《Gamer》Chapter 7 Part 3
With a current total of eight trait points, Gregory only needed two more before he would be able to use them for improving his constitution or strength. It made sense to improve constitution first, but then strength would also be a very important thing to have at a regular level. His current level of strength and constitution were pitiful; pitiful enough to make every person in the group question whether he would even survive out here. Gregory knew that until he reached level 20 again, his constitution would be horrible regardless of how high it actually got. Troll’s Constitution was something that would put him at the same level of constitution he had prior to becoming a dragon, which was far better than it was now. Perk-Finder was a trait he was also very interested in, since it would grant the ability to become more powerful in a very easy way. The only other trait that seemed to have as much utility was Power-Leveler, which reduced the level requirement from 40 to 20 for a non-human race to gain classes, or 50 to 25 for a human race to gain classes. Gregory wasn’t sure about himself yet, but either way, it would be immensely beneficial to be able to gain new class ranks at faster rates. Gaining more class levels was the main way that humans ended up falling behind. A level 2 class was far more useful than having another level 1 class, unless it was specifically worked to for getting a combo-class such as warlock or spellsword.
What he had learned from Xano was a larger boon than anything Gregory could have ever imagined. He was able to see the differences in power that came with having a higher level class over a variety of weaker classes. His ability to gain classes through his unique class would likely help him in that regard, but he still didn’t want to spread himself too thin. Despite hesitation to spend the last point he had toward classes from his unique class, Gregory knew that it would be less useful to gain a class other than a magical one. This led him to using the one class point he had gotten for his unique class in obtaining necromancer. His eyes glowed for but a moment as the information flooded him and he gained the skills for necromancy.
You have gained the spell ‘Raise the Dead’
You have gained the spell ‘Consume Life’
You have gained the spell ‘Necromancy Bolt’
You have gained the skill ‘Death Resistance’
Learning all the basic Necromancy spells/skills has earned you the Necromancer class.
Gregory smiled, it seemed that he had gained some very useful skills. However, reading their descriptions made him realize that consume life was a spell meant only for those who are to be killed on sight. It would steal their life, and grant it to another. It would take their years and give them to a person who could sometimes be called no more important or worthy. Death Resistance was a passive skill that reduced the aging process and granted resistances to disease and poison. A higher level it seemed would further reduce aging and grant higher resistances. Necromancy bolt would make a target killed by it a permanent undead servant without the need for a constant mana drain, whereas raise the dead would require a constant drain to keep the undead from attacking. Necromancy bolt was however a very weak spell, and to be used as a finisher was unideal. Even with Gregory’s vastly inflated stats and his spell power being based off wisdom, doubted that he could kill anything more than the wolves of the past with such a spell. There just was not the power required to kill anything with any magical resilience or resistance. Even humans being without magic resilience had too much willpower, health, and intelligence to be killed off in one hit from such an attack. It was an attack that did more damage on beings with low willpower and intelligence. He wasn’t sure why intelligence was based on it, but perhaps because an intelligent undead would not be a good undead. It would have to consume more before it could properly constitute an undead if the person were still living.
The situation with the bears having been handled meant that the group could relax a little, though they were nowhere near as worn out as Gregory from the fight. Even with all his strengths, such exertion was still difficult for him. These weaknesses made him realize that it would be some time before he could properly lead humanity to safety in this place. Even though his mana had restored itself in less than a minute, he still felt exhausted. Such fighting was far more difficult than even the training Gregory had gone through. As he sat back against a tree, he noticed Elise walking toward him. The rest of the group was chatting in a circle, happy to have a true mage with them. Even though he was still weaker than them for now, he had proven to be useful in the fight. He came up with a strategy to take them down, and had used skills that many were just not capable of. Xano had told Gregory of many multi-classes, that focusing on one category of classes could be much stronger than combining two branches of classes. That even multi-classed classes were capable of being multi-classed should the multi-classed classes reach a high enough level. The first class that Gregory was aiming for though, was a class that came from being a level 4 or 5 wizard with a level 4 or 5 sorcerer. It required nine points between the two and both had to be at least level four. The class name was called ‘True Magic Initiate’ and was a class rumored to be in the line to becoming a ‘True Magic Master’. Though how to get there was unknown, it was known that it took a variety of different powerful magical multi-classes to unlock it.
As Elise drew nearer, she moved with a startling speed to relax next to Gregory. She also sat against the large tree, tree with white bark and thin black lines running like veins to the top. He was half thinking about the tree, and half keeping an eye on Elise. Despite having animalistic features, she held features that would be considered ‘human’ as well. Very few sentient races had majorly different physical anatomies. Dragons being one of them was why the success rate of people merging with them was so low. It was also why they never sought to merge with others to improve their abilities even if they were a magical dragon instead of a physical dragon. Even a life of constant fear was better than an almost infinite chance to die. Elise’s form was very similar to a human’s, or a human’s very similar to hers. Regardless, the major differences were the legs, which were obviously canine as she was walking only on the balls of her feet and had joints in her legs akin to a wolf, and the face, which was very canine in shape and form. Almost everything else about her seemed human. Gregory found everything about her enticing him.
