《Gamer》Chapter 9 Part 1
It took almost three months for Jessica to reach Ancient level after the transformation. Reaching Ancient level caused something to happen for every human from Earth, Anybody at the base level earned 30 extra levels, people at advanced got 20 levels, while people at elder gained no levels. Another thing that happened, is that everybody from earth lost their exp boost. Gregory’s and Eric’s had been at 20x, while everybody else from Earth had theirs at 10x. The extra reduced exp was due to the type of race they were, gaining exp at a rate of 100x slower than other non-human races. Regular humans gained exp at a rate of 10x from these races, enabling them to level at the fastest paces were they to have the power to actually fight like the other races. Another three days, and she managed to only obtain enough to get ten percent of a level.
Gregory, Elise, Katherine, Atlas, Alfred, Tim, Caitlyn, Lily, and Aurora had also been focusing on training. Gregory had reached level 51 of Elder, while the rest of the group were all at level 49 of Elder. Over the three days, Gregory also only gained one level, only reaching level 51 from 50. The rest of the party on the other hand got 5 more levels. Without such a massive boost to exp, his training speed really fell off. For reaching the level of Elder, Gregory’s adaptive physiology also gained two new forms, one that was entirely human aside from draconic eyes, and one that looked to be a full dragon except that it was the size of a human instead. Through training, Gregory had gained level 4 of Cleric, and gotten his True Magic Initiate to level 3. With the class points he obtained, Gregory pushed Cleric to 5, Necromancer to 2, True Magic Initiate to 5, and then got Elemental Trapmaster and Warlock. Over the months, Gregory also used the library some, and was able to read books enough to gain a total of 417 natural WIS. He also managed to read some books on high level necromancy and was able to spend some of his gamer ability class points to raise it from 2 to 5. He was still saving trait points, but decided to spend his stat points at level 51. With his stat points, Gregory put 83 into INT to push it to 1000, gaining a new skill and completely unlocking the library in the process.
1000 INT obtained, Absolute Memory obtained.
Absolute Memory allows one to fully remember everything they have experienced since gaining it, and disallows the mind to ever be overwhelmed from information overload.
Looking at his other stats, only one pushed forward as the most logical choice.
‘1875 points to WIS’
Highest WIS in the world has been obtained, adding 10% to WIS.
Highest WIS in history obtained, King of Wisdom Title granted.
King of Wisdom acknowledges you as the wisest being in history. +100 to WIS, grants bonus stat points per level for every 500 points of WIS.
Gregory laughed at the progress he gained just by pushing his WIS. The highest stats being shown was only for those who had recently been allowed into this world, but it had been locked to Gregory after becoming a true draconic human. The new feat and bonuses he got made the WIS push well worth it though. He wasn’t sure, but Gregory guessed that the next highest WIS was at around 2000-3000, mostly because it was a stat that helped dragons more than any other race, and dragons really only needed about 2000-3000 to be at a point where other stats were more beneficial. As a matter of fact, the highest WIS after Gregory’s was 2794, but only a very reclusive dragon living on a very far-away mountaintop knew that.
WIS was chosen for one very specific reason, he gained magical resilience, and his scales gained more damage negation based upon his effective WIS. It was actually based upon his ability to regenerate mana, but that was something he only realized now. A dragon’s body and scales was magical in its nature, gaining more power and resistance based upon how quickly mana entered the body. It was a revelation that not many realized, mostly because this world did not allow the equipment to experiment, but also because dragons were for the most part very solitary creatures, closed off to others. The notification was vague, listing WIS only, and did not give any hints as to why. Gregory half expected something for the revelation, but was unsurprised when he received nothing from it. He knew then that he had gained all the natural WIS that he could. Either that, or his WIS had reached such a point, that he could no longer gain WIS naturally unless it was from understanding something outside the scope of understanding.
Jessica on the other hand had reached Ancient level 17, having sparked a notification to appear to all of the humans who had come from Earth that were on this planet when she reached level 1 of the ancient level.
One of you has obtained the Ancient rank, this has removed the 10x EXP boost you have been gaining. Any below the rank of Advanced have been granted 30 levels as compensation.
