《The Man Kicked By the God》Seventeenth Kick - Bounded



Writer's Corner:

Hello, my dear readers. If you find my mistakes please point out them. I'm trying to fix 'em all. I'm in urgent need of proofreaders. If you want to help me I'm all yours. Sorry for late releases, a few unexpected things came up and I was unable to complete chapters. I hope you're liking my story. Thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/


Wait, what? It’s way above of my comprehension limit. I am heir to two thrones? You gotta be kidding me! I mean, I feel like suddenly thrown into Game of Thrones. It’s a lie right?

“Your father is Second Prince of Hulim Kingdom while your mom is First Princess of Rofah Kingdom. They even forgot that?” – Karus

“Why am I the heir to Hulim Kingdom? Since my father is Second Prince heir should be Andy, right?” – Micha

After all that should be common sense.

“Fuhaha, according to Hulim Kingdom’s rules, heir is determined with strength, not age. Since you’re the strongest of your generation you’re the heir!” – Karus

“Tch, Hulim’s people and their weird rules. If they don’t have such bullshit you will be only heir to Rofah Kingdom.” – Merian

I don’t know what is what, anymore. I’m heir to both Kingdoms. Seriously isn’t this a sick joke.

“Your necklaces are proof your identity. Sword-looking one shows you’re heir of Hulim while Arrow-looking marks your identity as heir of Rofah Kingdom. Sigh, if you didn’t have their Blood Mark I would totally snatch you away, but whatever.” – Karus

“Hey, since they gifted me these necklaces, does that means my parents push their responsibilities on me? Since they are still treated prince and princess.” – Micha

“When they married, they already released their rights but since a Kingdom’s royalty must continue existing their rights transferred to you and your sister. Since you’re older and probably stronger one of the siblings you got to be heir.” – Merian


“So I’m prince of both kingdoms since you kinda pushed responsibilities on me?” - Micha

“Are you upset, lil’ princey?” – Karus

How could I benefit from this? If I do my job as heir I can save my sister at least. It’s better act this way and go with their wishes. I still have 4 years till my school. Whelp I totally forgot. My choice to select school revoked before I retaliate. I’m getting more and more used to this situation though. I’m not even bothered by the fact I’ll be king of a country or two. But I need a way to ditch my responsibilities to someone somehow. I want to travel, grow stronger and have fun in this world. Politics isn’t my forte since I really don’t like them. It’s not like I’m unable to grasp it, I just don’t like it.

“I’m a prince but what benefits I get? It’s looks like a hassle though.” – Micha

“You’re quite clever for your age. Since everyone wants to be a prince or princess isn’t something you should want to?” – Merian

She is really sly fox. I may understand if she didn’t get along most of people although she is a beauty.

“Since mom and dad didn’t want to be princess and prince I don’t want either.” – Micha

If father and mother doesn’t want something isn’t it normal if children didn’t want it too? I guess I kinda stuck with this situation but can’t break free. I need to create an opportunity and run away from responsibilities. But my grandmother catches glimpses of my intention.

“Tch, you’re just like your mom. Wanting to avoid responsibilities. Okay, till you want to be king I won’t force you but if you don’t want to be a king you can’t live a king. You can use almost endless amount cash. Not mine but both kingdoms.” – Merian


Hmm, now this is interesting. I don’t need to bother about cash if I become heir, as well as probably get some treasures. I don’t want to use treasures since they will hinder my progress but not minding about money is a good choice. I’ll find a way to ditch my responsibilities anyways.

“Fine, fine you got me. But money isn’t only thing I’ll get right? My parents keep saying me my grandparents are unique as well as powerful peoples. You should teach your tricks to me at appropriate time, ‘kaay?” – Micha

Please take my bait, please take my bait. If they do, I can somehow manage them as well as grow more powerful to a degree I can ignore my grandparents. Not being 3 years old while looking like one is pretty good actually. My grandfather replied instantly.

“As long as you stay as heir we can teach you more than that.” – Karus

My grandmother nodded his reply. Diving directly in to politics, ugh. I need to find someone who may deal with politics as soon as possible. I guess I wrap this shit up, but I can’t help to feel uneasy about my future.

---Merian POV---

Even though he is child he is just like his mother. At least we managed convince him to agree being heir to both thrones. I can’t interfere while he is still at home but I’ll manage to rope him into my side after he leaves for school. Since idiot Karus agreed on sending him to Notaraf school I’ve advantage on my side. I should prepare some students with good magic talents to be his classmate. Early bird gets worm, idiot bastard.

---Karus POV---

It’ll best if I send some younglings for his education. Only that way I can persuade him to join our side. I’m pretty sure that bitch thinking about this too. Whatever, things will find their way.

--- Micha POV---

I feel relaxed since, in a sense, I managed to protect my baby sister. But then my grandparents acted.

“Hey Micha, before we leave, could you give your necklace and a drop of blood for me?” – Merian

“Ah, same here. I forgot to soulbound his necklace to him, too.”- Karus

Soulbound? What?

“With a drop of your blood you may bind some high-grade items to yourself, forever.” – Metatron

I'm forced to gave them a few drop of my blood and necklaces.


You’ve soulbounded Blood Mark of Gjak.


You’ve soulbounded Sword Mark of Gladio.

“After this, even if you want to run away from responsibilities by throwing necklaces, you can’t. Fufufufu, with this you really become heir to two thrones.” – Merian

“I’ve to admit, that was quite good idea, vixen.” - Karus

Noooooo, they saw through my plans. I can’t ditch out anymore.


Status Window

Spoiler :

Status WindowName:Micha GladioAlignment:NeutralLevel:1Class:??Race:Evolving HumanGender:MaleTitlesthe Neutral, the Full Elemental, the GeniusFame:0Infamy:0-Life:5150 /5200Life Regen:520.0 / MinMana:5100 /5250Mana Regen:525.0 / MinStamina:500 / 550Stamina Regen:55.0 / Sec-Strenght:520Health:520Dexterity:520Agility:520[/tr]Stamina:550Endurance:550Intelligence:525Wisdom:525Charisma:500Luck:500-Attack:520Defense:520Physical ResistancesDodge:%0Parry/Block:%0Physical :%25Crowd Control:%17Elemental ResistancesFire:%12Water:%12Wind:%12Earth:%12

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