《The Man Kicked By the God》Twelfth Kick - Definition of Badass


Audience went totally mad. Most of people start muttering with each other.

“It’s gotta be a dream. A Full Elemental who is Magic-Martial Fellow. He is gonna wreck some shit.”

“Holy shit! He can control all elemental magic, as well as weapons. Can you believe it?”

“If I had not see it with my eyes I'd definitely claim you’re lying. Whose kid is this little genius?”

“Definitely not from an aristocratic family. Did you see girl from Mane family tried to mess with him. He cumber stomp her pride.”

“Even though my child is a Prodigy he is next to nothing in front of kid. I envy his father.”

Hehe, I told you I’m gonna make this a big show. I’m happy because of two reasons though.First, I made my parents happy. They really tried to do their best for me. Second, I finally unlocked my basic elemental affinities.

Heighthened Wind Mastery LV:1 %0.00Active/PassiveAfter passing Triage, you’ve gained your rights to wield Wind. As the skills level increase you’ll able to wield Wind more efficiently.

Increase effectiveness of Wind Spells by %1

Increase Wind Resistance by %1

Decrease training speed on Earth Mastery by %25

Heighthened Water Mastery LV:1 %0.00Active/PassiveAfter passing Triage, you’ve gained your rights to wield Water. As the skills level increase you’ll able to wield Water more efficiently.

Increase effectiveness of Water Spells by %1

Increase Water Resistance by %1

Decrease training speed on Fire Mastery by %25

Heighthened Fire Mastery LV:1 %0.00Active/PassiveAfter passing Triage, you’ve gained your rights to wield Fire. As the skills level increase you’ll able to wield Fire more efficiently.

Increase effectiveness of Fire Spells by %1

Increase Fire Resistance by %1

Decrease training speed on Water Mastery by %25

Heighthened Earth Mastery LV:1 %0.00Active/PassiveAfter passing Triage, you’ve gained your rights to wield Earth. As the skills level increase you’ll able to wield Earth more efficiently.


Increase effectiveness of Earth Spells by %1

Increase Earth Resistance by %1

Decrease training speed on Wind Mastery by %25

Although I’m very happy with skills what’s wrong with training speed decrease?

“Actually you’re quite lucky to get Heighthened ones again, partner. It’s probably has a thing or two with your general science knowledge. This world doesn’t have such knowledge so it’s heighthen your skills. Normally you don’t even practice counter-element till you get to advanced point. In your case just decreasing a bit. You can handle it with your new titles anyways.” – Metatron

This game really need hell of a grinding lessons. I’m a bit pissed off. Whatever, how the hell I’m gonna activate my skills?

“Just think about like balls of respective elements. It’s relatively basic so you can activate it at one go. Activating all for at one go definitely show your abilities.” – Metatron

Hmm, balls of elements, eh? Fireball or something?

“Exactly, partner.” – Metatron

Hmm I imagine a red ball of flame in my hands and puff. A ball composed of flame appeared instantly. One by one I created rest of elemental balls and let them circle around my back. I should look cool, I guess. Audience one again crazed.

“Fucking hell! Just after Triage he can cast all four elemental balls instantly. Even Genius cannot describe this boy.”

“He doesn’t affected by Elemental Rebuke. It’s more like elements doesn’t fight against him.”

“This child is definition of badass. Heck he doesn’t even hesitate about casting all elemental balls instantly. Now I wonder which teacher will get this boy for instructions?”

“Who the hell qualified to teach him? You’ve to teach him all elements. I doubt anybody get a gem like him.”

“Only another Full Elemental can teach a Full Elemental.”

Oww, man you’re so noisy. Whatever, our little reddy is evolved into tomato. She look at me with teary eyes. I guess I did really mess up her mentality. Serves her right. You got no right to judge people and acting arrogant with your measly ability. It’s best to teach her while she is still young. She opened her mouth;


“I-I won’t forgive you.” – Elise

“I don’t remember I said I want to be forgiven. Now you know, you shouldn’t be arrogant against people you don’t know.” – Micha

She threw me a glance and run to her family. Other magicians looking at me with eyes full of expectancy. I don’t know their names but they look same. Are they twins or something? By the way I’ve yet to describe them, right? Both of girls have brown hair while one has green eyes, other one has blue eyes. Although it's a bit early to declare I bet they will be beauties. They both looking like they’re from aristocratic family but I think their family is a bit declined. Well, their clothes look a bit old after all. I should talk them a bit. Scolding someone about acting arrogant while acting arrogant is a no.

“Hello girls, I’m Micha. Micha Gladio.” – Micha

“Hello Micha, I’m Melissa Adamas.” - Melissa

“I’m Melinda Adamas, we’re both from Adamas Family. We’re cousins. Nice to meet you!” – Melinda

Hoo, they aren’t even acting weird. Just going with flow. I bet their parents good peoples. But knowing some people won’t hurt nobody, right?

“Nice to meet you Melissa, Melinda. Hope we can be friends. Our home is a bit away from town so I’ve yet to have a friend. You don’t mind being friends, right?” – Micha

“Being friend with you? Of course we will! You’re the star Micha!” – Melinda

“It’s a honor for us, being friends with the Full Elemental.”- Melissa

While Melinda is easygoing just like Wind, Melissa is quite calm and collected like Water. I guess their elements reflect their personalities.

“I’m glad to have friends! Yeeey! I guess, I need to go to my parents. Hope to see you again, you two.” – Micha

“We would like to see you again too, Micha” –Melinda & Melissa

They replied in sync! They’re really blood related. After biding farewells I run towards my family with triumphant look. Well, I deserve to be act high and mighty a bit, right?

“You totally wreck here, partner. But our journey towards to higher peaks still yet to begin.” – Metatron

You’re goddamn right, mate. But first let me take a self-. But first let me congratulate my well deserved victory. Hehe, even dad is crying.

“You nailed it, sonny. Sniff. I was joking when I said you, sniff, being Full Elemental or something. You’re one hell of a surprise box. I’m proud of you!” – Hohen

“I’m sooooooooo happy my little angel showed me something so amazing. With your power you should protect your sister. It’s your duty, okay?” – Magnolia

“Of course okay, mom. She is my precious sis after all. And dad, I want a really good gift no turning back.” – Micha

“What? After all this commotion you still remember what did I said?” – Hohen

“Of course I do!” – Micha

Both my parents wipe theirs tears. Mom even started to laugh.

“Fuhahaha, now you’re trapped by our lovely son, dear!” – Magnolia

Dad shrug his shoulders and reply with a smile.

“Hmpf, not like I will turn back on my promise anyway.” He takes his necklace and put around my neck. His necklace is looks like a sword embarked with runes. “This one too is important and valuable as your mom’s necklace. But don’t show it others easily, okay?” – Hohen

“Don’t worry dad, I’ll treasure it!” - Micha


Writer's Corner:

Hello, my dear readers. If you find my mistakes please point out them. I'm trying to fix 'em all. I hope you're liking my story. Thanks for all who vote and share their thoughts with me. \o/

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