Eric had been training hard ever since he became part elf, but when just three days ago he lost his exp boost to another of them reaching the ancient rank, he nearly lost it. Even when he became the King of Intelligence shortly after that, he still felt anger. Still, the new feat proved to be massively beneficial. Not only did he now effectively have an Intelligence of 2938, he had reached Ancient level 1. He also kept 1000 stat points so he could raise intelligence if need be, he needed to stay above, but didn’t want to use them unless it was absolutely necessary. Eric had also achieved more mana than he even knew what to do with, having a new total mana of 73,097,440. Even with his WIS of only 290, he gained over 7,066,085 mana every second. He was likely the strongest mage among the people from Earth, and possibly on the planet. He definitely believed that anyways, it was the only way to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of likely being only the second to reach the rank of Ancient.
He was also very rare in that he had no affinity modifier on his races. It was also rare that a human would have stats that match so perfectly to a humans, but have ridiculous intelligence to the degree that it would put him on par with a true elvish human. It was for this reason that he had remained almost entirely human in physical and mental abilities with the exception of intelligence after reaching past Elder rank. His modifiers had become 20 across the board with the exception of his intelligence modifier. It had a full on 80x modifier, just like the elves would have on their intelligence at such a rank.
Sean on the other hand was very calm about the update. It inspired him to push himself to Elder rank, and even gave him the motivation necessary to get level 37 before heading back to the rest of humanity. With his abilities, he had gathered even more of a following, and was currently using his powers to get each of them to level 37 of advanced for free. He got himself to level 5 of Berserker, and then unlocked the Ultimate Sword Ultimate Shield class. This new class was immediately gotten, and then put to level 2. It gave some of the most powerful bonuses he saw, massive boosts to attack and defense power, as well as different stances to improve combat effectiveness.
Gregory found some good bonuses as a result of his improved WIS, aside from the benefits that King of Wisdom gave him. First, he found that he gained more experience toward leveling up classes with higher WIS, and second that he could view class paths to a level one above any class he had. In addition, for having an attribute above 3000, he regained the ability to view a list of who has the highest attribute, and what the attribute is at. The highest attribute in the world was a strength of 5879 held by what was probably a giant. After that, most attributes had a person with the highest being at around 2500-3000. He also found that the next highest was usually about 500 less than the one above it.
‘I have a feeling that the difficulty in leveling is a reason for the massive point gaps, and that it grows substantially harder to train an attribute the higher it gets. It is also harder to train attributes that are weak by race, it is why I haven’t made any strength or constitution gains despite my attempts to work out. The reverse also seems to be true, which is why I gained such a massive boost to WIS from creating a spell to call down whatever beings sent us here. The bonuses from INT and PER has made them exceedingly strong, so putting a focus on getting strength and constitution up as well should be next on my stats to improve. Leveling has been far harder, probably due to the reduction in experience gained, but I can still improve myself if I put effort into it. Perhaps I will be able to further train strength and constitution once I rank up from Elder to Ancient, it will give me a boost to the baselines which should also improve how far I can get them through training.’
Gregory had really learned to use his powers to frightening efficiency during this three month stretch, which is why he had confidence in his ability to actually continue leveling up. He had made even greater improvement to his dragon breath, which he could use to fire any magical base, or combination of magical bases he had access to. Combined with his arcane warlock unique class, he found it possible to really push the limits of leveling. Gregory had found out that the place he was in, was a place that was meant to be a thousand times more challenging in return for a huge reward of experience. On top of that, the amount of creatures they killed was far more than the intended amount for this area, meaning that there would be an even larger end reward of experience for all of them. The largest part, the one part that was still hidden, was that the party size was also smaller than intended for this particular area. It gave an even larger bonus to experience. There was one thing they all knew about this area though, it was that without the entire party, at least some would have been dead by now. A normal party size for this area was at least 20, ranging up to 35; Gregory’s party being less than ten meant that they would get not only more experience, but have the total bonus amount split across a fewer number of people.
Just a couple days more of travel, and they all received a notification. They had just left the special training zone, and they were all going to receive experience based on participation and difficulty for the party. Gregory’s race was considered in strength to be just below an actual dragon, everybody except Jessica was rated as their race as well, Jessica was prorated based upon when the transformation took place into how much experience the party would receive. Elise, Alfred, Tim, Atlas, Katherine, Caitlyn, Lily, and Aurora received between 151 and 155 levels, pushing some of them to level 100 of Ancient, and most to the lower legendary levels. Gregory received 152 levels, pushing him to level 3 of Legendary. Jessica received 140 levels, bringing her to level 40 of Legendary.
