The Man Kicked By the God》Twenty Sixth Kick - Deserved It


Usual Gibberish:

Sorry guys, my January was way more busy than it should be. As usual please point out mistakes. I’m looking for editor/proofreader. Thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/


Hearing this proposal Morgoth grit his teeth.

“You fuckers... Damn you, Augusta, you put me in a pinch. Fine, I accept your offer. It’s not like you gave me any room for decline.” – Morgoth

“Sigh, I want to beat this fool till he becames a bloody plump you know, Merian.” – Karus

“I know what you’ve in your mind but you should have thought about your grandson too. This is more beneficial for our grandson.” – Merian

“Yeah, you are right.” –Karus

Oh, things finished before a war start and I got free equipment and slave. Normally I’m against slave or servant thing but this bastard of a prince should have know humility. I’ll totally use him as an errand boy, though. This way Jenny will take a breather too. While we concluded our deal, Augusta woke up from his slumber. After seeing his grandpa and me lying on the floor, he smiled and shouted.

“Oh Grandpa, you’ve saved me from a beating! We should kill this bastard since he dared to touch me, a royal blood! He is just a nobody!” – Augusta

Oh, come on! While I try to suppress my laughter most of the crowd started to laugh and chatter without any restraint.

“He is nobody? Puhahaha!”

“That nobody is your Master! Fuhaha!”

“That slave of prince really kicked steel door!”

“He has eyes but no brain.”

“If he is nobody then you’re just dirt on my shoes!”

Hearing crowd’s words Augusta’s face changed.

“What are you saying, you bastards! I’ll get you killed! Help me grandpa!” – Augusta

“Kill us? Ahahahaha! Shut up you slave!” – Melissa

Oh, Melissa even started to roll on the floor. Morgoth, however, was quite a sight to see. He is bright red from anger.

“Shut up you idiot! Did you know who is? He is the fucking Full Elemental. If we kill him Mustang will roast us alive. And forget about touching his hair too. He is the sole heir of both Rofah and Hulim kingdoms. He is fucking heir of both the Two Thrones and you still spout some bullshit. And another thing, starting now you’ll be his slave or else both his grandparents will wage a war against our kingdom. You idiot deserved this coming. Thankfully we resolved the situation with small loses. Your stupidity almost started the fall of our country!” – Morgoth


With his grandpa’s words, Augusta too loses his color. Oh, he went past becoming pale and started to shine like a Twilight Vampire. So lame. Sigh, my slave is like a vampire from Twilight. I always preferred a real Nosferatu. Well, I get this one so I’ll manage it somehow.

“Wh-whaat are you saying grandpa? You’re joking, right? He is the heir of both Two Thrones? Impossible! He is already the Full Elemental! How can that be?! And I’m going to slave of him? Why?” – Augusta

I really like to say this.

“Because fuck you, that’s why! Grandma, I don’t know about anything slaves, though. Since I’ll have one you’ll help me, right? And can you enlighten me on slaves topic, too. I thought that was illegal or something since I’ve yet to see any slave. ” – Micha

“Of course, my cute heir. First of all, we need to bind him with the contract. Then you’ll able to use him according to contract rules. Since he is royalty and such there will be restrictions on the contract. That means you won’t be able to use some ‘commands’. About the slaves topic, you didn’t see any slaves because only people who were sentenced to death can be branded as a slave in Weiwuer Alliance. And all of the slaves are recorded by the nation. If there is a forced slave contract found, slave contractor will be executed on the spot or tortured to death. This was decided by Weiwuer Treaty. If he just forced someone to done his or her work he or she will be executed on the spot by the very slaves he or she forced to contract. If he or she went beyond that he or she will be tortured to death by the very slaves he or she forced to contract. These are the rules of Slavery. We always try to find the illegal slavers in Weiwuer Alliance so that’s why there aren't that much of slaves. We will handle your contract with Morgoth and Augusta so you can go to your friends. Ah, before that can you spare me a few drops of blood since we will need it for the contract. Here take this tube and drip your blood.” – Merian


After explaining slavery rules, grandma handed me a tube. I bit my finger and drip a few drops of blood and give it back to my grandma. I should say I was surprised about slavery system. First of all, it really exists. Secondly, it’s regulated quite well. I expected debt slavery too but I guess it’s handled other ways. Not my cup of tea, though. Although I want to travel the world and get stronger after seeing the political power I’m a bit surprised. I’m sure as hell my grandparents are strong but I doubt personal strength amount that much. Besides that Mustang guy, I guess. According to Morgoth, that guy has the power to wipe out a country’s royalty. That is the power I thirst for. Well, in my first life I’ve a power at school and never get bullied, got enough money to live my life as I want. I want to act like that too. But having strong backers is always felts well.

With this thought in my mind, I walk towards to my friends. To be precise, I’m having a swag-walk since my left shoulder hurts like hell. Most of the people who seen my performance as well as my background just open a way and congratulates me. Well, what can I say? I’m quite a celebrity right now. If my parents saw this spectacle whitout a doubt they will nag a while, though. They always said keep your powers hidden but not get bullied. How can I do that? Sigh, so tiriiiing.

“Oh, cousin. You put on quite a good show! You’ve even gained an artifact and a slave. You’re a lucky one, you know that, right?” – Andy

“I didn’t want a slave, though. Hey, what is an artifact by the way? My parents kept me in a dark basement about this topics, you know.” – Micha

“Oh, I guess I should explain, Micha. An artifact is a weapon grows with your power. You bind it blood just like the Marks. They aren’t powerful at the start, though. There are even artifacts may restrict your powers. They aren’t unique since there are a few artifacts, but qualified as rare. I’ve heard the first founder of Notzha Kingdom was a Full Elemental, too. You should get his artifact. I’ve heard it was an interesting glove.” – Jenny

“Fingerless glove, to be precise. Looks like your average glove. But its ability is different than most of the artifacts as far as I’ve heard. Most of the artifacts suits only one kind of element. But this one can respond all kind of elements. According to stories that glove made from scales of a Divine Dragon. I don’t know besides that. And one more thing. After binding artifacts, you may store them in your body. I don’t know how to store them in your body but your grandparents should teach that.” – Melinda

“Aaand thanks for that whole fun, Micha. I was laughing madly, you know. It’s been a while since someone made me laugh this much, too.” – Melissa

While we’re chatting, my grandparents drag Augusta. Oh, Matthew is on stage. What will he say?

“Sorry for the inconvenience, new students. I’m the ex-Dean of Notaraf School, Matthew Murdon. Due to some circumstances, your Dean Daniella Éclair wasn’t able to come here. In her stead, I welcome you all to Notaraf School!” – Matthew

Oh, you cut it short, old teachy. Thanks for it!


Status Window

Spoiler :

Status WindowName:Micha GladioAlignment:NeutralLevel:1Class:??Race:Evolving HumanGender:MaleTitlesthe Neutral, the Full Elemental, the Genius, Heir of Hulim, Heir of Rofah, Student of Notaraf SchoolFame:0Infamy:0-Life:11500 /11500Life Regen:1150.0 / MinMana:12000 /12000Mana Regen:1200.0 / MinStamina:1300 / 1300Stamina Regen:130.0 / Sec-Strenght:1150Health:1150Dexterity:1150Agility:1150[/tr]Stamina:1300Endurance:1300Intelligence:1200Wisdom:1200Charisma:1010Luck:1010-Attack:1120Defense:1120Physical ResistancesDodge:%1Parry/Block:%0Physical :%42Crowd Control:%33Elemental ResistancesFire:%53Water:%53Wind:%53Earth:%53

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