《The Man Kicked By the God》Eighteenth Kick - Broken


Sigh, I’ve caught up. I reluctantly wear my sword and arrow necklace.


You’ve earned a title!With soulbounding and equiping Sword Mark of Gladio you become heir to Hulim Kingdom. You’ve rewarded with the Heir of Hulim title.

You’ve earned a title!With soulbounding and equiping Blood Mark of Gjak you become heir to Rofah Kingdom. You’ve rewarded with the Heir of Rofah title.

Just as I expected. After I wear necklaces I become heir of two thrones. Oh, well. My grandparents leave just as they come. I’m hundred percent sure they started to plan how to interfere with my school life. It’s true that I’ve baited due to my greed but it’s , probably, worth it. Since they leave I can play my sister as much as I want. While I was started to caress my sister’s hair my parents come to me.

“Micha, we need to train you.” – Hohen

Didn’t you train me continuously till now? What changed?

“What kind of training? Dad, mom?” – Micha

“Since you’ve become heir your training regime will be harsher than ever. There are many people may try to harm or abuse you. You’ll be going to Notaraf School. That school under control of Notzha country so their heirs will be there and to tell the truth, relationships of Hulim or Rofah with Notzha is seriously bad.” - Magnolia

You throw to me pit of hell, didn’t you?

“Then why you suggest sending me there, mom?” – Micha

“Because you’re Full Elemental. Only Notaraf School have knowledge on all elemental fusions.” – Magnolia

Now I understand. But seriously you made it harder for me mom. I really want to take it easy.

“You better get ready, sonny. Your mother, Magnolia, is in her trainer mode. She is hella strict.” – Hohen

Seriously, with mom joining as trainer difficulty raised from to “You Will Not Survive” from “Hard”. Why the I punished with excessive training, God?

In another universe God is laughing while watching Micha’s struggle.

“Hahaha! This is considered “Easier than Easy” if we compare your future trainings!”


With this, Micha’s training till school started. Morning to noon he is trained by father while noon to dusk with by mother. Just like that three years pass with hard training.

After three years of insane training Micha gained enormous progress and build some relationships. Of course his stats way over then his peerages even counting Innates. But he gained most experience on his magic and weapon skills. With his increasing stats he started using his skills more efficiently. While he progressed his relationships with Melissa and Melinda while Elise keep her I-am-superior-to-you attitude thus barely speak. Although there are some boys like Kevin and Lance they only admire him so at best they act like their training partner, not friends. But this time, however, it’s not his time to show off. It’s time for his sister, Rosen’s Triage day. Just like his time till Triage she was sheltered just like him. While this whole time besides his hardcore training he spent his time with his sister just because he will leave for school soon.

While I was preparing for Rosen’s Triage door knocked. Did we have visitors today? I don’t think so. I opened door and was quite shocked. My grandparents are here? What the hell? Why did they came here? Oh Andy has come too. Wait who is the little girl standing next to my grandmother?

“Hello there, lil’ heir.” – Karus

“How are you, my little grandson? Where is your father and mother?”- Merian

“Welcome home grandmother, grandfather. They’re at upstairs preparing for Rosen’s Triage.” – Micha

They definitely have ulterior motives but it’s not like I can stop them.

“By the way, this is Jenny. Due to some circumstances she too will study at Notaraf School. I bring her to meet you.” – Merian

You created that circumstances, don’t you? Well, whatever. I’m even kinda happy about that. I mean, besides her cute face she has crimson hair and eyes just like my grandmother. She’ll definitely become a beauty. I better grab this chance before someone get it, right?


“Hello, Jenny. I’m Micha. Nice to meet you!” – Micha

“It’s a great honor to meet you, your Highness.” – Jenny

Oh, it’s not a friend but a servant? What the hell is your plan, grandmother?!

“Why are you speaking like that? You aren’t a servant after all, call me Micha.” – Micha

“I am so sorry your Highness but due to some circumstances I am your servant.” – Jenny

Hey, hey I don’t want a servant! Even if I want I can’t afford?! Wait, I am heir to two thrones. I can afford actually. But this is wrong, right?!

“Well, serving to heir of kingdom generally great honor, you know? Lil’ heir you shouldn’t act like a hypocrite.” – Karus

What? Even my hard-headed grandfather scolds me?! Is this normal?!

“Who wants to be a servant? I mean I don’t.” – Micha

“If you got a chance to become student to one of the most prestigious schools most people jumps this opportunity. Most people cannot afford magic schools after all, even amongst nobility.” – Merian

So it’s like that, huh? Give and take, it’s worth it. Well, this things aside we need to go for my sisters Triage. This time however we ride royal carriage and to tell the truth you should see face of peoples. They don’t know a royalty was living in this town. Without any problems we arrive to Triage center. Whelp, my grandparents auras hella intimidating. Even through auras some people recognize my grandparents as rulers from Weiwuer Alliance. Some people even kneel before them. While they walk in the hall we met people from Mane Household. When Elise saw us her jaw literally broke the floor. She immediately yelled.

“What the hell are you doing between monarch of two kingdoms?! Do you think Royalties such as Hulim or Rofah is a joke?” – Elise

I’m sooo gonna break your pride, reddy.

“Ah, I am walking between my grandparents. Is there a problem?” – Micha

“If they’re your grandparents then there is no prob- what did you said?! You’re kidding right? You are a Royalty?!” – Elise

“Well to tell the truth, I’m heir of both thrones so I may transcendenced your normal Royalty term.” – Micha

You should see her face. Her pride literally broken in pieces. I just turn my back and said.

“Sis, we shouldn’t spend too much time. It’s your Triage, after all.” – Micha

My lovely sister replied.

“Okay, big brother.” – Rosen

She Is really adorable, yeah. While in this three years I caress her and take care of her sometimes, I still feel like I’ll miss her when I’ll go for school. Ah well, we take our places at stand while started watching. Just like my Triage one by one peoples sorted out. At first step my sister was one of the seven Magic users. This time, however, there wasn’t a Magic-Martial fellow. I was happy since my sister has mage talent. Although I want to train her at martial arts a bit, I don’t like a sister with full of muscles. Well, at second step she blew up the bomb.

When she started put her magic power into Elementa, gems started to lit one by one. First a green gem shine, then blue gem. After two an gem on outer hexagon shine white-blue. She infuse more mana and then brown one lit. Almost at the same time dark green and violet gems on outer hexagon as well as crimson one on middle circle lit. Old guy happily announced:

“Wind, Water and Earth elementals and ability to unlock Frost, Swamp and Magnetism as well as Blood. An unexpected Gifted!”


Writer's Corner:

Hello, my dear readers. If you find my mistakes please point out them. I'm trying to fix 'em all. If you want to help me I'm all yours. Sorry for late release, a few things about work delayed this chapter. I'll do my best to increase my speed from here on. I hope you're liking my story. Thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/

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