His own figure remained almost entirely human, the tail being the only thing that could quickly set him apart a distance without wearing a robe. Although, the current robe he wore was much more just the lower half. He had on loose white pants, black boots that went to just below his knees, and also went up around the back and side of his knees. Over this, he had the bottom half of a robe with black trimming on the bottom, and slits on the side allowing for easy movement. He pants were held up by a black leather belt, while the robe bottom had a six inch section at the top which showed a tied white sash at the front preventing it from falling. In addition the trim on the robe bottom, there were intricate designs sewn in with runic patterns inside the line of trim. The robe bottom fell to half-way down the boots, and had an inner robe bottom with cuts on the front and back to prevent the pants from being seen at all unless the robe bottom was removed. As he was now covered in scales, he had taken to not wearing a shirt, also because the two large horns made it hard to put anything on over his head.
On Elise’s side, she was totally entranced with Gregory as well. His newfound power had given her comfort; not just the comfort that he wouldn’t die so easily, but also that he could work to help protect and be a real part of this group. She had constant thoughts of spending time with him, improving her spellsword a level, which was a combination of a second level sorcerer, and third level knight class. The fight with the feathered bears had gotten her to level 41, pushing her past level 40. She had gained another class point, which had then given her even more power in combat. Leveling a multi-class was far more powerful than leveling an individual class, since it gave new abilities relating to both of the classes that formed it. Elise had gained a spell that could be thrown from her sword that would likely even be able to cut those steel feathered bears from earlier without too much difficulty. This was all thanks to Gregory too, thanks to him for being brave enough to try going with them, despite the obvious danger he was in. Thanks to him for choosing this path, despite it being the most dangerous, and thanks to him for being brave enough to risk death to become stronger for those he cares about. Everything about Gregory made Elise feel like he was a shining beacon in a world where many cared too much about themselves to truly think about others.
Gregory noticed the massive drop in experience he gained. Having picked one of two ‘master races,’ he had limited himself to totally base experience, and the experience that the ‘master race’ would gain. The entire party aside from him had gained probably ten times the experience he did. It was frightening at first, to imagine what kind of a race dragons were to be so powerful, but then he realized that he would need to train relentlessly to bring out the real power inside himself. For now though, he would continue to relax for a moment with his companions.
Before long, everybody was prepared to get moving once again, and they began to make progress toward a cavern they saw in the distance. Inside the cavern were ten beasts of high levels, but were all immensely weak to all magic. Gregory’s new powers didn’t even let him be phased for a moment while ten spiraling mana javelins sprung into existence and not only pierced, but ripped off the heads of the creatures before him. The entire party received experience, but Gregory the largest share for having done the most work. Again, he was able to level, leveling up to 19, and bringing the entire party aside from him up three or four levels each as well. Elise had made it to level 44, and the rest were now levels 41 or 42. All of them gaining their first multi-class with the class points. Gregory went silently to search the cavern, and Elise followed silently. After an hour of exploration, Gregory found that the cavern was safe, and had made a small but fast summon to head back to the party to let them know.
Despite it proving her racism, Elise felt the need to speak up to Gregory about how she felt.
“I have been very allured by your appearance ever since the transformation, and I will admit that I was far less interested before than after the transformation. You will find that many races are against humans, not because of their appearance, but because of their attitude despite weakness. You are one of the very few who will likely not be ostracized for being part of humanity. That is especially true after we tell exactly what you have done for us despite you being a human originally. I promise that I would do whatever I can to be your strength, to help you when you need it and protect your from dangers you can’t fight.”
Had her body not been completely covered in fur, it was quite possible that Gregory would have seen a blush across her face. Nonetheless, Gregory had a slight blush on his own cheeks at her words. Elise laughed a bit as Gregory’s face blushed, but knew that she felt the same way. A part of her wanted to see him struggle against her, prove to him that he needed her protection to stay alive. That wasn’t the truth though, she really just wanted him to see her as an equal, somebody that he could spend the rest of his now very long life with.
Gregory gave in for just a moment to urges that screamed at him since high-school. Despite not being a normal kid, he still had feelings. He reached out to kiss Elise, and she leaned in to do the same. Her soft nose touching his cheek as her lips met his. At the end of this kiss, Gregory pulled himself back, not wanting to harm this possible relationship with a girl he felt he could really open up to. They both stayed together in this room of the cavern, but both of them wanted to keep this potential relationship from failing. Neither one would push things anymore until they were certain it was a good idea.
Gregory being a dragon hardly needed true rest anymore. Very similar to an elf, he only needed enter a meditative state for a few hours before being completely refreshed. Using this, he focused on ways to become stronger. He knew that constitution would need to be poured into to make him stronger, and improve his chances at survival. He also knew that wisdom was the most useful ability to him, seeing as it not only improved his mana regeneration rates, but also improved magical attack and his powerful resistance to all magic. He was pathing out ways for his entire party to grow stronger when he got a notificaiton.
