《Phantom Song》Chapter 7: Time to bail


Well, time to shop and MC will leave the city, in a hurry at that....

This one is slightly longer, i didn't mean to drag the leaving out by so much but i also didn't want ot write a whole chapter on shopping atm.


Chapter 7: Time to bail

When the fight was finished, in about half an hour Tobias returned with a big smile on his face, "Well, here's your guild card, you are now officially an Adventurer" He handed Nalser a small card, the size of a bank card. On it was a spot for a picture, and information about him, Successful missions column was zero thought, the card was blue and on the back were 2 giant stars. "So this means I'm a 2 star Blue rank, probably..." While thinking to himself, he remembered all the information about the guild card, he got from Tobias.

1. Guild card is like like an ID-card.

2. With the Guild card you are exempt from the taxes upon entering any city

.3. The Guild card is bound to the person, others can't use it.

4. With the Guild card, you can cross any border without paying a fee.

Seeing Nalser with a thoughtful face, Tobias only laughed. "Come on, lets go grab something to eat, my treat. Afterwards, let's go and buy the gear you need. If you want to keep some of the gear you currently have, we can go and have enchantments added to them." When Nalser had risen to his feet, he ushered him out of the Guild house and to a restaurant, where they ate a hearty breakfast/lunch.

After wards they went to a nearby enchantment shop. "Welcome, what would you like enchanted and with what?" An old man greeted them from behind a counter with a smile. "Ohh, it's you Tobias, what do you need this time?" The old man had a smiling face on, it seemed like Tobias was his regular client. "Not me, it's him. I'd want you to put on a durability enchant on his shirt and jacket. Also, can you put a swiftness one on his boots? On his knife, sharpness and durability, also something against dulling the blade." Tobias laughed while pointing at Nalser. Since everything had to be enchanted one piece at a time, he had leeway. When the jacket and boots were done, he took off his shirt. Both the clerk and Tobias had a surprised look on their faces, since numerous gun shot scars and slash scars were on his torso. Out of tactfulness, they decided not to ask about them. Last came the army knife, this piece just had sentimental value. When all the enchantments were added, the bill paid for, they decided to go to a magic shop.


The magic shop sold everything from jade slips to wands and staffs. Tobias went to the Spacial Ring section and picked out a middle rank one that had 50x50m pocket space. Seeing the price on the ring Nalser had a wierd smile on his face. One ring cost 22 Black Gold Pieces. That was around 22 000 Gold coins. An extra orbital price but for Tobias it seemed like it didn't cost much at all. After binding the Space Ring, he naturally knew how to use it. He started browsing through the jade slips, trying to find a Sutra that suit him, also to find a "How to use magic for dummies". He knew too little about magic. What you don't know about, is the hardest to defend against. When he was browsing through the various magic slip on Sutras, he frowned, "Some seem promising but don't feel right."

His instinct, from his previous world, had kicked in. It was a instinct that had saved his life more times than he dared to count. He felt that the Sutras were good and powerful but not his style or that he didn't have much future practising them. His eyes stopped on a box with about 10-15 diffrent jade slips mixed together, next to the basket was a sign " 1 jadeslip = 10 Gold", seeing that most jade slips cost 100G and up, he started rummaging through it, out of boredom. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and his intrest was piqued. the jade slip in his hand was "Phantom Song Sutra". It was a blade technique that suited him and had blade skills, movement skills and guards skills in it. "Strange, this jade slip has three times the option of the others but is discarded here," while softly thinking that to himself, he decided to pick this one. When they got everything they needed, maps etc, they headed towards a clothing shop to get him a new pair on pants with different enchantments, also a pair of gloves. They also headed to the market, from where they bought food and essential supplies needed for the trip. The last stop was a smithy.

There they sold different types of weapons, from knives to battleaxes. He picked out 5 good quality throwing knives. While randomly browsing through the blade section, his eyes suddenly stopped on a black blade, it was about 1 meter in length and had red imprints, similar to a tribal tattoo, on it. Intrigued he reached out for the blade and took it in his hand. Seeing that, the blacksmith hurried to his feet as to warn him but seeing nothing happened, had a look of astonishment on his face. Both Nalser and Tobias looked at him with puzzled gazes, after regaining composure the blacksmith cleared his throat and sid in a low voice, "I originally wanted to say, don't touch that blade. The rebound from touching it has injured a lot of my customers. Seeing you not having the backlash makes me wonder, where ya from stranger?" Hearing the story Nalser had a gaze filled with mixed feelings but Tobias had an intrigued look on his face.


"I'm from somewhere far far away from here. This blade was forged by you, was it not?" Nalser gave a vague answer, the blacksmith noticed that the youth clearly didn't want to talk about his origins. "To be honest, i don't care where you are from, it's not my jobs to care." He said with a depressed look, he thought for a while and said,"That blade was left here by a strange man about 20 years ago. He left it here and said to give it to a youth who will come in the future and can touch the blade." "Did that man have a name?" Tobias was quite intrigued by the story. "He named himself Ivar Tuul. Quite a peculiar fellow. I haven't heard from him since then." Hearing the name Nalser was dumbstruck. Both Tobias and the old blacksmith looked at him, they both wanted to ask but felt that it wasn't their place to ask. Tobias finally wanted to break the silence, when a man in a golden robe walked in. He had disdain written all over his face.

Seeing his familiar face, Nalser s

napped out of his trance. The first thought he had: "Damn, seems like trouble has arrived already." He was scanning the room for a escape route, when soldiers with built bodies in full armor walked in the door. "Welcome to my shop, what can I help you with." The blacksmith old man said in a businessman like tone but had ridicule written in his eyes. "Yea, yea. I'm not here about this rundown dump but him." he pointed at Nalser and took a breath before continuing, "You are to return to the palace immediately and swear loyalty to the King. if you do you will get all the riches you want, all the women you want." He looked snob and arrogant like everyone were beneath him. Everyone in the room had a shocked expression, no one knew what to exactly say. "And if I refuse?" A calm voice sounded out in the now deathly quiet Smith's shop. Everyone turned to the youth, who said it. Tobias could see the cold look in his eyes and his mind flashed back to the fight they had. "Should this escalate into conflict, we are going to end up with a mountain of corpses." The look in Nalser's eyes brought a chill down his spine, while that thought ran across his mind, he was desperately thinking, how to smooth this out. But before he could even open his mouth, a arrogant voice already said, "If you don't come willingly, we will forcibly constrain you and put a slave crest on you."

The slave crest was a brutal thing, a person with a slave crest couldn't disobey or do anything against their master. Hearing this a cold smile flashed across Nalsers face and suddenly the room was enveloped in a bright white light."Wings of freedom fly for an eternity." This was the only thing anyone heard. Tobias felt a piece of paper being showed into his hands. By the time the he could open his eyes, Nalser was already gone, a shops window was broken. Infuriated the noble ordered his men to start searching the area and tracking Nalser down. Tobias opened the letter where it was written: " Thanks for everything old timer, please pay the owner for me, we'll meet again in the future." Seeing the letter Tobias understood that Nalser came prepared and started pulling some strings to get him out of the city safer.

Having reached the slums, Nalser pulled a hood over his head and started walking out the city. " Njaa, seems like I pissed those guys off more than I thought..Wellp, whatever land of Elves, here I come." He thought to himself for a minute and just shrugged his shoulders. After leaving the city, he started moving east, to the territory of Elves.

For the following week, they had searched the whole city, but there was no sign of Nalser. Some of the soldiers started calling him a Phantom because the city was on lock down and there was no sign of him.

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