《Phantom Song》Chapter 18: Changes and Decision.


I believe a lot of confusion rose with the last chapter, this chapter will explain a few details regarding the Yang flame things in more "detail" so to speak, i think, maybe . Also time to take a look at what the 4 are doing for a sec. Any questions, lemme know in the comments

Enough rambling on to the chapter. Ps Guaranteed chapter of the day


Chapter 18: Changes and Decision

When Nalser opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a giant Curo coiled around him, like a cat protecting it's kittens. He remembered how Curo looked, when he was in pain. It reminded him of his mother, a person, or a giant cat in this case, caring about him. He's heart felt warm but then he noticed he was completely naked. He collected the clothes and put on what he could. From now on, he currently didn't have any shirts, the pants were also in tatters from the ankles. He decided to refit his pants to be knee length, while muttering to himself, "Njaa, seems like i ought to buy a few extra sets of clothes if i ever reach a town."

He was starting to think that he would never reach a town again thanks to the latest events, He even seriously considered being a hermit in the forest he first trained at, so he wouldn't have anymore bothersome things pushed on his shoulders

. He also cursed the "immortal body" he had gotten from the flame. While most people would yearn to live forever, Nalser thought the exact opposite. He's reasoning being, that if you live long enough, there will be nothing new, you would have seen all, experienced everything. A dull life, where there was nothing new to discover, only a repetition of yesterday. It was something he dispised greatly.

He also wasn't quite interested in becoming a bodyguard to some young lady for he rest of his now immortal life. When he had finished his refitting of pants, he sat down on the ground in a meditative position and sent a sliver of his consciousness to his body, to inspect what has happened after the awakening.

When his consciousness had finished inspecting his body, he's brows furrowed deeply, as he muttered in a low voice "This flame, it turned my bodies toughness akin to adamantium, I'm like a friggin killing machine, that can't be killed..."


He felt that the toughness of his body had risen by tenfold. "What the hell am i supposed to take on, that i was given such a tough body?" That was the only question that had risen in his head.

His Mana pool had also risen about twice the size it was before.

In a self mocking way he said, "No wonder the Asura flame is feared and wanted, with so many benefits, all i can see are calamities waiting for me."

He had always believed that the world was in a balance of sort, if something extremely good happened to you, then soon after there would be something very bad happening to you, to balance it out. Also, it could be the other way around.

When he recieved power as strong as this, he realized, that was waiting for him was going to be an endless amount of people, trying to obtain the flame from him, one way or another. He may seem like a negative person but he was more like "i don't want to deal with bothersome people or things" kind of person.

It took him to 4 days if nonstop training to get a full grasp on his current abilities, when he did, he let out huge sigh, "For the love of... I feel like i'm one of the broken cheat's of some japanese summoning story that got Over Powered abilities when they were summoned as Heroes. Speaking of which, i wonder how those guys are currently doing?"


In Nadin's royal castle, in the training ground you could currently see 4 youths. Two were male and two were female. Both of the males had a built body and actually attractive features. You could even say the were handsome men.

One of the young men had brown hair and brown eyes, he was medium height. He had a sword in hand and a serious face on. He was currently sparring against the other youth, who was half a head taller than him. He had black hair and green eyes. In the sparring match he was using a great sword.

The sword and great sword were different from normal metal ones. The sword seemed to be made out of transparent ice with a tinge of blue mixed in. Without a closer look, you couldn't even see it.


The great sword was blood red in color and it almost seemed like it was on fire. As the two clashed for about 15 minutes, the match ended in a draw. The brown haired youth's name was Sander, while the black haired was called Joel. They had both been noble men's sons in their respective worlds. They had been pampered from young as the heir's of their families so naturally they were very prideful and wanted to look good in front of the two beauties.

One of the two was born as a princess while the other was born as the first daughter of a extremely influential family. The one who was born as a princess, had long brown hair and emerald green eyes, she had a medium bust, and a slender waist, she was about as tall as Sander, while the other lady didn't lose out in terms of beauty but she had short black hair. She was about half a head shorter than the princess. The princesses name was Lilian, while the noble ladies name was Lauren.

Lauren was born in a world where bows reigned supreme and she herself was a talented bowman. She always carried a bow around with her. Ann however was born to a world where magic reigned supreme. She was also hailed a genius in magic as long she could remember. They both had prideful dispositions.

All of them combined however couldn't even match Nalser before he started learning Phantom Song Sutra. The difference in life and death combat experience was just too great. It couldn't be made up with talent and pride alone. They however did not know that. They had constantly kept on making fun of Nalser. "He left because he was just scared." or "He is probably dead by now, that's the fate of a commoner like him." were the usual remarks they made.

What they didn't realize though, was that, they felt inferior to him. A person like him had just upped and walked out, done what he wanted, not someone else wanted. In their hearts they were jealous of him. They would never admit it either to themselves or someone else.

The progress they had made in the 5 moths could only be said to be mediocre. They all made a bond with a Sentinent Weapon in the armory, but the pure quality of the weapons couldn't even hold a light to Dreamer. While indulging in their delusion of superiority their lives continued, safe within the castle walls.


After Nalser had finished his preparations, he started moving out. He was currently wearing the black long hooded mantle, black pants and black shoes. Wrapped around his head was the familiar black cloth. Only his blue eyes could be seen.

When Nalser first started dressing, he saw his own reflection in a pond for the first time after his awakening. When he saw his snow white hair, he almost felt like he wanted to cry. Now with Curo hiding in the hood and dreamer was also in his hand, sheated though, he started moving out. He decided to directly cut through the fortress and enter the Nulan kingdom that way.

He figured that he had already practically issued a war challenge to this kingdom. If they started blocking him from going onwards, he would kill anyone who stood in his way. If they didn't, he would just waltz through.

He's mindset had changed a lot after the transformation. He had realized that he needed to get strong fast or at least hold his own against god-knows-what, that are after the flame. Ever since the flame was awakened, he felt a calling. It was not a direct one but more like a gut feeling on what way he should go. He had decided to call this feeling as "The Yin Compass", since it probably would lead him to the Yin Flame holder.

He decided to follow The Yin Compass and meet the Yin Flame holder. The only thing that he was currently praying for was that the young lady, who had awakened the Yin Flame, was not an arrogant prick like most of the people he had met in this world were.

No matter how he prayed, nervousness was all that was left to him.

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