Gregory wasn’t sure about the rest of the party, but his wisdom bonus went from 60x to 110x higher than that of a baseline human’s. His strength and constitution also improved to a base of 5x the baseline of a human, with AGI at 70x the baseline of a human. INT was at 70x the baseline of a human as well, with PER at 100x the baseline human’s. A human at the Legendary level had a flat 35x to all their stats, making their multiplier roughly the same as an advanced race that specialized in the stats. However, they fell severely behind when other races reached the Elder level. Of course, that was assuming any of them reached those levels. Normally, reaching above 50 of the base level was unheard of for humans. For other races, reaching above Elder was extremely rare, races normally only reaching the upper Elder levels late in life.
Gregory’s group had become a very rare occurrence, since they had gotten lucky in going to such a training ground. Not only that, the luck it required to be sent with a smaller group, having races that were considered weaker or less specialized, and still getting the bonus of not having one “permanent” death. Only old age could cause a truly permanent death to one with a planted save stone, something that nobody in the party with their minimum currently centuries long lives were anywhere close to. Having just gotten out of the training area, they all planted a save stone. The stones that created an indestructible crystalline tree that returned people to the world at the same strength as they were when the stone was planted.
Since the entire group was now protected against death, and were all at or very near the Legendary level, they decided it would be nice to take a break from constant hunting. They were all tired of it, it was just that it held particularly true for Gregory and Jessica. They had grown up on Earth, and being plunged into such a way of life, where killing was necessary for survival, really wore on them. How this break was spent differed greatly between them; Jessica began cooking, Gregory decided to perform physical exercise, the rest of the group spent their time training stats and classes with plenty of time to just have fun.
Gregory found on a personal level, that his strength and constitution improved at incredible levels in comparison to before. When combined with healing magics to increase the muscle recovery rate, and temporal magics to dilate the time. He was improving at a rate far above what his multiplier would normally allow, using his knowledge of anatomy and skill with temporal magics to further growth. In the one day, he had magnified time to such a degree, that he spent the equivalent of five years training while the outside only had a day go by. Time was split between endurance running, acrobatics, and lifting. Gregory used summoning to summon forth items that could be used to make the acrobatics courses, and lifting gear.
Name Gregory Jeffrey Drake
Age 24
Level 3
Class Wizard(5), Sorcerer(5), Cleric(5), Enchanter(4), Summoner(3), Necromancer(5), True Magic Initiate(5), Elemental Trapmaster(1), Warlock(1)
Unique Class Gamer[27][16], Master Scout, Arcane Warlock
Race Legendary True Draconic Human
Title Fearless, “Outnumbered, not Outgunned”, King of Wisdom
Health 3304000/3304000
Stamina 3811990/3811990
Mana 28910000/28910000
CON 864(859+5)
STR 736(731+5)
AGI 982(977+5)
INT 1000(995+5)
WIS 4253(3771+377+100+5)
PER 1000(995+5)
FTH 203(198+5)
Passive Skills Life in a Game, Passive Luck, Reverse Engineer, Multi-Casting(A3), Observant, Skinning(N4), Filleting(N3), Barrier Vision, Photographic Memory, Cloth-Working(I1) Armorer(C/L)(I1), Repair(C/L)(I7), Clothier(C/L)(I2), Embroiderer(I1), Metal-Sewing(M-A)(N3), Adaptive Physiology(2), Mental Fortitude, Absolute Memory
Feats The Wise One, Perceptive, Lucky, Kingslayer
Traits Trained, Educated, Boosted, Troll’s Constitution, Power Leveler, Giant’s Strength, Perk-Finder
Debuffs N/A
Active Skills
Riftwalker N/A[10M,10S]
Flare Novice 9(23%)[10M]
Bolt Novice 3(37%)[10M]
Slice Novice 8(46%)[10M]
Flame Engulfment Intermediate 3(36%)[20M]
Identify Advanced 5(24%)[N/A]
Healing Intermediate 9(99%)[20M,10S]
Self-Healing Advanced 7(92%)[30M,10S]
Mana Bolt Novice 1(0%)[10M]
Mana Sphere Novice 1(0%)[15M]
Mana Manipulation Novice 2(3%)[VARM]
Homing Mana Sphere Novice 1(0%)[75M]
Homing Mana Bolt Novice 1(0%)[50M]
Expanding Explosive Mana Sphere Novice 4(0%)[1000M]
Spiraling Mana Javelin Novice 2(19%)[700M]
Spiral Mana Bolt Novice 5(4%)[20M]
Stealth Intermediate 1(0%)
Portal Walker N/A[30M]
Enchanting Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Stat Buffing Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Defensive Buffing Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Damage Buffing Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Teleportation Advanced 2(5%)[VARM]
