《The Man Kicked By the God》Sixteenth Kick - Both



Writer's Corner:

Hello, my dear readers. If you find my mistakes please point out them. I'm trying to fix 'em all. I'm in urgent need of proofreaders. If you want to help me I'm all yours. I hope you're liking my story. Thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/


This is turning into a show. My grandfather grits his teeths and replies.

“What da fuck are you doing here, Merian?” – Karus

“Is it wrong to visit my daughter’s house to see my grandchildren, Karus?” – Merian

Touché. Although I know she is my grandmother due to conversations she doesn’t really look like one. She looks like at late thirties. She has crimson eyes as well as hair. To tell truth, she got a models body. She is even taller than my mom. Even though she is probably 60 or something she still is beautiful. What’s wrong with this worlds peoples appearance?

“Those who have higher stats tend to look like younger, partner. Magic plays a big part on this topic too.” – Metatron

Thanks for info. Man like I don’t have any trouble right now, my other grandparent added into it. Well I handle first problem though, right?

“Fufufu, you’ve raised Full Elemental. How wonderful.” – Merian

Why do I feel chill? Although she is beautiful she gives a non-approachable aura. Well, at least with me being sacrifice they totally forgot my sister.

“Hey, Merian. He is my heir. Piss off!” – Karus

“He has my heritage too, old freak.” – Merian

What is this heir, heritage thing?

“I don’t want to spoil whole thing. But take a hint. It’s something related to your necklaces.” – Metatron

What? What are they?

“You’ll learn soon. No need to be impatient, partner.” – Metatron


Meh, my grandparents still arguing with each other.

“You can’t bring out his abilities as Full Elemental, Karus. He may become a great Wizard.” – Merian

“Neither you can bring out his martial abilities. He can kick the ass of Innate with just a bit trouble. His carrier as Fighter way too brighter then Wizard.” – Karus

“Mom, Father, I don’t want to interrupt but according to Triage he has abilities of Magic-Martial Tree.” – Magnolia

“What the actual fuck? He isn’t Martial Artist?” – Karus

“How could he has abilities of Full Elemental while belonging Magic-Martial Tree? Isn’t it exclusive to Magic Tree? ” – Merian

“If you want you may perform Triage on him, again.” – Hohen.

“His future capabilities surpass both of you, Mom, Father.” - Magnolia

Wow it’s getting pretty heated. While they’re arguing I walk towards to Andy and gave him basic healing. Since his injuries at bruise level, he got up quickly. I swear, my grandparents is just freaks.

---Merian POV---

If he is already like that and made him heir I can finally crush this dumb metal man. Some way or another I need to train him as well as bring him to my side. He isn’t powerful right now but have huge future. A Full Elemental who is proficient in Martial Arts too? Just thinking about it give me shivers. If he can master his power to limit he can crush balance.

---Karus POV---

What the fuck was that? He can kick Andy’s ass? I mean although Andy is 4 years old, he is even younger than Andy and he isn’t Innate. What kind of monster he’ll become? And according to blood witch his magic proves is at the same level of his martial arts. Hmm he’d make a good choice, then. With him I can bring that bitch to my knees.


---Micha POV---

I feel like my grandparents having sinister thoughts about me. But I really can’t bothered since I’m helping Andy. After healing him he look at my eyes.

“Thanks, cousin.” – Andy

“You’re welcome. Sorry for hitting you hard at the first place.” – Micha

“Don’t worry. I can somehow understand why did you do. Winning is in our blood after all.” – Andy

I smiled and nodded. I just don’t want to lose. Whelp, at least against opponents at my age. I now know I have a cousin. What kind of aunt or uncle I’ve. I only hope he isn’t an Airhead too. I’ve a bad feeling about that but I guess I shouldn’t worry about that since Andy is pretty normal actually. Taking Andy with me, I walk towards to my parents. They are still arguing with my grandparents.

“I should bring him with me to learn real training.” – Karus

“If you bring him with you he may only learn real ruining. In case he came to my place he can learn real peak abilities of world.” - Merian

Why they are so obsessed on me? Am I special for them since I hold the Full Elemental title as well as belong Magic-Martial Job Tree?

“A bit more than that, partner.” – Metatron

You sly bastard. You know why and you torture me for your amusement. Well, it’s better if I directly talk to my grandparents but I’m afraid of them. I don’t know tons of things but I know a few things for sure. They want me to train more. But they still can’t figure out what they want. This time my parents interrupt them.

“Hey, isn’t it better if he stays here and train with us?” – Hohen

“We’re, after all, your best students.” – Magnolia

Hoo, my grandparents train my parents by themselves, eh.

“Actually this may be a good idea.”- Karus

“Under your supervision he’ll certainly learn basics very well.”- Merian

“He have to train in martial arts. I don’t take “No.” as answer.” – Karus

“I’ve no objection on that topic but he must spent as much as effort he can on magic, too. But at age of 7 he should join Sanguin school.” – Merian

“There is no way I agree on this, bitch. He can only be at Shpate school.” - Karus

They agreed on some points at least. But they still insisting about schools. Mom saves me this time too.

“Since you cannot possibly agree on this topic I should make suggestion. Isn’t it better if he Join Notaraf School? Since that way you can’t influence more than each other.” – Magnolia

“Hmm, I agree but you dare, vixen?” – Karus

“There is no way I can back now, bastard.” – Merian

Somehow they agree each other. My parents and me gave a long sigh but my grandparents still glaring each other while planning things. They’re definitely up to something. But there is a thing bothering me. Why are they so obsessed about me being their heir? I gather my courage and ask.

“Grandmother, grandfather I’ve yet to know why are you seeking a heir?” – Micha

“Of, poor child, your parents didn’t tell you? You’re prince of both Hulim and Rofah Kingdom.” – Merian

Dafuq did I just heard?!


Status Window

Spoiler :

Status WindowName:Micha GladioAlignment:NeutralLevel:1Class:??Race:Evolving HumanGender:MaleTitlesthe Neutral, the Full Elemental, the GeniusFame:0Infamy:0-Life:5150 /5200Life Regen:520.0 / MinMana:5100 /5250Mana Regen:525.0 / MinStamina:500 / 550Stamina Regen:55.0 / Sec-Strenght:520Health:520Dexterity:520Agility:520[/tr]Stamina:550Endurance:550Intelligence:525Wisdom:525Charisma:500Luck:500-Attack:520Defense:520Physical ResistancesDodge:%0Parry/Block:%0Physical :%25Crowd Control:%17Elemental ResistancesFire:%12Water:%12Wind:%12Earth:%12

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