《Reborn in The Marvel World》Chapter 14 Bei Dou and Suzaku Yang


Zen’s POV

Since we have the week off from school and Sei’s got Torin on my case, she decides to take us to her hometown of Shanghai in China to help me out of the mess she’s gotten me into. We take the school’s private jet. It helps that your principal is billionaire. Benny, Decklyn, Amy, Sei and I make it to Shanghai six days before the start of the tournament.

Zen: Should we call a cab?

Sei: No, it’s fine. I have already made the arrangements. Our ride should be here any minute. Look, our ride is here.

A long stretch limo drives up and slowly stops in front of us. Out steps a maid and butler. The butler looks to be in his forties and has a scar over his eye. The maid looks in her early 20's, has long black hair, and quite a big bust. I think she has a knife strapped to her leg.

Sei: Long Fei and Xu Tu, good to see you again.

Long Fei: It is always good to have you staying with us young Mistress.

Xu Tu: Which one of your friends wants to go to Demon's Cave?

Sei: We’ll talk about that later. Are mother and father home?

Long Fei: Master Bei Dou and Madam Suzaku are in and are awaiting the arrival of you and your friends.

Sei: Okay. Let’s get going.

We all grab our things, get into Sei’s limo, and head out towards her home. It takes us about an hour to get to Sei's house; twenty of those minutes were getting from the front gate to the main house. I wouldn’t really call it a house; it’s more like a mansion. When we reach the main house, a woman who looks like Sei runs to her and picks her up. Then she hugs her like a giant koala bear. Only in Sei’s case, I guess it would be a Panda bear. Is that Sei's big sister? She may be. She looks like she’s in her early 20's. She is wearing a red Chinese inspired dress, has longer hair than Sei, and is a lot more developed in certain areas. Sei is not bad. But, she is only fourteen. It’s not like I look at her that way though. Okay, maybe once.



Sei: Mom, let go. This is embarrassing.


Amy: You’re lying. What magic are you using and can you give me the spell?

Sei’s mom put her down.

Sei: This is my mom, Suzaku Yang. She may look like she’s in her early 20's, but she is actually 40.

Everyone: WHAT!

Suzaku hits Sei on the head. I swear she was her sister. Did she stumble on some sort of secret fountain of youth?

Suzaku: It is not nice to tell a woman’s age. Hello, I am Suzaku Yang.

???: What’s all the commotion out there?

A man comes down stairs. He looks like he is in his early 30's. He has short black hair and a scar going down the middle of his face. You can see his muscles under his shirt. Not only that, you can feel his Qui. It’s enormous. Decklyn and I are the only ones who can. Benny does not use Qui and Amy uses magic.

Sei: This is my dad, Bei Dou Yang.

Bei Dou: I have question for the boys over here. Which one of you is dating my daughter?

His Qui spikes. Even people like Benny and Amy who can’t feel Qui, can feel the pressure. Benny and Decklyn point to me. Traitors. We’re not even dating. It is a misunderstanding.

Sei: Dad, I am not dating Zen.

Bei Dou: Do you like him?

Sei: As a friend.

Bei Dou: Like leads to love, love leads to sex, and sex leads TO UNPLANNED PREGNANCY! I WILL BE DAMNED IF I AM GOING TO LET MY BABY GET DEFILED!


Zen: What the hell is going on? I am not dating your daughter sir.



Zen: Nothing is wrong with her. she is pretty.



I can’t win with this guy. How the hell did us being friends turn me into someone that wants to defile his daughter? This guy’s a doting parent. Decklyn and Benny are covering their mouths trying not to laugh.

Bei Dou: I am going to have to test you. I SUMMON SHEN......

Before he could do anything, Suzaku kicks him in the head and sends him flying into the wall. Bei Dou, gets up and makes a face that looks like he has been wronged.

Bei Dou: Suzu, why did you do that?

Suzaku: Didn't we have a chat about this before Seiryu came over with her friends? You were going to summon Shen Ron weren’t you? Didn't I say you are not allowed to summon him while Sei's friends are here?

Bei Dou: Well, yes but.....

Suzaku: Corner.

Bei Dou: But..

Suzaku: CORNER!

Bei Dou: Yes, dear.

Decklyn: Whipped.

Bei Dou: What was that bo?y

Decklyn: Nothing sir.

Suzaku: Sorry about that. He can be a little overprotective of Seiryu. You would have never known he was a former Triad Boss when You see him act like this. Okay Zen, you came just at the right time. Demon's Cave opens every month and this is the time when people go to get contracts. I just want to say, it can be dangerous. But, you will gain power from it. Do you still want to go?

Zen: Yes maam.

Suzaku: Okay. It is decided then. We will go first thing in the morning.

After that we go have dinner and Bei Dou is still staring at me with dagger eyes, but Suzaku slaps him on the back of the head and he give in. I guess we know who wears the pants in the family. Long Fei take us to are room. I go to use bathroom and fine out the toilets made of pure silver. Every fiber in being is telling me not to defile this toilet. I would rather go outside like a dog. As I am in a huge dilemma I have an idea. I use Kurohime and cut open a space and I piss through the whole. Where it goes, I do not care. After that I get into my bed and fall asleep.

Camouflage’s POV

I’m making my rounds; trying to gather information when it begins to rain. It smells weird.



Zen made a new enemy that day without even knowing it.

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