《The Man Kicked By the God》Third Kick - Grinding Baby


My first meal on this world absolutely ashamed me. I was 35 years old inside but I’ve become much much forgetful as well as unable to think. I couldn’t even remember what was current is. But, fuck it. I’ll eventually remember it. When I may remember Metatron?

“Ahh, probably when you reach 1000 at Intelligence and Wisdom. You were working on really deep topics, partner.” – Metatron

“Why?! 1000 at Intelligence and Wisdom. I mean don’t they cap at 999 or something? I won’t be able to reach it?!” – Micha

“This world doesn’t have general stat cap actually. It’s up to their races. Heck, even there is general cap, you’re evolving human. You may probably by-pass it. It’s one of the advantages of being evolving human.Generally newborn babies have 5 for each stat and have the Innocent title for increasing their growth speed. Since you’re starting as utter shit stat wise you’ve got to work hard, partner. By the way don’t act too proud with your skill. They’re mandatory to have. You’ve to work hard for real skills and grind this ones really hard.” – Metatron

“Straight outa hell! Is it gift or punishment? God really found a way to kick my ass somehow, again! Can I have at least Identify? I mean I want to learn more about my parents.” – Micha


For using Identify you must have 11 Intelligence.

“Thanks, Metatron. One more slap won’t hurt, really.”- Micha


Ouuuchh! What was that?! I try to look my attacker but a blanket block my vision. Then I hear my merry-go-lucky fathers voice.

“Good boy, it’s sleep time.” –Hohen

I can’t even hope to deal with this man. He can’t even control his power. Well, I’d better eat much to have a few more stats. I’d better sleep first, tho.

+1 Wisdom

That was a nice call? It’s better to sleep, then. Not like I can resist this sleepiness. With this events my first day on this world ends. A few days and a few stats gains after I stop gaining stats on Health and Wisdom. I guess, I should better way to grind my stats. After that I will need to take care of my skills, too. Being baby is a busy work. You’ve to grind stats really hard. But how will I grind my other stats, mate?


“Mate? You’re probably referring me, I guess. For Strength you need to try crawl, for Intelligence you need to try speak, for Dexterity you need to play with some toys. For a while this will be your training regime, partner.” – Metatron

“What?! I always thought babies just mess around. They were grinding?! Holy SHIT!” – Micha

“Well, in a sense they were really grinding. Being baby is not that different being full-fledged martial artist in this world, partner.”- Metatron

“I’d better crawl, mutter and play, I guess! It’s not like I like mess around or anything.” – Micha

But first I need to fight with a enemy called bed rails. For this I need my mighty helper to pick me up. I know what I need to do!

“Aguu uwaaaah!” Damn, I was trying to say “Mom, help!”

“Oh, what you need my little angel? Are you hungry?” – Magnolia

I still don’t know how my mother understand me, but somehow it’s really convenient so I’m not digging on that topic. Anyways, my mom pick me up from bed to her arms. I need to struggle a bit. I want to crawl.

“Aguuu, awawawa?” I hope my plea somehow reach her. “Mom, let me go?”

“Want to crawl around? Okay, but be careful your father is clumsy too.” – Magnolia

While warning me my mom let me to ground. Opportunity to mes- crawl around has come! Time for grinding!

“FEEEEDOOOOO!” Meh, I was trying to say “FREEEEDOOOOM!”.

+1 Intelligence

YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH! I get my first Intelligence at long last. I need to crawl now. Wait, can I crawl while uttering? I need to try!

“My cute son, you’re really eager to crawl. Hehe. Seeing you trying to crawl makes me happy. Why don’t you try to say ‘mom’? ” - Magnolia

“Heho, aguu.” I somehow now my mom will understand me. “Okay, mom.”


“Hehe, you need to practice a bit. When you can speak normally say ‘mom’ first, okay? Here, your father bought you boxes. If you want you may play with them too.” – Magnolia

Oooh, somehow my dad done something a thoughtful. I guess he has brains after all. I hope he won’t try something unreasonable, again. I should crawl around home. I want to know more about my home. But playing with boxes is fun too. Babies have it hard too. What should I do?

“You may pick what you want for now, partner. You have to train your Strength, Dexterity, Health, Intelligence, Wisdom to 10. After this stats reach 10 your invisible baby status will be changed to toddler.” – Metatron

Thanks, mate. Now, I know why my Health and Wisdom capped at 10. While crawling around I gather information about home. As far as I can tell we have 2 story house. I’m not sure about if it’s 3 story, tho. Well, because I can’t climb upstairs while still crawling. At this point I’m too afraid to do something like that. After my Health stat climbed to 10 my Life points become 100. You may say each Health stat give 10 Life points. Even though I’m too afraid to climb. Who know what will happen to a me if I fell. Since I only have 1 point on Dexterity my control over my body isn’t great. I’ll probably fall. So I don’t want to risk it. For now I’ll crawl to my mom, who is in kitchen. I feel safe by staying near her. After crawling around I a bit I remember an important thing. Why I didn’t try to toddle? I try to rise my upper body but a power didn’t let me do it. What?


For toddling you must have 10 Strength.

Meh, that’s why babies need to crawl a bit I guess.

“Yes, partner. Focus on Strength if you want to toddle first.” – Metatron

“Nah, I’ll grind everything. I don’t like to focus for now. I mean I’ve goal. To a be toddler!” – Micha

“Pfftt. Ah, sorry. I couldn’t control myself against such a decleration.” – Metatron

Hmpf. What can I do about it. If I don’t have goal I’ll just stay same. I should crawl a bit I guess. After seeing such spectacle my mom couldn’t help but giggle too.

“How cute. Already trying to toddling, aren’t you my little angel? Don’t be eager. You’ll able to soon anyways.” – Magnolia

Yes, I WILL! I SHOULD CRAWL MOAAAAAR! I don’t know why but I’m really fired up. I couldn’t help but crawl till entrance of home. After reaching my checkpoint I try turn back to kitchen. A meter of crawling and much awaited notification came.

+1 Strength

Hahahaha! I will reach my target soon after all! While being amused by new notification I didn’t hear doors opening neither my airhead-dad saw me. When I heard his sound it was too late.

“Hello my love. I’m home.” – Hohen

Noooo, dad look at your feet! You’re gonna kick me!





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