Chrono Shift Journeyman 9(96%)[VARM]
Gravitas Novice 1(23%)[VARM]
Fireball Advanced 3(1%)[1000M]
Inferno Novice 1(0%)[100000M]
Lightning Chain Advanced 2(3%)[1000M]
Grand Lightning Spear Novice 8(17%)[100000M]
Tornado Advanced 1(98%)[1000M]
Vacuum Novice 4(3%)[100000M]
Frozen Lance Advanced 2(0%)[1000M]
Blizzard Novice 1(0%)[100000M]
Barrier Journeyman 5(39%)[500M/S]
Aura Journeyman 8(72%)[500M/S]
Summon of the Divine Novice 1(97%)[25,000M]
Dragon Breath Advanced 2(28%)[100,000M/S+)
Item Summoning Advanced 3(42%)[VARM]
Follower Summoning Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Unspent Stat Points 2850
Unspent Trait Points 66
Unspent Class Points 12
Gregory frowned seeing his status, he was elated by the incredible physical improvements, but he had aged himself five years inside that time dilated field he had created. This made whatever the dragon did all the more impressive to not have it affect age. It wasn’t an enormous problem, but it still made him realize that it wasn’t safe to do this. He would live for millennia according to sources of information he found, and would need to age about 40 years to be the equivalent of one human year older, but it still nagged at him that he wasn’t as strong as he thought.
‘136 points to CON, 264 points to STR, 18 points to AGI’
CON has reached 1000, Unbreakable gained.
Unbreakable vastly improves internal durability, allowing for more time to pass and still survive if healing is received soon enough. This affects internal organs and bones, causing them to require excessive force to be damaged. Improves based upon current CON.
STR has reached 1000, Heavy Handed gained.
Heavy Handed improves physical power by three times, vastly increasing differences in strength. Even small differences when made by those that do and do not have heavy handed, can turn into an insurmountable obstacle.
AGI has reached 1000, Nimble gained.
Nimble vastly improves muscle elasticity, allowing for incredible movements. Not only can more complex and impressive feats of acrobatics be performed, but there is little to no strain performing such feats.
‘2432 points to WIS’
‘Trait List’
Reviewing the list, he noticed that one was called Full Stats. It seemed that it would allow him to see hidden stats, allowing him to improve other areas of his abilities that were previously locked in place. It had a price of 50 trait points, but it would give him more access to stats that could have a major benefit to his overall power. At the same time, it did not allow him to see all stats, only stats that he could currently improve with points, were at their max, or made sense to have.
‘Pick Full Stats’
4 previously hidden stats showed up to Gregory, CHA, WIL, AFF, and TAL, two of which he was curious about. TAL was talent, or natural talent, a measure of his total ability to grow. The higher it was, the greater heights he could reach. AFF was affinity, which under the stat description was affinity for statuses. Every 10 points in AFF increased the base multiplier to Health, Stamina, and Mana by 1. It seemed that every race has a default AFF of 100, it would explain why stats were all at a multiplier of 10. Does that mean he could double his statuses with just 100 points if he put them into AFF? It would be ridiculously powerful, but also have the shortcoming that it doesn’t improve his actual combat abilities. His magic wouldn’t get any stronger, he wouldn’t be able to learn any extra, he would only be able to withstand injuries for a longer period of time, and he would only be able to run for a longer period of time. He wouldn’t actually gain durability like he gets from Constitution, or extra speed and acrobatic ability like he gains from AGI. He also wouldn’t gain minor magic power or extra learning capacity from Intelligence. Overall, it was only useful as a straight up buffer to statuses.
Heading to bed for the day, Gregory had in his mind a plan to build a pistol. As he knew that he couldn’t create one the standard way, he planned to instead create it to fire concentrated bursts of magical energy. He wanted to enchant it so that it could fire energy, and the magazine would dictate which spell would be used. The magazine of sorts that it would hold, would be able to absorb mana directly from a body. It would absorb as much mana as was directed to it, with individual shots that could be loaded with as much mana as could be released in one second. It was able to hold up to 20 shots before it would be full. All that was left, would be acquiring the blacksmith skill to actually make such a weapon. Having come up with something that would work in his mind, all that was left would be to actually create the weapon.
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