《Phantom Song》Chapter 12: On the road to Nulan capital


Chapter 1 out of 2 . A big thank you to everyone who reads and likes Phantom Song.

anyways, Enjoy

Chapter 12: On the road to Nulan capital

During the trip through the woods, Nalser discovered quite a few things about Curo's size changing. If the size is smaller than the original, it doesn't take a lot of Mana and he can stay in that size for long periods of time, however if it's bigger than the original size, it's the other way around. Being bigger, drains a lot of Mana and he can stay in his gigantic for about 15-30 minutes. How this transformation works or rather what logic it follows, is lost to Nalser. As a person from a world where things like these were in fairy tales, he couldn't wrap his head around the logic.

Curo however didn't let it bother him and developed a technique that let him stay in his miniature form and sleep on Nalser's head or shoulder while he kept on running through the woods at high speeds. When he was sleeping on Nalser's head, he looked like a weird hat.

When he was approaching the caravan, the guards immediately raised their guard. They relaxed it only after seeing it was him. On these roads were a lot of bandits but the adventurers remembered Nalser, since he was the youngest 2 Blue-Star adventurer they had seen. When Nalser was traveling with them, they had heard of his plan to go through the forest to reach Nulan's capital faster. Seeing as they had the same destination, the head of the adventurer's group asked him to join them. It was safer for both sides since there was safety in numbers.

Since Nalser had the plan of asking to go with them in the first place, he didn't reject the idea. Since it was close to dusk already, they decided to set up camp there. During the evening all of the adventurers asked, how he tamed Curo and about his experience in the forest. He slowly started narrating everything and during the story at some point Curo, who had been asleep until now, also woke up. He sat on Nalser's head with big eyes and curiously looked around. This was the first time he had seen so many humans in one place.


When everyone saw Curo looking around like a little child, they all started laughing. Since Curo was now full of energy he started running around the camp. As it was a usual thing for him to do, Nalser didn't pay it much attention and kept telling about his experiences in the forest.

When he was done, he started asking about news about the outside world from the adventurers. He had noticed that in the caravan were currently 4-5 times more people and everyone had a gloomy face on. The owner of the caravan was a business man after all. When Nalser was telling about his experiences, he was also sitting with the adventurer's and listening eagerly. He wanted to make a good connection with Nalser. After all, he was still 15 and managed to become a 2 Blue-Star rank adventurer, in the future, provided that he didn't die young, he was practically guaranteed to become a Black Star adventurer.

When the Nalser asked about news from the outside world, everyone had a somewhat gloomy face on. The owner of the caravan was a middle aged man, a bit on the plump side but had a very good personality. His face turned gloomy as well, when he started talking, "Well, the people who joined us since you left are the ones that have lost their homes. They are from the cities that got destroyed by the rebound of the summoning spell. They now don't want anything to do with Nadin kingdom and have decided to travel to Nulan. The king there is hundreds of times smarter than that foolish idiot, who rules Nadin."

When Nalser heard about them, his heart twitched. The main reason they lost their homes and families was was still the summoning that had brought him here. In a sense he was the cause of their loved ones deaths. It may have been the king who tried to summon them but still, his heart felt heavy. "I've grown soft in this world in a couple of months. In my original world, I have even killed women and children when the order was passed down and didn't even pity them but now I feel heartache from a few people who either lost their home or family." Nalser thought to himself as he also directed his gaze down.


In his previous world, he didn't even flinch when he had to kill a woman or a child because he was already mentally broken and had shut his emotions deep inside after the death of his mother. If he hadn't done that he would've most likely gone mad.

Suddenly, the head of the adventurers team opened his mouth to say, "I've heard that the Human headquarters were moved to Rem'bar, the capital of Nulan. Also, I've heard some rumors saying that the border was locked down and no one can leave this damn Kingdom."

When everyone heard that the border was on lock down, every ones faces grew grim. Even an adventurer couldn't just leave if a border was locked down. "If push comes to shove, we can always force our way through. We just need to confirm that Nulan will let us in after wards."

After the captain said that, all the adventurers nodded their heads, they were willing to risk dying to get the hell out of this kingdom. The respect towards adventurers from the government was extremely bad, the people supported adventurer's but the government officials didn't see them as nothing more than cannon fodder. They were currently a few days worth of travel away from the border but everyone started quietly tuning their minds to be prepared to force their way out.

Nalser also made up his mind to help the people across the border to a better place. He didn't outright hate the king and government but he didn't have any good interactions with them either. " Since I've already pissed the kingdom off, I might as well do it thoroughly then." A cold glint flashed in his eyes. They talked for a few more hours and everyone who wasn't on patrol, went to sleep.

The next day they started moving towards the border and in a instant a week had flashed by and they reached at the border castle. The castle was full of men in soldier uniforms. A loud shout echoed out through the fields,

" Halt! The border is currently on lock down, no person can pass. Turn around now!" When everyone heard the shout, their eyes turned cold and they started gathering next to the caravan owner.

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