《The Man Kicked By the God》Twentieth Kick - Waltz


Can you believe it just preparing for school takes a whole week? Seriously mom put everything she can find to my packs. Yeah well, I get this packs, to be precise Inventories, from my grandparents. Each of them sent a pack no bigger than apple as a school gift. I don’t even know about this kind of a things just before. I immediately used Identify on this packs and stunned for a good while.

Spatial Bag of RofahBagCan contain non-sentient living beings without limit. Upon death items contained will be sealed. Seal only can open by Blood Mark.

Spatial Bag of HulimBagCan contain non-sentient items without limit. Upon death items contained will be sealed inside. Seal only can open by Sword Mark.

Wow, now this items are amazing. I don’t have to worry about carrying something. Mom talked to me as she heard my thoughts.

“Spatial bags, huh. Indeed they are really valuable as gifts. But, since you’re heir to thrones, it’s normal to have.” – Magnolia

I nod to her and started to check if I’ve left anything. As I stuff my big packages into little bag mom replied to me again.

“You should say goodbye to Hohen and Rosen. Only I will accompany you to Notaraf School. Your dad caused huge amount of trouble when he was still student so I doubt they will accept him into school and your sister is still too young for that kind of travel.” – Magnolia

I was surprised. Being too young for travel? That’s gotta be hell of a ride.

“What kind of travel, mom?” – Micha

“You’ll soon understand. Don’t worry, you can handle this, I guess. You should go upstairs to bid farewells. I’ll need do something.” – Magnolia

Hey, hey. This is a worrying trend. “I guess” means you’re not sure? I’m sure as hell in deep shit. Well, I feel like I’m about to dive a deep pit on hell but I can’t do anything besides steeling myself. I go upstairs directly.


I opened the door and get in. I saw my dad caressing my sister. She really is lovely one. Well, it’s time.

“Dad, lil’ sis, it’s my time to go for school.” – Micha

My dad smile wryly while my sister still try to understand what did I mean.

“It’s finally your time to fly, huh?” – Hohen

“What do you mean, brother? Where are you going?” – Rosen

Ask one by one, please.

“Yes, dad. It’s not like I’ve a chance to make choice, though. I’m going to school, my lovely sister. I don’t know anything about school, but I’m pretty sure I’ll find a way to come as soon as possible.” – Micha

“Uwaaaah, big bro, don’t leaveeee!” – Rosen

Ah, I made her cry. Not that I wasn’t expecting something like that. I embrace her a bit than speak.

“Hey, don’t worry. I said I’ll come as soon as possible, right?” – Micha

“Well, you’ll have 2 holidays so you’ll be coming twice a year at best.” – Hohen

Twice a year. Not bad. While I still embracing my little sister I heard moms voice as well as a loud wind sound.

“Hey, my little angels, don’t make me wait.” – Magnolia

Call of duty, huh? My sister is still teary eyed but somehow looks resolved since mom called us both. She was reluctant to leave my side but there isn’t much we can do. We descend to entrance and I hug her again and then opened door. There is a big pale-blue thing in front of our house. What the heck is this?! I heard a loud, calm and somewhat icy voice.

“This little fellow is your son, huh? His abilities is must be really good since he is your son. He looks like mix of Hohen and you, Mistress.” - ????????


“You’re right, Frizjund. Even a Frost Wyvern like you, show interest in my son. He really have many talents, probably way surpassing mine or Hohen’s.” – Magnolia

Wow, so he is Frizjund, a Frost Wyvern. He is at least 50 meters long. Although Wyvern are not considered True dragons they have more brute strength than True dragons. He is totally pale blue with face of a dragon, besides icicles on under his neck. His dark blue eyes is shining with power. I’m amazed. Wait, wait, wait. He called mom as Mistress. Does that mean mom managed to tame such a beast?!

“I get it you’re amazed with Frizjund but your dad has his dragon too. But, Suyratur isn’t around here now so your mom will be going with you to Notaraf School.” – Hohen

Hey, hey, I still don’t know how we’ll go to Notaraf?!

“Jump on me, kiddy. Or else I’m gonna kick your ass. We gonna fly ‘till Notzha Kingdom. I’m a busy Wyvern.” - Frizjund

Although I’m kicked by God himself, I don’t dare to get kicked by 50 meters long Wyvern. I gradually climbed to where mom sits. I wave my hands to dad and sis. She is still crying.

“Uwaaa, I’ll miss you brooo.” – Rosen

“Don’t worry I’ll be back.”- Micha

“Good luck at Notaraf, sonny. Kick some Notzha ass.” – Hohen

Seriously, encouraging your child to bully other children isn’t a thing you should do as a parent. Well, if they try to mess with me, I’ll wipe floor with them.

“Thanks dad! I’ll do my best.” - Micha

“Hey, hey. Cut the crap. I don’t like dramatic scenes. We’re going.” – Frizjund

And so we started to fly through Notzha Kingdom. It was definitely wasn’t a good experience. Flying on a dragon with almost at Mach 1? If mom didn’t set up a Wind Barrier I would fall immediately. After couple hours of flight we reached Notzha Kingdom. Although soldiers saw flying giant frost wyvern they didn’t even try to attack. Something must be wrong in my parents, definitely. Well we finally reached Notaraf School. Mom used levitation on both me and herself and we finally reach land. Seriously what was that? I control my urges to vomit. When guards of school saw my mom their faces instantly become pale. Holy shit, how notorious was my parents?! They immediately bowed to mom and said in unison.

“Welcome, Miss Gjak.” – Guards

Mom just smiled and nod. Wow, that was cool. She waltz her way to room of Dean directly. Without knocking room she opened door. There was a woman who tried to cope with paperwork. She shout without lifting her head.

“Who the fuck enter Dean’s room without knocking?” - ????????

She take a peak and that instant all the blood left her face. She totally terrified. Hey, hey, what’s going on here?

“Hiiiiiii- M-m-m-m-ma-magnoliaaa?” - ????????

“Hello, Dean. Or should I say Daniella? It’s been a while.” – Magnolia

“Wh-wh-what are you doing here?”- Daniella

“Nothing important. My son wants to register Notaraf School. You’ll handle paper work for me, right?” – Magnolia

Is it my imagination or mom just ordered my future-Dean?!


Writer's Corner:

Hello, my dear readers. If you find my mistakes please point out them. I'm trying to fix 'em all. I hope you're liking my story. Thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/

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