《The Man Kicked By the God》Nineteenth Kick - Just Before School


Wow, we have one Full elemental as well as a Gifted from same household. I doubt any family is gifted as much as ours though. But one thing for sure my grandparents will plot something, again. Sigh, they even started to smile. Seriously I just wonder what they are thinking sometimes.

“Blood Mages are rare after all. Even though they’re not unique as Full Elemental, they are mages of great potential. Besides Ultimate Elemental Magic, Destruction Magic, Blood Magic most potent magic on people. You can literally destroy them inside, while using any blood around as a weapon. Seriously dangerous.”- Metatron

That means whoever has a Blood Mage will reign over, eh? That’s why they are immersed in thoughts again? Seriously, cut the crap already.

“Before you’ve a power to reign over them, they have control on you. That’s the jungle law, partner.” – Metatron

Sigh. I’ll reach that level sooner or later. Anyways, it’s time to congratulate my sister. She totally deserved this. She was happily running towards to us. I embrace her then put my hand to her hais.

“You did well, lil’ sis” – Micha

She replied while a bit blushing.

“Thanks big bro, not as good as yours though.” – Rosen

Hey don’t be jelly. Your big bro’s strength is your strength too. After creating a huge uproar we left test area with my parents while my grandparents left for respective capitals. I can’t even understand how they could leave their positions that easy. We’re in Hexzel Monarch which is only kingdom ruled by Constitutional Monarchy. So I guess it’s related to that.

Well, after we get to home I caress my little sister a bit more. She was normal child after all. She started to speaking at six months and walking at eleven months. Just normal child caressed by a 40 year old child. Nothing more impressive. I always act kind against her just because most women, by nature, vengeful. They may take revenge of something you’ve done ages ago. Although I may act like that I’m loving her too. Brotherly way. Pretty please, I’m not a guy who is into incest.


Well, sometimes I chat with her while most of the time she watches my training with my parents since she have nothing to do so. But well, from here now, she will train with my mom too. Well, she will train with mom while I training with dad. I mean she will learn basic stuff while I almost at edge of mastering. Actually I may master them with relative ease but mom want me to learn how to use them.

First of all, each elements have advanced combinations. For example, if you fuse Wind with Fire you get Electricity, but if you combine Wind with Fire you get Blaze. Main difference is not every element is combinable as well as they still count as respective elements. You may combine Wind with Earth for getting Dust, but Dust isn’t element. It’s combination so if you have Wind and Earth resistances you may count Dust just a nuisance. With mom’s instructions I learned how to use Blaze, Dust as well as Stream. Each and every of them brings quite power besides normal elements. Well, I’ve learned a bit more info about my other skills too. First of all, some warriors mediate too. That means if I train that meditation I may grind my physicals that way. But I need to find suitable teacher for it. My dad don’t know that type of meditation, neither my grandfather.

While another thing I learned mages who master Mana Manipulation may use something like Telekinesis. Which means a lot variety on fighting. You may throw skills as well as weapons but this way you can throw multiple things at once. After learning this I immediately started to grind mana manipulation. I always dreamed about using Telekinesis. I mean it’s huge boost. I don’t have to write with my hands or I may transfer water from kitchen. It’s incredible ability after all.


Some weapons may boost your elemental powers. This called elemental cladding which is a higher difficulty skill. I’ve yet to learn this skill. I have somehow grasped how to use it on body but according to dad what I use is just extension of Elemental Masteries. Normally most people won’t be able to use this immediately but I get Heightened Masteries, so I can use it.

Besides this progression I’ve made quite improvements on my masteries too. Actually what I get even amazed me. I can somehow change elemental properties as my masteries level up. For fire at first I only managed to use normal fire but as my skills level up I manage to use Blue Fire. Although it still can be extinguished with water, it’s temperature is really high.

For Wind I learned to how to use Compression. Although its not as strong as master level of skill, Void, it’s still pack a punch. If I clad Compression on my knuckles, my punch can literally shatter wood which is normally an a feat only achievable after raising Strength to 5000.

For Water I learned Forming. Even if I can’t form solid objects, Water Whip hurts hella lot. For now I can only use Forming if I can touch water but according to mom as long as I managed to get better on using I can form it without touching. Fufufu, incoming Water Blades.

For Earth I can finally use Solidation. With this I can turn normal dirt to highly compressed stone. It’s hardness is quite good. If I may to compare durability of it, my compressed stone can match cement. With all this improvements I can finally say I can handle my own at school.

Besides my skills I’ve finally reached of threshold of “1000 on everything” on my stats besides Charisma and Luck. I’m quite powerful if you count my efficiency skills. Long story short, I’m ready to take on challenge. But mom woke me up from dreams.

“You shouldn’t use your abilities to your upmost. You’re, probably, way too strong for Genius class mages. Same is true for Divine class martial artist at your age. Well, it’s not like we can argue with you since we were quite bullies.” – Magnolia

Ohhh, I learned a new thing. I didn’t expected this, though.

“I don’t want to bully people on whim. But if they try me I’ll kick their ass, beautifully.” – Micha

“That’s the spirit, my lovely son. By the way next week we’ll go to Notzha Kingdom for registering yo Notaraf School. We have a connection over there. You could say Dean of your school was our classmate. ” – Magnolai

Holy hell. Just now mom encouraged me to bully people?! My family is twisted a bit, I guess. Not that I expect anything beside that since my grandparents are insane. Well, at least Dean is my parents friend. Nothing goes wrong, right?


Writer's Corner:

Hello, my dear readers. If you find my mistakes please point out them. I'm trying to fix 'em all. If you want to help me I'm all yours. Sorry for late release, a few things about daily life delayed this chapter. I'll do my best to increase my speed from here on. I sincerely hope you're liking my story. Thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/

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