《The Man Kicked By the God》Fourth Kick - Apologize First


After kicked by father and sent flying a green light enveloped me. Somehow my flying speed decreased then stopped and I’ve get away from certain death. Actually I’m levitating. What kind of sorcery is this?

“Your mom saved you, partner. You’d better get ready for show. She will probably wreck your father.” – Metatron

What? Before I can utter a sound this time I see a mysterious blue light. Oh, this feels really good actually.


Your health restored.



You have entered combat zone. Be careful.

What? I’ve entered a combat zone? When?

“You didn’t actually move. But your mother created a combat zone. She is really powerful.”- Metatron

I can literally feel chill. Wait, why did room has ice particles?

“Your mother is probably a Frost Mage. This is Frost Type Combat Domain.” – Metatron

Oh, magic stuff. My mother embraced me while glaring my father. He really is clueless about what happened. I guess my mom will freeze him somehow.

“Do you remember when you burned nearly whole forest? I did freeze you a bit, right, Hohen? I really didn’t care when last time you went full retard. It’s just cost a few thousands coins to hire a Nature mage to revive forest. But this time you nearly killed our cute little son. You’ll live with Frost Leech until our son grows up.” – Magnolia

White blue light began to gather in moms hand. I guess she is casting spell. Oh, my father, I pity da fool. After she finished charging she silently utter words.

“Ice Coat.” – Magnolia

My father literally frozen. I can see ice layers covering him. But mom didn’t finished.

“Frost Leech!” – Magnolia

Hmm layers of ice condensed and like a snake entered fathers body. I can see his chest glowing with white-blue light.


“I still can’t believe how I did marry with someone who has the Airhead title.” – Magnolia

Mom really pissed off but after freezing my father she too cooled. I mean when she was angry I’ve nearly piss my pants. My father slowly awakening, by the way. I almost think he was dead. I guess even mom didn’t want to kill him, after all.

“Thanks, my love. It’s better to be safe than sorry. I can manage being in combat for a few years. But at least you will disable Frost Leech at night, right? No matter what you can’t sleep in combat after all.”

Hooo, my father transformed into a serious man right now. Even his voice changed a bit. What happened? Frost Leech stabilized my father?

“Actually, not. Frost Leech force your father in stay combat mode. Staying in combat disable the Airhead title. After all, the Airhead title limit your Intelligence and Wisdom to 50 if you’re outside combat, partner. This is your real father.” – Metatron

Thanks for info, mate. I somehow understand his actions now. Even toddlers have 10 Intelligence at least. If a grown man has 50 at best he stay at 12 years old mentally, right?

“Probably around 10. But doesn’t matter since your mother fixed this problem, partner.” – Metatron

Oh, mom is reliable. Really, she should have done this before.

“Staying in combat isn’t good for health, partner. Your stamina will be used up faster. That’s why she haven’t done this before, probably.” – Metatron

If it’s like that, staying in combat is like a bit torture. Hmm, but being an airhead while having power isn’t good. If he stays that way, I’ll die for sure. Hmm my parents still arguing. I should listen them a bit.


“You want to sleep after kicking, my cute, little angel? At least you may forget to sleep for a week, Hohen. If he didn’t recovered his health with my spell I’d probably make an ice statue from you.” - Magnolia

My mom is still a bit angry about incident. Note to self; Do not anger mom, ever.

“Whatever, I kinda deserved this. I hope dinner is ready, my love. I’m a bit hungry.”- Hohen

Hooo, if they met when father is in combat mode I understand why they’ve married. He is really giving a dependable feeling. Since my days of fear ends I can loiter at home, again. I need to grind my stats to 10.

While grinding my stats I start to observe our home.According to my observations this world has technology of 18th to 19th century. It’s steampunkish at the same time we have thinks belong middle age. Heck, somehow our toilet has flushing system. But I haven’t found water pipes or another thing supplying it. I guess it works with magic. Most of things at our home work with magic actually. Probably it’s common sense. Whatever, I need to eat sleep grind and repeat.

After a few weeks I’ve finally reach one of my checkpoints. Finally Intelligence at 10! Strength and Dexterity at 9 both. I’m waiting for perfect timing. It’s been three months since I’ve kicked to this world. While my parents chatting and drinking a thing which looks like herbal tea, I’m playing with some toys for raising my Dexterity. My parent already get used to me. They’re looking at me with proud eyes. I don’t understand them since I’ve yet too be a parent but someday I’ll. At least, I hope so.


+1 Dexterity


Your speaking restriction has been lifted.

Hehe, much awaited notification has come. Should I say “Mom”, or “Dad” first? Hmm, I’m a bit thirsty. It’s better to say “Mom” first.

“Mmmm, mom, mom.” – Micha

“Whaaat, say it again!” – Magnolia

“Moooom.” – Micha

“Yeeeeey, come here my little cute angel.” – Magnolia

Mom pick me up and lay me on her lap. I awkwardly hug her. I know saying mom first is better choice, although it didn’t give me Wisdom. But what is this feeling. I feel something hot on my back. I turn my head a bit to look. Holy floppy! My father hair on fire!

“You should say ‘dad’ too, Micha.” – Hohen

Oww, man! His switch has been flipped! But I’ll not give in to pressure! After shrugging my shoulders I dig my head to mommys belly. You can’t attack this haven fath-


You have entered combat zone. Be careful.

Aw, shit. He can!

“I can understand if you say ‘mom’ first, but you should say dad too, Micha.” – Hohen

“Apologize.” – Micha

“For what?!” – Hohen

“Kick.” – Micha

Mom couldn’t hold back and laugh really hard.

“Uhahahahaha, he is still holding grudge! Way to go, my little cute son!” – Magnolia

My father glares mom really hard.

“You shouldn’t interfere mans duel, Magnolia! Whatever. Sorry for kicking you, sonny” – Hohen

“Dad.” – Micha


Writer Corner:

You've expected Salante, but it's me Dio~ Since it's weekend and I've got nothing to do, so it's better to release another chapter, right? If you saw something you don't like, especially typo or grammar mistakes, please leave a message. Seriously, I'm not good on proofreading. I hope you like my work. If you rate this work I'll very, very glad o/

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