《The Man Kicked By the God》Fourteenth Kick - Two Visitors


If there is immortality and I somehow reach it, I’ll definitely laze around. 2 months of tortu-training finally ends today. And it’s just because tomorrow will be my sisters first day. Otherwise it’s will resume till my school days. Although dad try to act though I feel he is nervous to the bone. After all, his second child is about to born. For two months he trained with me for relieving his stress.

Well, I can’t blame him. While pregnant, mom was a bit crazy. She was wanting several hard to find fruits at middle of night. After dad brings her fruits she claimed she did want something else. She literally used dad as errand boy. Although I did now while pregnant, women want difficult to find things at weird hours it’s my first time witnessing it. Note to self; If you ever gonna plan having child, you’d better prepare an whooole freezer filled with fruits, meat etc.

Finishing our physical training means meal time. This time however mom didn’t prepare anything because she is sleeping. Dad bring outs bread and dried meat then start munching on them. I do same. Well it’s relatively healthy and really fills out our nutrients needs. While we’re munching we heard an scream.

“AAAAAHHHHH” – Magnolia

Holy shit, it’s mom’s voice. If she starts screaming like that doesn’t mean my sisters time come, albeit a day early? Both me and dad runs to upstairs where mom sleep. Dad jumps into room and tells me;

“Just wait a bit here, sonny.” – Hohen

Well, a 3 and half years old child wouldn’t make difference anyway. I sit just outside to door. I need to wait for a while but screams of mom and voice of dad mix up so I can’t figure out what’s really going on. 15 minutes has passed and even I’m left in sweat due to sheer anxiety. I guess being parent not that easy. I couldn’t remember my knowledge yet. Heck, even if I did remember I probably can’t use it since there isn’t proper tools as such. While thinking like that I heard another cry which different from my parents.


This time I cannot wait. I opened door and flew in like arrow. While looking a bit tired my mom looking her daughter, my sister. Whelp, invisible ninjas cutting onions. Dad and I can’t help but cry a bit. We need to punch walls to feel manly again. Whatever, after a few cries she was started to look around. Then she started to cry again. She is probably hungry. After breastfeeding her she gives her to dad. Dad take a glance and a bit shocked. But smirk afterwards. It’s good to have a reliable dad unlike my time. He slowly gave her to me. Well, I get why he is shocked though.

I’ve a heterochromatic sister with blue and green eyes while having goldish-brown hair. If my hair-element theory work here too, then she has at least three elements. Boy, a Full Elemental as well as a Gifted? Just by judging our elemental affinities we’re pretty much a Los Galacticos. Fufu, that’s a good news anyways. After all I should spend time with my baby sister. I take initiative and ask.

“What will her name be? I want to know my sisters naaaame” – Micha

“What’s your opinion, sonny? Although we’ve talked a few names I doubt hearing your opinion would hurt.” – Hohen

“Rosen?” – Micha

Having same name as my ex-sister would better. I may mix names since my name memory is shitty.

“What’s your opinion, Magnolia?” – Hohen

“Rosen is fine, it’s one of the names I’ve in mind.” – Magnolia

“Rosen Gladio, welcome home!” – Hohen

Right after he named her, she started to smile. I guess she likes it too. We let her sleep in mom’s embrace and go to downstairs. After all, a big event concluded over. While I turn back to my training, again. Just a few weeks after a visitor came to our house. She just looks like mom. Besides her hair color is red instead of green. Her aura is intimidating. I don’t like it. She observed me a bit then gave a nod. I’ve feel like examined just now. After they got upstairs with mom father throws an angry glance towards to her. I guess they have a little bit history.


Just a few minutes past and another visitor too came. This time however, our visitor a man who looks like berserker. Although he looks like dad his eyes are green as well as his hair golden-brown just like sister. He is giving a friendly aura though. They too, with dad went to kitchen to speak after kind-berserker mess my hair. I’ve feel like left out. Anyways I’ve dived into meditation. If you’re left out it’s better if you work out.

A few hours later our guest leave. But what they left, especially mom-look-alike woman, is gloomy atmosphere. Since they leave there shouldn’t be any problem. But somehow my parents a look a bit worried. Dad spoke first.

“I know it isn’t time but, do you remember the promise, My love? I doubt your vixen-of-a-mom would let your first girl easily.” – Hohen

“Family matters as always. This time however situation is a little bit important. My mom wants to see our children with her own eyes. Especially Rosen.” – Magnolia

“Oh, no. Then it’s serious because we have same problem here. My dad want to ‘test’ our son actually. Although I don’t want to admit, we still bound ‘em no matter what we do.” – Hohen

“I really don’t want to our problems to be obstacles to our children. But against our parents we’re quite helpless.” – Magnolia

Hmm situation is indeed a bit worrying. What should I do at this point?

“Mom, dad can I anything?” – Micha

“You’ll soon meet your grandparents. Just train till they come here and be a good boy like you always do. Okay, my little prince?” – Magnolia

I nod to mom.

“Don’t worry moom, I’ll do my best.” – Micha

Mom hugs me after hearing my answer. But I can’t help but wonder why the hell my parents so afraid of my grandparents. They’re not demon duo, right?


Writer's Corner:

Hello, my dear readers. If you find my mistakes please point out them. I'm trying to fix 'em all. I hope you're liking my story. Thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/

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