A member of the human race has surpassed 1000 in a stat. 10% buffs only apply for the strongest in the world once more, instead of as well for the new entrants. One class point, one trait point, and increased stats have been granted to all except the one accomplishing such a feat in compensation for the weaknesses many will have, as well as to make up for the lesser stat growth gained under the effects of new world entrants ending so much sooner than usual.
Gregory’s mouth gaped as he saw this notificaiton. It meant that he was receiving reduced stats firstly, but also that in one of the stats he was not leader of, somebody had managed to reach 1000. That somebody would not receive any more bonuses, but everybody else would gain so much more power because of this one person breaking the mold so quickly. Just then, more notifications flooded his mind.
CON has been raised to 81
STR has been raised to 32
AGI has been raised to 219
INT has been raised to 206
WIS has been raised to 819
PER has been raised to 652
FTH has been raised to 17
You have gained one Class Point
You have gained one Trait Point
Gregory immediately used the class point on sorcerer, and the trait point to get himself Troll’s Constitution.
He teleported outside of the cavern and then saw a massive beat attacking several smaller ones. He fired off as many Spiraling Mana Javelins as he could before teleporting back into the cavern. He was hit by a massive physical attack, throwing him against the wall of the cavern as he teleported. He also gained barely enough experience to level up from the small monsters the beast was chasing before aiming a long-range attack at him. Using this next trait point he leveled up and then decided to distribute his now growing pool of stat points.He put 14 into CON, 63 into STR, 39 toward INT, and the remainder to WIS. He could feel the power flood his body, and he knew that he had just greatly improved his survivability with these improvements.
Name Gregory Jeffrey Drake
Age 19
Level 20
Class Wizard(3), Sorcerer(3), Cleric, Enchanter, Summoner, Necromancer
Unique Class Gamer(1), Master Scout, Arcane Warlock
Race Human/Dragon
Title Fearless, “Outnumbered, not Outgunned”
Health 641/1500
Stamina 4860/4860
Mana 37500/37500
CON 100(95+5)
STR 100(95+5)
AGI 224(219+5)
INT 250(245+5)
WIS 917(912+5)
PER 657(652+5)
FTH 22(17+5)
Passive Skills Life in a Game, Passive Luck, Reverse Engineer, Multi-Casting(N5), Observant, Skinning(N1), Filleting(N1), Barrier Vision, Photographic Memory, Cloth-Working(N1) Armorer(C/L)(N1), Repair(C/L)(N1), Clothier(C/L)(N1), Embroiderer(N1), Metal-Sewing(M-A)(N1), Blinding Speed, Massive Vitality, Overpowering Might
Feats The Wise One, Perceptive, Lucky, Kingslayer
Traits Trained, Educated, Boosted, Troll’s Constitution, Power Leveler
Debuffs N/A
Active Skills
Riftwalker N/A[10M,10S]
Flare Novice 9(23%)[10M]
Bolt Novice 3(37%)[10M]
Slice Novice 8(46%)[10M]
Flame Engulfment 3(27%)[20M]
Identify Novice 2(17%)[N/A]
Healing Novice 1(0%)[20M,10S]
Self-Healing Novice 1(0%)[30M,10S]
Mana Bolt Novice 1(0%)[10M]
Mana Sphere Novice 1(0%)[15M]
Mana Manipulation Novice 2(3%)[VARM]
Homing Mana Sphere Novice 1(0%)[75M]
Homing Mana Bolt Novice 1(0%)[50M]
Expanding Explosive Mana Sphere Novice 4(0%)[1000M]
Spiraling Mana Javelin Novice 2(19%)[700M]
Spiral Mana Bolt Novice 5(4%)[20M]
Stealth Intermediate 1(0%)
Portal Walker N/A[30M]
Enchanting Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Stat Buffing Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Defensive Buffing Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Damage Buffing Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Teleportation Novice 1(15%)[VARM]
Chrono Shift Novice 1(0%)[VARM]
Gravitas Novice 1(23%)[VARM]
Fireball Advanced 3(1%)[1000M]
Inferno Novice 1(0%)[100000M]
Lightning Chain Advanced 2(3%)[1000M]
Grand Lightning Spear Novice 1(0%)[100000M]
Tornado Advanced 1(98%)[1000M]
Vacuum Novice 1(0%)[100000M]
Frozen Lance Advanced 2(0%)[1000M]
Blizzard Novice 1(0%)[100000M]
Barrier Journeyman 5(39%)[500M/S]
Aura Journeyman 8(72%)[500M/S]
Unspent Stat Points 0
Unspent Trait Points 0
Viewing the new passive skills, Gregory noticed that his body had become harder because of massive vitality, and that he was more powerful because of overpowering might. Passive skills gained from increasing stats could be just as useful as focusing on a min-max build. Perhaps he would need to put off min-maxing until he was truly safe from any potential threats on his life.
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