《The Man Kicked By the God》Fifth Kick - Eat, Sleep, Grind and Repeat


After reconciling with father I couldn’t help but sleep. I mean nearly dying is exhausting thing. Well, I should grind hard. If casual swing of my father give me 99 damage it’s better to have some health and resistance, even though I hate to be full tank.

Another a few days passed without any important event. Eat, sleep, grind and repeat. I should make a song about that too. Sometimes I started to sing like that too.

“Eaat, shleep, gviind and vepaet. Eaat, shleep, gviind and vepaet.” – Micha

“How cute. Are you trying to be singer, my little angel? Because that’s how you become a singer.” – Magnolia


+1 Charisma

Oooh, I’ve even earned Charisma. But what I need is Strength, not Charisma. But it’s better to have higher Charisma, right? Should I sing more?

“It’s not like you have a better things to do while grinding your Strength, partner.” – Metatron

Yeah, you’re right, mate. Should I climb the mountain called Stairs? Maybe that way I can reach 10 Strength.

“Ahaha. Let’s try it, partner. Sounds interesting!” – Metatron

I crawl my way out to stairs. It’s a long way but after crawling 5 minutes I reach Mt. Stairs! Just 17 stairs. I shall crawl to top! After crawling 7 stairs I started to feel fatigue. At stair 10 I feel mild pain. My hands is red. At stair 12 my knees started hurting too. At stair 15 almost all of my strength is gone. At stair 16 my stamina at 1/10. Wow, it’s not even a combat but I’ve already exhausted almost all of my stamina. But I shall reach heav- ehem, top stair. With last bit of my strength I climbed to top. I’ve reached to top. Yeaa- Oh no, our home is three story?!



+1 Strength


+1 Endurance


+1 Stamina


Your toddling restriction has been lifted.


Your baby restrictions has been lifted.

Awww, yeah! I’m at top and reach my first goal! I’m a toddler now! Behold my powe- Oh, I’m exhausted. I should call my mighty helper, mom!

“Mommy, heeewp!” – Micha

Oh, I’m losing my consciousness. Doesn’t matter climb to top.

When I wake up, I was resting on my bed. Mom probably carried me here. But it’s show time. Since I’m toddler right now, bed bars means nothing against my mighty power.

I climb bars and hang down slowly. Since I can hear my parents voices from hall, I toddle my way there. Wait for Dynamic Entrance!

I toddle at my fastest speed. I guess you could say I’d like to show off. When my parents saw me toddling awkwardly they couldn’t help but smile. Although I’m not some Chinese Web Novel protagonist who lives for making his father proud, I’d like it when my parents are proud of me.

My father catch me and raise me up.

“You’re growing up way too fast, sonny. It’s been just 3 and half months.” – Hohen

I couldn’t stop my giggle. My father let me down. I run straight to moms lap and sit. Now I’m toddler how should I train my stats, Metatron?

“Since it’s too early for some real training you should toddle for Strength and Agility. For Health just eating good meals should be fine. Your mother will probably cover that for you. For Dexterity you may try different toys. As far as I can see your father will probably buy new, more complex toys. If you want to raise your Endurance and Stamina, you should climb, pfft, your so called 'Mt. Stairs'. For Intelligence you may try to learn alphabet. Even though we’re speaking English, this worlds alphabet is different. You’ll need to learn after all. You need to play chess or something similar for Wisdom. For Charisma you may sing songs. This way you can improve your accent. For Luck, it’s a tad too early. You need to gamble a bit. But you may earn regardless. ” - Metatron


Owww, what about magic or sword stuff?

“You should raise your Intelligence to 100 if you want to learn basic of elemental masteries. If you want to learn weapon and martial art masteries you should grind your physical stats to 100 at least.” – Metatron

No time to rest get into grinding, then. No wonder children always act way too active. They need to grind the hell out of it. I’ve really got no time lay in bed apparently. What about my skills, mate?

“Hmm, you want to get kicked? Because that’s how you train skills you have right now. You need to train them, I’m not against idea. But all you got is resistances. For Pain and Physical Resistance you need to get trashed around. For Crowd Control Resistance you’ve got to sent flying, dazed or things like that. Are you ready for it, partner?” – Metatron

Oh, no. At least, not now. Since I want to learn sword and martial arts I’ll get trashed anyways.

“Why are you so focused on sword, partner? This world has other weapons, too. Besides basic sword, spear, knife, bow even their varieties exist, too.” – Metatron

Hmm, now you did mention it I may try them too. If you ask me why I’m so focused on sword, I always wanted to be dual swordsman. Who don’t like being like Drizzt?

“Since weapon and martial arts masteries doesn’t count nor material neither magical you may pick whatever you want. You may even mix them too.” – Metatron

What? I can mix Krav Maga and Pencak Silat with this worlds martial arts?

“Totally you can, partner. It’s a bit challenging, tho.” – Metatron

Things will get busy. I’ve got too much to do. I need to learn magic. I need to learn weapon masteries. Lastly, but far from the least I need to practice martial arts, too. Who did said growing up is easiest thing in humans life? Whoever did definitely lied. I can guarantee it. I need to ask for books about alphabet, games like chess and new toys. I should sleep while I can. Tomorrow I will busy with grinding, again.


Writers Corner:

Hello, dear readers. If you find mistakes please point 'em out. By the if you want I may add status on chapters or made another chapter for it. Since I suck at proofreading I'm looking proofreader(s). Thank you for reading my work. I hope you'd like it. I'll be glad if you rate it o/

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